college life is the best

Alex who was walking on the corridor soon found his teacher walking towards her cabin. 

Alex was planning to start corrupting this place and starting with teaching staff was a good way. 

Alex had no plans to go to talk to her here, as this place wasn't good for what he planned to do. 

Alex was just standing there contemplating over his mischievous plan, when he saw Emma who came back from where she was gone. 

But, as Emma saw Alex she turned teary and wanted to run away. 

Alex had bullied her too much and she was very angry at him. 

Of course she was just angry and didn't hate him. 

Alex had brainwashed her plentifully with words during the last few days they had spent together. 

But still seeing Emma pouting was refreshing and satisfying. 

Alex just stood there and waited for Emma to approach him. 

" Take my bag to the next lecture Hall. I'm busy with something, " Said Alex while patting Emma's head gently. 

Alex liked patting her, because of her beauty that screamed cuteness. 

" You are going for that teacher? " Surprisingly Emma asked with slightly jealous tone. 

She tried to act indifferent but her emotions were plain to see. 

" Have I become that easy to read? " Alex was surprised at this sharp girl. 

But Emma denied it, " It's not that. I just saw you looking at her in class too much... Even when you had me in your arms... "

" Haha, my Emma seems sharp. I was gonna pay a visit to her. I'll see you later, " Alex said and started leaving. 

But Emma stopped him saying, " Our lecture is in next hour. You are not attending? "

Alex hadn't checked schedule... 

But he said with a carefree tone, " I'll join in next lecture or may be not, don't wait for me. Cya. "

Before Emma could say something to stop him, he was gone. 

" Dummy! I wanted to show him around, " She said and went in the lecture Hall where Alex had left his bag which was actually prepared for him by Minami. 

Minami was really considerate, as she did something so useless. 

But it wasn't entirely useless as Minami got what she wished for as Alex appreciated her work. 

The next lecture was going to be in the same Hall. 

Emma quietly sat at back of the Hall where she and Alex were previously sitting. 

The Hall was filled with seats arranged in a circular dome shape with each seat a step higher than the one in front. 

It was made in the way that every student could get the best view of the board and stage. 

The Classrooms were the perfectly accomdated with everything modern, as expected of the best University and College in the Country. 

But Emma knew that, besides education this College had one more reason. 

It was made to develop interpersonal relationships between heirs of top families. 

Alex and Emma were not supposed to be in the same Year, but authority spoke bounds. 

Having direct letter from Hikari was enough to give Alex an admission in any year. 

Emma looked at other girls in the Class. 

There were many beautiful girls in her Class, many belonging to higher families. 

Obviously number of females was more than males in the Class. 

Emma felt jealous as she knew that soon Alex will try his claws on them. 

So, she just snorted and went to reading a book on art. 

But, she was stopped by a guy in her Class. 

" Hello. Emma-chan, Good morning! " The boy said enthusiastically. 

Emma couldn't remember his name, but she knew that this guy was one of the few people who kept trying to talk with her even when she ignored them. 

Emma knew that her position in Clan was not that good, but still she was a Yamamoto, and she knew that she won't be bragging if she said that she was the most beautiful girl in her Class! 

Previously she hated mingling with friends because of her low-esteem by bullying of her half-sisters. 

She knew that the everyone was around her just because of her beauty and surname. 

But, when they know the real her, they will as well start bullying her like her sisters. 

She was afraid of that and just attended College to get graduated and luck out on some good post in a good business. 

Women are all quite sensitive to opposite genders, and Emma was sure that this person had bad eyes on her. 

She was now already Alex's, so she didn't like someone else talking to her, lest he misunderstands her. 

But, still she responded to this unknown boy with a soft smile and said, " Good morning. "

She then looked down, giving the clue to fuck off politely. 

But, the guy was pretty irritated with Alex's presence around his crush and that's why he became braver. 

" Can I sit beside you? " Asked Haruto.. 

Yeah, this guy was charming Haruto who wanted to climb higher than he could reach. 

Just because he had heard that Emma had low position in the Clan, he was thinking that he might have a chance at her. 

He was thinking about having her as his main wife. While keeping his other girlfriends as his concubines. 

Alas, Emma always just politely replied to anything he said and left. 

Normal Emma would have left the seat by now and that's why Haruto thought that he had a chance today. 

But alas again, Emma said, " No and please don't talk to me from here on. I don't like it. "

Haruto was shocked... 

