It had been six months since Asher and his newly formed team, Leviathan, had commenced their operations. The team was still in the early stages of recruitment, comprising six members in its current roster.

Asher held the position of leader, with Kabali serving as the vice leader and acting leader in Asher's absence. Dona played a crucial role in the team's management. In addition to these core members, two new recruits had joined Leviathan, each bringing their own unique strengths and potential. One of them was Riya, the daughter of Samantha, the Guild Master.

Riya had originally been groomed as the future leader of the guild due to her extraordinary talent and potential. However, her A-rank abilities had necessitated her stepping down from that role. From an outsider's perspective, one might have expected her to resent Asher for taking her place as the future Guild Master. Asher had shared this concern, but to his surprise, Riya had wholeheartedly welcomed the idea of him assuming that position.

Riya not only embraced Asher as the future Guild Master but also expressed a strong desire to join Leviathan as one of its members. Asher recognized her potential and unwavering dedication, leading him to extend an invitation to her. Despite her examination results indicating that she could only attain rank A, Asher firmly believed that a person's true capabilities were not solely determined by their initial ranking. He had witnessed individuals evolve into formidable powers through sheer determination and hard work.

The other new member, Ivan, had been dispatched by Karina to serve as a messenger for Asher, facilitating communication between him and the Black Market. Ivan was the very same individual whom Asher had triumphed over in the Black Market, marking a significant twist of fate.

"Asher, there are only two weeks remaining before your departure to the Celestial Academy. Embarking on a mission at such a time is risky," Dona expressed her concern with a worried expression.

"Dona, you know that this is our first mission since our establishment. If we decline, it might tarnish our team's reputation in the eyes of other guild members," Asher responded while gazing at the holographic display emanating from his bracelet.

"I understand, but still," Dona's voice trailed off as she too grasped the mission's importance.

Following the announcement of Leviathan's formation, not everyone had greeted the news with enthusiasm. Rumors had begun circulating among guild members, questioning the team's reliability in the absence of elder supervision. It was imperative to address this issue promptly. At this critical juncture, Alfred Melton had emerged as their savior, assigning Leviathan their inaugural mission—raiding an A-rank dungeon and retrieving a valuable artifact.

"Dona, we must seize every opportunity, especially during this crucial phase. Successfully completing this mission will help establish our team's reputation," Asher explained his rationale.

"But Asher, that dungeon is of A-rank," Dona pointed out, voicing her concerns.

"We have Kabali, who is an S-rank, and Ivan, an A-rank Awakener. Additionally, despite my public C-rank status, I am, in fact, an A-rank Awakener. Then we have you and Riya," Asher detailed their strengths.

"Very well, you're the team leader, and your decision is final. I'll go inform everyone to prepare for the dungeon raid," Dona conceded.

As Dona prepared to leave Asher's quarters, he called her back and addressed Kabali, who was already present.

"Also, ask Kabali to come to my cabin."

"As you wish," Dona replied before departing.

Within moments, Kabali entered the room, inquiring, "You called for me, Asher?"

"Yes, please have a seat," Asher motioned for Kabali to sit.

"Kabali, you can't go out with a burnt face; it would provide fodder for our detractors to spread rumors about us," Asher observed.

"What do you suggest, then?" Kabali inquired.

"Use this mask to conceal the burnt area," Asher handed Kabali a black mask that covered the face from the nose to the lower jaw.

Kabali accepted the mask and put it on, transforming into a figure reminiscent of a villain from a BatMan-Dark Knight movie.

"It suits you well," Asher offered a compliment.

"Thank you," Kabali replied.

"Now, Kabali," Asher began, "You typically employ your hands as your weapons, but I want you to try something different."

"What do you have in mind?" Kabali was curious.

"How about using guns?" Asher suggested.

"I've never tried them before, so I can't say," Kabali admitted.

"In that case, give it a shot," Asher encouraged him.

"Very well," Kabali agreed.

Asher summoned Dona and instructed her, "Dona, please take Kabali to the weapon selection room and show him some guns that might suit him."

"As you wish," Dona responded, leading Kabali to the weapon selection room.


