Manipulating Grace

In the next morning, Alex now fully satisfied, looked at all women in front of him.

They were all sleeping soundly while being sprawled on the humongous bed Alex had summoned mid orgy.

Their bodies were covered by his sperm, while their holes were also leaking with his dried semen, but every one of the women had pleasant satisfied look on them.

Alex's mother Alice and Angela were asleep on the center of bed showing their position as one who fell the last, and all of his remaining women were sprawled around them, all of them stacked upon each other, as if they didn't even have strength to move their bodies after the battle.

Alex took one last look at a beautiful scene that he himself had made, and then got out of the room once done washing himself.

He had actually given Carla vacation for some time after the meeting, as he had to spend time fucking his bunnies, Carla also agreed and went back to her room.

Now that Alex was done here, he decided to visit her, he just got out of his door, but when he was about to, he saw something interesting.

Nathan and his mother Grace were in front of a door, but then door opened and only Nathan entered inside while Grace remained outside and was about to go back inside her room.

'Seems she doesn't know dangers of being in the main hall... ' Alex was right as the main hall was only safe during the meeting due to Godess Athena's protection and now she wasn't here, that means if someone got their hands on Grace they can get her completely.

And as he thought, four of Alex's classmates got out of their rooms and surrounded Grace, they looked strong and were taller than Grace who was only 164 cm may be, they said something that Alex couldn't hear clearly, but their motive was clear, they were standing guard to catch a prey like this wandering in the hall.

Most likely Alex would have been the prey, but Grace was faster than him in bad luck.

One of the boys caught Grace's hands and immobilized her, poor weak Grace couldn't do anything but flail her hands,hoping to get away from these villains.

Looking at Grace's delicious curves, they licked their lips, poor Grace was yelling loudly for help, but no one came as none was there, these rooms were soundproof no sound could go in and out.

May be one of the boy's lust overwhelmed him as he caressed Grace's face, while next moment he removed his pants bringing out his dick ready to enslave Grace.

Other boys also followed and soon all of them had their members out, while Grace was now sobbing loudly, "Someone please help, I don't want this! "

"Don't worry slut you will soon be begging for our dicks"

"Yeah, it's such a waste for those huge boobs to go to waste"

"Real men like us should be the one who use them"

They all said laughing evilly while one boy who may be was their leader touched her face with a horny smile as his hands then moved towards her huge breasts that he started caressing, Grace tried to stop him with her hands, she even bit the hand that was touching her, but she in the end was totally powerless.

She understood that now she will be raped, she knew it was her son's fault for not keeping her safe and leaving her alone for some other women.

But her next thoughts were disturbed as her clothes were forcefully torn away, leaving her in her naked form.

'Only if Nathan was here, he could have saved me... but he went in so that he could have a chance to keep me safe' even though she knew, she didn't blame her son, she blamed herself, 'It's my fault for getting out here alone ' she thought as her tears flooded out.

As for boys who wanted to satisfy their own lust, didn't even get the chance to savour the view of this naked beauty in front of them, as someone they couldn't stand against arrived the next moment.

Grace who now was a sobbing mess while covering her private parts with her hands, "You guys seem to be having fun without me huh" she heard a voice that she knew, the boy who said he loved her, but she knew he was just acting to make her betray her son.

"Alex... What are you doing here? " said one of the boys .

"See, you already have lot of women, let us have this bitch " said another one as he saw that Alex was all alone.

"Why don't we capture him, then we can have all of his women too" whispered one guy loudly, everyone heard him.

"You punks, you really think you can beat me huh, just with these numbers and your pitiful strength? let me show you the reality" said Alex back as he punched the guy nearest to him.

From then on it went all smooth, soon all four of them were lying down, blood flowing out of them from here and there, " I will use you guys to get your mothers, they won't care for their bodies, when they see you all getting tortured right? "Alex laughed loudly.

Then he looked at the milf that was looking at him, her eyes were filled with dread, Grace knew, now that she was in Alex's clutches she couldn't run away, the strength he showed was too strong, if Nathan came to save her he will only get plummeted black and blue.

'Nathan, please don't come here, and sorry...your mother may in future do something horrible to you' she thought as she knew about brainwashing thing.

But what happened next was completely out of her expectations, Alex slowly crouched beside her and placed his white shirt around her body.

