
"Clearly, the other side isn't friendly, but I also don't want to invite trouble. Right now, finding medicine is the most important thing."

The eight individuals grew even more cautious as they slowly moved toward the city center. Shaun felt frustrated. He hadn't expected his approach to fail. He and the female zombie searched through a high-rise building, thoroughly inspecting it and finding no mutant beasts inside. Eventually, they settled on the rooftop, a location safe enough for his core self.

Based on his analysis, the virus-sensing range between creatures of the same rank didn't exceed a hundred meters. Shaun controlled Zombie Four, intending to use the camouflage ability to secretly follow the group. However, he was surprised to find that the blood and flesh scent on the other side seemed to be masked. He couldn't lock onto them.

This method of masking the blood and flesh scent wasn't as simple as it seemed. Even if you smeared yourself with feces, in the smell of a zombie, you would still be encased in feces! The other party must have employed a special method, potentially the result of scientific research or the Awakener's talents or skills.

If this method became widespread, the survival rate of ordinary humans seeking food would greatly increase. Shaun activated his "Insight Eye," tracing the direction the other party was heading, and followed discreetly.

The Awakener was equipped with a panel that acted like a firefly in the night, constantly guiding their direction. Zombie Four followed from a distance of around a kilometer. Even the Awakener couldn't sense him.

Shaun quickly realized the group's destination—the central hospital! The eight individuals safely arrived at the hospital entrance, and the zombies on the way posed no threat to them. Each of them could easily deal with a third-stage ordinary zombie. Clearly, they were experienced in dealing with zombies.

Halsey, the leader, stood at the hospital entrance. His brows slightly furrowed as he looked at the hospital that had once been bustling. The red light of the Blood Sun illuminated the hospital's floors, and the surroundings were silent and devoid of zombies, not even one.

But this silence gave everyone an unsettling feeling. In peaceful times, as the city's best hospital, this place was always bustling with people. When the apocalypse broke out, it would undoubtedly gather a large number of zombies, perhaps even the most densely packed area of zombies.

But things were different now. "Halsey…" a burly man hesitated with a touch of fear in his heart and couldn't help but speak.

Halsey gestured for him to stop, gripped his machete tightly, and was the first to step into the hospital. The others followed closely behind, showing signs of struggle in their expressions but still following him.

The main building of the hospital had nine floors, lavishly decorated and equipped. However, as the eight individuals entered, they sensed something was off. The faint light of the Blood Sun illuminated the hospital's interior, casting a dim and eerie atmosphere. In the registration area, there would usually be long queues, but now, it was in disarray.

Halsey suddenly stopped and crouched down, his gaze fixed on a green liquid and some beast fur on the ground. After a moment of contemplation, he stood up slowly.

"Be careful!" Halsey continued leading the way, heading straight for the corridor ahead. They needed to reach the pharmacy and find the specially crafted potions.

Once the group disappeared into the corridor, a thin and weak zombie entered sneakily.

Awakener Halsey, not being a local, wasn't familiar with the hospital's layout. Fortunately, the university student in the group knew and directed him. Using the faint red light as a guide, they followed the safe staircase up to the second floor.

The hospital's pharmacy was located on the fifth floor for the convenience of patients throughout the building. As soon as Halsey stepped onto the second floor, they entered a small hall that branched into four corridors, each lined with various departments. However, their attention was drawn to a dimly lit corridor where two green lights could be seen.

A figure emerged from the shadowy corridor, revealing a massive insect. Its exoskeleton was pitch black, its eyes emitted a deep green light, and its mouthparts quivered in interest towards the potential prey before it.

Buzz! The mutant insect's wings slightly spread open as it lunged forward for its meal. Despite the limited space, Halsey remained unfazed. In fact, the confined space hindered the mutant creature's flying ability.

He drew the handgun from his waist and aimed it at the airborne mutant. A gunshot echoed, and a wound appeared on the creature's body. But what puzzled Halsey was that no blood flowed out; the creature seemed undeterred by injury.

"Open fire!" Two individuals behind him, both armed with handguns, promptly obeyed the order and fired. Being far from ordinary, their accuracy at this range was near impeccable. The mutant insect soon bore several gunshot wounds, with even one of its legs broken.

Realizing it wasn't wise to provoke them, the mutant insect abruptly changed direction and vanished into the darkness of the corridor. Not a single cry escaped the creature throughout the encounter.

Halsey's pupils contracted as the mutant creature escaped. He distinctly saw a thick green vine, about five centimeters in diameter, impale the creature. He had a vague sense that these mutant creatures were somehow being controlled.

However, finding the medicine was the immediate priority, even if it meant facing danger. The group didn't explore the second floor of the hospital further and continued their ascent.

The third floor was eerily calm, devoid of any mutant creatures. Yet, they noticed more green liquid and beast fur. The surrounding glass was shattered, hinting at a past battle.

As they prepared to ascend to the fourth floor, a massive black shadow suddenly emerged. Halsey held a machete in his right hand and a handgun in his left, his expression vigilant. A mutant venomous wasp appeared, blocking the staircase to the fourth floor.

None of them had expected to encounter another mutant creature within the hospital. This might explain the absence of zombies here. The trio rapidly opened fire, the gunshots resonating throughout the hospital.

The mutant venomous wasp's defenses weren't formidable, and the handguns' firepower quickly turned it into a sieve. However, no blood flowed from the creature, nor did it make a sound.

Yet, as the group began to relax, thinking they had the measure of these mutant creatures, a multitude of dark figures appeared from deep within the fourth-floor corridor. Fear-stricken and trembling, everyone saw dozens of mutant venomous wasps slowly flying their way, eyes emitting a chilling green glow.

Halsey fired first. His marksmanship was unmatched by the others. He precisely hit one mutant venomous wasp's head...

"Run!" Halsey shouted, urging the others to flee first while he sought an opportunity to escape himself. The venomous wasps were swift, and in the blink of an eye, they were upon them.