[Bonus chapter]

As Asher and Karina finalized their unorthodox pact, the tension in the room began to dissipate. Both of them understood the gravity of their agreement, but it was a necessary step towards achieving their respective goals.

Karina leaned back in her chair, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "So, what's the next step, Asher?"

Asher leaned forward, his tone serious. "First, we need to ensure that Kabali is safely released from our soul contract. I'll need you to sign a new contract with me.

Karina nodded, her gaze focused. "Understood. Once that's done, what do you need from me?"

Asher's lips curled into a wry smile. "Well, Karina, you see, I have some rather ambitious plans. I believe that with your resources and my talents, we can become a formidable force in the Awakener world."

Karina raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

"I want to take control of the Black Market," Asher stated bluntly.

Karina's eyes widened in surprise. "The Black Market? That's a bold ambition, Asher. It's a powerful and secretive organization with its own hierarchy and leaders."

The Black Market wasn't solely under Karina's dominion; it had a complex hierarchy with multiple leaders, each controlling a different facet of its clandestine operations. These leaders were collectively known as the HAXED, a formidable group of six individuals who held sway over the various divisions of the Black Market. They were given the nicknames that represent them and their respective duties inside the black market,

1. **Havoc:** Havoc was the leader of the HAXED known for controlling the weapons and contraband division of the Black Market. He was a ruthless and cunning strategist, always one step ahead of his competitors. Havoc's knowledge of illegal arms and artifacts made him a formidable adversary and a valuable asset, should he be swayed to Asher and Karina's cause.

2. **Abyss:** Abyss presided over the information and intelligence network of the Black Market. With an extensive web of spies and informants at her disposal, she had access to invaluable secrets and classified data. Her ability to gather and manipulate information made her a key player in the underground world.

3. **Xenith:** Xenith held dominion over the mystical and arcane items traded within the Black Market. As a master of occult knowledge, he possessed the power to harness and manipulate ancient artifacts, making him a sought-after figure among Awakeners. His allegiance could grant Asher and Karina unparalleled access to mystical resources.

4. **Entropy:** Entropy was the leader responsible for maintaining the delicate balance of power among the factions within the Black Market. He possessed an uncanny ability to sow discord and chaos when necessary, but also to broker uneasy truces and alliances. His diplomatic skills made him a crucial figure in the organization's internal politics.

5. **Drifter:** Drifter was the enigmatic leader who controlled the transportation and logistics division of the Black Market. His expertise lay in smuggling goods and people across borders and through heavily fortified zones. With Drifter's assistance, Asher and Karina could navigate treacherous territories undetected.

6. **Nyx:** Nyx was the shadowy leader of the Black Market's covert assassination and elimination division. Her lethal skills and network of assassins made her the most feared among the HAXED. While her loyalty could never be guaranteed, her services were invaluable when dealing with threats both within and outside the Black Market.

Asher nodded, undeterred. "Exactly. But I believe that with your influence as one of the HAXED and the Abyss who has the best information network and my knowledge, we can not only infiltrate the Black Market but also rise to the very top of it. Imagine the wealth, information, and power at our disposal."

Karina contemplated Asher's proposal, weighing the risks and rewards. She had always been a shrewd and calculating individual, and she saw the potential in his plan. "It's a dangerous path you're suggesting, Asher. The Black Market has many enemies, and its leaders are not to be underestimated."

Asher leaned in closer, his voice low. "That's precisely why I need you, Karina. With your connections and influence within the Black Market, we can navigate its treacherous waters. Together, we can reshape the Awakener world."

Karina sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I never thought I'd find myself in a situation like this. But I love Kabali, and I'll do whatever it takes to free him."

Asher's eyes softened, and for the first time, Karina saw a glimpse of the man behind the calculated facade. "Thank you, Karina. I promise you won't regret this."

With their plan set in motion, Asher and Karina began the intricate process of breaking Kabali's soul contract with Asher and establishing a new one between Asher and Karina without Kabali knowing. Asher placed another demand that Kabali should never know about their contact.

On the surface he justified his demand by telling Karina that if Kabali knew about their deal he would never agree, but in truth he was trying to kill two birds with one stone.

  With the contract between him and Karina she will always listen to his orders. On the other hand, by releasing Kabali from their contract he can show his generosity and make Kabali more indebted to him as a result Kabali will listen to his order out of pure loyalty. 

As Kabali's soul was finally freed from Asher's grasp, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief. He embraced Karina tightly, tears in his eyes, grateful to Asher for his consideration and the chance to be with his loving wife once more.