Room Escape

" W-What are you doing here?! Tell me or I'll call security! " Yelled Tsumugi in fear. 

She picked up the phone on her table and dialed the security number. 

She looked at the foreigner boy who had joined her class today and she was surprised to see that he didn't move even when she tried to contact someone. 

But, her doubts were cleared soon as the call said that her connection was cut. 

She looked at Alex in horror, " What did you do!? I'll yell now, if you don't leave! "

Alex just laughed, " You can do whatever you want. "

Alex then sat down on another chair in the room while looking at the amusing scene in front of him. 

Tsumugi did everything she could, but in the end she had to give up as even the window was locked and no one came even when she yelled at her fullest. 

After five minutes of yelling she stopped as she started her throat getting sore. 

She looked at Alex who was casually sitting there while looking at her yelling and jumping around like a monkey. 

" What are you smiling at bastard!? Get me out of here or.. or... " Tsumugi said while on the edge of sobbing. 

Being all alone with a complete stranger that also a new student of hers who seemed to be having nasty thoughts about her was the worst she could hope for. 

" Or what sensei? You wanna say something? " Smirked Alex. 

He then ogled her body covered in the professional suit and skin tight stockings. 

Tsumugi had nothing to say as she just kept banging her hands on the door trying to open it. 

She had no plans to try overpowering Alex, as she knew that it was impossible. 

Alex was a lot taller and bulkier than her, while she never had even killed a fly. 

She was a typical ojou-sama who was always spoiled by her grandfather. 

" Seems you are going to keep your silence... But how old are you sensei? If you answer this question then I'll give you a hint about why no one is coming to help you, " Said Alex casually. 

Tsumugi heard this and turned to Alex, she felt that she might have a chance if she tried talking things out with Alex. 

" I'll tell you everything. Will you then let me go? " She asked. 

" Nah, negative. I'll just answer your questions as you do what I ask for. As for how to leave is upon you, " Alex smiled. 

" Okay. I'm 31. Now tell me why no one is coming? " She asked quickly. 

" Damn. You got quite a figure though. If I hadn't had these discerning eyes of mine then even I would have thought that you were in your late twenties at most, " Said Alex. 

Alex then coughed slightly seeing Tsumugi not saying anything and continued, " I used in your terms a magic to isolate this room by creating a barrier around it. As for doors and windows, I just locked them from outside and enveloped them with better material so that they won't break even if the place was nuked. "

Tsumugi was so angry hearing Alex's words that she picked up the weight from the table and threw it at Alex mercilessly. 

If it was hit upon to a normal human then the person for sure would have had huge injuries. 

But, Tsumugi was too irritated and fearful to think that, as she just wanted to get out of this place which was locking her up for last 10 minutes. 

She knew that Alex was messing with her saying that he had locked the room by magic. 

But, next moment she was stunned to see the paper weight floating in front of Alex as if magically. 

Tsumugi was so shocked as she pointed her finger at the flying weight in fear and disbelief. 

" See, I told you. I can use magic. I'll show you more, " Said Alex as everything in the room started floating around Tsumugi making her shocked. 

" Y-You are a Ghost! " She shrieked and hid near the door with her back facing Alex as if trying to safeguard herself by not seeing around. 

But, she was jolted awake by a loud slap on her ass, as she had to turn around with a teary gaze. 

" W-What are you doing?! " She said embarassed and fearful, as she could feel some pain from her back even after few seconds. 

She saw that everything was back to normal, the things were all back at theri places. 

" I'm just showing you that I'm not a Ghost. A Ghost won't be able to touch you and Ghost also won't be as handsome as me, " Alex said with a charming smile that was deadly as fuck for Tsumugi who had to see it at such a close range. 

She was stunned silly as even her commoner husband who was a good faced lad couldn't compare to Alex's 1 percent. 

But, suddenly her world went silent as next moment Alex's face inched closer to hers and before she could say anything she felt Alex's lips on hers. 

But, Alex pulled away in just a moment and when she looked back at him he was sitting at his chair peacefully. 

