Kazuma's Plight

Like that days passed...

In Hayashi Clan Honoka did her best to sniff out Kazuma.

She would have failed in her endeavor for sure if Kai wasn't with her.

Kai helped Honoka every moment she was going astray.

" Can you stop telling us all that stuff and come right back to where that tumor on the earth is? " Hina asked Kai for Kazuma's location.

" Well, Honoka and I found him as he was hiding as a lover of one of the Clan members, " Kai said showing an image of a beautiful fairy.

" Wtf? I thought he was done in with a pig?! " Alex expressed his surprise.

" This is the pig that you're talking about hubby, " Kai said while cutely pouting and pointing at the women.

" She is Hayashi Hiyori. She has considerable position in the Clan. That's why Honoka is unable to move against her directly and that also in the times like this when Clan existence is on a weak thread, " Kai added.

" Are you making up for Honoka? " Alex asked.

He could clearly see that Kai was trying to not paint out Honoka as an incompetent women.

Kai blushed slightly, " No hubby. I was just saying it really is hard for her to kill Kazuma. May be we should lend some help to her. "

" Nope. You'll only actively participate when Honoka is at her wit's end, " Alex denied Kai.

He wanted to see this battle between Honoka and Hiyori.

" Okay... By the way, that vermin tried to have a meeting with Honoka and I stopped Honoka from meeting him, " Kai said.

" You did right. She should never come in contact with a Player, without being in a perfectly safe zone, " Alex nodded.

He knew that it will be a while, for Honoka and Kazuma's battle to conclude.

In the mean time he was going to brainwash other women in Hayashi Clan with the help of Honami.

He had already fucked her close acquaintances in Hayashi Clan which included her faction members.

He was chill for now and was enjoying his life at his mansion in the College Campus.

So, for now he completely focused on his Arisu.

It was her first day of school after some time and he planned to drop her there.

* * * *

" Dear, don't worry. I'll do my best. Even Clan Leader can't touch you without my permission, " Hiyori tried to console Kazuma who was going bonkers.

For last few days, Honoka had come after him again and again.

Her motive was clear.

She wanted him dead!

Kazuma even tried to have a meeting with her, to tell her that he was her future husband in real life.

It hurt Kazuma every time he saw his father and hugging Honoka together in any picture.

' Previously Alex, now even my own father is stealing my women... ' Kazuma felt like crying.

Honoka was very important to him and he knew that there was a chance that she might already have been defiled by Kai.

So, he just wanted to end this farce Game and go back to his real World where his wife Honoka was waiting for him.

" Dear? " Hiyori asked hesitantly seeing Kazuma spacing out.

Kazuma looked at the curvaceous beauty in front of him.

She wasn't like this before...

Kazuma still remembered how he was raped to death by a monstrous fat whore.

The thought still gave him shivers and chills as if his soul was breaking the cold sweat.

Nothing happened right away as even after Few days ago Kazuma brainwashed her, but his situation didn't improve.

He was raped again and again until he was creamed out to death.

This was Hiyori's way of showing her love, by possessively playing with him.

But, as if the God had heard Kazuma's prayer Hiyori's monstrous body slowly became humane and humane.

Her body fat disappeared along with the horrifying pimples on her face.

The procedure was painfully slow but in the end the day came when Kazuma could feel himself not suffocating while sleeping with Hiyori.

But, still he felt fear whenever Hiyori locked her beautiful eyes on him.

" Y-Yes honey? " Kazuma involuntarily stuttered as he replied to Hiyori.

" Why are you spacing out again? Don't you love me anymore? " Hiyori asked with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

" N-No. I was just thinking about you, " Kazuma said.

" It's good then, " Hiyori smiled while hugging Kazuma.

But, he didn't enjoy the hug even a single bit.

It seemed that Hiyori previously was ugly because of some curse and it seemed that it was negated by becoming a Player's women.

" You should reward me for real, I did a good work for you, " Hiyori said after some time.

" W-What? " Kazuma asked.

He did not expect anything from this now beautiful monster who had caged him.

His previous women were actually doing everything they can to save him from here.

" I set up a meeting with the previous Matriarch of the Clan. Hayashi Honami, that also a secret meeting, " Hiyori cheerfully said.

Kazuma widened his eyes, knowing that it was really almost impossible, as everyone in the Clan was on full guard due to Honoka's warnings.

" She agreed? " Kazuma asked.

