Entrance Ceremony II

As Ember and Alex stepped into the academy, they were greeted by a scene of pure wonder. The initial impression that washed over them was not just about its magnificence; it was an overwhelming sense of magic and grandeur that transcended the ordinary.

The entire campus rested atop a floating island, surrounded by a pristine, shimmering lake that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon. The water beneath was so crystal clear that it offered a near-mirror reflection of the academy's hightech buildings, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the scene.

The buildings, perched elegantly upon the water, were architectural marvels, seamlessly blending modernity with the ethereal. The glistening towers and structures seemed to defy gravity, their surfaces adorned with intricate designs and glowing with a soft, otherworldly luminescence.

"Wow! It's absolutely breathtaking," Alex exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

Ember, typically unflappable, found herself momentarily spellbound. She couldn't help but crack a faint smile as she absorbed the extraordinary beauty that surrounded them. "Hmph, it's not bad, I guess," she conceded, her voice tinged with the awe she couldn't quite hide.

As they strolled through the immaculate campus, a fellow student's excited voice reached their ears, "Is that the infamous Dragone Tower of the Celestial Academy?"

Both Alex and Ember followed the student's gaze, looking up at the central masterpiece—the Dragone Tower. It soared majestically into the sky, its pure white structure highlighted by the presence of an elegant dragon statue at its peak. The statue was a symbol of not only the academy's might but also its steadfast commitment to the path of peace.

Just as they were admiring the view, a volunteer student made an announcement, "This year's entrance ceremony will take place on the Island of Trials, and all the freshmen need to head there as soon as possible."

Eager to join the ceremony both Alex and Ember hurried toward the designated portal gate, on their way to the gate Ember heard a voice from her back,

"Hey, cutie, where are you off to?"

Ember turned around to find a striking girl with dark purple hair, mesmerizing black eyes, and a model-like appearance. It was Eve.

"Eve!" Ember exclaimed, rushing towards her friend for a tight hug.

"Slow down, you'll smudge my makeup," Eve teased, returning Ember's embrace. She then turned to Alex with a sly grin.

"Hey, I didn't know you had such a hunk as your boyfriend."

Ember blushed and stammered, "W-what do you mean? He's not my boyfriend. We just met today."

Eve raised an eyebrow with an air of mischief. "Is that so?"

She approached Alex and extended her hand for a handshake, introducing herself, "Hello! My name is Eve Rosevaille."

Whispers among the students spread like wildfire. "Eve Rosevaille, the daughter of the prestigious Rosevaille family, known for their strategic brilliance and business empire."

"I heard they're only second to the Meltons."

Eve's face darkened briefly, but she quickly regained her composure. "Hello! My name is Alex Hall," he said, ignoring the gossip.

The students' focus shifted to Alex, and he became the new topic of discussion.

"Who is this guy with them"

"I have never seen or heard about some one like his"

"But he is really handsome"

'Yeah, I know right"

Hearing the comments Ember quickly interjected, "Let's go. There are too many flies around here, and it's making me sick."

Eve nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's get out of here." The trio walked toward the portal gate, leaving behind the buzzing crowd.