Fall of Hiyori

" Master. He escaped... "

" What? " Alex was surprised as the assassin women he had stolen from Kazuma informed him that Kazuma had escaped.

A genuine frown of displeasure came to Alex's face, making the assassin women shrink her body in fear and self-shame.

Meanwhile Hiyori had a genuine smile of relief on her face as she saw Alex's displeased expression.

" It's because of you. You slut, " Alex cursed at Hiyori.

This bitch wasn't strong enough to beat Alex.

But, she managed to delay him for some time.

Alex had full confidence in his plan to capture Kazuma so he had let him leave while dealing with Hiyori in leisure.

But, it seemed to have back-fired.

" Haha. My Kazuma will come back to save me, " Hiyori laughed in confidence.

" Humph! I'll catch him later but now I have something more interesting with me, " Alex smile calmly to Hiyori's words.

He sized her up and down.

" You really are a beautiful women, completely opposite to the pig that you were some days ago, " Alex commented.

Hiyori didn't try to hide her body as she knew that her everything was on Alex's mercy.

Her heart bled at the notion that someone other than Kazuma will be touching her now.

But, she just snorted and didn't give Alex the sadistic pleasure he wanted.

" Disperse! " Alex said and the cage around Hiyori disappeared.

Hiyori without even thinking for a moment did something.

Her figure started becoming illusionary, her form disappearing.

But, Alex just chuckled he had anticipated that Hiyori will try to run away.

With a wave of his hand the minor teleportation spell was cancelled.

" Tsk, " Hiyori tsked in despair, with her plan failing.

" So, will you make it easy for both of us and get fucked obediently? Your resistance is also fine, " Alex smiled while ogling her frame.

Hiyori was wearing a long skirt like dress which went till her knees.

Below it her naked legs could be admired freely.

She had huge breasts and perfect rear, while her face was also an art to admire.

Alex slowly went near her as if admiring the each moment of her sight.

Hiyori made a disgusted expression while trying to look away.

But, she couldn't anymore when Alex forced her to look into his eyes.

He gently gripped her waist with one hand while touching her lips with the other hand.

Hiyori tried to get out of the touch but it was useless.

Her efforts wasted with no results.

Alex's hand which was touching her lips slowly slided down and touched her nape which was unhidden by her dress.

Alex the slowly made his lips align with Hiyori's.

" No... " Hiyori cried in unwillingness.

But, she couldn't stop Alex from kissing her.

Her lips were slowly devoured while Alex's hand slipped inside her dress and bypassed her bra directly, taking control of her soft breast.

Hiyori gasped as Alex painfully squeezed her mound.

He twisted her nipple without any mercy making her open her mouth.

Alex took the chance and slided his tongue inside the soft mouth of Hiyori.

" Stop... " She tried to say, but her words were drowned by the painful moans she started leaking while getting kissed by Alex.

Alex's other hand as well pulled up her long skirt till her ass.

He entered inside panty and caressed her smooth,firm asscheek.

But, not for long as his hand turned merciless and started fondling her asscheek as well.

" Ahh.. " Hiyori cried, but her voice was unheard.

She had fallen into a devil's hands now she had to pay.

After few minutes of playing with her tongue Alex embraced Hiyori.

He brought her to the bed in apartment and slowly unwrapped her clothes as if she was a precious material.

He then dropped a bombshell on her, " You know, Hayashi Honami is already my women and you only sent Kazuma to my own trap... "

" No! It can't be... " Hiyori gasped in surprise.

She tried to not give Alex any mental satisfaction.

But, this news was too much.

" Not sister Honami... You're lying... "

She tried to deny it, but despair on her face was clear.

She had sent Kazuma to a trap by her own volition.

" I'm not. Now I just need to set up a trap there and this time I'll make it full-proof, " Alex laughed.

" No... No... " Hiyori felt bad because she was the reason why Kazuma was going to be in a big mess.

But, after few moments her expression hardened again, " You can't break me. Even if you're not lying, Kazuma will escape again, just like he did this time! "

" Just like this time? By sacrificing another one of his sluts? " Alex asked while cupping Hiyori's boobs and sizing them up.

Hiyori glared at Alex hatefully while holding back another moan.

" Don't give me that look. This is eat or be eaten. I know you love him. But, it's all just the effect of brainwashing. Once I fuck you, you'll love me as well, so give up, " Alex said.

His words struck a cord in Hiyori's heart, as deep inside she was always worried about her feelings.

Even if Kazuma had never told her, she knew that these new feelings of love might not all be real...

Alex only confirmed her guess now.

" I'll make it easier for you. You were most likely cursed by something and by becoming a Player's women you managed to retain your beauty again. That means, you would have become like this by the help of any Player. I as well am a Player and I'll never abandon you like Kazuma did, " Alex said with a smile that spoke reliance.

" I'll take care of you and won't let you be stolen again. Your fate is already fixed to become my women for forever. Deep inside you should know that for Kazuma to defeat me is impossible. So give up and happily accept me, " Alex said his clothes disappearing into the air.

His handsome chiseled body came into Hiyori's vision making her primal instinct as a women trigger.

But, she fought it back with her love for Kazuma.

She knew that everything Alex said was true.

She didn't know what Player exactly was. But, she could make some vague correct guesses.

She knew all...

