Hero's Party Clear

Everyone were excited. 

Alex was super strong, so his gifts must be best as well. 

Alex then handed over gifts created by his own skill to all girls. 

Rachel got a beautiful Pendant, with ability to teleport the wearer in the vicinity. 

The tank girl got a shield.

Ranger got a pair of boots which would increase her speed. 

The healer got a staff, which she devoutly took in her hands. 

The Spell Caster got a magician's robe. 

And Carla got a pair of daggers laced with a potent poison. 

Theon was stunned, he didn't get anything while all girls got awesome stuff. 

"Wow! This shield is at least 10 times better than my old one, " Said Tank. 

"My boots as well, now I don't need to fear anything, " Said Ranger. 

The girls were just talking, when Carla said, " Alex, I can't take this... "

She was troubled as Alex didn't give any gift to her boyfriend, so how could she take such a priceless gift. 

"Don't worry Carla, I have a gift ready for Theon. It's just that during the whole fight he didn't even move. So I was wondering what will be good for him, " Said Alex with smile. 

Carla nodded, how can someone like Alex be petty. He must have been thinking about Theon. 

"I didn't move because you placed me in back! " Yelled Theon. 

Alex shut him up by throwing a hat at him. 

It was completely dark and creepy, but no one could deny the power being emitted from it. 

Even Theon was stunned seeing such a powerful artifact being handed to him so easily. 

It could increase one's physical attributes by double! 

Theon felt that perhaps Alex really wasn't all that bad... 

No! This bastard is only giving this up, to make himself look good! 

After that everyone checked their new stuff, while Alex looked around the floor. 

He soon found a one time teleportation spell attached to a corner, which would take anyone who touches it to... Who knows where? 

Slowly time passed... 

After 30 minutes... 

Carla's panicked voice came, " Oh no! Theon! Theon! He's gone! "

Alex quickly came to her rescue, as if he was waiting for this. 

"What's wrong Carla? " He asked. 

"Theon... He suddenly went missing, he just disappeared, " Said Carla while pointing at one place. 

Everyone went there and checked. 

"There is a teleportation circle here, but it's destroyed. I can only find to where Theon has gone, " Said Spell Caster... She looked worried for Theon. 

After a minute, the girl said, " He's teleported to higher floors. We can meet him as we climb floors. "

Carla released a sigh of relief. 

The Ranger asked, " What were you two doing here? "

Carla seemed to be hesitating. 

She said, " Theon and I were just talking, when he tripped on a rock and fell there. Then he was gone. "

The Healer said, " Sigh, I saw him. He was scolding poor Carla again and then when he tried to hit her in anger, he tripped and disappeared. "

"What!? " The Tank was shocked, " How dare he!? "

Carla who heard this felt her eyes clouding with tears. 

Theon had never done anything like this, was he so insecure that he could even hit her? He said he loved her... 

But just then she felt Rachel hugging her, " Carla we are your friends and we'll always be with you. You don't need to hide it from us if you're suffering. "

"Yes.. " Carla cried in Rachel's arms. 

On another side... 

47th floor. 

Theon suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 

"W-Where am I? " He said in bewilderment. 

Suddenly the mocking voice of Alex resounded in his ears. 

[ 47th floor of the Dungeon, lol ]

"W-What? Where are you? Why am I here? " Asked Theon. 

[Hahaha I sent you here. ]

Theon felt that the voice was coming from the hat upon his head. 

He brought it into his hands, as it had now changed its color. It was now a green hat! 

Theon understood. 

"You son of a bitch, I'll kill you if you dare touch my women! " He yelled out. 

[Hahaha not only Carla, I'll fuck every girl you have crush on ]

[ One more thing, this hat not only increases your physical attributes but also manipulates emotions like anger, rage etc Hahaha ]

The sound went away. 

Theon felt chill in his back, as he imagined, 1Alex being surrounded by his party members, while he fucks his girlfriend Carla. 

He shook his head, " Nothing has been done yet, I need to save them! " He said with determination. 

But he was interrupted by a loud roar. 

A 10 metre huge boar was standing before him, with its bloody claws. 

Theon felt despair... 

Back to the Alex's side. 

Everyone went to the next floor. 

They wanted to save Theon as he was their Party member, so their speed was very high. 

They quickly completed floor after floors. 





By the end of the day they cleared 10 floors. 

They couldn't move anymore as everyone was exhausted. 

From here on monsters were very much stronger than before and also despair inducing. 

During their fights Alex was the one who took most of the load, and that's why they were able to travel this quick. 

He had also saved everyone at many points, making everyone feel admiration and gratefulness for him. 

Like this a month passed... 

Previously they could clear a floor per day, but now even clearing a single floor per day was being difficult. 

Alex was sure that if he came here alone then it would have been even more difficult. 

As many floors required a group to complete quests. 

They were now on 37th floor... 

Alex was feeling concerned about his Master... 

