To the Home

Melissa looked down at Alex from the top of her Dragon's back. 

Her majestic aura was as exposed as was her gentle smile, that illuminated all surroundings as she gazed at her son fondly. 

But then she turned to the old man who now stood before her with bloodied figure. 

She didn't even say a word, as all Draconics behind her started flying toward the old man with killing intent leaking out. 

Melissa watched silently, while the old man became more and more closer to death.

Just in few minutes one of the strongest man in the world was brought to his knees. 

Melissa was just about to swing her whip and kill this man off. 

How dare he threaten her son!? 

But just then Irina begged loudly to Melissa. 

She cried to Melissa, " Please don't kill him. I beg you. He's my father, my only family. "

Irina then looked at Alex while kneeling, "Alex I'll become completely loyal to you, I promise. I'll let you do anything you want with me. I'll become your pet, just let my father live. "

Melissa stopped. 

She had seen, how this girl had leaped in front of her son, when her own father was about to kill him. 

Melissa felt that this girl shouldn't be left near her son, but she at the same time couldn't deny that Irina tried to save Alex at the cost of her own life. 

Melissa silently looked at Alex, waiting for his decision.

But, Alex completely ignored Irina, as he teleported into his mother's arms. 

He started acting cute as if he still was a baby, " Mom, I missed you. " He said while snuggling inside her soft bosom and inhaling her fragrance. 

Melissa's expression became even gentler, " Alex... You were gone for so long. Mom was so sad. "

By the end of her sentence, Melissa had tears in her eyes. 

"Mom... Let's go home... " Said Alex while snuggling even deeper. 

"Yes, my son, " Said Melissa, as she ordered her Draconics to retreat. 

Irina and her father were completely stunned on the ground. 

Alex and Melissa left as if they weren't even worth wasting their time. 

After being surprised, Irina started crying. 

She felt that Alex was such a good person, that he let her father go. 

She then remembered how Theon had cursed Alex. 

Irina now felt that Theon was the one in fault, as he had his eyes upon Alex's women. 

He was a toad trying to eat swan's meat. 

Irina started feeling disgusted, as she was actually touched by a characterless man like Theon. 

Irina's father was dead silent... 

That really was dangerous... He had lived for thousands of years, but just a young girl who hadn't even reached 50s of her life, actually managed to beat him to the death, without even giving him a chance to retaliate. 

He felt his face turning red with humiliation and anger! 

How dare this bastard! 

He then turned to his daughter. 

She was sobbing as if she was betrayed by her lover. Who left after using her. 

The old man didn't know what to say... So he stood up and said, " Irina... Never meet that man ever again. "

"No! I'm going to find Alex... Give me some important things, I'm leaving, " Said Irina while crying. 

The old man sighed, this girl was hopelessly in love with a man who most likely will never reciprocate her feelings and he was so strong that he could not even teach him a lesson. 

"Humph! Are you betraying your father for a man who made you and your father experience this humilation! Just look at you! You look nothing more than a whore right now, " Yelled out the old man as he tried to take hold of his daughter's wrist. 

"Don't touch me! Alex won't like me, if I'm touched by other men, " Said Irina as she moved away likena frightened rabbit. 

"W-What!? " Old man was shocked. 

"You infilial bitch! I'll kill that man! " Said old man in anger. 

"He let you go. So now don't go finding problems with him, " Irina worriedly said. 

"Sigh, I really am no match for him... And I don't like this... But it seems I need to ask for your mother's help. But, I won't let that bastard live even if I have to make a deal with devil, " Said old man. 

"My mother!? " Irina never knew that she had a mother, she thought that perhaps her mother was dead. 

"Yes, she's the Queen of Demonic spirits. With her power he will be dead for sure, hahaha, " The old man laughed.

He then continued, " I never told you about her as she never accepted me as her husband. You were born from the drop of her blood. "

The old man was talking, but just then he felt an axe being swung at his neck. 

"You traitorous child! " The old man jumped back with horror. 

He looked at Irina who had maddened gaze. While holding that huge axe, she looked nothing less than a death incarnation. 

His daughter had grown strong enough to kill him and she wasn't even 20 years old yet. 

As expected of the daughter of Queen of Demonic Spirits... 

He had thought that she was as weak as an ant and that's why that hateful bastard Alex left her here. 

But, it seems he was just an idiot to leave a strong girl with such a prodigious latent talent like Irina behind. 

The old man remembered, the aura emanating from her mother when he was kneeling before her throne. 

She was tens of thousands of year old, one of the progenitors of Demonics in legends. Even though she was only as strong as him in raw strength, her experience, skills, abilities and bloodline created a giant rift between their strengths. 

That gap was so insurmountable.. 

His tone changed as he now looked at his daughter, one day she might become as-- no even if she becomes as half as strong as her mother then it's his profit.

He gently said, " Irina, my dear daughter. Let's go back home. Father will make sure to protect you. "

Irina glared at her father, " You're not my father! You're just a power hungry old man, who sees wealth in his daughter and you are Alex's enemy... So, I should kill you. "

The old man glared at his daughter. 