The gentle Emma who was always silent and never spoke much just now told him to get lost. 

But, he didn't dare to say anything and just smiled forcefully, " Sorry for irritating you. I'll go away. I just thought about being friends with your brother Alex, nothing else. Please don't misunderstand me. "

Haruto gave the reason he had made up and quickly left to not embarass himself anymore. 

After that Emma just sat silently until the next lectures started and ended, few hours had already passed. 

Emma was very bored, as she couldn't focus in lecture due to Alex ditching her to be here alone. 

She got out of the lecture Hall as it was now lunch time. 

She had made a lunch for Alex and she wanted him to try it. 

That's why she called him as soon as she was out, But--

" Ahhh~ I-I am... Sowwy... P-Please... Don't... S-Stop... "

Splat! Splat! Splat! 

Emma heard the sounds of eroticism and disgraceful moans of a women from another side. 

She was 100% sure that the Alex was on line, " Where are you? What are you doing? "

Emma said so, even while not liking what Alex was doing by ditching her. 

But, she had already become accustomed his personality. 

" Is it lunch time? Wait for me in cafeteria. I'll be there in an hour I saw schedule and there are no lectures for next two hours anyway if you are bored then you can check our new staying place, " Alex said and hung up the phone call. 

Emma had no choice but to go to Cafeteria and wait for Alex who was whooping half an hour late. 

" I was caught up. Let's see, what should we order? " Alex asked as soon as he sat down. 

He had still that easygoing smile that had already charmed Emma who wanted to get angry on him for being so late. 

She was waiting here for more than an hour like an idiot. 

She could only say, " Wait. I made lunch. C-Can you try it? " She nervously asked. 

She had never made even a tea for a opposite sex in her whole life, so her reaction was obvious. 

" That's cool! Thank you so much Emma, I love you! " Alex gave a bright smile, as he himself knew that Emma had worked hard for him. 

Emma blushed red hearing Alex's confession. 

She said with a small voice, " M-Me too and Don't say it loudly. "

Emma said seeing everyone looking at Alex and Emma, as Alex had said previous line without any care for someone hearing him. 

Everyone was wondering who Alex was, as they had never seen him. 

He was extra eye catching with his looks and presence of Emma around him. 

Alex just gave everyone a bright smile and they soon went back to what they were doing. 

Seeing that these people were still paying attention to them, Alex simply erected a sound proof barrier around them. 

" You can say whatever you want. I have made it so that no one can hear us, neither they can see what we're doing exactly. " Alex said and started eating the tasty lunch Emma made for him. 

"Wow! You're a good cook Emma, " Alex praised. 

"Thanks! I'm happy you liked it, " Emma smiled happily. 

She looked around and seeing that all people really were acting weird by making an eye contact with her but not looking away as one normally would. 

She understood that Alex had done something to make them invisible. 

" You really are a magician... " She said. 

" Yeah. Your boyfriend is the best right? " Asked while smirking. 

" Yeah. But my boyfriend is also a pervert, " Said Emma sharply. 

"Ohh, my cute Emma is jealous, " Said Alex while stuffing his mouth with a piece of meat. 

"Humph! Who was with you in last hour? " Asked Emma without looking away. 

Her eyes oozed out jealousy that she didn't even try to hide. 

Emma had really become brave. 

Alex knew that people get behaviourally quicker or more expressive when they were in love and Emma was going through the same symptoms of puberty. 

He couldn't blame her, so he decided to tell her. 

" I was with Tsumugi, " Said Alex casually. 

" You mean Tsumugi sensei?! You raped her?! Alex, she has a husband! " She asked loudly. 

Alex didn't reply and just nodded. 

"Alex, I think you should stop this. What if someone told police? Aren't you afraid? If the matter went public then even Yamamoto Clan won't be able to bury a matter completely. Your repuation will be soiled, " Emma suggested worried. 

" Don't think much. She won't go anywhere. I made a deal with her to revitalize her fallen family by investing in their companies, " Said Alex. 

" So, you didn't force her? " Emma sighed, at least Alex wasn't forsaken. 

Alex shook his head. He had no plans to not lie. 

Seeing Alex not saying anything, Emma understood that he won't tell her anything. 

So, rather than irritating him, she decided to talk about something else. 

She knew that love can change one. 

So, if she loved Alex enough may be he will stop going after other women. 