But there was one thing that went good in last month. 

His relationship with everyone had developed by a great margin. 

"Alex, try this, I made it for you, " Said the Tank girl with a loving tone, while feeding Alex her something sweet. 

The girls were all surrounding Alex while chit-chatting with him and each other. 

They had already cleared this floor and were relaxing right now in the hot bath. 

Yes, this floor had a pool of hot water! 

All girls were wearing swimming suits and playing in the water, while at the same time admiring Alex's near perfect body. 

Rachel was hugging Alex's right arm, she looked beautiful and sexy with that erotic bikini of hers which she had chosen just to show-off her attractive body to Alex. 

On his left side was the Tank girl while the healer was lying on his chest comfortably. 

In last month Alex had had sex with both cheerful Tank of their Party and this graceful healer of 'Salvation'. 

The Healer wasn't a big deal, as she was literal fanatic for Alex. 

He had found her to have sex as soon as he got bored, for which she happily agreed. 

While few days ago this Tank girl had come to Alex and seduced him. 

In the end she was fucked into oblivion and then Alex found out that she came to Alex because of a reason. 

Her little sister was cursed and could only be helped by a treasure in Royal Family. 

Alex nodded without hesitation as she was now his women. 

After that this girl was totally in love with Alex.

The Spell Caster girl as well was relaxing near Alex, as she seemed to have developed a kind of crush on him. 

The Ranger was also swimming around while stealing peeks at Alex. 

She still remembered how Alex had taken her first kiss and had promised to take responsibility for her. 

Alex and she had kissed for many times by now, when no one was looking. 

She only stayed away from Alex because she felt shy. 

Carla was the only one who wasn't yet in Alex's claws. 

She was wearing a white bikini and looked cute while swimming with the Ranger.

Like this one more month passed... 

They were now on 48th floor. 

"Wow... There were less monsterd here than before... " Said the Spell Caster. 

"Yeah, they haven't respawned yet completely. Someone has gone through here, " Said Alex. 

Carla suddenly muttered, " Theon? "

"No, he's not that strong... Right Alex? " Asked the Tank girl while trying to gain Alex's attention. 

Alex smiled and patted this girl's head who was actually taller than him. 

"Anything can happen, we must hope that he's alright, " Said Alex. 

Other girls including Healer and Ranger quickly nodded, as if fawning on Alex.

Rachel said, " Brother, let's go... We shouldn't waste time here. "

She was feeling weird as these friends of hers were getting too close to Alex. 

"Yeah, let's go big sis, " Alex said with affectionate tone. 

Rachel smiled, Nah, he only loves me. The way he talks with me and these girls is completely different. 

In this one month, Alex had made the Ranger his women as well.

Now only the Spell Caster and Carla were remaining. 

Alex was sure that it won't be long before both of them will have his cock inside their holes as well. 

Two more months passed... 

On the 65th floor. 

The monsters were getting stronger and stronger, as it was becoming harder for everyone to clear floors fast. 

Everyone was now separated in groups. 

Alex slashed down his sword to kill off the huge insect that was aiming to kill Clara. 

"Are you alright? " Asked Alex gently, turning to Clara. 

Clara wasn't moving at all... 

She was just staring at Alex with a complicated expression. 

"Clara..? " 

"Shut up! " She said. 

Alex didn't say anything, but he slowly moved forward and embrace the girl. 

Clara resisted for few moments but then she leaned in on Alex's chest while sobbing. 

"Why are you like this?... Why?... " She said while crying.

Alex didn't say anything, but his hands around Carla tightened a little. 

Carla continued, " You took my first kiss... Then you gave me all those gifts... You then saved my life at the cost of even your own... How? How can I repay you? .... And now... You even made me fall for you... So why? "

Alex didn't say anything. 

He knew what was happening. 

He seemed to have overdone things again... 

Carla had already fallen in love with him since long ago, but she couldn't come across her feelings due to her relationship with Theon. 

But without knowing this, Alex had only made more and more schemes to make her fall for him. 

And, right now. 

If he didn't force Carla to accept her feelings then he will never get chance again. 

"I---" Before Carla could say her next words, her lips were sealed by Alex's.

Her eyes widened, as she tried to resist with everything. 

But she couldn't move even an inch. 

Alex's hand went inside her tight shorts directly fondling her small asscheek. 

He then pushed her against the wall and started kissing her by force. 

His tongue went inside her mouth, as she tried to move away. 

"Alex... No... I still have Theo--- Aaa! " Just as she was saying Alex ripped away her blouse bringing out her small boobs and squeezing them painfully. 

Carla looked at Alex in shock. 

His eyes were laced with fury, " He's not here. I'm. So say you love me! "

Carla's tears flowed down, as she stopped resisting completely and let Alex have his way with her. 

She sobbed silently while feeling confused... 

In these last months Alex had completely replaced the love she had for Theon. 

