Mutated Beasts

At this moment, the most powerful force on the planet is still the Mutant Beasts.

Not to mention the terrifying oceans, where the number of mutants is impossible to calculate.

Even in the present day, the rulers of major cities are still Mutant Beasts.

Grizzly City is just one example among countless cities.

They dominate in major cities, and in their eyes, zombies are nothing more than lower beings.

For Mutant Beasts, there is no essential difference between humans and zombies; they are all ants.

But what's even more critical is that in peacetime, there is a strong emphasis on preserving the natural environment.

No artificial destruction is allowed, and it must remain in its most primitive state.

This is also because of past excessive exploitation, which led to frequent natural disasters.

So the goal was to maintain harmony between humans and nature.

This has also resulted in nine large areas of pristine forests within the country.

In peacetime, they were home to countless birds of prey and wild animals.

But due to the blockade, it didn't affect people's daily lives.

And the countless trees inside gradually purified the once polluted air.

The influence of industrialization was gradually disappearing.

But when doomsday came, everything changed.

The nine large primitive mountain ranges began to erupt continuously, and the deafening roars of beasts echoed incessantly.

But fortunately, no Mutant Beasts had charged out yet.

However, the good times didn't last long, as powerful Mutant Beasts gradually emerged from their hiding places and reached the major cities.

In the southern mountains, a terrifying giant elephant came out, like a small mountain, casually trampling the tall buildings in the city with every step.

What's even more crucial is that its habitat is close to the Bright City in the south, which terrifies all survivors.

In the southeastern mountains, a white tiger also emerged.

With a single roar, countless zombies were directly split apart, and skyscrapers collapsed.

In the northern mountains, a completely black giant python emerged. Its body was kilometers long, a true giant.

And in the primitive mountains closest to Grizzly City, powerful Mutant Beasts also roamed.

A group of golden eagles emerged, their sharp cries echoing in the sky.

Finally, they settled in a southern city.

But it was still far from Grizzly City.

Between them lay a large survivor base.

The South Rain Base, founded on the basis of Rain City!

Mutant Beasts appeared everywhere across the country, whether in cities, the sky, or the forests.

Mutant Beasts are currently the undisputed rulers of the planet.

But fortunately, they are not united.

For Mutant Beasts, devouring creatures of the same level and constantly evolving is their top priority.

If they truly had ambitions for dominance, humans would be wiped out in an instant.

Even the enormous population of zombies would only last a little longer.

At this moment, Shaun is driving a "luxury car" from peacetime.

The yellow exterior is extremely luxurious, and the huge tires are quite imposing. The extended arm in front is also retractable.

A digger is driving on the road like this.

Two zombies sit beside him, and a fat orange cat lazily lies on top of the digger.

Shaun is driving the digger with a stiff smile on his face.

The harvest of this month has been quite rich.

His evolution value has reached 31,000/32,000, just one step away from advancing again.

Four has also become a fourth-tier elite zombie.

Although Four hasn't comprehended any new skills, it has strengthened "Swift Recovery" once, extending the duration to twelve minutes.

On the other hand, Four was lucky to comprehend a skill called "Extreme Blade Break."

"Extreme Blade Break: Passive skill. Your attacks have a certain armor-breaking effect, and the faster the speed, the stronger the armor-breaking effect!"

This is a speed-related skill, and combined with Shaun's boiling combat intent and his own agility skills, the armor-breaking effect would be terrifying.

The orange cat's evolution value is 24,000/32,000, much lower than Shaun's.

The main reason is that this orange cat is a picky eater.

It looks down on the flesh of fourth-tier mutant beasts, so most of its evolution value comes from devouring crystal nuclei.

Although Shaun's evolution speed has slowed down, there is only one red dot left on the map.

He is just one step away from completing the random task.

In the past month, he deliberately completed four daily tasks.

The rewards for the four tasks are:

1. A rare material.

2. A halo skill.

3. A skill that enhances a pet.

4. Expansion of the system's backpack.