Stage 3

A week went like that...

Alex spent this week having fun with his mother and all other women in his harem.

And now today was the day of Stage 3, every remaining player and their women were summoned in the main hall.

Alex also was there with his huge harem of beauties, sitting on his seat as these women tried to please him in every way possible.

In last few days, Alex had spent quite a nice time with everyone, talking about their past and everything.

So right now these women were acting very free and lovey-dovey with him, trying to bring his attention to them with their beauty and sweet voice.

On Alex's lap was seating Alia, a petite milf, who took this place as her granted, Alex patted her head while she snuggled inside his chest.

Alex spoiled his princess, but not forgetting about his other women, to whom he talked amicably with love and affection.

Other players were feeling very jealous, seeing Alex's big harem. Many of them now already had sex with their partners and some of them even had more than one women.

Soon the sound in hall stopped as Athena materialized on the stage, her action of killing a player just with a flick of a finger was etched in everyone's mind.

Every boy tried to avert their eyes from her sexy smoking hot body, as Athena right now was wearing a long one piece gown with a long slit on one side, that went upto her upper thighs, while on upper side there was a beautiful glimpse of her enticing clevage.

"Nice to meet you all again, players. Seems in last round your numbers dwindled quite a bit, which will I am sure decrease even more in this one, " Athena said with a soft laugh, her gentle black hair strands moved as she laughed.

But instead of being mesmerized by Athena, hearing that this round will cause many eliminations, everyone felt their hearts pounding with the unknown.

"This Stage 3 will happen in a simulated world, where each Player has to send one of their women for competition, " said Athena as a big map appeared in front of everyone, it was square with red marks at different places and a blue mark at center.

"This is the map of simulation, I talked about. Every women will be sent to this blue mark, while their goal will be to reach at these red points, marked in five different directions. "

"At this red point place there are fifty teleportation containers, which will take everyone back to this main hall, same with other five places, " said Athena pointing at one of the red dot amongst five.

"But amongst these 50 teleportation containers one is a rule container, only the Player who's women uses this container will be declared winner, while the women of other players will be declared defeated, while their women will belong to the winner, the one who used the rule container nearest to them, those Players without any women will be removed from the Game, that means if a Player has more than one women, he won't be removed from the Game even if they lost this Stage. "

"A container used once will not open again of course and those who don't teleport will randomly become the women of one of the five winners after a set interval of time is over. "

"During this Stage Players will have access to a map and their vision inside the simulation will include a circle of diameter of 10 metre around their women or what their women can see, Players can help their women by using cards that they will be randomly allocated at every 10 minutes, for example food, clothes and medicines will be inside the card. "

"Stage 3 will start in 8 hours, so every Player should decide who will represent them in simulation, after 8 hours all players will be teleported to the seclude place of their own, from where they will have to decide which women to send inside simulation to compete, so that's all anyone has any questions? "

Ended Athena her speech as everyone started looking through the information that was now inside their head automatically somehow.

"Will all abilities of women chosen can be used in this simulation? " asked Alex.

"Yes, their abilities will not be taken away neither they will get any extra abilities, " answered Athena with a smile, as she looked at Alia on Alex's lap.

"I see, thank you beautiful, " thanked Alex, to which Athena slightly giggled.

"Seems no one has anymore questions, " saying so Athena disappeared.

Everyone in the hall also went back to their rooms, as Alex also signalled Carla and her son Albert to follow him to his room.

Once back in his room, Alex took his seat on his throne as all of his women, including his slaves sat in front of him.

"For this Stage 3, Alia will represent me, as she has already awakened herself and is stronger than everyone here with her magical abilities as well her physical abilities are also above average after the training that she went through in last few days, " said Alex.

To his words Alia rejoiced, while all of his women seemed disappointed as they also wished to help the man they loved, but they also knew that Alia was the best choice.

"As for Albert, your mother Carla will represent you", said Alex to Albert who felt relieved that Alex wasn't kicking him out of here.

" Don't be relieved, I will make Carla my women after this Stage, but I promise that you will not be abandoned after the Game, so for that we will both aim for a single red spot. "

"Alia will defend the rule container, while Carla will force other women to normal containers, and together chances of us reaching to the red spot will be more, we will share our cards so that it will be easier for us to win. "

Hearing Alex everyone nodded, Albert even though didn't want to stay away from his mother nodded as he had already given up on everything and will now follow his mother's orders like he always did.

Once done saying everything important Alex kicked Albert out of his domain, and as soon as he did so he ordered every one of his bitches to strip.

As he started speaking to now naked Carla and Alia who took their seats near Alex, their beautiful bodies bare for Alex to admire.

"I guess now I'm comfortable, so I will be clear with both of you, I want you both safe and sound with me after this Stage, you will have to protect each other at any cost possible, as nothing about fatality was mentioned but I still think the worst isn't the death, so be careful. "

Both Carla and Alia's heart swelled with love and pride as they felt the concern that Alex had for them, they both looked at each other and promised to look out for each other like real sisters.

"Now that this is done, let me have fun with your sexy bodies, " said Alex licking his lips lasciviously, to which everyone of his women's eyes turned lustful including his mother who was seated right beside him.

Alex held her chin and gave her a light kiss, as next moment Angela on his other side pressed her mature body to his.

