Dragon Queen of Atrocity

Theon was completely in despair. 

He became strongest... But he lost everything... 

He pulled away his hands from Irina's shoulders. 

He looked down, as his body trembled. 

His tears flowed down like waterfall. 

But then he suddenly started laughing loudly. 

"Everyone! You all betrayed me! Hahaha. "

Irina fearfully moved away from Theon. 

"He has gone insane, " Chuckled Alex as he shook his head. 

Theon suddenly stopped laughing, as he looked at Alex with hatred. 

"Yes... You can have Irina, if I lost. But, if you lost then I'll take everything from you after killing you! Your women, your strength, your wealth and your power, everything will be mine! " Said Theon maniacally as he jumped on Alex with his sword unsheathed. 

But before he could even reach Alex, he was suddenly thrown away with a slam. 

"An useless dog dares to bare its teeth on its Master, " Snorted the Witch of Disaster. 

"Theo! " Irina tried to run after Theon to check his safety. 

But she was stopped by Rachel. 

Other girls in her party as well surrounded Irina and stopped her from even moving by little. 

But then Theon once again stood up with his bloodied body. 

Alex looked at his Master in admiration, " That spell was quite strong. "

Just as Alex ended his words, Theon was directly standing in front of him with his sword raised. 

But just then Theon felt coldness around his throat. 

Alex dodged his sword, as Theon fell down to his knees with a sharp cut on his neck. 

Theon slowly turned around only to see his precious childhood friend standing there while crying. 

She was the one who pierced his neck with those daggers in her hand. 

The next moment Theon died with disbelief, betrayal and hatred written in his eyes. 

Clara as well fell down to her knees as she started vomiting out everything she had eaten. 

"Theo!!!!! " Alex suddenly heard the desperate shriek of Irina. 

She got out from the siege of Rachel and others. 

She ran towards Alex with her hateful red eyes glaring at him. 

"Die! " She yelled loudly. 

But Alex held her by her hands and completely subdued her. 

"Die! Die! Die! " She yelled out while sobbing. 

But just then in Alex's and everyone's eyes manifested fear and a kind of surprise. 

Irina was about to detonate her body, which would without a doubt be enough to kill everyone in this Hall. 

Alex without hesitation teleported along side her. 

"Alex!!! " "Brother! " Everyone yelled in surprise. 

They felt as if the world had collapsed on them. 

To save them Alex had teleported alongside that women. 

Everyone fell down on their knees as they looked at Alex's Master with the despair clouding their eyes. 

Witch of Disaster herself was trying to locate where and how Alex was. She felt that she was about to cry herself right now. 

But, it was useless! 

Alex was completely unreachable. 

She felt her eyes moistening as she as well felt world turning upside down. 

She held her head, while wiping away her tears.

No! Alex can't die! He's an overlord from another world! 

He won't die! 

She then turned to everyone, " Don't worry he will be fine, I'm 100% sure. " It was more like she was comforting herself. 

Hearing her confident voice everyone felt slightly reassured. 

On the other side. 

Alex quickly made hand seals and tried to stop Irina from exploding. 

Even for someone like him, this was too difficult as the destruction of her core had already started.

It was like he was the best inventor but was told to create an aeroplane in Prehistoric times. 

He had knowledge but he didn't have tools and power level to confidently solve this matter. 

Time passed, as Alex moved rapidly. 

He slowly calmed down the situation and locked Irina's core. 

"Damn, that was dangerous... " He sighed. 

But then without any wait for a moment, Irina once again attacked him, but she was now so weak that she couldn't even prick Alex. 

She tried and failed.

Alex quickly subdued her by force. 

The difference in their strength made Irina feel despair. 

"You fucking bitch, you pathetic worm, you dare to harm my sister and Master. I'll show you the harshest hell alive, " Alex glared at Irina in anger and contempt. 

Alex now didn't let her have any chance, as he removed her bikini armor with ease. 

"Stop! No! Don't touch me! " Irina cried while her innocent virgin body got explored by Alex. 

"Why cry over that looser? Just get fucked obediently and surrender to me, " Alex smirked. 

Irina's sexy wheat colored body was so erotic that Alex was already as hard as rock. 

His clothes disappeared while his huge dick now stood tall. 

Irina was frightened, as she started struggling even more fiercely. 

But Alex just forced her down and pointed his huge and hard dick on her virgin entrance. 

"Noooo! "

Irina's resistance only made Alex feel more and more desire for her body, which should have gone to Theon. 

But poor he was already dead by the hands of his own childhood friend, with all of the women in his life becoming Alex's. 

Now this was the last women who had pledged her love to him.

Alex forced his dick directly inside Irina's dry pussy, destroying her hymen in one go. 

