Another deal with the Melton's

As Asher entered Alfred Melton's opulent office, he was enveloped in an air of authority and power that seemed to permeate the room. Behind his grand desk, Alfred Melton, an imposing figure, regarded Asher with a keen eye. Seated in a luxurious chair nearby was a girl Asher had seen for the first time.

Her face was nothing short of stunning, boasting high cheekbones and delicate features that appeared as if they had been sculpted by an artist's hand. Her skin, smooth and porcelain-like, exuded an otherworldly radiance that enhanced her natural allure.

But her crowning glory was her silky hair, flowing like liquid obsidian down her back, glistening with an inky luster that captured the light in mesmerizing ways. Each strand possessed a life of its own, gracefully framing her exquisite face.

Yet, it was her eyes that held the most enchanting allure—deep blue, akin to the Irish sea on a clear summer day. Her eyes resembled precious gems, reminiscent of sapphires or even diamonds, their almost hypnotic depth drawing people in. She regarded Asher with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"Mr. Gray, welcome," Alfred Melton said, his voice resonating with the weight of his position. "I trust your journey here was comfortable?"

"Meet my granddaughter Nova Subrina Melton," Alfred added.

"Hello!" Asher greeted the girl beside Alfred.

"Hello! I am Nova Subrina Melton. I've heard a lot about you from my grandfather," Nova introduced herself, extending her hand toward Asher for a handshake.

"Yes, thank you. I've also heard a lot about you," Asher said as he shook Nova's hand.

"By the way, I thought your name was Subrina," Asher added.

"Of course it is," Nova confirmed.

"Then Nova?" Asher asked.

"That's also my name. You see, in my family, children take both their parents' names. They use their mother's first name and their father's last name."

"So, Subrina is your mother's first name," Asher inquired.

"Yes, it is," Nova confirmed.

"So, how should I address you?"

"Call me Nova. That will do," Nova replied.

"As you wish," Asher said with a nod.

"I must say, I'm impressed with your team's performance in the Fairies Cave. Clearing an A-rank dungeon is no small feat, especially for a team of your composition," Alfred Melton said as he leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers as he studied Asher.

Asher felt the weight of Alfred's scrutiny but maintained his composure. "We worked well together as a team, and we were well-prepared for the challenge."

Sabrina leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Asher. "Tell me, Mr. Gray, what do you know about the artifact you retrieved from the cave? You seem to have a keen interest in it."

Asher didn't hesitate. He knew this was the moment to address the questions that had been nagging at him. "I'm curious, too. Why does the head of the Melton Corporation need an elixir that can cure anything, and why did you choose our guild for this mission?"

Alfred Melton smiled, revealing a glimmer of amusement. "Direct and to the point."

"Well, I believe that's what we both want, right?" Asher said.

"Well, that's true," Alfred said as he leaned closer to Asher and added, "But you see the answer you seek cannot be given to you. Are you truly here to discover the answer to your question?"

Hearing Alfred's words, a sinister smile crossed Asher's face as he looked at Nova and said, "The question I've come to realize is how much secrecy regarding the information of the Elixir matters to you guys."

Nova frowned upon hearing Asher and said with an angry look, "What do you mean?"

"Well, do I need to be more specific?" Asher said, looking at both grandfather and granddaughter.

"No need," Alfred said, realizing that the lead of the conversation was going towards Asher, and added, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Let's create an exclusive contract between the Melton Corporation and Leviathan, stating that all dungeon missions from A-rank and below under the Melton Corporation will be assigned to us, Leviathan," Asher replied without hesitation.

"Asher Gray, don't be too greedy," Alfred said, his anger palpable as his presence overwhelmed the entire office.

The pressure was enough that Asher was losing his senses. But he knew if he lost consciousness here, their conversation, as well as the deal, would be over. So he bit his lips as he looked into Alfred's eyes and directly said, "Try me."

As Asher uttered those words, Alfred felt a chill run down his spine, as if a dragon was fixated on him. He looked into Asher's eyes, which were now glowing in a bright orange light.

"Haah, hahahahaah," Alfred began to laugh, unable to contain himself as he looked at Asher and then said, "Asher Gray, let's make the contract."

Asher's gamble had paid off, and the tension in the room began to dissipate. Alfred leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face.

Nova, who had been observing the exchange silently, couldn't help but be intrigued by Asher's audacity. She knew this man was not to be underestimated.

Alfred reached for a drawer in his desk and pulled out a document. It was a contract, and he slid it across the table to Asher. "Take a look at this, Mr. Gray. It outlines the terms of our exclusive partnership. If you find them agreeable, sign it, and we shall proceed."

Asher took the contract and began to review its contents carefully. He knew that this partnership could open up a world of opportunities for Leviathan, but he also needed to ensure that the terms were fair.

As Asher perused the document, Sabrina leaned over and whispered to her grandfather, "He's quite the negotiator, isn't he?"

Alfred chuckled softly. "Indeed, he is. But negotiation is a two-way street, and I believe we've found a partner who will probably be the strongest in the future."

Hearing her grandfather, Nova understood how extremely talented Asher Gray was, and soon, competitiveness grew in her heart towards Asher.

After a thorough examination, Asher nodded in approval. He reached for a pen on Alfred's desk and signed the contract. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Melton."

Alfred extended his hand, and Asher shook it firmly. "Likewise, Mr. Gray. I believe this partnership will be mutually beneficial.