Sasha Raymond

Soon, the time came and Alex alone was teleported to a dark room, which had only one comfortable seat.

Without thinking much Alex took his seat, and a large projection appeared before him, as it asked for his women's name.

[ Please think about the women, you wish to choose and then choose 'Yes' ]

He did so and then a magnificent set up appeared before him with 5 screens, he could adjust them as he wanted.

On one screen he saw Alia, who was his partner in this Stage, one of the screens showed her position at a blue dot, with star shaped marking.

Other women were also coming in one after another, their position was marked by a small green circle.

He could see everything Alia was seeing, and then Alia tried talking to him.

"Alex, can you see me, how do I look from there? " she asked.

"As always, you look beautiful and ravishing my little princess", replied Alex as he checked the 4th screen which was showing a timer for 10 minutes.

" Hehehe I know, I love you Alex"

"Me too Alia, now focus on your surrounding", Alex said to which Alia looked around.

On 5th screen Alex could see her surroundings but seeing from her view was better.

[ The Stage will start in 10 minutes when you all will get your first card, Good luck! ]

A mechanical voice said.

Alia looked around and Alex looked at other women through her, right now slightly more than thirty Players were in the Game, so number of women was as he thought, the place they all were in looked like a clearing inside a thick forest.

His gaze soon fell on a women with the striking foreign beauty, she was the eastern milf who Alex thought was interesting.

Arisu Takahashi was wearing a pink kimono with loose sleeves, it went upto her upper thighs and had a red ribbon at her small waist which accentuated her tempting curves.

Her deep clevage was slightly visible from her dress. Below she was wearing light pinkish stockings that went just above her knees. Arisu looked like a etheral beauty as her milky white skin complimented her dress while her impressive curves were unhindered even though they were behind the confines of her beautiful kimono.

Just as Alex was looking at Arisu, he noticed Carla who was coming upto Alia, both of his women hugged each other lightly showing their close relationship to everyone present there.

Soon, like this 10 minutes were over and Alex got his first card, it was a Poison Nullification Card, while Albert got a Agility Boosting Card, which could boost one's speed for specific time.

"Alia, tell Carla to assault Arisu, " said Alex to Alia, who conveyed his message to Carla.

Carla thought for a moment as she looked at Arisu who was ready to leave in another direction, and ran towards her with an intention of harm.

Arisu who felt Carla coming, looked back and was slightly panicked, but still did her best to avoid Carla.

"What do you want!? " she asked loudly, to which Carla's answer was a kick aimed at Arisu's abdomen, which connected perfectly and Arisu's medium built figure was sent flying.

But she soon took her ground, as she looked at Carla with her narrowed eyes, seeing that violence was unavoidable, she summoned a katana.

'Perhaps she got that from her card' Alex thought.

Arisu jumped at Carla with her Katana aimed at her opponent's vitals, she was going for a kill.

Carla wasn't afraid for a moment as she saw a weapon in Arisu's hand, she just calmly dodged to the side, trying to punch back at Arisu, who deflected Carla's hand by the back of her Katana's hilt.

Just from some moves taken, both women understood that the one they were facing was a seasoned warrior.

Arisu who was already cautious, tried to aim at Carla using the long range benefit she had due to her weapon.

But even though Carla was huge, she was as nimble as an eel, and attacked Arisu from her blind spots, while dodging deadly strikes of her Katana.

Both women exchanged moves for few more moments and stopped as none of them could come out on top for now.

"You would have been a dead meat without that toy of yours," said Carla her eye emitting a predatory gaze, while her black eyepatch only showed the glint of threat.

"If we continue this for few more minutes, I will make sure you're a dead meat, " replied Arisu her tone was plain but laced with confidence, as she sheathed her Katana which disappeared soon after.

She then turned around and went in a direction of one of the red spots, Carla snorted and left in a direction opposite to Arisu.

Remaining women who saw the fight between these two women, were terrified and chose to not follow any one of them.

Alia also left in some random direction, along with others.

This was actually a plan which Alex made to increase the number of women going toward the red spot he chooses and it worked.

Carla will regroup with Alia after changing her route after travelling for one day in the direction she was moving.

On other hand, Alex once again looked at timer which was showing 59 minutes, that means next card will be available in one hour.

Alex from then on kept his eyes on Alia's screen, making sure that she won't get ambushed or anything.

Like this hours went away, Alia who had transversed quite a distance took a stop to rest her body as Alex said.

Alex had gotten few more cards among which was a Invisibility Card which could make one invisible for 10 minutes, and a Food Packet Card, other cards were similar and not that important.

