Entrance Ceremony III

As Alex, Ember, and Eve embarked upon their first steps onto the sacred ground of the Island of Trials, a breathtaking spectacle unfurled before them. The colossal coliseum, a monolithic structure of astonishing proportions, stood like an ancient titan at the very heart of the island. Its overwhelming grandeur had the power to render one breathless, with its majestic marble columns intricately adorned in engravings that seemed to murmur the secrets of forgotten ages.

The architecture of the coliseum was nothing short of a testament to the harmonious fusion of artistry and might, a living testament to the profound history and age-old traditions of the academy. As students and spectators assembled in the shadow of this architectural marvel, the very air itself crackled with palpable anticipation. Every soul present was here to partake in the wisdom of one of the world's most revered figures.

Their excitement was unquestionably justified when an elderly man, appearing as ancient as the sands of time, ascended the central podium within the arena. His presence was nothing short of legendary, and as he commenced speaking, a radiant aura enveloped the entire coliseum, casting a spell of reverence and wonder upon the assembled crowd.

"Is that the Saint of Wisdom?" Alex whispered, his gaze unwavering, ensnared by the pure mana that enveloped the arena.

"Yes, it's him," Ember affirmed, her eyes mirroring the awe she felt.

Eve's dark eyes shimmered with golden light, revealing her unique bloodline ability. "It appears the old man has once again been touched by enlightenment," she observed.

"So, you can use it without any issues now, huh?" Ember teased, a knowing smile gracing her lips.

Golden Insight, the Roseville family's rare bloodline ability, granted its possessor the power to see their opponent, but only those with a bloodline of exceptional potency could harness it fully.

As Eve activated her ability, it abruptly ceased, replaced by a commanding voice echoing in her mind, "No peeping, child."

A sudden shockwave coursed through her head, causing her to cry out in pain, "Kuah."

"What's happening?" Ember asked, genuine concern etched across her features. "Is the side effect acting up again?"

"No, it appears the old man over there doesn't take kindly to peeping toms," Eve replied with a smirk.

"That's Chung Oji," Alex interjected, his voice tinged with reverence.

"My dear children, I am Chung Oji, the principal of this academy," Chung Oji began, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom and authority. "First and foremost, congratulations to all of you for successfully navigating the entrance exam and joining us today. Guided by our dedicated faculty, I believe you will flourish and, in time, become society's greatest hope. But first, let's discuss the rules and regulations that will govern your time here."

"But before we proceed, allow me to introduce you to our esteemed Student Council president, Micale Morningstar."

Chung Oji's announcement ignited a frenzy of excitement among the students.

"M-Micale Morningstar."

"The sole heir to the illustrious Morningstar Family."

Some of the girls couldn't help but blush at the mere mention of his name, while others chanted it with a fervor that bordered on worship, "Micale," "Micale," "Micale."

Micale, a young man in his early twenties, ascended the podium with his striking black hair and crimson-red eyes. His presence exuded an irresistible charisma and power, and he addressed the students with a captivating smile.

"Hello, my fellow students. I am Micale Morningstar, your Student Council president, and I extend a heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you."

The students erupted into thunderous cheers, with the girls, in particular, showering him with adoration.

"Hey, Alex, doesn't he remind you of..." Eve began to ask, but her words trailed off as she caught the intense look on Alex's face. It was a gaze filled with enigmatic depth and concealed mysteries.

"Alex Hall, you are a far more enigmatic figure than I anticipated," she thought silently, while Ember regarded Micale with simmering resentment.

"Arrogant," she muttered under her breath, casting a distrustful gaze at him. She couldn't help but wonder whether those adoring girls would still cheer for him if they knew the depths of his character.

With a theatrical and deliberate fake cough, Chung Oji commanded the rapt attention of the assembled students. His presence was a magnetic force, compelling a hushed reverence from the audience.

"Now," he began, his voice like a seasoned conductor, "our esteemed Student Council President will guide us through the academy's intricate systems and regulations."

Micale stepped forward, his gaze scanning the eager faces of his fellow students, his posture radiating authority and assurance.

"First and foremost," he began, "allow me to unveil the structural framework that forms the bedrock of the Celestial Academy experience.

Celestial Academy is a bastion of excellence, built on a meritocratic foundation. Here, the strongest among us ascend to the pinnacle, reaping the rewards, while the less endowed find themselves navigating the shadows cast by their peers.

