First Trail IV

"The safe zone had narrowed to the point that after a few minutes, all the remaining students had to be in the same location. 

"So let's join hands and kill that monster, Asher Grey," Nova said, looking at Yuna Tang.

With black hair and green eyes, Yuna had the perfect look of the Tang clan, one of the most powerful clans remaining from ancient times.

"And what after we kill Asher?" Yuna Tang asked, looking at Nova.

"Let's first see if we can kill him."

"I agree with Nova," Sofia Windsor said, looking at the group in front of her.

All the people in the group were from high-elite families. Although they had initially met Nova with the intention of killing her, Nova persuaded them to join her team. The reason was simple: to kill the monster called Asher Grey.

Sofia and Yuna formed a team together, and when their team met Nova's, Nova proposed a deal. If it were someone else, Sofia would have ignored it, but the person proposing it was Nova Melton. She knew Nova wouldn't suggest something like that if it wasn't necessary.

"If you're agreeing with it, then let's go with the plan."

And just like that, Nova and Yuna's teams joined hands and started moving together. They ran toward the last stage of the trail.

As they climbed the peak of the mountain, they saw a six-foot guy holding a boy up in the air while grabbing his neck.

Looking at the unconscious boy in Asher's hand, Yuna mumbled, "Kavin."

"What are you doing, you bastard?" Yuna ran toward Asher with knife-sized needles in her hand.

"Yuna, stop!" Nova tried to stop her but couldn't. "Shit," a curse came out of her mouth as she looked at the running Yuna.

She looked at the gang and shouted, "What are you guys looking at? Go and attack together."

At Nova's order, all the gang members rushed toward Asher.

"Serpent's Fang," Yuna mumbled as she took her position and performed the Tang clan's most powerful technique.

Soon, four needles came out of her hand and rushed toward Asher, aiming at his hand that was holding Kavin. But before those needles could touch Asher, he threw Kavin toward the needles and dodged the attack made by Saba.

"He dodged that," Saba said, looking at Asher, who was now looking at Nova. Saba used her family's foot technique and rushed toward Asher from the back while Asher concentrated on the needle Yuna had thrown toward him. But he dodged that attack that even the best of the best Awakener couldn't dodge without looking at it.

"Monster", Saba mumbled while looking at Asher's back.

"We meet again," Asher said, looking at Nova.

Without answering, Nova rushed toward him with her sword and swung her sword at him. However, Asher dodged the attack precisely. Without looking back, Nova rushed again and swung her sword, but once again, Asher dodged the attack.

But suddenly, something bound Asher as he couldn't move his feet. Without wasting time, Asher activated his rune, "Eyes of the Owler," and soon saw the trace of mana binding him coming from Nova.

"Fascinating," Asher mumbled as he looked at the mana strings binding him. Just by looking at the string, he could tell how much concentration Nova needed to control this string while attacking him with her sword.

"What are you guys waiting for? Attack together," Nova shouted.

Hearing Nova's shouting, all the members of the team rushed toward Asher. As the team attacked Asher, a fireball came rushing at Asher's direction. Once again, Asher twisted his body and dodged the ball, looking at the direction from where the ball came. He saw a red-haired girl, Ember, along with Eve, rushing toward him with great speed.

"Ember Phoenixstar," Nova mumbled, looking at Ember.

"Bastard!" Ember shouted and summoned ten fireballs around her, throwing them toward Asher.

"Tch," Asher chuckled in annoyance, circulating mana in his legs. He thrust his spear between his two feet, twisted both his legs and the spear, breaking the mana string binding him. Before the fireballs hit him, he stepped backward, avoiding the fireballs by an inch.

"How dare you touch my friend," Ember shouted, looking at Asher.

"Sigh," a sigh came out of Asher's mouth. At that moment, an incredible pressure emanated from his body, making chills run down everyone's spines.

"Everyone, be careful—" Before Nova could finish, Asher disappeared from his place and reappeared in front of one of the team members. He swung his spear blade, beheading the student in an instant, then disappeared again. Reappearing in front of another student, he killed most of the students, leaving only Nova, Ember, Yuna, Saba, Sofia, and Eve.

As the six girls looked surrounded by Asher, they glanced at each other. Even without a single word, they knew they had to work together to win against this beast.

While all the girls were looking at each other and preparing their best attacks, Asher said without looking at the girls, "Now, let's talk."


"Hi, guys.

Sorry, but I couldn't publish a chapter recently due to my exams. Maybe this irregular publishing will continue throughout this month because of my exams.

I hope you understand.

Okay, bye."