" Yes! " Hiyori nodded.

" I see, " Kazuma said feeling suspicious.

But, then suddenly his phone rang.

" Who is it? " Hiyori narrowed her eyes dangerously. She was fine with Honami being Kazuma's but not any random slut.

" Let me get this, " Kazuma stopped her.

[ Sir, we're in a big problem. All of your women have been kidnapped by Alex. Right now he is chasing after me. I don't know if I'll escape but I want you to know that I lov--]

[ Crash! ]

[ Noooo! Stay away!.... Don't touch me you monster! ]

Kazuma could hear his assassin women talking from the call.

She seemed pretty desperate and in fear as if she was fearing someone for her life.

Her words as if she was going to die.

Before Kazuma could even say something, there was a sound of phone falling away.

Then what followed was the sound of Alex.

[ Stop resisting. You're the last one here now. Once you're mine, I'll go and fuck his remaining women in Hayashi Clan, haha]

[ Tear! ]

Alex laughed and what followed after was a sound of clothes being torn.

The feminine wail echoed in Kazuma's ears as he felt his soul leaving his body.

[ Please don't sob sob Argghh ]

The women kept crying and soon she gave a loud painful moan.

Kazuma didn't need to ask to know what was happening on other side.

[ Ahhh~ ]

It wasn't even a minute later that the women gave a loud moan this time not painful but full of pleasure.

But, the moan didn't end as this was just the start of the series of long moans.

[ I'm cumming inside. Soon you'll forget your previous owner and become mine completely ]

Alex said and dropped his cum deep inside the women.

[ Ahh~ Ahh~ so good ~ ]

After orgasming so many times Kazuma's women had already become brainless.

It wasn't long before she even confessed her love to Alex while begging for him to fuck her more.

Kazuma now couldn't hear anymore so he cut off the call.

He then looked at Hiyori with bloodshot eyes.

He didn't know why suddenly he felt like crying.

But, he stopped himself.

" You can rely on me... I won't leave you... I promise, " Hiyori said gently knowing that her man was having the worst time ever.

" We need to go check on my only other women in Capital, " Kazuma said.

" No. We're not going. it's not safe! " Hiyori denied.

" It's not on you. I don't care anymore. I need to save that girl, " Kazuma remembered the cute schoolgirl he had saved.

He couldn't imagine that cute girl being ruined by Alex.

So, without even asking for Hiyori's help he got out of the mansion.

Hiyori had no choice but to follow him.

" You said you were not coming, " Kazuma scoffed.

" I love you. I can't leave my man alone, " Hiyori said resolutely.

Kazuma felt his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her determined expression.

He knew that Hiyori really loved him, not because of brainwashing but truly from her heart.

He was in a way true as Hiyori was infinitely grateful to Kazuma for saving her from her ugly days.

" Thank you Hiyori, " Kazuma thanked her with a gratified expression.

He then started the car towards the apartment where that school girl used to live.

He had tried calling her but she wasn't picking up his call.

She was supposed to be at home in this time and she never ignored Kazuma's call.

Kazuma was having a bad premonition but he was hell bent on saving her.

In 10 minutes Kazuma could be seen entering the elevator of the certain apartment building followed by Hiyori.

Soon they came upon their destination.

Kazuma's heartbeat sped as he opened the silent apartment door.

His slow steps echoed inside the small apartment.

It was as it was before...


" You're here Uncle, " A soft giggling voice could be heard from inside.

A delicate small girl who had her hair dyed blonde could be seen on the bed.

It was the same bed where Kazuma spent his nights with his women in his arms.

He couldn't recognize the small girl for a moment, as she had a tanned and tattooed skin and a body that was covered in aftermaths of so many harsh physical battles.

He could see her small pink pussy which was filled with white semen and same with her asshole.

Even her nipples and clitoris were pierced, making her look very slutty.

She was trying to show off all of this, like a small girl adressing her great achievements to her father.

Kazuma involuntarily felt his eyes welling up with tears seeing the cute young girl who he loved looking like a slut.

She even had her nipples and clit pierced...

Her body was covered in shameful remarks all over...

And perprator of this all was smirking at Kazuma while sitting right besides this girl.

The small slutty looking girl started licking Alex's cock while pointing her both sperm filled holes at Kazuma.

Kazuma's eyes now turned red in anger.

" How dare you... How dare you... " He muttered in anger with wet eyes.