Alex also gave her a light kiss, turning his face to her, his hands creeped upon both of their asses, as he gave those masses of flesh a tight squeeze.

"Ah~" Alice moaned softly and started kissing her son's divine body starting from his face.

Moving her tongue along Alex's rock hard abs Alice reached towards Alex's impressive cock, giving its tip a small lick, as she then looked behind her.

"Come here my daughters, " she beckoned to Carla and Alia who were already slightly wet looking at Alex's incestuous act of kissing his mother and then fondling both of hers and Angela's butt.

They both crawled towards Alex's legs, taking their place beside Alice, Carla who had a little experience with blowjob didn't think much and went down on Alex's cock with her mother-in-law.

Alia was confused but then she remembered how Alex had licked her private part, her face turned red as she remembered and she also started licking Alex's rod.

All three mature women co-ordinated with each other, as they cleaned every corner of Alex's divine cock with their tongues.

Then as their mother-in-law, Alice took her lead in taking Alex's dick inside her mouth while Alia and Carla moved towards Alex's balls.

Alex who was kissing Angela, felt his three women giving him a blowjob, his mother already knew many of his weak spots and she was now teaching those things to her daughter-in-laws.

Alex felt his own climax building up because of three nymphs below him, while the fourth one drank his saliva like it was some drug.

Soon, Alex felt himself almost at the edge of release, as he felt his mother's throat contract and massage around his penis.

He then held her head with his hands and poured all of his semen inside her mouth, which she gulped down happily.

His mother's face looked sexy as she licked the remaining cum from her lips, Alex couldn't hold on any longer as he pushed her on the ground.

Breaking his kiss with Angela, he focused on the pussy that gave birth to him, hitting inside her moist slit to the end.

Of course he didn't forget about his other women as he now pulled Alia's petite body in his arms kissing her beautiful breasts, while Angela took Carla's place and started licking Alex's balls.

Alex then took turns kissing both Alia and Carla as they also took turns in tasting his body.

Soon pleasure engulfed Alice, as she cummed from her son ramming inside her womb.

Done with Alice, Alex next pushed his cock inside Angela, this time making her scream and moan his name loudly, as his dick messed her inside out.

Soon, she also fell under Alex's cock, which then moved to Carla's pussy, but in the end he only creampied her asspussy, making it leak from his essence.

Alia now feeling jealous looked at her fallen comrades, and forced Alex to fuck her too, but she also soon fainted with pleasure, as even though her physical stamina had increased, her mind couldn't take the pleasure that Alex gave her.

Alex didn't stop his thrusting even when his aunt fainted, he kept fucking her while holding her body in his hands until he had filled her up, Alia also cummed buckets while unconscious.

Once done, Alex now looked at his remaining women, who subconsciously aware of their status didn't join the orgy of Alex's close women.

Alex smiled as he looked at all of these naked beauties, who will die for him if he wanted to and chose his big sister Serra as his partner.

He then ordered all of the remaining women to join him, to which they happily complied, latching onto Alex's body from everywhere, trying to taste and feel the body of the man they loved to death.

Alex also didn't disappoint them and fucked each and everyone, not forgetting to fill up their pussies with his own white sperm.

This orgy continued for hours at the end only Alex was standing, while all other women completely naked were sprawled around him, their bodies twitching and squirming in aftermath of unforgettable sex they experienced, while their bodies bearing the marks of rough sex they went through.

Alex then slowly picked up both Alia and Carla, h then took them to another room and waited for them to wake up as he decided which outfits they will wear in the Stage 3.

Once Alia and Carla were both awake he forced them to wear these clothes, which they did, of course not forgetting to give Alex one last glance at their naked charming figures.

Soon both women walked out of dressing room in their new clothes, Alia was literally skipping her steps as she arrived in front of Alex, show-offing her new dress as she twirled around.

Carla also stood before Alex, but little calmer than Alia, "How do i look Alex? " she asked blushing.

"It's perfect!" Alex said as he took in the figures of these beautiful women.

Alia was wearing a white blouse which covered her shoulders and neck, but left the area above her clevage open with a small slit just above her nipples, the top went upto her stomach.

Below the top she was wearing a long greyish black skirt with many pockets that went upto her ankle on one leg while, her other leg was completely exposed through the slit in her skirt. Below her skirt she was wearing long dark shoes which went above her ankles, basically she right now looked like a sexy heavily armed combat agent.

As for Carla, she was wearing long leather shoes same as Alia, while above she had long black stockings that went just above her knees, attached to her garter belt.

She was wearing jeans shorts which only covered her huge buttocks, leaving her thick thighs exposed while her spilling upper mounds were under sexy black ribboned mini top, which left most of her clevage open while her abs and cute belly button weren't covered with anything, she looked sexy and hot with her scar and eyepatch, which gave her an intimidating feeling.

Alex had chosen these outfits for his women, considering their comfort as well as his eye-comfort and with results he was quite pleased.

And to show it outside, he pulled Alia and Carla in his embrace, sneaking up his hand through Alia's skirt's slit reaching to her petite ass and directly through Carla's shorts to her massive butt, he fondled them both while giving them each a passionate kiss of appreciation.

No weapons were allowed in this Stage, and Alex understood that such things will be made available from random cards, so now as everything was ready he just waited for Stage 3 to start while flirting with his two milf girlfriends.