Representative Selection

"Weeee got the new representative of the first year with us, guys! It's none other than the best young generation, Asher Grey. Let us celebrate this momentous occasion!"

The announcement echoed through the coliseum, triggering a wave of excitement among the students. Asher Grey, the famous space element awakener figure who had just triumphed in the intense first-year trial.

All the students were looking for the person to come out of the trial ground and greet the new student as their new representative. On the other hand, in the student council president's room, the vice president, Fransia Trevor, looked at the ranking board and said while adjusting her glasses, "As we expected, Asher Grey has become the new freshman representative."

"So, now we can go with our planning smoothly, I believe," Micale said, looking at the screen.

"I don't think that will be that easy. The demeanor he has over the others or at least what we have seen so far shows that he is a self-independent person. So bringing him to our side will not be easy."

"Even if that's the case, we either bring him into our team or eliminate him."

"I hope he agrees, for his own good," Fransina thought while looking at the back of Micale.

"Look, he is coming out."

Fransina woke up from her thoughts, hearing Micale's voice, and looked at the screen.

Inside the coliseum, Asher came out of the trial ground and looked at the students waiting for him, looking at him with admiration, anger, and jealousy.

"It's been a while since I saw those scenes," Asher thought while looking at the students' faces. In his past life too, there were such people. Not everyone in the world will have the same thought about him.

Some thought he was their hero; then some thought that he was too powerful to be in the world and tried to assassinate him. No matter which era you live in or the world, there will always be people who will be happy for your success. And there will also be people who will be jealous and envious of you.

Asher looked at the crowd and then heard their cheering. As he was looking at the students in the coliseum.

"Well done, Asher Grey."

Ojin appeared out of nowhere and looked at his eyes. The bright blue eyes that looked like they could easily devour you were looking at the bright orange eyes.

Evaluating Asher's eyes, Ojin announced to the students, "We have our new first-year student representative."

Cheers started to rush toward everyone's mouths. As the cheering grew bigger and louder, Oji released his mana to subdue the coliseum. "Now I would like to ask Asher Grey how he feels."

Oji looked at Asher and signaled him to say what he wanted to say. Hearing Oji's words, Asher looked at the crowd and thought to himself, "How should I introduce myself in front of these people? As a person who is arrogant of his power or as a person who is friendly."

After thinking for some time, Asher said while looking at the crowd, "I was very excited when I thought that I would be studying in such a great academy. Thinking about the people I would meet and fight against has made my body hot with excitement. I was eager to see the future of this world and fight with them."

As Asher spoke, the coliseum kept getting silent, as if everyone wanted to hear what he had to say. As if they wished to know what this solo space Affinity awakener in the world has in his mind about them. Did their performance disappoint him? Or made him happy.

All the first-year students were waiting for this person's judgment. Oji looked at the crowd and then looked at Asher.

"He has great leading skills. Now tell me what do you think about your fellow awakeners of the future."

Asher looked at the silent crowd and with a smirk said, "The academy didn't disappoint me."

Hearing Asher's approval, everyone in the coliseum released a heavy sigh. Alex, unknowingly to him, had a smile on his face.

"That monster that he has lost has now acknowledged him."

But unlike Alex, Eve and Ember were looking at Asher with resentful eyes. Unlike the easygoing Alex, they have grown in the toxic elite society. And they understand that you can't take everyone's good wishes as mere good wishes.

"Well said, Asher," Oji remarked. Then looked at the crowd and said, "Now I will give the new freshmen representative his seal of honor."

Soon, a badge appeared in Oji's hand. The badge was made of pure gold. As Oji was about to put the badge on Asher's uniform.

"Wait, sir," Asher remarked.

Asher looked at the confused Oji and said, "I am not done yet." Then he looked at the crowd and said, "I will not become the representative."