" See. I'm not a Ghost. But, I can do magic, " Alex said with a smile. 

Tsumugi knew that even if this was some scam she was in Alex's hands. 

She looked around and there were no cameras there, but she might be scammed by hidden cameras. 

" Is this a prank!? I'm not interested in it. So I beg you to let me go, " She tried saying to only be met with Alex's disappointed gaze. 

" Now this is turning boring. Seems, I need to show you reality, " Alex snorted. 

Before Tsumugi could even think she felt unimaginable pain. 

Something that she had never felt. 

She had never even imagined that something could be this painful. 

" Argggggh! ! ! " 

Tsumugi looked down only to see that both of her hands and legs were separated from her trunk. 

Blood was flowing non-stop like a waterfall. 

She was terrified as death inched closer and closer. 

No! She wanted to die! As this was so painful that she couldn't stay awake. 

She wanted her agony to end. 

But, before she could say anything the pain slowly decreased. 

And it was gone, she looked down and saw that her hands and legs were back. 

But the blood staining her clothes was still there. 

The floor was covered in blood. 

She looked at Alex in horror while panting hard, as she kneeled in the pool of blood and vomitted everything she had eaten. 

Alex smiled as he looked at this scene. 

He was going to use this women as his and he didn't want to brainwash her plainly. 

He had seen that brainwashing could be removed like how Melissa and others weren't under brainwashing when he fucked them. 

So, he had come to a decision that he would only straightaway rape those who he considered not so important. 

As for the majority of women like Tsumugi he had no plans to make them fall for him for now, as he wanted to train her to become his slave. 

He wanted Tsumugi to tremble at even the thought of betraying him and at last forcing her to love him by brainwashing. 

After that she could slowly be shaped as he wanted. 

So, Alex snapped his finger and all the blood and vomit disappeared from around Tsumugi. 

He then made her stand up forcefully using his skill as telekinesis. 

His control over materialization was so good that he could solidify particles in the air which could help him lift things in air! 

Alex then forced Tsumugi to look at him, who tried to close her eyes and hide from reality. 

But his chilly voice followed, " Go in that room and wash yourself. You got 5 minutes to come back or I'll make you go through that pain again. "

Tsumugi opened her tears filled terrified eyes and looked at the small room that had formed from nowhere. 

She slowly walked with shacky legs and went inside the room and closed it. 

There was only a toilet, a mirror, some free space, basin and mirror there. 

She looked at herself in the mirror and wasn't surprised to see her tear and snot stained face. 

She always took care of her skin but now she could care less as that agonizing pain was still fresh in her mind. 

She didn't wish to experience it again. 

She splashed some water on her face and tried to calm down. 

But her racing heart didn't slow down after doing everything. 

She now feared and hated Alex at the same time. 

She wanted to get away from that monster. 

But, she knew that whatever was happening was real as that pain was real as the world. 

And she for the God's sake will die upon experiencing that again. 

She tried to calm down while thinking about how to leave. 

But, just as 5 minutes ended the room disappeared and she was just standing at one corner of her cabin. 

She turned around to see the stage that would be nightmare of her dreams forever. 

Alex was sitting with his back to her. 

He said, " Seems you are here. Let's play a Game if you want to leave. "

Tsumugi was surprised, " A Game? "

" Yeah. You just need to get out of this room. I have hidden clues inside the room which you need to find and finally open the door by finding clues. " Alex said while pointing at the door from which he came in. 

It was still the same and only exception was the huge lock that was hanging upon it. 

Tsumugi knew as this was a type of Escape Room game which she had once played in her mobile. 

She wasn't that fond of it, but she now needed to get this over with. 

But, seeing her just standing there, Alex added, " You can't waste time as after each 10 minutes you will experience that hellish pain again. If you wish to negate that pain then you need points for it. Which you can gain by finding point cards which are hidden along with clues. "

Tsumugi's body shivered again as she heard Alex.

She turned silent and thought for a minute about what Alex said. 

She asked, " How many points do I need to not feel that pain? "

"500, " Alex said while opening five fingers in Tsumugi's direction. 

