First Trail II

In a different part of the Purple Jungle, Ember looked at the three girls who were glaring at her. One of them said to her,

"Now we've got you, bitch."

Confused, Ember asked, "Who are you guys? I don't remember offending you."

One of the girls sneered, "Hah, you don't know me. We are the fan club of Micale Morningstar, and you are our biggest enemy."

Frustration showed on Ember's face as she asked, "What does that have to do with me?"

"Look at this bitch, acting like she doesn't know anything. You're the one who has so many rumors with Micale," one of the three girls accused.

Realizing their motive, Ember responded with annoyance, "So, that's why you want to take revenge on me?"

"Yes, now die yo_"

Before one of the girls could finish her sentence, a massive fireball fell on her, and she instantly teleported away from that place. Seeing their friend getting eliminated instantly, the other two girls became cautious and took their battle stance.

With a powerful burst of flames, Ember ignited her surroundings, casting fiery waves that danced around her. Her fiery aura flickered, and she glared at the two remaining girls with determination in her eyes. The jungle's purple foliage served as a fitting backdrop to the fiery spectacle about to unfold.

The first of the two girls, overcome by rage and frustration, charged at Ember, wielding a dagger. She lunged forward with a wild swing, but Ember deftly sidestepped her attack. Ember's eyes blazed as she summoned a fireball in her palm and hurled it at her assailant. The fireball hit its mark, enveloping the girl in a blaze of searing heat. She shrieked in agony, her clothes smoldering, and Ember watched as she, too, vanished from the battleground, transported away.

Ember turned her attention to the remaining girl, who was now more cautious. She circled Ember warily, brandishing a staff with a sharpened tip. The girl chanted an incantation, summoning a gust of icy wind that clashed with Ember's flames. Ember's fire pushed back the frosty attack, creating a dazzling display of steam and fire in the process.

As the two opponents faced each other, Ember concentrated her mana, intensifying the flames that enveloped her. With a sweeping motion of her hand, she unleashed a fiery torrent, surging toward her adversary. The girl desperately attempted to create a shield of ice, but the overwhelming heat and flames proved too much for her defenses. The fiery torrent pierced through the icy barrier and engulfed the girl, causing her to scream in pain.

Ember stood victorious amidst the burning remnants of the battle. The jungle's purple hues contrasted with the fiery chaos she had wrought. She caught her breath and scanned her surroundings to see if any other students were nearby. After confirming that no one was around, she sighed in relief and mumbled to herself,

"I hope Alex and Eve are okay."

On the other side of the jungle, Alex was running toward the center while jumping from one tree to another. He had chosen this route as the safest path. While Alex was jumping, he saw five guys surrounding a girl with purple hair.

"Eve," Alex mumbled as he jumped down from the tree and ran towards them.

"Eve Roseville, I never thought that we would be seeing each other this way," a boy with green hair said to Eve, who was surrounded by other guys.

"Neither did I, Julian Harbinger."

"So, shall we see what you've got?" Julian said as he drew his sword and aimed it towards Eve.

The tension between Eve and Julian reached its peak. The five guys who surrounded her were now circling closer, their eyes locked on the impending battle.

Eve took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving Julian's. "Let's get this over with," she muttered, and in an instant, her purple hair seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy. She extended her hand, and from her palm, a brilliant, violet light surged, forming a long, slender blade of pure energy.

Julian lunged first, striking with precision. Eve countered his strikes with a fluidity that belied her apparent vulnerability. The other four guys watched in awe as their leader clashed with the enigmatic girl.

Eve's energy blade danced with her every movement, and it met Julian's sword with a melodious hum. Their battle created a dazzling display of sparks and light, casting eerie shadows on the purple leaves.

As the battle continued, it became apparent that Eve possessed an incredible mastery over her energy weapon. She parried Julian's attacks with effortless grace, her movements a mesmerizing dance of combat. It was as if she and her blade were one, an extension of her very being.

"How beautiful" Alex mumbled as he was looking at the france battle between the two people.

But Julian was no slouch. He was a formidable fighter, and his skill with the sword was evident. Their duel was a beautiful but deadly exchange of blows, each strike met with a counterstrike, each parry met with a riposte. The jungle echoed with the clash of steel and energy.