She had completely fallen for him, but she didn't wish to betray Theon. 

He was her childhood friend and they had promised to marry each other. 

But now that promise felt more like a burden rather than connection. 

Why didn't I meet Alex before Theon? She had questioned herself like this for unknown times. 

At least that way she'll have had her love completed. 

Alex wasn't privy to Clara's thoughts, neither he wanted to. 

He knew that she had already fallen for him, so him doing this was like helping her. 

He was sure that even if he raped her here, she will only be grateful to him in future. 

After ripping apart her blouse, he ripped apart her shorts as well, leaving Clara with only undergarments. 

Alex then pushed Carla towards the wall with her small ass pointing in his direction. 

Alex spread her asscheeks to take a look at her small anus and virgin pussy.

Alex pushed two of his fingers inside her virgin pussy and started moving them around. 

Carla who never ever had masturbated felt something weird. 

"Stop Alex, we need to talk, " She tried to say while panicking, but Alex didn't stop for even a moment. 

She wanted to end her relationship with Theon and then commit herself completely to Alex. 

But Alex's skillful movements inside her pussy didn't stop. 

Soon, she couldn't control herself and cummed on Alex's hand. 

"Now you're ready, " Said Alex as he pointed his huge cock to the Carla's soaked pussy. 

"Wait Alex! You can't do this! I'm still Theon's girlfriend, " She said.

"Do I care? Now you're mine, " Said Alex as he spanked Carla's ass. 

Carla once again started resisting now, she said, " Alex I don't like it, please give me a chance to end things with Theon. He'll be heartbrok--- Argh! "

Just as Carla was speaking nonsense, Alex directly plunged his cock deep inside her, taking her virginity in one go. 

Alex then started moving without waiting for Carla to adjust. 

"Sob, sob, Alex it hurts... Wait, we can't do more than this. So pull it out. I'm still in relationship with Theon, " Said Carla while crying. 

"You seem to care about this Theon too much, so, I'll take it upon myself to make you forget him, " Alex said as he slammed inside Carla faster. 

His thrusts made Carla start moaning, now in pleasure. 

'I'm sorry Theon... ' Carla silently apilogized to her childhood friend who had been beside her in all thick and thins.

But right now she only had the thick meat shaft of Alex's both inside her pussy and mind. 

"Ahhh~" She moaned cumming once again. 

Alex fucked Carla's small pussy for few more minutes until he came inside her with a grunt. 

Carla couldn't even resist now, as she fell on the ground completely naked. 

Her bra and panty were thrown on the side, while her stockings were ripped in places. 

Her pussy was filled with white sperm of Alex, as she panted in pleasure of her first creampie. 

Alex still wasn't done yet, so he once again pulled her up and pushed his cock inside her. 

Like this without his knowledge an hour passed away. 

Carla was fucked so much, that she now completely forgot her boyfriend. 

Alex felt that if they didn't leave now then it will be hard to regroup so he used his skill to dress-up Carla as she was before. 

"Let's go, we need to meet them, " Said Alex. 

Carla slowly stood up, while looking around. 

There were no bloodstains as her hymen was already broken during her training, but she still felt sad to have her first time in such place. 

"Sigh, don't worry about this. I've taken video of us. So you can always remember this point in time, " Said Alex. 

"Really? " Asked Carla happily. 

"Really, " Replied Alex.

Carla then suddenly remembered something and started moving forward while stomping her legs. 

"Huh what happened? " Alex asked. 

But Carla didn't reply. 

But just then Alex pulled her back, as a piece of rock fell down at the place where she was before. 

Carla was stunned as she would have really died if not for Alex. 

She turned to Alex in fake anger, " I'm not talking to you, because you raped me! "

Alex said, " But you said you fell for me. "

Carla blushed, " Yes, I said. But at least we could have talked before doing that. "

Alex smiled, " Well... I was angry when you mentioned your boyfriend. But now I'm relieved after making you completely mine. "

Alex then moved forward and embraced Carla. 

Carla as well hugged Alex and said, " You better take care of me. "

Alex nodded and then both of them shared a passionate kiss. 

After that Alex and Carla left looking for their other Party members. 

In few hours all of them met at the certain point and floor was cleared. 

Rachel asked suspiciously, " Brother, what happened between you and Carla? " 

"Nothing special... Why do you think otherwise? " Alex asked while peering into her eyes. 

Rachel blushed seeing Alex up this close, " Ignore it, I just felt like something changed between you two. "

Alex laughed as he kissed Rachel. 

Everyone looked at this and smiled. 

After living together so many months, seeing these pair of brother sister kissing casually was nothing weird. 


"Alex, we are also close friends. Why don't you kiss us as well? " Asked the Healer while everyone looked at Alex in love and anticipation. 

The Spell-Caster girl was also included in them, as she as well had fallen for Alex. 

And Alex was sure that it won't be long, before she becomes his women as well.