" Ah, also there is another way to get points... " Alex added. 

" What? " Tsumugi had to know everything as this time she knew that it was true. 

" You can trade your body for points. Let me explain everything clearly, " Alex said. 

He then explained everything. 


If Tsumugi didn't wish to experience that pain then she needed to pay 500 points. 

Points could also be used for other things. 

Like, to obtain any items and also hints. 

1 Hint : 500 points

Tsumugi's expressions became angry hearing how she was supposed to get points. 

She could find points in point Card hidden in the room. 

Also by trading her body sexually to Alex. 

Like, strip tease will give her 50 points for each layer of clothing removed. 

A handjob for 200 points. 

A blowjob or boobjob for 400 points. 

For full sex she will get 1000 points! 

Alex then added, " If you give me your anal virginity then you will get 2000 points! Also the time spent in these activities won't be calculated. "

After basic explanation Alex smiled and said, " Start! "

Tsumugi knew that she now had only 10 minutes to find clues. 

She felt disgusted about trading her body for points, so she follow up with her brains. 

So, she scrambled around the room as Alex just disappeared to not hinder her. 

Tsumugi first looked around and saw that nothing was changed in the room, almost... 

She thought this as she looked at the number 4 written just below the calender. 

She was quick to notice this as that wasn't written there before.

She quickly took out a small notebook from her purse and wrote it down. 

She was a smart women and knew that it was necessary to note down whatever she found. 

She then looked around here and there in the room but didn't find similar numbers anywhere. 

So, she opened the drawer of her table and checked inside. 

There was once again a number written there. 

It was 'zero'. She noted it down as well. 

She looked up to see the time at wall clock and 1 minute was already gone. 

But still she hadn't found any point card to save herself. 

But, she noticed that the clock was slightly misplaced. 

She always knew that the clock in her cabin was slightly diagonally placed, but right now it was straight as perfect. 

She knew that she had found a clue, so she pulled a chair on which Alex was previously sitting and took down the Clock by using it. 

It was an analog wall clock gifted to her by her poor husband when she started working in the College. 

The clock worked on batteries and this kind of clocks were already outdated as everyone nowdays used digital clocks which recharged themselves automatically. 

She turned it around and looked at it from every angle but nothing was found. 

But, she was sure that it was a clue, her gut feeling was saying so! 

She stood up and threw it on the ground breaking it. The sharp glass pieces were thrown around but she didn't care as time was running. 

She picked up the Clock and opened its insides and there it was! 

A screwdriver! 

As soon as she picked it up an information entered her mind. 

[ • Automatic Screwdriver

 • Information : Works automatically by changing its shape according to necessity. ]

Tsumugi stood up abruptly as her mind ran faster than ever. 

She knew where this could be used! 

There was only one place in her whole Cabin where screwdriver could be used. 

It was the electricity Box! Which was besides the charging point. 

Tsumugi looked at the box while grinning, she was kinda even enjoying this Game now. 

But in hurry to go there she by mistake placed her leg upon the sharp piece of glass. 

She felt the sharp pain from her sole, forcing her to fall upon the table because of which she was forced to sit on her chair. 

She looked down as slowly all glass pieces disappeared from her sight, except the one that was stuck in her sole giving her so much pain that she couldn't say. 

She knew she had to take out the glass, as she needed to walk around. 

So, she just closed her eyes and pulled it out in one go. 

But blood flowed from the burning injury which made her tear up. 

But she comforted herself thinking, ' This is nothing in comparison to that pain. I need to get out of here! '

She stood up again after covering the wound with small piece of cloth, but this time she used her shoes so that she could walk around. 

She stumbled slowly and reached near the Electricity box. 

She wanted to use screwdriver to open it, but the screwdriver flew from her hand and automatically opened it. 

And inside it was a small card and a small white box with '+' sigh in red. 

It was a med kit! 

But Tsumugi first opened the small card as only 2 minutes were remaining for completion of 10 minutes. 

And she sighed in relief seeing that she had lucked out on Point Card which had 1000 points!