
On the ground... 

Theon looked up in the sky, there he was... 

The man who single handedly destroyed the whole offense of Demons. 

He clenced his fists while looking up at Alex who stood in the air casually while thousands of demons died with each breath of time. 

He then looked at Rachel beside him, who was looking at Alex with fanatic twinkle in her eyes. 

There were in total 7 members in Hero's party including Rachel. 

Theon was the only male among them. He had joined Rachel along with his girlfriend Clara about a year ago. 

He was feeling jealous of Alex, as even his own girlfriend Clara looked at him with admiration. 

"Wow! Rachel! Your brother is so handsome! And super strong! " Said the Ranger in their Party. She had big sister like aura. 

The graceful healer from the 'Salvation' followed, " He truly is powerful as expected of the Go-- Rachel's brother. "

Theon's girlfriend Clara also added, " He's simply awesome! "

"The strongest... " Said their spell caster, a cute girl who spoke the least. 

"Is he single? " Asked their cheerful tank, she was tall and beautiful. 

"No! He's not! Don't even think about him! " Said Rachel, rebuking them all. She was their main damage-dealer and leader. 

Clara quickly giggled, " You are like always. A real bro-con. "

Rachel's face turned red, " Shut up! " She looked away towards her brother who was flying back to her. 

Theon couldn't believe that all beautiful girls in his Party were talking about some other man. 

Even his own girlfriend! 

He had a huge crush on Rachel and he had already started thinking about these girls as his own women. 

"Well, he's not bad... He must have had some lucky encounters, " Said Theon. 

Rachel turned to Theon, her eyes peered into his eyes. 

She became stunned. 

Theon thought that perhaps he was so handsome that Rachel became love-struck? 

But the reality came crashing down, as she suddenly kicked him so strong that he was thrown hundreds of metres away. 

Clara was stunned, seeing her boyfriend being kicked away. 

But next moment Alex descended there, as he quickly hugged Rachel. 

"Big sis! I missed you! " He said. 

Rachel who was now one head smaller than him could only pat his back. 

"Me too, welco---" Before she could complete her words Alex kissed her in front of everyone. 

Rachel's eyes widened, but she subconsciously started responding to his kiss. 

Both of them only stopped after a minute with a strand of saliva connecting their lips. 

Rachel's face now was as red as apple, she hid behind Alex feeling embarrassed. 

Alex also tactfully asked, " You are my sister's friends right? Nice to meet you, myself Alex. "

"You! You are brother and sister right?! " Asked the beautiful ranger in the party. 

"Yeah, " Alex replied. 

"Then that kiss, just now? " Asked the cheerful and tall tank girl. 

"Well, we normally kiss as we are close. I can also kiss you, you know. Why don't we? " Said Alex. 

The tank girl only thought for a moment, as she moved forward, " Then we can be considered close friends with this kiss. "

After saying so, she lightly leaned downwards and kissed Alex in front of everyone, making them all stunned. 

Theon who had now come closer, couldn't believe his eyes. As the cheerful girl who always helped him in the darkest moments was now kissing another man. 

Alex didn't go overboard and ended the kiss in few seconds. 

The tank then went back to her spot with a shy expression, as if feeling embarrassed about her actions. 

He then looked at other girls, " Any of you wanna be friends? "

Before he could even turn around. 

A beautiful figure dashed into his arms. 

"Please bestow upon me your blessings my Lord, " The healer softly whispered without letting anyone hear. 

Alex then softly pulled her chin upwards and gave her a passionate kiss. 

But this time as well he stopped in few seconds, even then healer felt as if she was in heaven. 

Her life long wish which was to see their God, had come true and gone even one step forward. 

She was about to fall unconscious in tears but held herself back and went back to her place with dazed expression. 

Theon was once again shocked. The graceful but seductive healer in their group, who was always calm and mature...she as well was kissed by Alex. He remembered how she had saved him in the direst situation with death inching upon him. 

Alex smiled, he had gotten closer to some of his sister's friends. His work was now done, so he was about to leave. 

But just then, the cute girl with the staff stopped him, she most likely was their spell caster. 

"Wait... If I become your friend... Can you teach me to do that spell you did? " Asked the spell caster. 

Theon was stunned, he wanted to run and kill this bastard now. 

He remembered how once when he was injured so much that he couldn't even walk, their spell caster was the one who carried him to the safety. He had started liking her due to her kind personality since then. 

"I can't... " Theon sighed in relief hearing this from Alex, while cute spell caster girl sighed in disappointment. 

"... Because it depends on you, how much you can learn. But I can teach you the technique, " Alex continued. 

The spell caster girl slowly moved forward, as she as well lightly placed a kiss upon Alex's lips. 

"This is my first kiss... So you better not lie... " She said. 

Alex smiled, " Of course I won't, " He said and patted her head. 

The girl suddenly felt some information entering inside her mind, she quickly went through it. 

