Asher, the prodigy of the Aquarium, had always been renowned for his extraordinary magic talents. From the moment he appeared in the world of Awakener, his abilities had dazzled everyone, making him a subject of both awe and fear among his peers and elders.

And there he was, standing right in front of me.

"So, why did you want to meet me?" I inquired, my tone a mixture of curiosity and irritation.

"Nothing," he replied casually.

His response ignited a spark of anger within me. "If you don't want anything, why did you beat my people? Do you know how much money is needed to train them?" I thought to myself.

"I came because you want something," he continued.

His words only deepened my confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"Tell me, what do you want the most?"

Once again, his question left me utterly baffled. "I don't understand what you're saying, Asher Gray. If you have something to tell me, then tell it quickly. I have other work to attend to, unlike some people," I retorted, my voice laced with irritation. I wasn't sure why, but his presence seemed to provoke me.

Perhaps it was because what I truly desired couldn't be attained in this lifetime. After all, what I wanted was something no one could provide.

"Really, you don't want anything?" he pressed.

"Ugh, just tell me what the hell you want," I snapped, unable to contain my irritation.


With those two syllables, my entire world turned upside down. I shot up from my seat, my S-rank mana pressure manifesting around me like a tempest.

**(Asher's POV)**

"Whoa, chill! I'm not here for a fight," I exclaimed as Karina's aura flared, revealing her true power.

The moment I learned the identity of the person Kabali had been searching for, I knew I had to change my plans. Until then, my goal had been to enter the Academy and gradually establish an information network akin to the 'Beggar Sect.' However, discovering that Kabali's missing person was the mastermind behind the Black Market altered my course. It was far easier to take over something established than to create it anew.

The Black Market wasn't merely a hub for illegal goods; it was where influential individuals conducted their clandestine affairs. It also served as a repository of priceless information. The real business of the Black Market was the trade of secrets.

If I could gain control of the Black Market or the person who controlled it, I'd never have to worry about information again. Fortunately, I possessed something this person desired more than anything.

"Asher Gray, I'll ask you again: how do you know that name?"

"Well, I'm here to tell you, but if you keep up with this attitude, I might change my mind. So, chill," I said, releasing my A-rank mana pressure in response to her rising power.

"So, you truly are an A-rank," she remarked.

"You knew?" I asked, intrigued by her knowledge.

"There is nothing I don't know," she declared, sitting back in her chair.

"Fine, I'll tell you," I replied, nodding.

"Then tell me how you know that name. No, tell me how you know that person."

"I have my ways."

"Asher Gray, my patience has limits. Don't test them," she warned, her eyes beginning to glow.

"When someone seeks information here, what do you usually do, Miss Karina?" I countered.

"We ask for a price equivalent to the value of the information they seek."

"Exactly. So, tell me, Miss Black Queen, what is the value you place on information about your husband?"

"Everything. I will give you everything I have. Please, tell me everything you know about him," she pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't need everything. Just ensure that I can obtain any information I want from this place."

"If that's all you want, I'll make sure you become the most valued customer of this market."

"Very well. Now, show yourself," I ordered.

The space behind me began to crumble, revealing a skeletal figure that gradually took shape until Kabali stood before us. Karina, however, remained seated, saying nothing.

Kabali gazed at the woman before him, the one he had longed to meet for years. But for some reason, he found himself unable to speak.

Reading the mood, I stood up and made my exit from the room, with Dona following closely behind. She had initially tried to stay, hoping to witness a real-life drama unfolding before her eyes. As we walked out of the room, I noticed a single tear of water welling up in Dona's eye.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Turning to Dona, I quipped, "Sigh, I don't understand women."

Dona shot me a playful glare and said, "And I don't understand why you always end up in these crazy situations, Asher."

I couldn't argue with that. My life had a peculiar way of veering off into the unexpected, but it was all in a day's work for someone like me.


"I—" Kabali began but stopped himself.

"You know, I always knew you'd come one day," Karina said, her voice trembling with emotion. "You made a promise, but as time passed, I began to doubt you would keep it. In your world, it's been decades. I was afraid you'd forgotten me."

"How could I forget you?" Kabali exclaimed, rushing toward Karina and taking her hand in his.

"How could I forget this beautiful face, this soothing voice, these deep eyes that have always captivated me? I can't express how much I longed to hold your soft hand. To be honest, I worried that you might not love me anymore. How could someone as beautiful as you love an ugly man like me?" he confessed.

Karina withdrew her hand from Kabali's and gently covered his mouth with it, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Don't say such things. To me, you are the most beautiful person in the world."

Karina raised her head for the first time and met Kabali's gaze directly.

Seeing the face, he had cherished all his life dampened by tears, Kabali couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned in, pressing his lips to Karina's in a long-awaited and passionate kiss.