This prestigious institution is governed by three distinct bodies, each wielding its own unique influence. The first and foremost is the Central Council, the ultimate authority, responsible for shaping and enforcing the academy's foundational rules and principles. At its helm, we are honored to have our revered Principal, the guiding light of this institution.

The second governing body is the Council of

 the Elders, entrusted with the sacred responsibility of overseeing essential courses and academic matters. They are the custodians of knowledge, and their decisions help mold the educational landscape of this institution.

And last, but by no means least, there's The Student Council, a body that orchestrates and regulates the vibrant tapestry of student life. Our purpose is twofold: to foster an environment that promotes personal growth, exploration, and learning, while simultaneously ensuring that order is upheld within these hallowed walls.

Know this, dear students: you are not alone on this journey of self-discovery. We are here to support and guide you, to help you unleash your potential. But always bear in mind that within these meticulously structured systems lie the blueprints that will define your journey here at Celestial Academy."

The weight of Micale's words hung in the air, each sentence echoing with purpose and gravitas. The audience listened intently, aware that the power of these three governing bodies would influence every aspect of their academic and personal lives within the academy. The unknown challenges and boundless opportunities that lay ahead in their quest for knowledge and strength only added to the anticipation that filled the coliseum.

Looking at the attentive audience in front of him, Micale added, "Now, let me acquaint you with some rules that you must heed within this esteemed institution. Firstly, the academy will provide students with specially crafted weapons by the Artesian Association, ensuring their safety during sparring and practice. Therefore, no external weapons are allowed within the academy's confines.

Unauthorized sparring is strictly prohibited, and any transgressions will result in immediate expulsion from the academy, unless authorized by the Council of the Elders.

To ensure an equitable opportunity for growth, Celestial Academy operates on a currency of its own. The use of real currency within the academy is forbidden. Instead, you will use points provided by the institution.

For the first month of the semester, every first-year student will receive thirty thousand points. After this initial grace period, you will be required to earn your points independently. The Student Council will enlighten you on how to do so during this semester's student meeting.

Now, let's delve deeper into the rules that shall shape your journey here. The hallowed halls of Celestial Academy demand respect for the pursuit of knowledge and the sanctity of life. Any form of violence or dueling outside the sanctioned sparring grounds is strictly forbidden. Disregarding this rule will result in severe consequences, including suspension or expulsion.

In this institution, we cherish diversity, tolerance, and mutual respect. Discrimination based on race, bloodline, or social status will not be tolerated. We are a community bound by the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, and every student is expected to foster an environment of inclusivity.

As students of Celestial Academy, you have access to extensive resources, including the library and training facilities. However, respect for these resources is paramount. Any form of vandalism or misappropriation of academy property will lead to disciplinary actions and potential expulsion.

In addition to your academic pursuits, physical fitness is essential. All students are required to participate in physical education classes and maintain a certain level of physical conditioning. Failure to meet these requirements will result in academic probation and, if sustained, expulsion.

Furthermore, to ensure academic honesty and integrity, plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited. Violations will lead to academic penalties, including course failure and expulsion in severe cases.

The Academy's curfew is enforced to maintain a structured routine conducive to learning. All students are required to be in their designated residences by curfew, and violations will result in disciplinary action.

Celestial Academy upholds a strict policy regarding off-campus activities. Students are not allowed to leave the island without prior authorization. Disregarding this rule will result in disciplinary action.

Your smartwatches, provided by the academy, serve as both a means of communication and as a repository of essential information. Regular checks of your smartwatch are imperative to stay updated on announcements, events, and emergency information.

Now, these are the fundamental rules that guide life at Celestial Academy. Please note that the infraction of any of these rules may result in disciplinary actions, which can range from academic penalties, to probation, suspension, or expulsion.

We believe in nurturing not only your intellect but also your moral character. Through your time at Celestial Academy, you will grow not only as superhumans but as individuals who contribute to a better society.

Embrace your journey with open hearts and open minds, my dear students. For it is the pursuit of knowledge and growth that unites us in this remarkable institution."

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation and reverence as the students absorbed the weight of the regulations. Their journey at Celestial Academy was about to commence, full of challenges, secrets, and opportunities, all within the framework of these carefully designed rules and regulations.