"I don't mind seeing you naked, but it may be hard for you" said Alex with a red face, as if the guy who plummeted down all these boys in blood wasn't he at all.

Then Alex summoned a comfy sofa chair, picked her up, and placed her on it, his gestures gentle as if she will break if he was just a little harsher.

He then wiped her tears, with his handkerchief, "There you go, I am here now, so no one will hurt you" he said his gentle eyes boring into her's.

She then cried, Grace cried out loudly, since the day she had lost her husband she had never cried in front of anyone.

But she now cried in front of a man that was possibly her enemy, but she couldn't hold onto her tears which were forced in from all those years of loneliness and her dread that she was feeling a moment ago.

Alex seeing her crying panicked and tried to soothe her with words, but soon he stopped and just patted her head softly as she cried in her hands.

After few minutes she was calm once again, she was really terrified when those boys surrounded her and were touching her inappropriately.

But when Alex came to her help she felt like falling from hell to a little safer place, that's why she cried her heart out from relief.

And now she was feeling very embarrassed and also confused as to why Alex hadn't done any bad things to her, before this she had doubts that Alex was after her because he knew her grade, that would make sense for him to go after her.

But now she didn't know anymore, Alex already had a chance to make her his, but he didn't, 'Does he really love me? ' she thought but tried to remove this thought as soon as possible, as she was disgusted with it.

"Seems you are fine now, you shouldn't get out of your room alone you know... where's your son? "

"..... " Grace didn't say anything.

"Okay... it's fine if you don't want to say anything, but now once you are in your room, make sure you are safe"

".... "

"Sigh... what are you now waiting for? get back in your room? "

"Y-yes" this time Grace stutteringly replied and moved towards her room, but she was now stunned once again, because room was locked and it could only be opened by a player, that means by Nathan.

Alex who was just about to leave, looked at her with exasperated expression, "Don't tell me, that son of a b... I mean Nathan locked the room and left you alone in the hall after that... "

".... " This time once again Grace didn't say anything, but more of it was because she was embarrassed.

She from the corner of eyes looked at Alex, who looked like was seething in fury at Nathan, he even cursed him, but she couldn't deny it that Nathan was really a careless kid.

She then looked around the hall, no one was there, and she understood that now she had to stay alone here, until her son came back.

'W-wait where are those boys that tried to rape her? ' she looked around but was answered by Alex who threw them out from who knows where.

"I just threw them in player's inventory, everyone has one" he said and threw them back in his inventory.

"Seems we are alone here, why don't you have a seat? " said Alex while pointing at the sofa.

Grace ignored him and sat down besides the door of her room, trying to cover as much of her body she can with Alex's shirt.

"Take this, this was in my inventory" Alex said throwing a blanket against her, which she quickly used to cover her body from Alex's gaze.

Then silence issued...

After 10 minutes, "Why don't you tell me something about you? we are getting bored here anyway"

".... "

"Okay, seems you still don't wanna talk, so I will tell you about me"

"You already know me superficially, I was born as the only prince of Garcia family, only male heir... from the birth I had everything I wished for, but it of course came at a price, I had to learn all of these useless things and everything, I couldn't even make friends, as I knew most of them were there just to curry favor with me and my family. "

"So like this years went away, and by some incidence I fell for a women, I don't know exactly why but I just knew that I loved her"

"Then I tried to investigate her, and seeing her life I felt my problems were just too insignificant, I came to love her strength, bravery and loveliness"

"But hardships she faced were too much, I then tried to help her, but somehow everything I did went wrong, as if someone was playing with both me and her"

"When I was just about to directly confront her and make her move in with me, I met an old man who told me that reason for that women's hardships was the person closest to her"

"I then found about her son, to whom she loved a lot and saw that even though he was weak and poor he had lots of luck, and coincidentally found out that his luck was connected to his mother's hardships, from then on I made his life as miserable as possible"

"Surprisingly it worked, problems that women faced were now very few and could be kept away from her by me "

Alex then looked at Grace, "and that women is you Grace, I found out about this protaganist thing from system once we came inside this place"

"The problem you faced just now was also because there are no hardships in Nathan's life anymore, of course nothing would have happened to you, because Nathan would have saved you somehow. "

"Because you are also protagonist to be clear you are protaganist's women, so you will be safe no doubt, he didn't appear because I saved you that's all"

Alex then stopped talking for a while and when he felt it was enough time, he said" I know.... you don't believe me Grace... but I really love you"

Grace now for first time looked into Alex's eyes, even her heart ached when she saw Alex's love and tenderness filled eyes, but she still thought this was all a lie.

