End of the Trail

The six girls looked at Asher, a tall monster holding a spear at them. They looked at each other, and without a word, they knew what to do.

Soon, Nova activated her skill, sending mana strings to bind Asher while Ember started chanting, and soon, ten fireballs were created in the mid-air. The fireballs rushed toward Asher.

But before the mana strings could reach Asher, he jumped in the mid-air, creating a platform using wind and double jumped in the air, avoiding the fireballs coming at him.

Nova looked at him and thought, "Why is he not using his full power?" Nova was one of the few people who knew that Asher was an A-ranked awakener. But the amount of power he was using was about C-ranked, just like her.

"Yes, he is hiding his true power," she thought to herself. "Well, we will see about that later," she thought as she rushed toward Asher with her sword.

On the other hand, Asher was blocking the daggers coming at him. "Bastard, stop running like a mouse and fight properly," Yuna tried to provoke Asher, but without a word, Asher just kept avoiding the daggers.

But soon he sensed a sharp killing intent coming at him from behind. Sensing the danger, he turned his head to the right, and soon the sword tip of Eve cut through the air, missing the back of his head.

"Hey, that guy that I killed, was he your boyfriend?" Asher asked without looking at Eve.

"What?" Hearing the word boyfriend, Eve got frustrated, and as soon as she lost her concentration, Asher vanished from his place and appeared in front of her. As the orange and purple eyes met each other, Asher said, "Then why are you tripping?"

And the next thing Eve knew was her head being cut off by Asher's spear blade. Soon, she found herself in the coliseum. 'Shit,' a curse came out of her mouth. "Eve," but then she heard Alex's voice. Eve looked in the direction of the voice and saw the back-haired boy, and all of a sudden, Asher's question came to her mind, "Is he your boyfriend?" And soon her pale cheeks started to turn red.

On the training ground, after cutting Eve's head, he looked at Ember as she was looking at him with resentment. "Was she your girlfriend too?"

"You bastard," Ember screamed at Asher as she enchanted her most powerful magic, and soon a phoenix made of pure fire was summoned in the mid-air, and soon the phoenix rushed toward Asher.

"Damn, that looks cool," Asher said as he avoided the phoenix, but soon the phoenix turned around and rushed toward him again. But this time, Asher, without dodging, was about to make a strike to the phoenix, but soon he felt his hands were once again bound by Nova's mana strings.

Asher, not having the time to cut the strings, gathered wind around him and created a wind shield to defend from the impact of the magic.

And soon the phoenix crashed with the wind shield, creating a massive explosion. Looking at the explosion, everyone thought that they were able to kill that monster. But to their horror, a voice came out from the middle of the explosion, "That's one hell of an annoying skill you got there."

And as the fog created by the explosion faded away, Asher's eyes met with Nova's eyes. But that meeting didn't last long as a ball of fire rushed toward Asher, but soon the fireball was blown away by a heavy wind created by Asher.

And the next moment, a pair of daggers rushed toward Asher. As Asher deflected the daggers using the spear staff, another pair of swords rushed toward him. Asher twisted his waist, dodging the two swords of Saba.

And this time, without holding back, two pairs of swords from Nova, Saba, Sofia, and a pair of daggers from Yuna all together rushed toward Asher. And soon the spear, swords, and daggers clashed all together.

One after another, attacks came from different directions toward Asher. But he was dodging all of the attacks with precision. As the repeated strikes were coming at Asher, Ember was gathering her last bit of mana as she knew this was the chance for her to kill that monster was distracted by the others' attacks.

Soon, she summoned an arrow made of fire, but unlike the other time, the fire that the arrow was made of was black.

Inside the Elders Council room, one of the elders looked at the arrow and mumbled, "Is that a hellfire arrow?"

Carlos looked at the arrow and said, "So she can cast basic 4-circle magic."

Ojin looked at the screen and said, "Hmm, it seems that's her last contribution in this fight."

Ember looked as the arrow made of black fire, and then her eyes looked at Asher's back.

"Die, you monster."

The arrow rushed toward Asher as Ember looked at the way, but to her demise, soon Asher's figure disappeared from the place, and instead of Asher, the arrow hit the three girls. And without a single moment of struggle, the four girls' bodies were teleported to the coliseum, indicating their end.

While the still-confused Ember looked at the empty space where a few seconds ago four girls were fighting with Asher. But before she could get over the shock, she heard a voice from behind, "How can you forget about your opponent's power when you're fighting him for more than ten minutes?"

And soon, like her friend, Ember's head was cut off from her neck. Soon, in the empty training ground, Asher was left all alone. But soon he opened his mouth, "How long are you going to hide, Miss Melton?"

Hearing Asher's words from behind a tree, Nova came out. When the others were fighting with Asher, Nova saw the arrow coming at them, and at that time, she rushed toward the back and hid herself behind the tree.

"So how was the trial?" Asher asked Nova.

Nova looked at the man in front of her, and a smile came out of her face, "Shitty."

"Why? I think your plan worked very well. Isn't it?" Asher asked.

"What do you mean?" Nova asked.

"Well, from the beginning, you knew that you can't win against me, so you chose to make a group with the other students and attacked me."

"Yes, and we lost, right?"

"Well, now that I think about it, was that the only reason that you created the team?"

"What do you mean?"

"Miss Nova, do you think of me as the same as the other guys? The reason you created the team was to take care of me and also so that I can take care of them for you. Isn't it better to have one single enemy rather than many?"

"You know, Mr. Grey, I hate when someone is as clever as you."

"Well, what can I do, Miss Nova? If one has a business partner like you, then he has to be at least that much clever, right?"

"Well, I guess that's true."

"So, you got your desired second position, right?"

"Yes, and thank

 you for not killing me when you got the chance in the middle of the fight."

"Don't mention it. That's the least I can do for my partner, right? So now that that's done, are you going to eliminate yourself, or should I do that for you?"

"No need, I can do that myself. I, Nova Melton, wish to eliminate myself from the trial," Nova shouted, looking at the sky.

So, her body was getting transported back to the coliseum when she heard, "Miss Nova, I quite like you; let's get along well in the academy."

"We will see about that," she said before her body transported in the coliseum, ending the First Trial.