Ntring Theon

4 months passed after the day Alex took Carla's virginity. 

They were now on 85th floor. 

Everyone was completely exhausted and had fallen asleep after clearing the floor. 

But in another corner of the same floor.

Alex and the Spell Caster girl were busy in exploring each other's bodies. 

Alex grunted slightly, as he emptied his balls inside this girl's vagina. 

"Haa, I love you ~" Muttered the girl as she was creampied for the third time in row. 

She then turned around and started cleaning Alex's cock with her mouth like usual. 

"You have gotten better at sucking, " Said Alex while patting this girl's head. 

"I had a good teacher, " Said the girl while licking Alex's shaft as if it was a ice-cream. 

Alex smiled as he forced the girl to take his cock inside her throat and rammed inside her. 

This girl was hardest to fall. 

As even though she liked Alex, she wasn't interested in sex. 

Alex had to scam her into sex education and lo and behold she was now the best blowjobber amongst all her friends. 

Alex could say so, as he had personally tried mouths of every girl in the Hero's party, except his sister. 

After filling this girl's stomach with his essence, Alex went back and slept soundly at the place where his sleeping illusion was. 

Except Rachel, Alex had fucked all 5 girls sleeping around here. 

But none of them knew that he was fucking with other girls as well. 

He felt that this sneaky sex wasn't that bad and he also wanted to see how everyone will react once they know that their beloved man was actually fucking those who they considered sisters. 

After a small rest Alex woke up. 

Everyone was still asleep, so he woke up the Ranger girl. 

The girl knew why Alex woke her up, so she happily followed. 

And they came back when everyone was about to wake up. 

No one got suspicious as Alex's illusion skills had increased quite a lot. 

They knew he had illusion skills as Alex would make illusion of himself and his partner while going for their sexual tryst. 

But not for a moment had they thought, that this skill was also being used to deceive themselves in same type of different situations. 

After a small sleep. 

"Alex wake up, we should go to the next floor, " Said Rachel. 

"Haa, sister let me sleep for 5 more minutes... " Said Alex as he just pulled Rachel in his arms like a pillow. 

"Hey! " Her face turned red as everyone was awake and was looking at them with weird expression. 

This weird expression was of jealousy, though. 

After feeling his sister's body and playing with her enough, Alex woke up. 

Rachel was blushing profusely, but Alex ignored her and got ready. 

All of them then went to next floor. 

The poor Theon, who was once their comrade was completely forgotten by all Party members. 

Alex as well didn't think much... 

After 3 months, floor 92

After 3 months, floor 97

And at last after 2 more months from then everyone entered the 100th floor! 

Everyone was cheerful, as at last they were here! 

It had been more than 1 year since they left their home. 

There was only 1 door on the hundredth floor. 

Everyone turned to Alex. 

He had now become the natural leader of the Party. 

Everyone only followed after the decision if Alex liked it. 

All 6 girls loved Alex so much, that they could literally die for him. 

"Alex, we're here at last, " Said the Tank while leaning on Alex. 

"You were the reason, that I survived. Thank you Alex, " Said Clara as she as well leaned on Alex. 

Slowly all girls hugged Alex as they expressed their love and affection for him. 

Alex was feeling happy. 

But he knew that he hadn't seen his Master and neither he had seen Theon or his corpse. 

So, most likely they were behind this door, as Alex had found that someone had entered the 100th floor just few minutes before them. 

"Let's go girls, we need to kill Demon King now, " Said Alex. 

He himself went forward as everyone followed him. 

He pushed open the majestic door behind which most likely was the greatest nemesis of the Humankind. 

"Tsk, as expected, " Muttered Alex as he saw the scene inside. 

He saw his beautiful Master who was fighting against the huge monster which had a crown on its head. 

Alex was sure that, it was the Demon King. 

His beautiful Master was raining down spells of destruction on it, while her green robe fluttered in wind along with her beautiful hair. 

Her figure was seductive, graceful, noble and majestic giving no chance to that monster to retaliate against her. 

But there were two more people there. 

One of them was... 

"Theon... " Clara muttered. 

Theon who was fighting toe to toe with Demon King while holding a giant sword seemed to have heard Clara's voice. 

He turned around and flashed a handsome smile in Clara's direction. 

But then he went back to fighting. 

Another person was a beautiful young girl, who had a seductive body frame which was clothed in an erotic outfit. 

Her wheat colored skin peeked our of the gaps of her erotic tight skin clothing, which essentially was just a bikini covering her important parts. 

Her huge boobs would jiggle each time as she moved around to kill the bodyguards of the Demon King. 

She looked like a fairy of death while swinging that huge axe around. 

Her beauty and aura so high profile that only Rachel and Alex's Master could compare with her. 

Even Alex was stunned as he looked at Theon. 

