Manipulating Grace (2)

Alex was now really shocked with this development, 'This idiot really left his mother for me to fuck! '

Even after making up all of this backstory, which was actually inspired by Angela's adopted son Roman's unfulfilled love story, Alex didn't think that he will get his chance this soon, but as someone said, life is full of surprises.

He looked at Grace who was now total mess, she wasn't crying anymore, but the pain she was feeling was evident.

She couldn't believe, how less of a faith her son had in her, even more so she was hurt by his words.

She turned to Alex, as her features morphed into that of an anger, "It was your fault, you did this all! "

She said as her tears now flowed out, Alex knew she was doing this because she now needed someone to blame onto and from one angle he was really at fault too.

Her mind was now total mess, she will understand some things even if not everything, once she is fine.

"I am sorry Grace, it was my fault, I couldn't control myself, " said Alex his voice dripping with guilt.

"Please don't cry, it hurts me when I see you like this", he gently took Grace in his embrace and didn't let her go even when she flailed a little.

Grace then soon stopped as she pushed her head on Alex's chest, while hitting him with her small hands, " Yes, it was all your fault. "

She kept crying as time passed, while Alex slowly and gently caressed her long hair.

Soon he felt Grace in his embrace had stopped sobbing, she now let go of him quickly and moved away, and took the blanket to cover herself.

The gravity of words she had said to Alex now sinking in, she was afraid that he will be angry, "A-Alex I didn't mean... "

"It doesn't matter Grace, you said what you felt at that time" said Alex cutting her off, even though his voice was plain there was sadness in it and his love for her.

"I know you were devastated hearing Nathan saying all that, as I also understand how it feels when someone you love despises you" he said.

"Let's go, staying here alone is not safe for you, you can take Angela's room there. " said Alex, now leaving.

Grace followed behind, as she didn't want, for the previous scene to repeat itself, and she now felt that Alex wasn't a bad person even if he showed such a front.

Both of them, entered in Angela's room, "Take a seat on the bed, I will get something for you to eat, there is a wardrobe on your right"

"Umm" Grace just nodded, she really needed something to cover herself.

Done saying Alex took out some food from the kitchen, and got back in the room once he felt Grace was done wearing her clothes.

Right now, Grace was once again wearing, a gown, but this one only went upto her knees and was clinging to her curves nicely, showcasing them proudly.

Seeing Alex's gaze on her body which Alex didn't hide, Grace was a little embarrassed, so she decided to say something but Alex beat her to this once again.

"You look nice in this Grace, it's waste for you to hide your body" "Here take a bite " saying so Alex gave Grace a plate and told her to use this room as she needs.

Then he was just about to leave, when Grace asked, "Alex, where are you going? "

"I was leaving because I thought I am making you feel uncomfortable"

"N-No... just stay for a while...someone might come here" said Grace.

'Is she seducing me?... No, she has already been brainwashed, seems she is really afraid' Alex thought.

"You don't need to say this, I will always be with you" said Alex as he held Grace's hand in his.

Grace blushed feeling Alex's warm hand, as it reminded her of the passionate kiss they shared.

She didn't know what came over her, and she initiated that kiss, she now was feeling awful for Nathan, who might have misunderstood things.

From then, Alex and Grace talked a lot, they shared many things about each other, laughed at each other's jokes, Alex made Grace completely comfortable with himself.

"Grace, you know that kiss with you was really great, shame we had to stop mid way" said Alex after some good talk.

"Uwu don't tease this old women Alex, I didn't have any good experience with kisses" Grace replied with a small smile, they were now comfortable enough, that she didn't get offended with such a thing.

"Then may be it was good, because I was doing it with you" said Alex contemplating.

"You must have had lots of kisses, don't you kiss your other women? " asked Grace.

"I do, but yours was different, I felt like my lips were melting into yours, it was too good to describe" said Alex, decreasing already short distance between him and Grace.

"W-Wait we can't do that, I can't betray Nathan anymore" She said, now she was panicking, even though she liked that kiss, but she didn't want to do it again.

"It's fine, he must be having sex with that other women, while he left you all alone "

"N-No... " Grace couldn't deny Alex.

"They must be kissing and doing all of those things, while you wallow in these self hurting feelings, which are just loaded on you, by brainwashing you" said Alex, as he looked at Grace who once again turned sad.

"I know... these feelings aren't mine, but I feel obligated to be with Nathan as his mother"

"Even if he doesn't want you? "

"He loves me too!"

"If he did, then he would have protected you, only you love him Grace, and as a mother you have already fulfilled your obligation by raising him, you don't need to spend your whole life as his sex slave" said Alex explaining things.

"But... " Grace started hesitantly, the face of her son appeared once again in front of her, she teared up, "I don't know anymore, just...just make me forget all of this Alex" she said.

"These artificial feelings are yours to fight against, but I will give you new feelings to hold onto... my love" said Alex, his face a mask of gentleness, as he moved his face towards Grace's.

