Another Deal

Outside Karina's office, Asher's hands continued to twist into strange shapes, resembling jilapi, a popular sweet treat. The cringe-worthy noises emanating from inside the office were conjuring the most absurd mental images in his mind.

"What the heck are they doing in there?" Asher muttered to himself, his face contorting with a mixture of confusion and horror as his imagination ran wild with increasingly ludicrous scenarios.

Turning to Dona, who had accompanied him, Asher hoped to find some semblance of understanding or sanity in the situation. However, what he saw only deepened his bewilderment. Dona, with dark circles growing under both of her eyes, was crying uncontrollably.

Asher stared at her in disbelief. "Dona, what in the world are you doing?"

Amidst her tears, Dona sniffled and managed to choke out an explanation between sobs. "Asher, I think we've just stumbled upon the saddest soap opera plot in the history of the Awakener world!"

Hearing Dona's words, Asher finally grasped how sensitive and soft-hearted she was. He couldn't help but wonder why Samantha had never kept Dona around her and had instead assigned her to him. It was now abundantly clear.

Sighing sympathetically, Asher reached into his pocket and produced a box of tissues, which he handed over to Dona. "Here, Dona, you might need these."

As Dona took a tissue and dabbed at her eyes, Asher couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be going on inside Karina's office that had reduced Dona to this emotional state.

About an hour later, the door of Karina's office, which had been firmly closed with a sign that read "DO NOT DISTURB," finally swung open. Kabali emerged from the room, his demeanor a mix of relief and nervousness as he faced Asher's judgmental gaze.

Asher couldn't help but fixate on Kabali with eyes that seemed to accuse him of the most egregious crimes. Kabali, feeling the weight of Asher's scrutiny, avoided making eye contact at all costs.

After an awkward silence, Asher broke it with a blunt, "Done."

Kabali heaved a sigh of relief and muttered a quick, "Thank you," before practically sprinting away from the scene, leaving Asher and Dona to exchange bemused glances.

Dona, finally recovering from her emotional ordeal, couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "Well, that was certainly a unique experience," she said, wiping away the last of her tears.

Asher couldn't help but grin in response. "You can say that again. I've seen my fair share of weird stuff, but this definitely takes the cake."

As they walked inside Karina's office, Asher couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for the unpredictability of life in the Awakener world. It was a place where even the most serious and powerful individuals could find themselves caught up in the most hilariously bizarre situations.

Dona sighed, her laughter subsiding. "You know, Asher, this job is never dull with you around."

Asher chuckled. "Glad I could provide some entertainment."


Inside Karina's office, Asher maintained a poker face while Karina's expression fluctuated between guilt, regret, and determination. She finally spoke, her voice laced with regret and shame.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting outside for so long," Karina said, breaking the silence.

Asher nodded slightly, still concealing his true feelings. "No problem. We understand."

Karina gathered herself, transitioning from remorse to resolve. Leaning forward, she locked eyes with Asher, her determination unwavering. "So, Asher Gray, tell me the price for Kabali's freedom."

Asher's brow furrowed with confusion, although he suspected where this conversation was headed. "What do you mean?" he inquired, his voice steady.

Karina wore a knowing smile, revealing that she was aware of Kabali's soul contract with Asher. "I know that Kabali has made a soul contract with you. And I don't want my husband to be someone else's property."

Internally, Asher sighed, realizing that his clandestine arrangement with Kabali had been exposed. He leaned back in his chair, considering his words carefully. "I see. Very well."

As Asher displayed an outward façade of guilt, deep inside, he had been anticipating this moment. From the very beginning, he had been waiting for it. Asher needed a powerful ally who could assist him in his endeavors and handle tasks that required a certain level of discretion. Upon discovering Karina's true identity as the master of the Black Market, he compared her to Kabali, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

While Kabali was undoubtedly formidable in his own right, he had nothing beyond his strength. In contrast, Karina possessed not only her own formidable abilities but also the vast resources of the Black Market at her disposal. When Asher carefully weighed both options, it was clear that Karina held the advantage.

However, the pivotal question remained: did Karina love Kabali enough to sacrifice herself for his freedom? That question was finally answered when Asher met her in person and inquired about the price she had set for her husband's information. Her response, a heartfelt "Everything," solidified Asher's plan to exchange Kabali for her.

Karina's anticipation shifted to anger and disbelief when Asher dropped his proposal. "You," he stated simply.

The room was engulfed in a heavy silence as Karina's initial happiness gave way to indignation and fury. She leaned forward, her voice trembling with rage. "What do you mean?"

Asher locked eyes with her, unwavering. "Kabali is an extraordinary talent. To secure his release, I require someone of equal or greater talent. You are the only person I know who meets both criteria."

Karina's eyes blazed with righteous indignation. "So, it's either me or him?"

Asher nodded, unflinching. "Exactly. I want you to become my partner in exchange for Kabali's freedom."

The room seemed to pulse with tension as Karina wrestled with Asher's audacious demand. She understood that her husband's fate rested on her decision. After what felt like an eternity, her anger waned, replaced by a sense of resignation. She leaned back in her chair, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she weighed the impossible choice before her.

Finally, Karina spoke with a heavy sigh, "Very well, Asher Gray. You drive a hard bargain, but I will agree to your terms."

Asher nodded in acknowledgment, his expression inscrutable. "Thank you, Karina. I believe this arrangement will be mutually beneficial."

With the deal now sealed, Asher couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He had achieved his objective of securing Karina's cooperation.