How are you here

<<<<<<<<<<<< One day before the Entrance Ceremony >>>>>>>>>>>>

"So let me get this straight," Asher said, scratching his head. "You want me to be Miss Nova's bodyguard until we reach the academy?"

Alferd Melton nodded, his expression dead serious. "Exactly. We can't have her strolling into the academy with a parade of bodyguards. It's like announcing, 'Hey, look at me, I'm important!'"

Asher's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "And why, may I ask, am I the lucky candidate for this prestigious position?"

"Because you're discreet, and as an A-rank awakener, you are more than qualified. Also, as a student yourself, you can easily blend in well," Alferd explained matter-of-factly.

Asher's incredulous stare persisted. "Blend in? I look like a walking tree with white leaves on its head! How is that inconspicuous?"

Alferd chuckled. "Well, consider it a... unique camouflage. Besides, you're less likely to draw attention than a squad of bodyguards trailing behind her."

"Clever," Asher muttered, still not entirely convinced. "But can't you just send shadow bodyguards to protect her? You know, keep things subtle?"

Alferd shook his head firmly. "Nope. She'll notice them, and that's the last thing we want."

Asher frowned. "How on earth is she going to notice shadowy figures lurking around her?"

Alferd leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Because she has this uncanny ability that lets her know everything around her."

Asher's eyes widened. "Wait, what? A human radar?"

Alferd smirked. "Not quite, but close. Let's just say she's got a sixth sense that keeps her one step ahead of everyone else."

Asher sighed, resigning himself to the peculiar task. "Alright, fine. I'll be Miss Nova's shadow... or walking tree, as you put it. But if this backfires, I'm blaming you."

Alferd laughed. "Trust me, Asher, this is the safest bet. And who knows, maybe being a walking tree has its perks. You can provide shade, blend in with the scenery, and who wouldn't want a bodyguard that doubles as a nature-themed accessory?"

Asher rolled his eyes. "Great, I'm a fashion statement now. Just what I always wanted."

<<<<<<<<<< Back to the present >>>>>>>>>>>

"Nova Sabrina Melton"

"How rude to call your older cousin with her name," Nova stated with a mischievous smile on her face.

"We are not cousins, and you are only two days older than me," Eve said, pulling herself up, ignoring Nova's extended hand. She then looked at Asher,

"I didn't know that the successor of the Aquarius guild was also a servant of Miss Nova."

"I believe whether I am her servant or not doesn't concern Miss whoever you are," Asher replied, looking over his shoulder, and added, "and you can come out now."

Hearing Asher, a boy with black hair and red eyes revealed himself. Looking at the boy, Eve exclaimed with a smile on her face, "Alex"?

Alex ran toward Eve and came in front of her as if shielding her. Looking at the back of Alex, Eve felt an unknown feeling in her heart, but she ignored those emotions as a more important matter was in front of her.

She looked at the girl in front of her with the same black hair as hers; she was looking at her with her blue crystal-like eyes. The eyes that she wished to have her whole life.

An ability that was similar to hers but a hundred times stronger. Both the Melton family and Roseville family had a connection in their bloodline, but due to their rivalry, they couldn't see what would have happened if these two bloodlines come together until her aunt fell in love with the first son and the successor of the Melton family and married him.

The old cunning fox of the Melton took her in while Roseville dismissed her from the family. And from both bloodlines, a child with the strongest bloodline ability was born, and Eve was always compared with her, making her feel inferior and making her hate her cousin more and more.

And that person was in front of her. But what she was truly afraid of now wasn't her, but the guy behind her. As she looked at the handsome boy with grayish-white hair, but that boy was looking at Alex.

"How?" Asher mumbled with confusion on his face.

"How are you here, Heavenly Demon?"