Kabali stepped into the weapon selection room with Dona, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The room was dimly lit, and the walls were lined with an impressive array of firearms, each gleaming under the soft illumination. Guns of all shapes and sizes hung neatly on racks, and the faint scent of oiled metal hung in the air.

Dona led Kabali to a counter where several handguns were displayed. She picked up a sleek, black pistol with an ergonomic grip and handed it to him. "Let's start with this one, Kabali. It's a standard semi-automatic pistol, easy to handle for beginners."

Kabali took the pistol in his hand, feeling its weight and balance. It was a foreign sensation compared to his usual reliance on his Awakener abilities. He appreciated the smooth craftsmanship but couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. "I've never used a gun before, Dona."

Dona nodded understandingly. "That's why we're here—to learn. Guns can be valuable tools when used correctly. First, let me show you the basics."

She demonstrated how to load the magazine, chamber a round, and aim. Her movements were precise and practiced, a testament to her familiarity with firearms. "Safety is paramount, Kabali. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot, and never point it at anything you don't intend to shoot."

Kabali absorbed her instructions, his gaze fixed on the pistol. He felt a sense of responsibility and determination to master this new skill. "I understand, Dona."

"Great," Dona said, encouraging him. "Now, why don't you give it a try?"

Kabali hesitated for a moment, then carefully loaded the magazine and chambered a round, just as Dona had shown him. He aimed at a target downrange, a paper silhouette of a human figure, and steadied his trembling hands. He took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger.

The gunshot echoed through the room, and the target was pierced by a bullet. Kabali felt a rush of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment. He had hit the target, albeit not with the precision he had hoped for.

Dona offered a reassuring smile. "Good job, Kabali. It takes practice to improve accuracy. Let's try a few more rounds."

Over the next hour, Kabali practiced diligently under Dona's guidance. He fired round after round, gradually gaining better control and accuracy. His initial nervousness gave way to growing confidence.

As he continued to shoot, Kabali couldn't help but reflect on the reasons behind this new endeavor. His Awakener abilities had served him well in the past, but he realized that there were situations where conventional weaponry could be more efficient. He wanted to be a versatile asset to the team, capable of adapting to different challenges.

Dona noticed his determination and offered words of encouragement between rounds. "You're improving quickly, Kabali. With more practice, you'll become quite skilled."

Kabali appreciated her support and pushed himself to do better. He remembered Asher's words about being prepared for any situation. The team's future missions might require him to use firearms, and he was determined to be proficient with them.

After a particularly satisfying shot that hit the bullseye, Kabali couldn't contain his smile. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of this, Dona."

Dona smiled back, her eyes reflecting pride. "I knew you would, Kabali. You're a quick learner."

As their training session continued, Kabali's accuracy steadily improved. He grew more comfortable with the feel of the pistol in his hand and the mechanics of firing it. The initial unease had transformed into a newfound sense of confidence.

After what felt like a fulfilling session, Kabali emptied the magazine one last time. He looked at the target and saw multiple holes clustered around the bullseye. It wasn't perfect, but it was a promising start.

Dona applauded his progress. "Well done, Kabali. You've come a long way today."

As Dona was complimenting him a blue screen came in front of Kabali,


[You have larn a new skill 'Marksmanship']

[Would you like to see the details]



As soon as Kabali mumbled 'yes' in his mind the details about his new skill came into his view.

[ Name: Marksmanship


The user can accurately shoot a firearm or ranged weapon. It involves precise aiming, control of recoil, and consistent trigger pull to hit targets with accuracy and precision. By mastering this skill one can excel in various shooting disciplines, including rifle, pistol, and archery.

Level: Beginner]

Kabali's chest swelled with pride as he set the pistol down. He realized that embracing this new skill was a step toward becoming a more effective member of Leviathan. "Thank you, Dona, for your guidance."

Dona placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You're welcome, Kabali. Remember, learning something new takes time and practice. You're on the right path."

As they left the weapon selection room, Kabali felt a sense of accomplishment and determination. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey to master firearms. With the support of his team, he was ready to embrace this new facet of his abilities and become an even greater asset to Leviathan.