Orc Chieftess - Argol

"Hey Alia, wake up... " after few hours Alex urged Alia to come out from her dream realm.

For all the time she was sleeping, she was drooling like a kid, as she murmured Alex's name here and there.

From her cute smiling expression and slight moaning Alex could already guess what this pervert was dreaming about.

"Alex~not anymore~it's still sore there~" Alia murmured in her sleep.

"... "

"Alia!! Wake up!!! " Alia then heard Alex's loud voice and woke up panicking.

She was almost about to fall from the tree, but balanced herself, next moment pouting, "Meanie Alex! I will bite you to death once I'm back!"

"Yeah, yeah now get on your way, you don't need to wash there or anything as it's a simulation, " said Alex.

"Argh, okay let me get ready, " Alex then saw Alia pulling out a hand mirror and a make-up-set(?) huh! .

'What!? where did she hide so many things on her body?'

"No! wait! that make-up-set was allowed in simulation!? "

"My Alex, Dummy Alex for a women this is a necessity, " she said not taking her eyes off hand mirror.

"... " " You just woke up three days ago! how do you even know that!?"

"Don't ask me...I'm done...how do I look? " Alia then with a shy expression made a cute pose.

"Damn, you're cute... now get running! " he said.

Hearing Alex's compliment Alia giggled and then got on her way.

"Don't attack anyone first, we need to capture as many women as possible, " said Alex to which Alia nodded.

The forest was huge, but still during that day Alia came across two women, to whom she tried to amicably connect, but they ignored her, of course because of Alex's history.

Alia not thinking much was on her way, soon it was evening and Alia had crossed almost half of the path necessary.

At the evening she came across a wide river, not seeing any way to cross it, and as sun was diving down, with Alex's permission she settled at the top of tree once more.

Actually that day, Alex had gotten a Sleeping Bag Card but he decided not to use it, as in time of emergency situations it will be hard to react quickly because of it.

Soon Alia's breathing eased as she fell asleep and moon reached high in the sky, that's when right at midnight, a notification appeared before Alex.

[ Special Event : Tribes of different Races led by their Chieftess will arrive from the world beyond yours, conquer these women for Special Rewards ]

'Huh? A special event... Tribes of different races... what will their goal shall be?... It says to conquer these Chieftesses... Conquer in what sense? '

Alex had all these questions, but decided to think about them as he gets clues.

He didn't disturb Alia, because he now felt that this trip won't end in just four days, that's why it is necessary for her to be in her optimal conditions.

Alex kept watch again that night, waking up Alia when it was still dark, Alia once again like a kid refused to yield her sleep.

She fought back saying some nonsense like human rights, but in the end had to pack her things and start walking once again.

Now as Alia had to cross the river, she travelled upside to the flow, looking for a shallow place or a bridge.

Soon sun came up and Alia had to take a rest once again, even though she was physically strong, but handling mental fatigue from journey was hard for her.

For that Alex had to give Alia a lip service here and there, to which she will get motivated once again like a child.

Because of river Alia didn't have any problem for water, but food was an issue as Alex had very limited stockpile.

To solve this problem Alex had told Alia to collect fruits during journey, Alex with his knowledge could distinguish between poisonous and edible fruits, but still preferred Food Cards.

Clothes were not that big of a deal, as somehow Alia's clothes would not get dirty even if she jumped in mud, same with her body.

Soon as Alia was walking along the river shore, she came upon a small pond of water, she was overjoyed and Alex really wondered why...

But soon he understood, as Alia removed all of her clothes and dived inside water, with hot environment she felt refreshed as cold gentle water touched her skin.

Alex even though didn't like an idea of wasting time, could do nothing as Alia once more gave him a reason of beauty bath.

Seeing her beautiful bare body in front of him Alex wanted to take her, but he now was stuck here and grudgingly decided to punish Alia later for being such a tease.

Alia also seemed to understand Alex's condition for which she tried her best to give him a most sexy view of her body as possible.

"Damn... I want my pure little Alia back... " murmured Alex.

"Hehehe I'm yours anyway, just wait a little bit more and I will give you a surprise, " smiled Alia softly.

"You little succubus, I won't let you sleep for a moment when I get you in my hands" Alex laughed.

"Humph, just you wait I will suck you dry, when I'm there, " said Alia puffing up her chest.

"Haha we will see, if you can last at least until second round, " said Alex laughing.

"Meanie! just you wait! " Alia blushed deep red.

"Okay, Okay, " laughed Alex as he let Alia relax.

There were also fishes in the pond which came to play with Alia, most likely her high water affinity attracted these small creatures.

This was good as plan for Alia's dinner was ready...

But it was damned to fail, as Alex and Alia both heard a soft sound of someone stepping on grass.

Soon three humanoid figures came out of it, they had big build, green hair and long ears, they had axes in their hands and looked fierce.

