Fairies Cave

Unlike gates, dungeons are entirely different. Gates serve as dimensional connectors, whereas dungeons are distinct entities. They are formed using the mana drawn from the gates, and when a sufficient amount of mana accumulates, it gives rise to a place where mana-dependent creatures can thrive. This accumulation of mana attracts new lifeforms, and they begin to inhabit the dungeon.

At times, an organized group of creatures comes together to form a colony within the dungeon. To maintain stability, these colonies need something unique, a trademark or symbol that distinguishes them. They guard this precious item with their lives, ensuring it harnesses the maximum potential of the mana within the dungeon, ultimately transforming it into a powerful artifact.

One such group of creatures were the wild fairies. When one hears the name "fairies," purity and life typically come to mind. However, the reality about fairies was far removed from these notions. Fairies were anything but pure; they were the opposite of what everyone believed. While they were indeed the purest mana gatherers, akin to honeybees, they were also surprisingly aggressive and territorial.

Fairies were highly sensitive about their territory and would resort to violence to protect it. The most concerning among them were the wild fairies, known for their penchant for flesh. Yes, they fed on flesh, with a particular preference for human flesh. Their lifestyle resembled that of cannibals, as they would kill and consume their own kind when hunger struck. Consequently, they often lived in isolation.

But once in a while, a strong and advanced intellectual wild fairy is born among the wild fairies. With their strength, they gather other wild fairies and create a colony, becoming the absolute leader. They leave their trademark in the form of creating an extremely powerful artifact.

And Asher and his team Leviathan were now in front of such a dungeon that was also a colony of an extremely large and powerful wild fairies that goes up to rank A called the 'Fairies Cave'. 

For the past few days, the team has been practicing their teamwork and fighting skills to become familiar with each other's combat patterns. And today is the time to use their teamwork.

"Let's go," Asher said as he summoned his spear.


As the team entered the dungeon, the verdant surroundings transformed into a surreal dreamscape. Illuminated by bioluminescent flora and the soft glow of fireflies, the path ahead beckoned them deeper into the heart of the wild fairy territory.

Asher led the way, his trusty spear at the ready, its blade gleaming with an ethereal light. Dona followed closely behind him, her bow poised for action. Riya and Ivan, their swords glinting with an otherworldly shimmer, remained vigilant on either side. Kabali, with his revolver in hand and the power of his Awakener abilities coursing through his veins, provided both long-range support and close-range defense.

The air was filled with the soft melodies of fairies, their delicate wings fluttering like miniature rainbows. 

"They are beautiful," Dona exclaimed with amusement at the sight.

As soon as Dona's voice echoed through the cave, the fairies' once harmonious songs turned into agitated whispers. Something had disrupted the serenity of the colony. And soon the fairies looked at the source of disturbance.

"Prepare your weapon," Asher shouted as he took his stance.

And before the team could even process Asher's order in their brains, the fairies started flying, surrounding them. These weren't the gentle, benevolent creatures of folklore but untamed and fierce beings. Their eyes gleamed with untamed energy, and their wings sparkled with volatile magic.

Without warning, the wild fairies attacked, a flurry of magical projectiles hurtling toward Asher and his team. But before they could reach Asher and his team, Asher's spear spun in a graceful arc, intercepting the projectiles with remarkable precision.


Dona, understanding the situation, summoned an arrow made of mana  and aimed at the fairies. Dona's arrows flew true, finding their marks amidst the chaotic onslaught. Soon after, Dona, all the other party members, also started attacking the incoming danger. 

Riya and Ivan wove a dance of swift strikes and parries, their swords deflecting the magical assaults. Kabali fired his revolver with deadly accuracy, eliminating the fairies that dared to draw close. When the battle demanded it, he transitioned to hand-to-hand combat, his Awakener abilities providing him with an incredible advantage.

The fight was fierce but brief. The wild fairies, overwhelmed by Leviathan's coordinated assault, vanished into glimmers of light and sparkling dust. The glade fell silent once more, the fairies' melodies resuming their mournful, haunting tunes.

"Dona," Asher's voice echoed inside the now silent cave. 

"Yes, Asher?" Dona said with a guilty look as she understood it was her who was at fault.

  If it wasn't for Asher the team would have been in grave danger. Even though Kabali was a S rank, he was still new at this kind of thing and it can be said for most of the team members. Dona was the only one who was an experienced Awakener. But it was her who made the first mistake. 

"Please make sure you don't make such mistakes again."

"I will remember that," Dona said with a sad face.

"And you did a great job; if you didn't throw those arrows, it would have been impossible for us to make it out of the fight without being injured," Asher added.

"Thank you," Dona said as a drop of water fell at the ground from her eyes.

"Thank you, sis," Riya said as she hugged Dona from the back. 

"That's enough; we need to be focused, now that we have seen how sharp the fairies' sense of hearing is," Asher said, taking the team's attention towards him.

"Get ready. We will go further inside the cave. We will meet even more powerful fairies, and we need to be extra careful from now on." 

"Yes, leader," everyone in the team said in unison.