Formidable attack

The battle between the two sides erupts again! The surrounding seawater surges, as if a dragon is churning, countless waves leap, and the battlefield's impact range is extremely wide.

Even high-ranking lords dare not approach the two king-level creatures. The remaining zombies also engage in fierce battles with high-level mutated beasts.

There is a huge gap in numbers between the two sides, but the mutated beasts are suppressed. The combat power of high-level zombies is astonishing. The Zombie City has the bonus of "Mysterious Bestowal," and each zombie has a chance to comprehend additional skills when advancing. This amplification effect is extraordinary. Although inconspicuous for low-level zombies, it provides significant improvement for high-level zombies!

Although the probability is not high for low-level zombies, the higher the level, the more skills they will comprehend. This makes their combat power stronger than other creatures of the same level!