Her son couldn't be the reason for her hardships and even if he is, it doesn't matter, after all she is all his, he can do anything he wants with her.

"It's useless huh....the World's Will is affecting you, no matter what you will only love Nathan it seems" with a sad smile Alex turned around, a tear fell down from his eye, seeing such heartbroken Alex, Grace couldn't stay silent anymore.

"Alex, may be you really love me... but I don't have those feelings for you,... you can find someone better, don't you already have all those women? " she said, the way Alex flaunted his women really irked her.

"They... they are all just brainwashed bunch... they will leave me if I loose them anyway, they aren't someone I love, neither they love me" he said, sad smile not leaving his lips.

"It's all right Grace, you don't need to say anything, even if you don't love me... I will keep loving you, hoping one day, you will look back at me" said Alex, his voice lowered completely at the end.

"Alex... " Grace wanted to continue but she didn't, she didn't know what to say.

She knew, she really went through all those hardships but suddenly at one time all that stopped, her life even if was modest it was smooth sailing, she had a nice job and everything.

She now understood that all that was because of the boy who was sitting before her, the boy who loved her... unlike her son who left her here. No! he is just busy! .

But Grace now was slowly realizing that she was being influenced by something else to love her son unconditionally, and the most terrifying thing was she didn't think or she was unable to think it was bad.

As she thought this, her head started to burst with pain, and when she thought too much about this her world started spinning and she fell down, unconscious... the last thing she heard was Alex's caring and panicking voice.

As for Alex, 'Damn, making up that story was hard, hope she believes it... the reason her hardships decreased was because her son got admission in the academy, those people started fearing to mess with her, that's all'

He looked at now unconscious Grace, he had actually timed the use of stun powder, making Grace feel that she fainted on her own.

Alex picked up her body from the ground, while not leaving the chance of feeling her body, he placed her on his lap, waiting for her to wake up for his next romantic act.

Obviously he didn't loose his chance to grope Grace's body and he really felt that her body can be labelled S grade.

He then waited...

Grace soon woke up, from before she felt that her body was now really comfortable, she slowly opened her eyes and first thing she saw was Alex's otherworldly handsome face.

Looking up at him so close, she was stunned, as Alex was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

His hazel eyes looked calming and she felt herself melting inside them, she kept looking at his eyes like for eternity, as if she was hypnotized.

She slowly moved upwards taking the hand Alex gave her, but not leaving his gaze for a moment and then next second she felt her lips falling on his, she didn't know what happened, and when she came back to her senses her tongue was already touching Alex's.

She wanted to pull back, but she couldn't she felt her soul leaving her body, as she felt gentle pleasure that she was feeling from sensual connection between her and Alex's lips.

She liked this feeling, it was better than any kiss she ever had, in Alex's arms she felt warm and safe, and his soft tongue made her forget everything but him.

But just as they were to continue for more, Grace heard her son's voice from Alex's behind, "M-mom what are you doing?!! "

Grace quickly pulled apart from Alex as if being electrocuted, the blanket she was covering herself with fell on the ground, letting her naked body become exposed, which was now an evidence for her elopement with Alex.

"H-how can you do it m-mom, you s-said you loved me? " Nathan was heartbroken, imagining what might have happened in his absence, he felt like vomiting.

The scene of his mother sitting on Alex's lap, as she kissed him by her volition was etched in his mind, he felt like he had lost everything.

"Nathan, nothing happened between your mother and me, this is misunderstanding" hearing Alex's words, Grace was grateful, she also tried explaining this to her son.

But he seemed hell bent on not listening to her as Alex's words only infuriated him more, feeling his bully was laughing behind his kind mask, at his misery.

"Y-you slut! how dare you betray me! Now go fuck that man, and don't come back to me! " he yelled loudly at his mother, while leaving the hall for his room, another women followed behind him, as she gave Grace a light smirk.

Grace was flabbergasted seeing all this, she couldn't belive her son called her a 'slut', the smirk that another women gave her, only made her wallow in misery more.

As for Alex, he was thinking, 'Mamma mia... just fuckin' wow! '