Supportive abilities

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The blue crab's life-saving skill didn't enhance its own vitality and recovery; instead, it mainly focused on boosting its attack power.

The crab claws, covered in the golden light of the life-saving skill, exuded a sharp and formidable aura. With each swing, countless golden lights swept like swords, cutting through the surrounding seawater.

Shaun remained calm, taking out the little pig from his backpack and having it use the spirit transformation skill. His own defense instantly skyrocketed, simultaneously activating the extreme defense, directly charging through the golden light.

Empowered by the pig's extraordinary tenacity, the negative speed reduction effect of the extreme defense was immediately cleared.

His speed remained exceptionally fast. With the defense instantly tripling, combined with his own tenacity, divine body, and various defensive skills of the little pig, Shaun was now a true undying entity.