"What a tight hole, raping you was a good decision. Such a cunt shouldn't be missed at all, " Smirked Alex while moving inside Irina. 

"Stop! You don't know who I'm!" Spouted Irina. 

But her words weren't convincing at all as she said that while getting fucked like a whore. 

"Humph! Who cares who are you? Now take this! " Said Alex as he turned Irina around and started raping her in doggy style. 

He took hold of her bouncy asscheeks which were previously being showcased from her bikini. 

Alex slapped this wheat colored booty, as Irina struggled to get away. 

But the rampaging cock inside her cunt, made her loose her strength. 

"Please let me go, I don't want this sob sob, " Cried Irina but only thing she got was more thrusts in her pussy, which was subconsciously turning wetter and wetter. 

Alex kept spanking her and imprinting his handprints on her bubbly asscheeks. 

"So fuckin tight... " Alex said as he felt Irina's walls tightening around him. 

She was slowly being pleasured by Alex, her hole getting expanded from being raped. 

Irina was continuously sobbing while remembering the time with Theon and then remembering how he was killed. 

Next she was forced to turn around with her weak body, as her eyes fell upon the man who took the life of her lover and also raped her like an animal. 

Alex didn't care about Irina's thoughts, he could hear her still cursing him. 

But, he didn't think much about her words as this was just the last hope of her, to save her pride which she was loosing slowly. 

He leaned down on her body completely pressing her soft breasts on his hard chest, making them deform as he kept ramming inside her vagina non-stop. 

"Ahh~ Stop! No.... " Irina spoke while loosing her mind. 

This was too much. 

In her whole life, she had dedicated everything to become stronger. She was talented by birth and also hardworking. 

She only fell for Theon, when he saved her from thousands of years of imprisonment. 

But now... 

Everything was going away. The body she had trained so hard was slowly falling, it wasn't obeying her. 

Irina herself could feel her own pussy tightening on the cock of her lover's murderer, she could feel undeniable pleasure taking over her mind and forcing her to add sexy moans which only gave pleasure to her assailant. 

Irina now couldn't stop, as she suddenly felt something coming. 

"Ohh, you're about to cum it seems, let's cum together. I'll fill up your tight virgin hole with my sperm, " Smirked Alex as he moved even faster.

Irina's face went pale, " No... " She weakly shouted. 

But, this orgasm was coming, she wanted to stop it but at the same time wanted to have her release. 

But next second Alex suddenly leaned down and bit on Irina's cute pinkish brown nipples. 

Irina now lost all controls, her back arched up as she moaned loudly in defeat.

Her pussy coiled on Alex's shaft milking him out, as Alex himself went deep into Irina's pussy and started cumming. 

Both of their fluids mixed together giving Irina another level of warm pleasure, she felt her eyes going dark as she fell back on the ground. 

Her emotions started flooding in uncertainty, she suddenly started loosing her mind as if she was being changed from the core. 

But Alex next pulled his dick out of Irina's creampied pussy. 

He didn't know, but the brainwashing effect was now already working on Irina. 

Alex looked at the messy scene of this strong and prideful girl that he had created. 

Irina was one hella sexy babe with beautiful face and smoking hot erotic figure. 

Her ass and breasts were something that one could sink into.

But most attractive thing about her was her love for Theon who was Alex's enemy. 

Her body was supposed to be touched by her lover, but now her pussy had already molded into Alex's shape. 

Alex wanted to explore every part of this body, so he quickly made Irina kneel before him and then pushed his cock inside her throat. 

"Here goes your first kiss Irina, with my cock, " Alex laughed as he started marking Irina's oral walls as he did with vaginal walls. 

"Contract your throat bitch, " Ordered Alex and Irina subconsciously did so. 

She had already fallen in daze without knowing what was happening all around. 

Like this hours passed as Alex fucked Irina non-stop, he raped her in different positions and completely destroyed her resistance. 

Her pussy as well was now taking his cock in as if it was his cock's natural home sweet home. 

Irina once again fell on the ground, with her pussy flooding with Alex's white semen. 

She looked at Alex in fear, hate, reverence, contusion and affection. 

This man... Theon was no match for him... 

She could feel it directly as he completely subdued a female like her with his cock. 

He was also so strong... Even that other strong women called 'Witch of Disaster' was just one of his women... 

How could she fight him? That was impossible... 

So, that's why she decided to become an obedient pet of this man and one day take revenge for her lover. 

Irina felt shackles around her heart loosening as she decided to become Alex's pet, she felt her heart at ease now. 

After that Alex fucked her for some more time, until he got bored and threw her away. 

Looking at the obedient expression of this girl Alex felt pleased, she had completely submitted to him... At least for now.