Alia took some rest and once again started travelling. Amongst these majestic trees, she would have been really terrified if she was alone, but everything was fine as she felt her Alex was with her, and this wasn't even half as scary as the darkness she once faced.

The terrain she was going through was completely covered with trees and bushes as if never once had any person walked through here.

That's why Alia had to take many detours around huge trees that had stems even bigger than a normal SUV length.

Alex also told her to stay away from some places which might hold threats like wild animals or poisonous trees.

Alia hadn't yet seen any big wild animals, there weren't that much insects like mosquitoes either.

Like this in travelling a day went away, As per map Alia had crossed nearly 1/4th of the path.

Alex hadn't gotten any tent or sleeping bags through cards, so Alia would have to sleep on one of these trees, Alex chose one for her, which had higher ground and was safe.

With Alia's developed physique it wasn't hard to climb a tree, once she was done she had a dinner while having a sweet talk with Alex.

During day even though she wanted to talk with Alex, he told her not to and to focus on her surrounding and only talked to her for important things.

"Alex, I want a hug, " she now started acting spoiled.

"owo my baby, come here I will give you a hug, " Alex wasn't into these things but for childish Alia he had to, he can't have her rolling down things because she didn't get a hug.

"Hehehe my Alex, so sweet, just like this... "

"Shuu... there is someone listening to us" Alex interrupted her in a serious tone.

"Who's there, come out! " Alia also turned serious, she wore her leather gloves and looked around, even though her mental age was low, she seemed to be able to act like adult when needed... Most likely due to having instincts of her previous self.

"I'm not here for harm, I just wish for a peaceful conversation, "

A women in a whole black appeared, her face was covered by a mask and same color as the suit that covered every inch of her body except her dark eyes and dark hair.

"To not even show your face, you sure are leaking peace there, " Alex didn't know, from where Alia learnt that, but the main thing was even he hadn't seen such a women at the blue spot.

Even though she had herself all covered, her curvy body couldn't be hidden because of that tight suit that clinged to every part, and no doubt she was a beautiful women.

'She must have hidden herself quite well'.

The women removed her veil, and behind it was a beautiful and stern face, which showed no emotions.

Alex used his skill 'Eyes of Truth'.

[ Status

( Sasha Raymond )

• Grade : B

• Age : 29 years

• Affinity : Unawakened

• Description : 7th concubine of Ross Raymond, head of the Raymond family at the same time Protector and Stepmother of Ryan Raymond, the son of the most beloved wife of Ross. She is an assassin trained by Raymond family, but after death of Ryan's mother, Ross assigned her as Ryan's Protector, and soon after married her as his concubine, Ryan also accepted her as his mother.

Sasha is a fierce and talented assassin who won't bat an eye before killing someone ]

"That's Shasha Raymond, the 7th concubine of Ross Raymond the current head of Raymond family, her history is unclear and as per public info she is hailed from a commoner family, but she is in fact an assassin ," said Alex in one breath, he wasn't that surprised, but he didn't know why she was here.

"What grace I have to be blessed by your presence I wonder. Please enlighten me, lady Sasha of house Raymond, " said Alia, gracefully jumping down from the tree, but keeping her guard up.

"I'm not here for pleasantries, I wish to join Alex Garcia, if he vows to give me the freedom that I desire, as per which he won't touch me but will welcome me as his women," she said.

"Why will he? I don't see any benefits from you, except that body of yours which I am sure my husband will love, " Way to go Alia! I said in my mind as I vowed to give a nice hot creampie to my princess once she returned.

"I can help him have a control over Raymond Family once out of here, " said Sasha.

Alia now waited for my decision, and said as I told her, "How will we believe you, for all I know you will betray us next moment I take my eyes off you, "

"I have this Contract Card, this will clear your doubts, " said Sasha, as she took out a card from inside her bosom, which for a moment showed the glimpse of her tempting clevage.

"Kill her, she's lying, " said Alex calmly, to which Alia obeyed in a second with a sharp harpoon made of water, that was aimed at Sasha.

"What!? " These were her last words, as Sasha disappeared the next moment she was hit by harpoon straight into her chest.

[ You have killed a Player's women, she will respawn at Blue Spot, all of that Player's cards will be sent to you ]

A message appeared, along with quite a few cards, among them was an Illusion Card, that Sasha was using on Alia to distract her senses.

"She was using a Illusion Card, may be she already tried killing other women and wanted to try her luck on us, anyway Good work Alia! " praised Alex.

"Humph! I didn't like that bitch anyway, but I want reward when I'm back", said Alia smiling.

" Of course, " assured Alex, then Alia took her well deserved rest at the tree top, while Alex kept guard, so that no one will sneak upto her.