All three people fighting the Demon King including his Master, Theon and that sexy girl were too strong, their strength had reached the peak of this world. 

But suddenly the Demon King fell on his knees, his power completely drained. 

He glared at Theon, " Humph! I have lost today! But I'll return again stronger. Just wait for me you! "

"You don't deserve this life, so die. I will bring the peace in whole world! " Said Theon heroically, as he plunged his sword inside the Demon King's chest. 

The Demon King died. 

The bodyguards of the Demon King disappeared along with the Demon King's corpse. 

The sexy girl who was fighting until then smiled, as she jumped in Theon's direction, " Theo we won! "

Theon and the girl hugged each other, as the heart-touching moment passed. 

Theon then turned to Alex's Master, " I killed the Demon King. "

Theon's eyes were filled with love as he looked at Alex's Master. 

But she didn't even spare him a gaze, as she flew towards Alex. 

Alex as well smiled, as he opened his arms. 

"I'm glad you're fine Master, " Said Alex. 

Both of them hugged each other, as she said, " You've grown so big Alex. I knew you were coming so I wasn't even worried about this weakling. "

Alex nodded, this Demon King was strong, but for someone like him, he wouldn't have been a much problem. 

He just spent all that time to enjoy fucking Rachel's friends. 

Theon's eyes almost popped out of his eyes, as someone like the Witch of Disaster was being so intimate with Alex. 

He couldn't even notice the disappointed expression of the girl in his arms.

But then Theon tried to snap out of reverie, Alex's and the Witch of Disaster's relationship must be that of Master-disciple. How could a legendary persona like her be swayed by a bastard like Alex.

She hadn't even let him touch the nail on her finger in all those months they fought together. 

Theon's eyes seethed in fury, as he looked at Alex. 

He still remembered the green hat that Alex had given to him year ago. 

He then turned to Clara, seeing that she was keeping her distance from Alex he felt relieved. 

'Humph! Is it so easy to steal my girl? Just wait and see how I take away your sister, Master and all other women around you! ' thought Theon. 

Theon then went near Carla. The sexy girl behind him followed. 

Carla as well saw him and decided to talk to him about everything... 

"Carla nice to see you again... " He said. 

"You too, you look stronger, " Said Carla without any emotions. 

Theon didn't notice anything wrong and continued, " Carla, actually things happened while we were away. This is Irina... She's my girlfriend... So I want you to accept her as your sister. "

Theon's tone was hopeful, so hopeful that Alex was almost about to start laughing. 

Carla replied emotionlessly, " Theon, actually things happened and now I've committed myself to Alex. "

Theon was stunned, as his face turned pale, " W-What!? Carla... Did he force you? If you are afraid then don't be. Now I'm strong, I can kill him in one punch, he's like an ant in front of my strength now. "

Hearing this Carla was so angry that she slapped Theon loudly. 

"How dare you badmouth Alex, you can't even be compared with him, " Said the Tank girl.

The Ranger continued, " Sigh, I thought you were good kid previously. But you're nothing but trash. I always ignored your lascivious gaze on me and my sisters. But, now I think I should have already disciplined you then. "

Other girls also condemned Theon. 

"Theon, I think we should leave now... " Said Irina to Theon. 

Somehow she was having a bad feeling, as if she was being eyed by something that she couldn't go against. Her feminine instincts were begging for her to run away. 

But Theon ignored everyone. 

He said with a choking tone, " Carla, you promised to marry me. We were supposed to spend our whole life together. It's not late yet, come back to me. Alex is not a good person. He's demon in a human's skin. "

Carla forcefully calmed down and said, " It's already late, I've already given my first time to Alex. "

Theon was shocked... 

He couldn't believe it... 

His childhood friend was actually stolen away... 

But suddenly a shocked voice came, " What!? You also had sex with Alex?! " This was the sound of the Tank-girl. 

Ranger's shocked voice also came, " What do you mean by ' you also '? "

In front of Theon's eyes situation quickly escalated. 

Everyone slowly found out that they all were getting fucked by Alex, without knowing about each other. 

Rachel also was shocked. 

Alex's Master chuckled in amusement.

Rachel looked at Alex, " Little brother... Is it true? " She asked with dead serious tone. 

Alex couldn't refute her as every victim was in front of him.

So he just nodded with a saintly tone, " Yeah, I was going to tell you all... "

Rachel was so angry that she looked at her friends who as well were shocked and angry. 

They quickly came to decision, this scoundrel needs to be taught a lesson! 

But Alex's Master misunderstood that this was Rachel's plan, ' This girl, she is using the situation to harm Alex. I need to stop her. '

But before she could do anything, a heavy voice said. 

"Alex! Let's make a bet... " Said Theon. 

"Ohh, why not? What's the bet about? " Alex quickly found a reason to divert this mob agro. 