Alex then threw some strings at Irina. 

"Wear that, we're leaving, " Ordered Alex. 

Irina weakly picked up the string thrown before her. 

But she was confused, how to wear this? 

Alex smirked, "let me help you. "

This was essentially a one piece micro bikini, which only covered Irina's nipples and pussy, leaving her backiside completely naked while her front wasn't any better. 

This was a lot more revealing than her previous outfit which was a classic bikini armor which besides her feminine parts also covered her shoulders, knees and other vulnerable parts on body. 

"M-Master, I can't walk around while wearing this... " Irina complained. 

In this outfits she was completely nude, only her legs were covered in tight black stockings and high hilled boots. 

"Not my problem, " Said Alex as he forced Irina to wear a collar and put a chain on it. 

Alex then directly teleported outside of the Dungeon along with now subdued and fucked Irina. 

Just as Alex came out of a Dungeon, an old man appeared high up in the sky. 

He looked down at Alex and Irina, as his eyes suddenly turned red in fury. 

" How dare you touch my daughter! " Said the old man as he rapidly descended down. 

Alex was stunned. 

Let me at least take a breather! 

Alex quickly summoned a shield in front of him, saving the day. 

"Who the fuck is this old bag of bones? " Asked Alex loudly. 

The sexy Irina currently almost nude, said in hurry, " He's my father. The Guardian of all Demonics. I told you before, I have very high status in Demon Kingdom, " In the end Irina added while puffing up her huge naked chest. 

Alex was a little surprised. 

So, there really were some people who had also reached the top of this world. 

Alex could feel that this old bastard was actually as strong as the Demon King or his own Master The Witch of Disaster. 

Seeing Alex's expression, Irina explained, " There are Guardians for each race, they are people who have reached the top of the world and now are resting to prolong their lives. They have made pact to not interfere with things happening in the world that's why my father wasn't present here. They would only act while the complete existence of the race is threatened. "

Alex smiled, " Humph! With this pitiful power he dares to fight me. He's simply asking for death. By the way I didn't know that you were actually a Demon. "

"Actually, I was about to be forced to marry the Demon King, so I decided to escape, but my father locked me up in the dungeon where the Demon King will get to power.... I don't know how much time passed there and this happened after that, " Said Irina helplessly. 

But then her tone turned to begging, " Alex, I know that you're strong. But my father has lived for thousands of years. You will both be hurt or you may even die, so don't fight him. I'll solve this. "

Irina then looked at her father, " Father, this is not what it seems. I have fallen for Alex and we're getting married soon. This is just an act of enjoyment between us. " 

Irina ended her words while shyly looking away. 

The old man looked at his daughter for a moment and then sighed, his eyes filled with understanding, " I see, you young people really have weird ways to express affection. I won't come between your choices my dear daughter Irina. "

Irina nodded shyly. 


"Fuck you bitch, who the heck is marrying a slutty whore like you. I'll never marry a wench that tries to harm my Family. You're nothing but my slave, my cum-dumpster that I'll fuck whenever I want. And about this bag of bones, even if you bring tens of such bastards here, even then I can simply crush them to paste, " Alex said loudly while glaring at Irina. 

Hearing Alex's words Irina didn't get offended rather she blamed herself for trying to harm Alex's Family. 

She gave up on persuading Alex and turned to her father. 

"Father, please hear me, this is called s&m play, Alex is acting s while I'm----" 

Before Irina could complete her words, her father spoke, " How dare you speak like that with my princess daughter! Die! "

A huge mass of fire appeared behind the old man as his whole body turned red. 

Damn! This must be his Trump card... I again overdid things... 

But just as Alex was thinking all this, Irina protectively covered his body with hers and just then... 

A massive wave of fire appeared from the horizon and hit the old man with its gigantic destructive strength.

Old man's Trump card vanished, as he took backlash and was thrown away to miles away. 

"Humph! Who dares to offend my son? " Said a graceful feminine voice. 

Alex turned to that direction. 

Only to see the sky was completely obscured by hundreds of Draconics, their aura enough to make even strongest warrior despair. 

And upon the one who seemed to be the strongest and fiercest among them was seating a beautiful women donning a reddish robe which couldn't conceal her seductive figure at all. 

There was a crown made of jewels and pearls resting on her head, her eyes filled with warmth but also formidable light that made everyone feel inferior.

Suddenly a loud threatening voice came, " Dragon Queen of Atrocity! Are you here to offend me!? "

Yes, this women was the Dragon Queen of Atrocity, named by her enemies and even allies. Cruel, merciless and the avatar of destruction. 

But right now she was Alex's lovely mother, Melissa. Who loved her son to death, no matter herself's or everyone's.