He was severely injured right now, fighting with Irina might potentially lead him to death... 

"Irina, I'm your father and I only wish for the best of you. You carry the bloodline of the Queen of Demonic Spirits. Your future is as bright as sun. Don't waste it on some ungrateful brat, " Old man patiently said. 

But only reply he got was a cold stare filled with killing intent. 

Old man understood that he couldn't persuade Irina now. 

" I'll come back for you! " He said in hurry and disappeared. 

Irina sighed...

She quickly started walking in the direction Alex left. 

She had to tell him about upcoming danger... 

On the other side, Alex was sleeping soundly in his mother's arms. 

Melissa did her best to shield her son's face from winds. 

"Ryuuki, fly a little slower. Alex is sleeping, " Melissa said to her dragon. 

Ryuuki gave an affirmative roar. 

She was flying in a way so that her Queen and her Prince will have a comfortable journey. 

Her name meaning the Draconic was actually bestowed upon her by her Queen, when the Queen tamed her by herself. 

Soon, they were near the County of Fortshire. 

Dozens of Draconics flew in the sky while a strongest looking Draconic descended on the Countess' manor. 

Seeing this grand spectacular show, people of County didn't seem surprised. 

Rather they were proud, because their beloved Countess was now the Dragon Queen! 

"Alex, we're home. Look there, your sisters are waiting for you, " Said Melissa while caressing Alex's head.

Alex didn't want to leave this heavenly softness, but still when he heard that his sisters were here, he woke up. 

Ryuuki landed slowly, as Alex quickly jumped down and hugged Rachel and Rose who were waiting for him. 

"Sisters! " Alex called out affectionately. 

Rachel was the first one to reply with a pout, " You're such a bad brother, I was so worried. "

Alex smiled, " Don't worry, now we have all the time in this world. "

After that Rose said with a fake anger, " Never do something dangerous! Do you know how much I was worried when I heard that you almost killed yourself? "

Alex laughed, " I'm all fine now sis, with you waiting for me, how can something happen to me? "

After that these brother and sisters had a good chat. 

Alex found out that there seemed to be some friction between Rose and Rachel. Even Melissa seemed kinda angry at Rose. 

Alex sighed. Rose was just like that. He had to take so many roundabout ways to win her heart. 

Soon, Eliza also came and joined them. 

After some time, Rose stood up. 

"Brother, I'll be going back to Capital. Master needs me there. So when you're done, come see us, " She said. 

Rose then hugged Alex and whispered in his ears seductively, " I'll be waiting for you my Chang... "

Rose then placed a kiss on Alex's lips in front of everyone and disappeared next second. 

Alex was also stunned for a moment, only waking up the sound of the table being broken by his mother.

He looked at three women in front of him. 

Melissa already had her whip ready, while Rachel was about to pierce the place where Rose was with her Rapier and Eliza also had taken out her staff and was gathering divine energy for some attack of mass destruction. 

But as soon as Alex looked at them, they quickly hid these weapons away. 

'Sigh... I thought Rose was about to harm Alex, ' Melissa thought. 

Rachel and Eliza as well were thinking similarly. 

But atmosphere slowly calmed down, as everyone once again started chatting like before. 

Soon, it was evening. 

Alex had a great dinner, as his mother, sister and childhood friend fed him with love and happiness. 

After dinner everyone said goodbyes for night. Rachel and Eliza left for their rooms. 

Soon, Alex and his mother as well went to Melissa's room. 

"Wait for me, I'll get fresh in a minute, " Said Melissa. 

Alex looked around the room which hadn't changed much in last four and half years. 

His mother had kept everything same... 

She really loved Alex. 

"Alex... " Just then Melissa came out of the bathroom, her voice charmed by the beauty and love. 

Alex looked at his mother's beautiful features hardly donned into anything, as if she was seducing him. 

He knew that she was his mother, but even then he felt his self control loosening and screaming at him to pounce on her. 

But he stopped himself and kept looking at her snow White figure, moving charmingly and seductively towards the bed. 

She slowly lied down on the bed, her beautiful body and features pronounced clearly as she naturally moved in a seductive actions that even Alex could not bring his eyes away from her. 

"... Come here, " His mother said while opening her arms. 

Her half nude figure, covered only with her bra and panty which completely exposed her milk white skin was enticing. 

She was the Dragon Queen of Atrocity, someone feared by the world as a whole. 

But right now she was lying this vulnerable in front of Alex, but this scene was only available for her son whom she loved to the death. 

Alex slowly walked into his mother's arms, as he placed a kiss upon her cheeks which slowly trailed towards her lips. 

Both of theirs lips met, stopping the world as the whole, as they felt that they were the only one in this world. 

The kiss wasn't demanding or rough, it was slow and passionate. 

Their lips rubbed on each other's while their tongues slowly played and pried around each other's. 

They tried to taste each other's saliva while not forgetting to showcase their love for each other. 

