Aberrant Springvine

Halsey instantly holstered his handgun. He possessed enhanced strength and was skilled in swordplay, making a machete more suitable for close combat. The other seven people panicked and fled, aiming to return to the third floor of the hospital.

However, the mutated wasps seemed to exhibit a certain level of intelligence. Over a dozen mutated wasps swiftly flew out, heading straight for the retreating group.

"Run, hurry!"

The two individuals with guns quickly fired, attempting to ward off the wasps. But it was futile, their numbers were too great. Handguns alone couldn't decisively affect the situation. The mutated wasps swarmed, instantly dispersing the formation of the seven individuals.

On the other hand, Halsey was surrounded by four mutated wasps. Even though he had awakened, he was only at the first stage. Dealing with four opponents of the same stage seemed equally precarious.

Each of the seven held various cold weapons, but against mutated beasts, the power gap was insurmountable. "Split up and run!" One of them, equally decisive, made an immediate choice. They left the group and headed down a corridor towards the third floor. The other six did the same, all in a state of panic, fleeing in different directions.

—Meanwhile, Shaun's controlled puppets remained on the second floor—

However, his heart was filled with shock. Within the vision of his Insightful Eye, a semi-circular red shadow appeared. The shadow wasn't large, and one could easily miss it with a blink. However, the information it conveyed was astonishing.

Name: Mutated Springvine.

Tier: Fourth Tier.

Talents: Mental Enhancement, Regeneration.

Skills: Corpse Manipulation, Vine Strangulation.

This was the first time Shaun had encountered a fourth-tier entity, and it was a mutated plant at that. While he had considered the possibility of plant mutations, plants were inherently different from animals. They only possessed instincts, lacking intelligence. Even if they mutated, they were unlikely to pose a threat.

In his mind, plants were more likely to be auxiliary to humans. After all, in the face of the apocalypse, apart from the threats of zombies and mutated beasts, food and water sources were equally vital. Many plants from peaceful times required sunlight, and the current Blood Sun couldn't sustain their normal growth. Mutated crops were sufficient to support human survival.

However, the appearance of the Mutated Springvine today served as a warning. Mutated plants were equally dangerous. He squatted down, picking up a piece of animal fur and almost instantly recognizing whose it was: the mutated orange cat! It was capable of contending with fourth-tier mutated plants and seemed to even hold an advantage. The obese cat was undoubtedly not simple.

Looking at the fragmentary red image, he faintly understood what the orange cat had chewed on at that time. The Mutated Springvine must have been seriously injured!


Suddenly, a fresh scent of blood and flesh wafted over, snapping him back to reality. Urgent footsteps from the third floor suggested that the group was in danger. Three people were escaping, and upon seeing Shaun's distinct expression, they were momentarily surprised.

The strange survivor from that day had unexpectedly arrived at the hospital. The group didn't have time to ponder; their eyes held excitement. One of the black-clad individuals, armed with a handgun, was especially cold in demeanor. Without hesitation, he aimed at Shaun and fired a shot. Almost instantly, he made the most accurate and ruthless decision: injuring Shaun to attract the attention of the mutated wasps, buying time for the others to escape.

Shaun had long prepared for this. He immediately activated the Swift skill, causing his speed to skyrocket. Yet, even with his drastically increased speed, he couldn't evade the bullet. He only felt a foreign object strike his right knee joint.

However, something astonishing occurred. Shaun remained unharmed, his speed still incredibly swift. The evasive effect of the Swift skill successfully triggered. It was a phenomenon difficult to explain scientifically. The bullet clearly hit him, but it had no effect whatsoever.

The remaining three individuals were equally shocked, and their movements involuntarily stalled. However, Shaun remained unaffected. The surging speed was beyond what the mutated wasps could match. He closed the distance to the three.

Removing his mask, he revealed his true face, a fiendish expression on his countenance.

"Zom... Zombie!"

One of them observed the bloodstains around Shaun's mouth, and an extreme fear gripped them. It reminded them of the time when that zombie attempted to approach them. If it weren't for the awakened Halsey driving it away, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Perhaps they would have been infected even before reaching the hospital.

Zombies had evolved intelligence! This was an unsettling reality that made humanity's situation even more dire.

However, they were unaware that Shaun was an exception among countless zombies. His speed surge far outpaced that of the mutated wasps. He closed in on the three.

"Diing! The zombie under your control has successfully infected one person. Your Evolution Points +2.5!"


All three had been infected, and Shaun had successfully gained 7.5 Evolution Points. But more importantly, he acquired a handgun. Even for a second-tier mutated beast, it posed a significant threat. Yet, he had no time to rejoice. Several mutated wasps instantly locked onto him. The buzzing of their wings resounded, unsettling his mind.

However, with his astonishing speed, first-tier mutated beasts couldn't even come close to him. After escaping into a corridor, he activated his Camouflage talent, vanishing from the mutated wasps' perception. Soon, they left that floor.

Shaun also noticed the green vines within the bodies of the mutated wasps. He abruptly thought of a skill possessed by the Mutated Springvine: Corpse Manipulation. The mutated creatures before him were merely corpses, which was why his Insightful Eye couldn't perceive any information. Their strength was also inferior to that of first-tier mutated beasts.

Shaun prepared to leave and seek another opportunity to infect the remaining survivors. As he turned slightly, he spotted an elevator, which surprised him. What was astonishing was that the elevator, parked on the third floor, displayed a downward arrow.

Was someone using the elevator?

He hastily pressed the elevator button. Inside was an individual in black leather attire, holding a gun in their right hand. They hadn't originally intended to use the elevator, but the safe staircase had been overrun by mutated wasps, making descent impossible.

He had thought he could escape safely, but at this moment, he was overwhelmed by fear. That's because the elevator had stopped on the second floor!

Could it be a teammate? He silently speculated.

While gripping the handgun tightly and aiming it at the elevator entrance, he braced for any potential crisis.

Shaun watched as the elevator slowly halted on the second floor. Yet, he refrained from standing by the door to avoid revealing his presence immediately. The person inside the elevator appeared somewhat perplexed.

Is no one there?

Without stepping outside to observe, they pressed the close button, not wanting to complicate matters. Shaun likewise pressed the elevator button, not letting them succeed.

Just as the individual was about to press the elevator button again, Shaun, propelled by his astonishing speed, rushed straight into the elevator. Momentarily distracted, the person reacted quickly. Though the figure appeared human, at this juncture, it was impossible to trust anyone.

They pointed the gun directly at the person's head, preparing to fire without even uttering a warning.

But suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through their neck. Shaun wiped the blood from his mouth and stashed the second handgun into his system backpack. He hadn't expected his luck to be this good, obtaining two handguns. Even in the hands of a regular zombie, they could pose a significant threat to second-tier mutated beasts.

However, regular zombie joints weren't very flexible, likely making them difficult to use. At the very least, a fifth-tier zombie would be needed to wield them effectively.