"This is your new ID card. From now on, your name will be Pollard Benjamin. You're an S-ranked awakener who has to undergo rehabilitation for six years due to an accident inside a dungeon," Dona explained to Kabali.

It was essential to establish his new identity as it was impossible to participate in any Awakener activities without a legitimate Awakener ID.

Kabali furrowed his brow, contemplating the situation. "So, this is a fake ID?"

Dona shook her head. "Nobody can create a fake Awakener Association ID and survive the consequences."

Kabali's curiosity got the best of him. "Then, what happened to the real Pollard Benjamin?"

Dona's response was chillingly matter of fact. "He's six feet under."

Kabali's eyes widened in shock. "You mean...?"

Dona nodded solemnly. "He was attempting to sell confidential information about our guild and got caught."

Kabali absorbed this revelation, realizing the gravity of his new identity. "I see."

Dona, still engrossed in her tablet, seemed to be absorbed in her work. Kabali couldn't help but inquire, "What are you looking at?"

"Details about our guild's new team, Leviathan, where you and I will be working," Dona replied, her eyes locked on the tablet screen.

Kabali scratched his head, puzzled. "Leviathan? What's that?"

Dona explained, "Asher has convinced the Guild Master to let him create his own independent team, free from external influences. Today, Asher received the confirmation letter."

Understanding dawned on Kabali. "Ah, I see."

Dona gestured for Kabali to follow her as she began walking toward their new office. "Let's head to our new office, Pollard."

Kabali fell into step beside her, pondering the changes and challenges that lay ahead. His life had taken an unexpected turn, and he was about to embark on a journey with a new identity and a team led by Asher Gray, the enigmatic awakener with a reputation that preceded him. The future was uncertain, but Kabali couldn't deny the intrigue and anticipation that swirled within him as he embraced this new chapter in his awakener life.

.....(few minutes ago)

The creation of Leviathan marked a pivotal moment, a team forged with the future in mind. Samantha sensed the approaching tempest on the horizon, a storm of change and challenge. Her intuition was honed from observing the emergence of exceptionally powerful young talents, and it stirred a sense of urgency within her. The world of awakeners was evolving, and it demanded a response that matched the magnitude of the impending trials.

"So, that my Aquarium can stand tall even in that strong storm. And the pillar that will make sure that it remains standing is beside me," Samantha thought as she looked at the boy with short grayish-white hair beside her.

"This is the office that your team will be using from now on," Samantha said while showing Asher the new office that took up the whole floor of the guild building.

"The office has its own training room and also the latest version of VRT (Virtual Reality Training) room in it. It also has a weapon selection room. All of this has been extended from the inside with runic magic scrolls that were gifted to us by the Black Queen," Samantha added as she showed Asher his new office by herself.

"So, how is it?" she asked Asher.

"Nice," a short answer came out of Asher's mouth.

"Sigh," a sigh escaped Samantha's mouth, hearing his lackluster response.

'Is it not up to your liking?" she asked.

"No, it is up to my liking. So, can you please contact all my team members and tell them to come to their new office?" Asher asked Samantha.

"Why would I call the members of your team? You are their leader, and you should call them. That will boost their morale," Samantha said.

"But I don't have their contact numbers yet," Asher replied.

"Here you go," Samantha said as she handed over a bracelet made of black beads and added,

"This is a multifunctional tool that you can use not only to call your team members but also to call your team rides and the emergency center of the guild and many more."

Asher took the bracelet and wore it. Then he clicked on one of the beads in the bracelet where a runic letter was engraved. Which means communication. In these few days, Asher has learned some runic letters, so he knew what that single alphabet that is engraved on the bead indicates.

The bracelet was made by the Artisan Association, and only seven of them were made and sold to the big three guilds.

After tapping the bead, Asher raised it close to his mouth and said,

  "Come to your new office."