"They are orcs, most sexually frustrated race, let them come in your range and kill them, their horde must be nearby, " Alex said to Alia.

Water was Alia's domain and as soon as these green creatures were near water, they turned into a meat paste.

"Wear your clothes we need to get away from there, " said Alex urgently to which Alia followed quickly.

But as soon as she got a little far from the pond she saw another group of Orcs, this was a rather bigger group than before, so Alex told Alia to change her course.

But same thing happened on another directions, these Orcs had surrounded this area completely.

"Damn, we are in trouble, get back to the pond, most likely they have noticed you already, " said Alex, he now knew that there was no other option than direct confrontation.

He wanted to avoid it but he had no choice now, but still he was confident in Alia's victory, basically she was like a mid-level boss in beginner's area, so he can't imagine her loosing.

Once back to pond, there were already some Orcs there, perhaps they were trying to set up a camp nearby.

Alia killed them all and took her position inside the pond, water parted for her and a platform got created as if she was Godess of Water herself.

Alia then created a firm shield all around pond, claiming it as her own domain, because of presence of water, in using her abilities she wasn't exhausted at all.

This all of course wasn't unnoticed by these Orcs, who now started gathering besides the shield.

None of them moved to attack as Alia evaporated anyone that tried.

May be they were trying to exhaust Alia with this silent standoff but they were in for big disappointment on that road.

Still Alex needed Alia to get out of here as quick as fuck, just as he was thinking about this all a tide of Orcs moved aside.

They were making a way for their Chieftess, the strongest warrior amongst them, the one who they followed, everyone lowered their necks as they saw their Chieftess in front of them.

Unlike all of Orcs who looked fierce and hideous this female Orc looked not only fierce but she also had some unique charm to herself.

Her build was slightly smaller than other Orcs, but still she was more than two metre in height, her skin was green and her ears were long, her body was packed with rock hard muscles everywhere.

She had purplish-brown hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a metal armor that only covered small part of her huge breasts and shoulder, rock hard abs on her stomach weren't covered at all, while she had a metal guards around her waist to which a loincloth that went upto her feet was attached.

Her lower canines were sharp and slightly protruded out of her mouth, but that didn't lower her charm at all, as her face looked still as mesmerizing as ever with those dark purple eyes, which were filled with menace and chaos, the same aura leaked out of large two handed halberd she had on her back, it was almost as tall as this Chieftess herself.

She came before the shield and held her halberd in her hands, pointing at Alia she said in Orcish, "Kri-Krisur tor nak"

"What is she saying Alex?" asked Alia.

"That's the challenge for fight from one Chief to another, " explained Alex, he knew Orcish, as most languages of humanoid races weren't that hard to learn.

But just as he explained a notification appeared in front of him.

[ Orc Chieftess Argol challenged you to a fight

Accept / Decline ]

Alex pressed Accept unhesitatingly.

Next moment he was teleported inside the simulation besides Alia.

"Alex! " Alia who was pleasantly surprised seeing Alex jumped in his embrace right away.

Alex patted her head slightly and then turned towards Orc Chieftess Argol.

"Nalkra liwo jiak ek par kao lat " said Alex asking what will he get on winning.

Chieftess seemed surprised seeing a human talking in her own mother language, and understood that Alex was the chief of the strong female before her.

"Lat liwo kri-krisur " Argol replied, saying the one who wins will be other's chief, basically the looser will become a slave of victor.

"Gee" Alex gave an affirmative reply and jumped out off barrier, near voluptuous Orc Chieftess "Lat liwo shok" he said softly to Argol, to which she just snorted.

'Hehehe you will be slave to my dick soon, even if you are some mighty warrior' thought Alex.

[ Status

( Argol )

• Grade : A

• Age : 14 Years

• Affinity : Strength

• Description : Chieftess of Prikdarok tribe, she took reign of tribe at the age of 8 after killing her father in a duel, after that she led Orcs to victory after victory and still upto now is undefeated.

She came in this Game, to alleviate her tribe's status, through winning duels against human Chiefs. ]

This was Argol's status, Alex wasn't surprised seeing this towering women was actually younger than him.

It was normal for Orcs and Goblins to mature earlier, as there reproductive capabilities and early maturity was the reason they were thriving.

But still he had to admit that Argol was genius even amongst her race, as defeating a full grown adult Orc is not a small deal.

As Alex was thinking Argol led him to a clearing which was in between the tents arranged. Lots of Orcs started gathering around there seeing Alex and Argol on the stage.

Alia also had followed Alex, she was afraid of these Orcs, but she wanted to be there for Alex if something went wrong.

Argol, the Orc Chieftess seeing that Alex had no weapon offered him one before duel started, but Alex declined her offer.

He had his own inventory after all...