Their lips once again touched each other's, soft kiss soon turned into a passionate one, as Grace fought against her inner turmoil, she unloaded all her frustrating feelings in this kiss.

Feeling Grace going rough, Alex got onto taming her cute tongue with his own, their tongues entwined as they both drank each other's saliva, tasting their passion.

Grace felt like she was getting intoxicated, as she lost herself in the kiss completely.

This time Alex's hands weren't tame as they now reached inside Grace's gown, feeling her skin directly.

Grace felt Alex fondling her breasts, this act of his brought a disgust to her, but it was soon drowned by the taste she was feeling from her tongue and the sensual sensation from her breasts.

Alex fondled Grace's breasts using all of his experience with women, to give her ultimate pleasure that anyone could ever.

He then quickly threw away his clothes and removed Grace's gown as well, without giving her a chance to retaliate.

Alex knew if he stopped his assaults even for a moment, Grace would stop him from going further as her feelings will overpower her.

Once they were both naked, Alex pressed Grace's body against his, feeling all of her shapely body on his, her soft skin rubbing his.

His hands then reached towards her huge ass, and started groping those buttocks, while he never once stopped his kisses.

But soon he was already feeling that Grace trying to get away from him, so he decided to take this to a next step.

He stopped kissing her for a second and pointed his dick towards her sacred garden, and then reaching towards her depth all at once.

Feeling Alex dick inside her pussy, Grace panicked, "Stop this Alex, I don't..." but then her words were drowned by moan of her own.

"Don't worry Grace, I won't do anything that will harm you" said Alex, his tone full of reassurance.

"Alex, please stop, don't do this" she pleaded to Alex who had now started pistoning inside her.

But Alex only pulled her even closer on his lap, making his dick go even deeper inside Grace and started kissing her once again, stopping her further verbal resistance.

Grace tried to stop Alex, but she couldn't as soon lust overwhelmed her, she started softly moaning, her vaginal walls also contracted around Alex's dick tightly, the sex she was having was much better than any other she ever had, her husband and son couldn't even hold a candle against Alex's might.

'Damn it, she is as tight as mom and Angela'

Feeling the pleasure building up inside him, Alex started ramming even hardly, and also started chewing one of Grace's nipples while fondling other breast with his hand.

His other hand on his way towards her anus, in which he pushed one of his fingers first and then two and started railing her pussy and asshole at the same time.

Feeling the plethora of pleasure from all of her sensitive spots, Grace couldn't hold on anymore, she gave out a loud moan and collapsed on Alex, her pussy juice gushing out rapidly.

Feeling Grace's walls suddenly tightening Alex also had an urge to climax but he controlled himself and pulled out his dick from inside her.

He then turned Grace on her stomach, her huge breasts spilling out from her sides, while her huge towering ass pointed towards Alex.

He didn't wait too much, as Grace will soon be out of the aftermath of climax, so he directly spread her asscheeks, bringing her anus in his sight.

He quickly brought a lubricant from shop and used it to cover Grace's anal entrance while his dick was automatically lubricated by Grace's natural nectar.

He then expanded Grace's anus with his fingers, and then pushed his dick slowly inside her.

Feeling something going inside her asshole, Grace was surprised, but she didn't have any strength to mount a resistance, so she just fell there as her anal virginity which should have gone to Nathan, was taken away by Alex.

Falling on Grace's back, Alex brought his mouth towards her ear and said, "Now you're totally mine Grace, even if you find yourself all alone, I will always be there besides you"

saying this he started increasing his thrusting inside Grace's rectum, her anus was even tighter than her pussy.

Grace felt something cracking inside her mind, as she heard Alex's sweet words, but next minute she started moaning loudly, while feeling Alex's dick expanding and contracting her anal canal.

Alex also was hardly controlling himself as he felt his climax coming, so he dwelled all the way to the ends of Grace's anus and started shooting his semen inside.

Grace feeling something hot going inside her, felt warm and she also started cumming, her empty pussy made way for her juices.

From then on Alex railed Grace's anus again and again, filling her stomach so many times that now he had lost counts, while Grace had cummed unnumberth times.

Then once he felt Grace going limp in his hands he stopped fucking her and positioned her on a pillow, while sleeping besides her.

Soon he smirked, as he felt Grace's hands around his chest as she slept on his hand, feeling warm and safe.

'What an idiot, to leave his hot and sexy mother all alone with me, obviously I will have a taste of her'

Alex had actually gotten message from his women, that Nathan had came looking for his mother, while Alex was busy fucking her.

'After seeing Grace still on his women's list, he must have understood that nothing happened between her and me and must have came looking for her. '

'Obviously I will return your mother to you Nathan, otherwise how will I have my fun with you two, hahaha' thinking so Alex laughed in his mind.

Then he told his women to tell Nathan that Grace is in Angela's room, of course after some time.

Because he needs to have some lovey-dovey time with this mature mother after all.