The Monster Appeared

In the heart of the dense jungle, the tension between Saba Al-Ashraf, the princess of Egypt, and Jennifer Harbiger crackled in the air, much like the humidity clinging to the leaves. Their eyes locked, revealing untold stories and a history that hung heavily between them.

Jennifer couldn't resist a smirk at Saba's royal presence. "Who would have thought that the first person I'd meet in this jungle would be Her Highness, the princess? What an honor," she remarked with a mischievous glint in her emerald eyes.

Saba, maintaining her regal poise, returned a knowing smile. "Indeed, it has been a long time since our paths crossed in the national assembly."

The air thickened with unspoken tension. Breaking the silence, Jennifer suggested mockingly, "It hurts my feelings to clash swords with you. Why don't you surrender now and save yourself the trouble?"

Saba's eyes gleamed with defiance. "Do I look like I am afraid of you, Miss Harbiger?"

Jennifer's face contorted in anger, and without a moment's hesitation, she charged towards Saba, her sword poised for a swift strike. "Then die!"

However, Saba's long blade expertly parried Jennifer's attack, the clash resonating through the jungle. In that moment, Saba's long crimson red hair seemed to catch fire, casting a radiant glow around her.

As the two women locked in a fierce standoff, the jungle held its breath, nature itself seemingly a spectator to this intense confrontation. The vibrant hues of the foliage provided a stark contrast to the duel, creating an enthralling spectacle for anyone fortunate enough to witness it.

Meanwhile, in a distant monitoring room, the elders watched with keen interest. One of them, an elder with a wise demeanor, couldn't help but express his admiration, "How impressive! The way the princess parried that sword attack was truly remarkable. What do you think, First Elder?"

"As you said, it was impressive. Let's see what happens next," replied Carlose Grandore, his attention momentarily diverted as another elder pointed to a monitor.

Carlose observed a black-haired girl in a fierce battle with a green-haired boy, surrounded by five other students. "Interesting," he mumbled. However, his focus wasn't on the fight itself but on the black-haired boy who skillfully concealed his presence.

As the battle between Eve and Julian intensified, Julian unleashed a powerful family move, "Hell Flame Sword, First Move." Multiple strikes rained down on Eve, causing defensive wounds. Seizing a momentary lapse in Julian's balance, Eve took her chance, assuming a defensive stance before unleashing her family's sword art.

"Blade Rose, First Move," she mumbled, and suddenly, rose petals emerged from her blade. The petals rushed towards Julian before he could react, cutting through his limbs and transporting him back to the coliseum.

"How brutal," echoed through the watching crowd, from the elders to Alex. The unexpected and visually stunning nature of Eve's technique left everyone in awe. A technique that looks elegant but most brutal, that was what makes the Roseville family what they are.

On the other hand, the fight between Saba and Jennifer was also coming to its end as Jennifer unleashed the same move as her brother, mumbling, "Hell Flame Sword First Move." Strikes fell on Saba, but unlike Eve, she avoided the strikes as she moved backward and took her defensive stance, feeling that Jennifer was far from ending.

"She is more skilled than her brother," one of the elders said to another. Unlike Julian, Jennifer was more skilled in the family sword art; as a result, unlike Julian, she didn't become unbalanced but moved to the next move.

"Hell Flame Sword Second move," Jennifer exclaimed with excitement as she could see the end of this fight with Saba.

Soon, an ark of sword strikes in an X form fell upon Saba. But to her demise, Jennifer saw Saba deciphering from her place and reappearing in front of her. That was the last thing she could see before finding herself back in the coliseum.

"What was that?" one of the elders asked an elder who was also from Egypt for an explanation.

"The royal family of Egypt is not known for their sword art or anything, but they are known for their extremely powerful foot technique called 'Mirage.' And that is what you saw here; she created a mirage of herself while moving in front of Miss Harbiger."

"I see," the other elder said while nodding his head.

While the other elders were talking among themselves, Carlose was still looking at the monitor of Eve as she was now facing another danger.

"What should I do now?" Eve thought while looking at the five students who were now pulling their weapons toward her. Due to the fight with Julian, she was now in bad shape to go for another battle. In her mind, suddenly a thought came,

"I wish Alex was here."

"Huh, why did I think of him?" While Eve was thinking about those emotions in her mind.

"Die, bitch!" The five guys rushed toward her, aiming their swords at her.

Hearing their shout, Eve flinched as she tried to take a defensive stance, but she knew in her mind she was too late.

"Shit, I am going to die. It's all that guy's fault." But suddenly, she felt a chill all over her body as her instinct was telling her to duck. And without knowing, she ducked her head.

And soon, a dark arc of mana rushed toward the area, cutting all the trees along with the heads of all the five students.

"At last, you showed yourself, you monster," Carlose said while looking at the plain area in the middle of the jungle due to all the long trees being cut off.

"Alex?" Eve mumbled as she opened her eyes, but the figure that came in front of her wasn't Alex's. Unlike Alex, that figure was much taller; he was like a long tree.

"A handsome tree with silver hair?" Eve mumbled looking at the person. And soon, she heard the voice of that person,

"She is yours."

And from behind the tree, another person appeared, a person she knew very well.

"Thank you, Asher," the person said as she extended her hand toward Eve and said,

"How are you, Miss Eve Roseville?"

"Nova Sabrina Melton," Eve mumbled and then looked at the figure that she mistook as Alex and thought,

"Asher Gray? Why is he with her?"