Then she bowed to Alex in gratitude, " Thanks... You gave me... Even more techniques... "

Alex nodded with a friendly smiled, " That's because we're friends now. "

The spell caster girl smiled and went back to her place, but she felt the weird emotion budding inside her heart. 

Alex was now really about to leave... 


"Big sis, why don't you kiss Alex as well? " Said the cheerful tank girl who kissed Alex first. 

She was talking to the ranger in their party who seemed to be panicking somehow. 

The healer followed, " I heard that big sis is the best kisser, she even told me about all those different types of kisses. "

Carla also added, " Yeah, she once said about how she made a strong man loose himself just by kissing. "

The ranger now was literally sweating and Alex could feel it. 

The ranger still said, " Yeah, I'm not afraid of it. Why will I be? "

She walked towards Alex slowly with trembling steps. 

Alex didn't force her and brought her into a careful embrace. 

Suddenly Theon who couldn't stay silent anymore said, " Big sis you don't need to. "

The ranger started panicking slightly, but she then heard Alex's gentle voice. 

"Don't worry, I'll take responsibility for you. "

The ranger now stopped trembling, as she looked up at Alex. 

His soft smile made her heart beat faster. She could feel heat clouding her face. 

But just then Alex's lips touched hers, taking away her first kiss. 

Theon was now so helpless, that he couldn't believe it. 

The big sister who always teased him, was now being kissed by the same man who kissed all other women of his. 

Alex let the ranger go, as she went back to her place while trying to hide rhe blush on her face. 

Alex now looked at Carla, the only girl who he hadn't kissed yet. 

"It won't be fair if only you aren't my close friend now, will it? " Said Alex as Carla was pulled into his arms. 

Rachel who just now snapped out of the reverie of being kissed in front of her friend tried to stop Alex. 

But before she could say anything, Carla's first kiss as well was stolen by Alex. 

"No! Carla! " Theon yelled out loudly. 

Carla quickly tried to pull away from Alex, but just then she felt unimaginable pleasure course through her body. 

Her lower region suddenly watered and flooded out, messing her panty completely. 

She lost all strength for resistance and now could only be played by Alex as he wanted. 

Alex as well soon stopped, but only after using his skill to make Carla cum at least 3 times. 

He then let Carla go and turned to Theon. 

Theon was stunned and almost about to cry. 

Carla and he were childhood friends, they had promised to marry each other. 

But until now he hadn't even kissed her yet and now her first kiss was taken away by some bastard. 

"Who is he Rachel? " Asked Alex. 

Rachel completely forgot about Alex kissing her friends, as she explained clearly, " He's Carla's boyfriend and member of my Party. "

"Oh, what position does he have? " Asked Alex. 

Rachel replied, " Side attacker. "

"I see, " Alex said, he then turned to all girls, " So, see you all my close friends. I'll be going with Rachel. "

Alex then carried Rachel and left. 

After Alex left all girls started talking with each other about their kiss with Alex, except Carla. 

"I'm sorry Theon... " She wanted to say but before that Theon ran away. 

In the sky... 

Alex was carrying Rachel in his arms. 

"I'm also attacker, why don't you remove him and give me his place? He's unpleasant," Asked Alex. 

Rachel replied, " I also don't like him brother, I just let him in because of Carla. She is the best thief I have come across. "

Alex nodded, " Don't worry about her. "

"You! How can you kiss me in front of everyone? " Suddenly Rachel asked as if remembering. 

"Sorry for that... Actually, I couldn't control myself... I love you too much big sis... " Said Alex with a guilty expression. 

Then he asked with a downcast tone, " Are you angry? "

How could Rachel now have face to be angry? 

"N-No, I'm not angry. I also love you Alex, I love you with my whole life, " She said while caressing his face. 

Alex soon met up with his mother, who was talking with Eliza. 

Rose was standing a little far from them. 

Seeing Alex they all came near him, but Melissa, Rachel and Eliza were wary of Rose and vice versa. 

Alex smiled, " Mom, I missed you, " He said while going inside his mother's embrace. 

She caressed his head while saying, " Me too, my son. "

Alex then had a small love filled chat with his mother. 

But he then suddenly asked, " Mom, why did you let big sis Rose get bullied? "

Melissa's heart jumped, she could not let Alex know that the sister he loved so much was actually after his own life. 

"I'm sorry son, we were surrounded and I couldn't come back as my Dragons were holding off Demons, " Said Melissa. 

Rose snorted inwardly hearing this. 

Rachel also gave some reason and the matter was closed, with Rose glaring at them in hatred. 

She was getting bullied because she was alone! These bitches! 

She then turned to Alex with a teary voice, " Alex, please save our Master. She has gone inside that Dungeon to kill the Demon Lord. "

"Yeah, I'm leaving along with Rachel's party, " Said Alex to which Rachel as well nodded. 