But, she cried pitifully, " I love him. I only love Kazuma. These feelings... Please don't call them fake. "

Hiyori for real started crying now, as her inner self fought against her artificial feelings.

" Hiyori you know it deep down. Your feelings are fake. So, accept me and make new feelings with me. I may not be able to give you the love you truly desire, but I won't let anyone steal you from me. Because I'm strong. Stronger than anyone, " Alex added with a confident smile.

He knew that Hiyori won't accept him right now.

He didn't even need her to.

He was only talking her into this because he was going to show Kazuma how helpless and weak he was.

Hiyori now completely stopped resisting Alex as deep inside she had lost a fight.

She knew everything was useless.

Her feelings were the only thing giving her a loyalty to Kazuma.

Now that she knew those feelings were going to go away soon, she stopped resisting.

Alex smiled as he looked at Hiyori's broken expression.

He then looked down at her pussy which was slightly wet from all the fun he had with her body while kissing her.

Alex slipped two of his fingers inside them and felt her walls gripping against them.

He caressed some creases here and there, elucidating a carnal moan from Hiyori's mouth.

" Please... Alex... I don't want it... " She pleaded while still not resisting.

She had given up, these words were just last of her futile attempts of consolation to her fake love for Kazuma.

Alex smiled at Hiyori, " Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Believe in me. "

His gentle voice reached till Hiyori's heart, for a moment making her believe him.

She then saw his cock aligning with her slit.

The place which previously belonged to her loved one for whom she had given up her freedom.

' Will he feel bad? ' this was the last thought before Hiyori leaked out a loud moan reaching upto heaven.

Her pussy was struck by Alex's cock. Without mercy he had slammed till his balls touching her hips.

His tip kissed Hiyori's baby room with a strong strike.

" Ahhh~ "

The moan followed as Alex pulled back and slammed again.

" Why is it so tight... " Alex mumbled as this unnatural tightness was as if Hiyori was a Virgin.

He looked at Hiyori but she had a real broken expression on her face, as Alex's cock had reached till the depths of hers that no one could ever reach before.

" Ahh~ Ah~ I'm cumming ~ "

With few more strokes Hiyori cummed loudly from Alex's cock.

Alex smiled, his words seemed to have worked.

As without them Hiyori will really not have cummed so soon.

Seeing her enjoying it, Alex decided to pleasure her more and more till she breaks completely.

That's why Alex spent next hours fucking Hiyori left and right.

He not a single time cummed inside her, as whenever he was about to climax he would empty himself inside Hiyori's mouth or on her boobs and ass.

Hiyori had already lost counts of the time she had cummed by now.

It was now completely normal for her to give in to her lust.

Even though her love was extraordinary, it couldn't stop her tight pussy from clamping around Alex's dick.

Neither could it stop Hiyori from moving her sexy hips to pleasure herself.

Her body had already fallen for Alex..

She had lost.

Alex soon stopped fucking her..

" W-What? " Hiyori asked bewildered.

Even though she was completely wasted by lust, she still wanted to go on. Go on until she dies.

" I'm tired, " Alex said.

" No. Get it up.... I've not cummed yet... " She pleaded with a small voice.

" Nope... I lost motivation, " Alex confessed.

" I'll help you, " Hiyori said for her now her love was useless.

Desperation to orgasm just one more time was evident in her eyes.

" It's no use. But, I'll let you cum, if... "

" I-If? "

" If you tell Kazuma that you love me, " Alex said.

" W-What!? I can't! And he is not here! " Hiyori said frightened as she looked around.

She didn't want Kazuma to see her like this.

But, her eyes fell upon a camera on one side of the door.

Then she found second and third then forth and fifth.

The whole room was filled with cameras which she just now noticed.

" N-No... " With despair Hiyori looked at Alex.

Her despair was mirrored by Kazuma who was seeing the same scene from a long away.

He was feeling guilty that Hiyori had been left behind by him.

Once he checked his mobile, he felt even more guilty as Hiyori had transferred everything on her name to Kazuma.

So, if Kazuma planned to stay away from conflict and live a normal life, then he could totally do so.

But, he had no plans to do that, after...

[ I love you Alex... ]

He heard Hiyori surrendering to Alex from inside the video.

Kazuma switched off his phone and closed his eyes.

He lost everyone.

There was not a single one of his women beside him.

" I need to go see Honami. Only if I can win her then only can I win... " Kazuma muttered.

But, now he had no confidence to pull it off...

" I c-can't give up. I'll die... I need to save them all, " He remembered the faces of all those women he had.

Melissa, Rachel, Eliza, Rose, Flora, Daisy, Sayuri, his assassin women and that little schoolgirl, the governer women who he loved...

But, their faces now morphed into a disgusted and hateful expression they had when they saw Kazuma last time.

" Sigh. Let's go, " Kazuma said to no one.

He came out of his hiding place looking all old.

He had given up half of his longevity for escaping from there.

As a Played he could live forever, but if he someday lost then he will revert back to his former self before he became a Player.

In Kazuma's case now, he will be turned into an old man.

" I give up on my emotions. Make me as strong as you can, " Said Kazuma.

A beautiful blue skinned women appeared from behind him with a mischievous smile.

She now was in her humanoid form.

Her body was covered in a seductive clothing. Her celestial face that could arouse even an eunuch was very beautiful.

Her laugh melodious...

She looked at Kazuma and nodded...