"I love you my son... " Said Melissa in between the kisses. 

Alex as well replied, as he psuhed his tongue deeper inside his mother's mouth, tasting every corner of her mouth. 

"I love you more mom... " 

Their kiss ended as both of them fell upon the bed side by side. 

Alex's clothes as well disappeared, as Melissa's and his skin directly rubbed upon each other. 

"Mom... I wanna taste them... " Said Alex while fondling his mother's breasts. 

Melissa smiled, " Of course you can. After all they all only belong to you. "

Alex moved his mother's bra downwarda and for a moment just stared at her beautiful breasts. 

They were just perfect... Their size, shape and... 

Even their taste was the same, thought Alex while tasting his mother's nipples. 

Melissa involuntarily moaned, while feeling her son's tongue playing with her nipples. 

But Alex wasn't done, as he suckled on her breasts while at the same time groping them. 

Melissa felt herself at loss more and more, the pleasure her son always provided was undeniable. 

She loved this pleasure... 

She loved this feeling... 

She loved her son... 

Melissa's back slightly arched back as she cummed after so many years. 

She let out a loud muffled moan which she had tried to suppress. 

But Alex didn't stop, as he kept his work going on his mother's breasts. 

"Alex... Wait, let me go to a bathroom... " Said Melissa. 

"Why mom? " Asked Alex while acting confused. 

But, his hand slowly went down above her panty which was already comple soaked in his mother's love juices. 

"Because you cummed from your son suckling on your breasts? " Teased Alex while touching his mother's pussy from above her panty. 

"Ahh~ no~" Melissa's face turned red in embarrassment. 

" Don't touch there... " Said Melissa while moaning slightly. 

But Alex only increased his assaults more on both breasts and pussy of his mother's.

And soon enough Melissa orgamsed once again, as her panty was now literally dripping with her honey. 

Alex moved above his mother, looking down at her from above with his predatory eyes. 

His hand went inside her panty, feeling her pinkish folds hidden behind those panties. 

"Alex~ " Moaned Melissa in an aftermath of orgasm. 

Alex then brought his honey covered fingers to his lips and slowly tasted his mother's pussy juices, which were even tastier than any he had ever tried. 

"Mom... You are so tasty, " Said Alex making Melissa blush even more. 

But she regained her sanity and said, " Alex... We are mother and son. You shouldn't touch your mom there. "

Alex smiled, " But, you're so tasty there... Can I please drink it? "

Melissa was shocked... 

"No! Absolutely not! Let's go to sleep, " Said Melissa while trying to turn around. 

But Alex stopped her and looked into her eyes with cute puppy eyes, he said, " Please... Only once..."

Melissa was stunned... 

No, she couldn't let Alex do this. She had to make sure as his mother that he won't go on a wrong path. 

Yeah, she has to deny him. 

Melissa opened her mouth, "... Umm... O-Okay... O-Only O-Once... "

This was all Alex needed as he moved down and swiftly removed his mother's panties. 

And what came into his view was simply heaven. 

His mother's pussy was the most beautiful he had ever seen. 

It was pinkish like faint flowers of cherry blossom, covered by a small bush of hairs which only gave her pussy a mature and sexy charm. 

Alex couldn't help himself from giving it a lick. 

"Ahh~ " Moaned Melissa while being completely naked. 

Alex moved up to look at his mother's expression which was just heavenly. 

She was so beautiful that Alex could just look at her for eternity. 

Her beautiful ample breasts and then her shapely stomach and short waist, which ended in her motherly hips giving her a seductive figure of a succubi. 

While her naturally charming facial features made her look like a pure angel from heavens. 

And her aura was so majestic and grand that it made one have an urge to kneel before her. 

And now such a women was lying before Alex, completely naked and vulnerable with her legs spread to welcome him in any way, while her sacred garden dripped with love honey only for him. 

Alex couldn't stop himself as he took hold of his mother's hips and started tasting her pussy. 

His tongue moved around while tasting his mother's hole deeper and deeper. 

"Ahhh~ Alwx~ my son~ "

His mother's moans only became motivating music in Alex's ears as he tasted her with renowned fervor.

"Alex~ Ahhhh... " 

Alex suddenly found a new stream of juices entering inside his mouth as Melissa cummed once again. 

Alex drank everything till the last drop, not forgetting to remember the taste of this otherworldly liquor. 

Alex then slowly went near his mother's face and kissed her directly. 

Melissa who was still in the pleasure of the oragsm, kissed Alex subconsciously. 

Alex and Melissa then lied down beside each other and started tasting each other's mouths. 

Alex's hand moved around his mother's sexy now completely naked body, remembering every curve and contour to his memory. 

Soon Melissa regained her sanity and once again started feeling embarassed. 

Alex knew not to push this cute mother of his anymore, as she was going to be his sooner or later. 

So, after that Alex and Melissa just slept in each other's arms with their naked bodies completely pressed on each other's. 

Their hands and legs entwined upon other's, while Alex's head was pressed inside the heavenly softness of his mother's bosom.