He then kissed his everyone goodbye and left with Rachel. 

He wanted to spend more time with them, but that can wait for now, his master was in danger.

Rose wanted to come with him, but he told her to rest, she had used up too much of her powers to use her necromancy skills. 

Rachel quickly contacted her party members who came as soon as she called. They weren't called the best party for nothing. 

"We're going to save the Witch of Disaster, my brother will come with us... Where is Theon? " Asked Rachel. 

Carla softly said, " He said he isn't coming... "

Rachel looked at her for a moment and nodded, " Okay. "

Soon, they disappeared using the teleportation scroll, directly appearing in front of the Dungeon Gate. 

It was surrounded by Demons but Alex made quick story of them and entered alongside his party. 

He quickly found out that the Dungeon had 100 levels.

This Dungeon was actually made for Demon King who was resting on 100th level to increase his power. 

If he left the Dungeon, then no one would be able to fight him, as his strength will surpass the World's Boundaries. 

And only the existence called Hero could then kill him while sacrificing her life. 

Alex could not let his sister get hurt, so he needed to kill that Demon King here and now. 

He knew that his Master was on one of the upper floors making her way through to kill the Demon King before he descends! 

Alex no doubt knew that she was strong, but even then he wanted to make sure that she wasn't hurt. 

But just then another blinding light appeared from which entered their old friend Theon. 

"How can you all come here without me!? " He yelled in frustrated voice. 

Alex tsked... This son of a bitch, he's quite sensitive, he must have a sensed that green hat above his head and came running. 

Everyone turned to Carla. 

Carla felt panicked when, everyone looked at her this way. 

But suddenly a reassuring hand rested on her shoulder, as she heard Alex's gentle voice, " No one will blame you Carla. Don't be afraid. " Along with his voice a comfortable feeling spread through her body. 

Theon was now literally fuming with anger. 

She's my girlfriend so how dare you touch her! 

But then Carla said timidly, " Theon you said to not disturb you, so I thought... "

"What you thought?! I'm not necessary for the Party?! So, you didn't even wait for me! How selfish of you! " Yelled out Theon. 

He was venting all of his anger from Alex on Carla, who was now on the verge of crying. 

But just then Alex moved in front of Carla, shielding her from Theon's eyes, " Shut up Theon. It's your fault that you didn't come when called by your Party Leader. So don't yell on Carla. "

Other girls as well followed, " That's right Theon, you should have arrived on the time. "

"It's your fault... "

Theon was so angry, that his face turned red. With just one sentence he had turned all of the girls in 'his' party to the opposite side. 

Alex then gently helped Carla and then started giving orders.

"Ranger will check for any traps. Spell caster, healer on back side, Theon will protect them. I and Rachel are attackers. While Tank will create opportunities for us. And Carla, you're thief so stay hidden and attack at the moment's chance, " Ordered Alex. 

His words were charismatic and everyone quickly nodded, except one... Theon. 

"I'm the side attacker of the Party. How can you take my place?! Who are you to order us!?" Said Theon once again in anger. 

He now really was being irritating, everyone thought. 

"I'm stronger than you, so I being on the front will be more assuring for everyone's safety and also..

I'm not ordering you, I'm just telling everyone to take their spots, " Alex calmly replied. 

Theon forcefully calmed down and said, " Rachel is more accustomed to being by my side, we know each other's weaknesses. So, it will be better for the line-up to not change. "

Alex's tone now turned chilly, " I'm her brother, so I know everything about her and... She's Party Leader for you. If I heard you speaking of her name casually again, then I'll kill you before any Demons do. "

Alex's voice was laced with raw killing intent, which made Theon directly shut up. 

But girls around them started giggling, " He really is a sis-con. " Said the Ranger. 

"Yeah, I also want someone like him... " Said Tank girl longingly. 

"He's so cool... " Whispered the healer. 

Rachel's face turned red. Hehe he's so cute even while being jealous, she thought. 

She decided to kick out this Theon from her Party as soon as possible. 

After that everyone did as Alex ordered. 

Spell caster informed, " This is the Classic Dungeon, with 100 levels or floors. The next floor will only open when all monsters on the previous floor are dead or if a specific condition is met. "

Everyone nodded and then the first skirmish occured. 

They were weak Demons, nothing too much. 

In just an hour first floor was cleared. 

Alex and Rachel were completely in sink while fighting. 

They rampaged around on the battlefield as if they were in their backyard. 

Seeing the situation, the graceful Healer muttered, " It's as if... "

"She was being held back by Theon, " The Spell Caster mercilessly ended her words. 

Theon who heard this felt his hatred for Alex multiplying, but he couldn't do anything. 

After the first floor was cleard the path to next floor appeared. 

"Hoh, that was a good warm up and I've seen everyone's capabilities. So I have got some gifts for you all, " Said Alex with a cheerful tone.