
Countless talents have gathered together, working tirelessly day and night for the rise of humanity.

Hope began to emerge for humanity.

Top-notch biochemists joined forces to research the zombie virus. If they could produce a zombie serum quickly, even reversing zombies back into humans, it would be a groundbreaking discovery in human history.

But they failed! The zombie virus had completely destroyed the human nervous system, making medical recovery impossible.

However, they still made a significant breakthrough by developing an antidote for the virus. If infected within half an hour, injecting the antidote would clear the zombie virus. This antidote, though, only worked against ordinary zombies. If infected by elite zombies, the person would still turn into a zombie.

Nonetheless, this was a major achievement, offering a glimmer of hope for countless civilians. Moreover, the antidote was derived from zombie blood and could be mass-produced.

Military personnel were working tirelessly too, constructing new defense facilities to fortify the base like an impenetrable fortress. This was humanity's hope.

They continually simulated combat plans, preparing for the occasional arrival of mutant creatures.

Another milestone discovery in the post-apocalyptic world was the solution to the survival problem. Most crops had withered and died with the advent of the "Blood Sun." However, some exceptions emerged.

A few mutated crops yielded incredibly bountiful harvests, hundreds of times more than in peacetime. Some mutated fruit trees were not aggressive but instead willing to coexist with humans, providing an abundant supply of fruits. Humanity carefully cultivated these resources.

Certain mutant creatures had lower-level viruses in their bodies, making them safe for human consumption. Their meat was delicious and nutritious, providing ample food for humanity.

The most talented individuals designed virus filters capable of purifying any water source. With these developments, humanity barely clung to survival.

Another hope lay in the emergence of "Awakened" humans. The method of awakening had been discovered. Killing elite zombies or mutant creatures had a chance to turn a person into an Awakened.

However, there were restrictions. First, no firearms could be used, as it significantly reduced the chance of awakening. Killing mutant creatures with melee weapons was exceedingly difficult.

Additionally, the chance of awakening was not high, so Awakened individuals remained a minority. Furthermore, there was only one known way for an Awakened person to become stronger: by consuming the flesh and blood of creatures of the same rank.

As Awakened, they could resist the virus of their rank, but consuming mutant creature flesh and blood had only a minimal effect on their enhancement.

So, the Awakened couldn't yet be counted as the primary combat force. Nevertheless, it demonstrated that humans could resist high-level zombies and mutant creatures with their own strength.

With the apocalypse, humanity's darkest and most brutal tendencies were unleashed. Humans were the true demons, making the world hellish.

Apart from large survivor bases like the City of Hope and the City of Light, there were numerous smaller bases, each housing maybe just a few thousand people, but as long as they were safe, survival was possible.

Surprisingly, most of these smaller bases practiced slavery, and the inhabitants displayed various forms of extreme cruelty. In the bases, the powerful were kings, free to slaughter and abuse others like livestock.

In the era of the apocalypse, every person was a potential tyrant, and those who had the opportunity would become despots.

Some larger bases contained tens of thousands or even millions of people, but their internal systems were just as chaotic.

The rulers focused more on power struggles and plotting to transform the bases into their personal domains. They reveled in it, completely oblivious to the needs of their citizens.

The lower classes within the bases faced unimaginable suffering, struggling even for basic survival. Here, there was no hope.

However, humanity was a blend of divinity and bestiality. The radiance of divinity shone in every dark corner. It was not searching for hope; it was hope itself.

Within the City of Light and the City of Hope, countless scientific researchers toiled relentlessly, working day and night, some even dying from exhaustion in their laboratories.

Many administrative personnel also worked tirelessly, continuously developing and improving new orders to ensure internal harmony within the survivor bases. Humanity's situation was precarious, and any internal strife could lead to its downfall.

Every time they faced a zombie horde or an attack by mutant creatures, they sacrificed numerous soldiers.

These brave individuals were the true heroes of humanity, sacrificing themselves for the sake of protecting the last glimmer of hope. Their only thought was that if their deaths could buy one more second for humanity, it would be worth it.

The walls of the base were not only constructed from reinforced concrete but were also stained with the blood of these heroes. Despite the brutal battles, countless civilians still eagerly joined the military, not because they were unafraid of death but because someone had to die.

Besides joining the military, many civilians took on various roles within the base. They dedicated themselves wholeheartedly, not seeking any rewards, just wanting to contribute their light and warmth to the world.

The operation of precision machinery relied on every single screw. In the age of the apocalypse, although humanity's path was fraught with darkness, there were still those carrying torches, leading the way.