"Let's fight, if I win. Then you'll leave the Hero's Party and will give my position back to me, " Said Theon with a dark gaze. 

"Huh? So what if you lost? " Asked Alex. 

" T-Then... What do you want? " Asked Theon directly. 

"Can you give me your girlfriend if you lost? " Asked Alex with a mocking tone. 

Alex then pulled Clara in his arms and smirked at Theon. 

His hand went inside her blouse, directly taking hold of her small bunnies which Theon had never even seen. 

Alex then leaned down to kiss her cherry lips, to which she as well responded shyly. 

He then said, " You said I'm as weak as ant? I'm a Demon in human skin? Humph! Your previous girlfriend is already mine. So do you dare bet your new girlfriend with this Demon? "

Alex's hands only got more and more fiesty as he started exploring Carla's body unrestrained in front of everyone, making her moan in pleasure. 

Everyone was shocked, but no one did or said anything. 

They were angry at Alex, but they hated Theon for badmouthing Alex. 

This was the good punishment, to let him see his girlfriend being played by his enemy. 

The graceful Healer then took a chance, to go near Alex. 

She placed a kiss on Alex's lips while saying, " You're pathetic Theon. Even in past you were nuisance, as I needed to use my divine healing power on useless you. "

All girls understood what this girl was doing. 

Next was the spell-caster girl, " How many times I had to save your weak ass Theon, I just wanted for you to die sometimes. It's good that you were gone all this time and I met with Alex, he taught me all those things related to sex. " She giggled while bringing Alex's hand inside her robe. 

She seemed to have become more talkative as she lived with Alex. 

After that both Tank girl and Ranger followed. 

Tank girl said, " Seeing you acting strong and holding everyone back was so irritating. Alex is a lot stronger than you, " She then kissed Alex as well and continued kissing his nape. 

The Ranger nodded to her friend's words, " He was always weak and perverted. I should have just killed him back then, " She then also kissed Alex while kissing his other side of nape. 

Carla who was hugging Alex as well said, " It was my misfortune to have met Theon. I'm glad that Alex took my virginity and showed me what a true man is like, " She as well kissed Alex. 

Rachel and Alex's Master were shocked. 

But Theon was even more so, the girls who he considered to be his were now cursing him. 

His tears flowed out as he couldn't even hear Irina who was trying to take him away. 

But just then Rachel as well followed her friends, she kissed Alex passionately and took the main space in his arms. 

"Brother, I only took Theon in Party because he was related to Carla. It was so disgusting to even see him fawning over me while having his own girlfriend, " Said Rachel words which were in her heart. 

Theon's heart shattered hearing this, he fell on his knees while looking at those women he liked surrounding Alex as if he was their God. 

This was the exact scene he had imagined a year ago and now this nightmare had come true. 

But this wasn't yet over, as the witch of Disaster... 

She as well went near Alex. 

"Well, Alex actually, I wanted to explain this to you later. But I will say it on this opportunity. I met Theon on 47th floor. "

"He was pathetically weak and was about to die. But I saw that he was not bad as he managed to survive against the boss of 47th floor for 3 days, so I helped him. "

"I thought that he would make a good hound, to check any traps that might be in my path. "

"And I was right, this idiot soon started wagging his tail to me and even brought another girl for me to order around. "

"Like this we crossed all the floors, and he had some talent so I helped him to become a stronger meat shield. "

"My investment wasn't wasted as because of him I could easily kill the Demon King. "

After saying this the Witch of Disaster, the ruler of the strongest Human Kingdom, The most powerful warrior of Humanity kissed Alex as well in front of everyone. 

"This is my second kiss... I'm glad you came in my life Alex. You're the reason that I wish to keep living even now... " She whispered while leaning on Alex's chest beside Rachel. 

Both of them glared at each other, as they thought that the other party was actually doing this to get close to Alex and then harm him! 

Alex was already super strong, so of course only way to kill him now would be deception. 

Both women knew that Alex won't shield himself against those who he considers family. 

He was very kind and too naive with those who he considered as Family. 

So, they were sure that other party was against Alex. 

On the other hand. 

"Not you too... I loved you all... " Theon was saying so like a broken machine. 

Suddenly he turned to Irina, he held her by her shoulders, " Irina do you love me?! " He asked frantically. 

Irina quickly nodded, " Yes I do, now let's leave. This place isn't safe. "

But then Alex said with a casual tone, " It's completely safe my dear Irina. Sorry, I never told you but I'm strong enough to beat him. So you don't need to worry about my safety. "

Alex acted as if he and Irina were very close. 

"No! Stop lying you son of a bitch! Theo I only love you, he's lying to deceive you. Don't believe him, " Said Irina in despair, as she saw Theon's eyes going dim.