Entrance Ceremony

A week had passed since Asher's deal with the Melton Corporation, and now only two days remained before the grand entrance ceremony of the prestigious Celestial Academy. The academy was renowned for its grueling and challenging entrance examination, a test that aspiring students from around the world had to endure.

But Asher was no ordinary candidate. He had received sponsorship from two powerful Zodiacs, a privilege granted to only a select few elite families and organizations. This special favor granted him direct entry into the academy without the need to face the daunting entrance exam.

In his room, Asher stood before a full-length mirror, proudly wearing his new Academy uniform. The gray suit was adorned with the emblem of the Celestial Academy: an elegant and stylized image of a celestial orb radiating golden light, encircled by intricate celestial constellations that symbolized knowledge and enlightenment. Beneath this celestial symbol, the academy's name was written in bold, regal lettering.

Dona, Asher's close friend, couldn't help but admire him. "Wow, Asher, you look incredibly handsome in that uniform."

Asher flashed a grateful smile. "Thank you, Dona." Turning to face her, he asked, "So, what are the Elders saying about Leviathan now that we've secured such a significant deal?"

Dona chuckled. "What can they say? They're keeping their mouths shut now that we have such a great investor for the team. And with the success of the dungeon raid, we've silenced those who were bad-mouthing us."

"Good to hear that," Asher replied, studying his reflection in the mirror. Muttering to himself, he said, "I'm on my way to the Celestial Academy."


(Two days later)

Outside the teleportation gate of the Celestial Academy, students wearing their gray uniforms were buzzing with excitement. Some were returning students, while others had just been granted admission.

Eight sleek black cars pulled up in front of the gate, and superhumans wearing sharp black suits disembarked from them. The central car bore a man in a formidable black suit. His aura expanded across the vicinity, instantly alerting the gate guards to the presence of an S-ranked entity.

The man walked towards the back door of the car and said, "Come out, miss."

A girl stepped out, her fiery red hair immediately capturing the attention of everyone around. Murmurs spread through the crowd as they recognized her.

"Ember Phoenixheart," a student whispered, captivated by the scene.

"Ember Phoenixheart, the sole daughter of the esteemed Phoenixheart family, a prodigy expected to become the next head of the family," one girl began to gossip with her friend.

"Really? Is she the infamous Ember Phoenixheart, the one who tragically lost control of her powers and..." Before the girl could finish her sentence, an intense pressure bore down on her.

Startled, she turned to see Ember's piercing red eyes fixed upon her, a warning that needed no words.

The pressure lifted as the black-suited man, Karim, spoke, "Young miss, it's time to go."

"Karim, you can go," Ember said, her voice soft and gentle, for the first time.

"As you wish," Karim bowed slightly and left Ember in front of the portal gate.

As she was about to enter the gate, a boy's voice broke the silence. "Hello!"

Ember turned to see a young man with dark hair and deep crimson eyes. He extended his hand toward her. "My name is Alex Hall."

Ember took his hand and introduced herself, "Ember Phoenixheart."

"Are you also a first-year student?" Alex asked with a hint of curiosity.

Ember, who was a second-year student, couldn't help but smile faintly. "Puff." She pointed to her tie, which indicated her seniority in the academy. "Oh! I was just asking," Alex replied, a bit flustered.

A small, warm smile played on Ember's lips as she turned toward the gate. "What are you waiting for? We'll be late if you keep standing there like a pillar."

With that, Alex hurriedly followed Ember into the gateway.