Poor Emma didn't know, that she will soon wish that Alex would have more women, as he was monster in the bed. 

As for Alex, he felt that he left too early from his staff visit. 

Those women were quite interesting. 

* * * *

Haruto who was very frustrated after Emma directly rejecting him without any remorse got a call from his friend.

He was sitting in an empty classroom with one of his girlfriends but he had no intention to do anything as he was still not over the rejection of his crush. 

" What is it now!? " Asked Haruto. 

The boy on other side seemed nervous as he said, " Haruto-sama, Emma just confessed to a certain foreigner boy. I don't know who he is though. "

" W-What!? "

" S-She said she loved him in front of all people im Cafeteria, " Haruto was shocked hearing this as he just threw his phone away. 

" Damn it! This bitch is also a slut, just like all others! " Yelled Haruto in frustration, his looks completely unlike his usual cool and aloof self. 

" Give me your phone, " After some time he said to the girl who was silently sitting beside him. 

The girl quickly did so. 

She then sighed sorrowfully looking at the boy she liked. 

She was the only one who had privilege to see his real side. 

As a Commoner, she and Haruto were leagues apart. That's why Haruto didn't think much before being open with her. 

" Dad, that bitch from Yamamoto Clan. She has found some foreigner boy. "

There was silence and then Haruto continued. 

" W-What? You want me to forget about her?? "

" B-But... "

" Okay Dad... I won't..."

Haruto also threw away this phone in anger after hearing what his father said. 

As per him, Emma now had a lot better position in Yamamoto Clan and it seems that the faction was in Yamamoto Clan was over. 

So, Haruto was told to not anger Emma and specially Alex who seemed to have very close relationship with the head of Yamamoto Clan. 

But Haruto whose heart was burning with fury and jealousy at loosing Emma couldn't let Alex go free. 

He decided to make him pay anyhow. 

So he called his brother, " Big brother I need help... "

The talk was soon over as Haruto's eyes twinkled in hate for Alex. 

His brother controlled few underworld gangs which he was now going to use for Alex. 

Haruto then dialled another number. 

" Hello. "

[ Yes, son? You needed something? ]

A soft female voice came from another side. 

" Mom. I need help... "

Haruto explained the basic situation, he knew his mother who loved him very much won't not help him. 

[ Sigh. Dear, why don't you just forget about that girl... Even if your mother's family intervenes even then we won't be able to contest against even a single wave of retaliation from Yamamotos. ]

" Mom, please... " Haruto said with sobbing tone. 

[ Sigh. Okay, I'll think something to make her yours. Now don't be sad. ]

" I knew it. Thank you Mom, " Haruto said and after some small talk he dismissed the phone. 

He knew his mother will help him anything political related while he moves against Alex. 

Making Emma his was impossible normally. So, he needed to pull that Alex's life out. 

The Commoner girlfriend of Haruto felt terrified at seeing Haruto laughing like an idiot. 

She felt that perhaps she should bail out of this ship as soon as possible... 

* * * *

More than 1 hour ago... 

'Trash people... Just because they're from stronger clan they throw their weight around! ' Tsumugi was fuming in anger as she opened the door of her Cabin.

As soon as she went inside, she threw away her purse and closed the door with Bam! . 

She then held her head and sat down on the chair. 

'Do I need to take meds again? '

She was going through anxiety and depression since some time. 

Her family was going through very bad time, as all of their businesses had gone flop. 

Someone was heavily targeting them. 

Her father was so tensed that he had to be hospitalized. 

She couldn't do anything as she was just a teacher and married to a Commoner man. 

Actually it was her grandfather's last wish before dying that she needed to marry a certain commoner man. 

She was now stuck with that idiot and couldn't even help her family in this dire situation. 

She might have been of some help, if she the only daughter of her father had married in a good business family, then she could have helped them somehow... 


Tsumugi just sat down and looked at the hand mirror near her. 

" I'm getting old... " Sighed Tsumugi. 

" You're still beautiful though, " Alex said. 

Tsumugi was shocked silly, as she looked up to see Alex standing in front of the door. 

" How did you come in?! I had locked the door? " She yelled. 

" I was always here. So, no need to mess with your brain cells, " Alex smirked. 

He then continued with a vulgar smirk, " Let me enjoy my welcoming at this College. You'll be one of the Participants of today's entertainment."