He wanted to kill Alex...

And so he decided to do... Right here, right now.

He created a sharp blade of air and ran towards Alex to kill him.

But, Alex just chuckled, " So, impatient. "

He waved his hand and a cage appeared out of nowhere around Kazuma.

Kazuma suddenly lost every feeling in his body.

But, at the last moment he felt his body jerking behind him.

Hiyori pulled him away from the sure end trap.

" Run! I'll hold him off! " She ordered to Kazuma.

" No! I can defeat him! " Kazuma said heroically.

" I said run! you piece of shit! Take this there is everything you need inside! Come save me later! For now leave! " Hiyori said with a determined voice.

" Hiyori... " Kazuma wanted to say something, but then suddenly he saw a beautiful young women he knew entering the apartment.

She was his... But not anymore.

She had disturbed and disgusted look on her face as she looked at Kazuma and swung her dagger at him.

Kazuma easily evaded her with his enhanced senses.

That was what he thought, but a sharp pain was felt by him in his right arm.

" Fuck you you bastard! My Master Alex has taught me things that a pathetic dog like you will never do. He has given me the real strength! Now die! " The assasin women who just few time ago lost herself to Alex said so, making Kazuma's senses tingle in fear.

He didn't know how she became this strong...

He knew that he had to get out of here...

He took one glance at Hiyori and saw that she was somehow resisting Alex.

Kazuma always knew that Hiyori was weird and very mysterious.

But, seeing her blocking Alex who was a superhuman in himself was a new shock for him.

But, he didn't stop.

" I'll save you! Wait for me Hiyori! " Kazuma said and shoved the assassin women to the wall.

" I'm sorry. I'll save you as well, " He apologized to the women he so much loved.

But, she just glared at him, " Drop dead for me! How dare you touch me before! I only love Master Alex! "

She looked as if she was trying to flatter Alex more than trash talking Kazuma.

Kazuma now didn't even wait for a moment before running out of the apartment with a broken heart.

" It's useless. I've locked down the whole apartment, " Alex's voice resounded in his ears sinisterly.

But, Kazuma had no time to pay the voice any heed.

The middle aged neighborhood aunty, he always saw while staying in this apartment was holding a pistol while standing before the elevator.

Kazuma took stairs but it as well was covered with the female residents of the apartment building who Kazuma knew somehow well.

They were all armed with cold weapons hell bent on killing him.

He couldn't believe that Alex had fucked every women in the apartment building in so small time period.

But, he had no time to think.

He fought with everything he had and used his skills to shove those women away.

These women were all amateur, so they only knew how to gang up and had no real sense of Martial arts.

Kazuna tried to not kill anyone as they were all just normal women before Alex brainwashed them.

And they were all very good to him when he stayed here...

There were some who he even planned to bring into his harem before.

Now everything went shit...

Kazuma did his best to not harm anyone but being non injured was impossible.

So, somehow Kazuma managed to reach the ground floor after taking the elevator from the third floor down.

For his shock he found that he was in a confusing array.

He had once fought against a very troublesome Player who used something similar.

" No... " In the despairing situation, Kazuma couldn't think straight.

So he went with the direct Plan..

" Where is that!? " He said while checking the shop.

He tried to buy something..

[ Your Points are insufficient ]

" !No! Damn it! "

He kept looking and luckily he found it.

A Genie lamp!

" I wish you to save me! " He said.

The next moment a beautiful blue skinned seductive nymph appeared in front of him.

She was wearing a leather colored bra and had a lower body turned into a tail like cloud.. Her hair were done in a pony tail and she was wearing large golden earrings and also golden bracelets and chain.

" I can't save you. But, I can give you a slight help and suggestion. Is that what you wish for mortal? " She asked with a melodious laugh.

Her blue lips look so enchanting that Kazuma would have wanted to intoxicate himself in them normally.

But, now, " Do it! " His life was on line.

He could see his own assassin women coming towards him with a dagger unsheathed.

" It will cost you half of your remaining longevity also the blood of 10 virgin girls, " The beautiful genie said.

" No! I'm not doing that! "

" Then forget it. Don't wake me up from my slumber again, " The genie said.

" No wait! I'll do it! Save me now! "

" Haha. I knew that's why I like mortals like you. So predictable, " The seductive nymph laughed with a smile that was enough to intoxicate any sane man.

" Take my hand, " She offered to Kazuma...