Death of Kazuma

" Are you sure you arranged the meeting here? " Alex asked.

" Yeah. I even sent him all information. I don't know why he is late. May be he bailed out after understanding that it's impossible for him to win against you. What a pussy, " Hiyori cursed.

No one would believe that just a day ago, she could sung the song of praises of the man she just now cursed.

" Let's wait some more time. If he's not here then we can only bring Honami away, " Alex said as he watched Honami from the room right besides hers.

They were actually in a family restaurant, that wasn't too high end neither too shabby.

A perfect place for secret meetings.

The meeting was supposed to be in a room where Honami was now sitting while impatiently tapping her fingers on her arm.

She acted totally natural as if she was a meeting holder totally irritated by the latecoming of her clients.

" He's here, " Hiyori said suddenly as someone knocked opened the door.

Outside the door a burly man was standing who let Kazuma in.

" Something has changed... " Hiyori commented, as she saw Kazuma from the camera.

She couldn't put her finger onto the feeling, but she was sure that something was different about Kazuma.

" He has somehow increased his strength... Exponentially, " Alex muttered.

" Damn. Are you sure we'll be fine? " Hiyori asked worriedly.

" Sigh. I told you to not worry. Even if he became strong enough to nuke this place out, I'll win. Also we got Kitsune out here, " Alex said pointing at the small fluffy fox sleeping on his head.

No one will even imagine that this silly fox was actually a demi-Godess level creature.

" Sigh. Her presence doesn't make me any more relieved. Are you sure she is even alive? She's like always sleeping, " Hiyori commented to which Kitsune woke up.

She hissed and glared at Hiyori, and after getting the expected reply went back to sleep.

Hiyori who was feeling cold sweat from just one look of Kitsune, couldn't help but shut up now.

She focused on what was going on in the next room.

There, Kazuma sat down on the chair, making Honami act confused.

She looked at the quite a good looking old man. He was wearing normal shirt and pant looking quite dignified as if he had gone through many ups and downs of the world.

" Where is the one who wanted to meet me? " She asked for Hiyori.

" I was the one who wanted to meet you, " Kazuma said.

Honami thought for a moment and said as if she respected Kazuma's age, " Okay be quick. "

This ticked Kazuma off, but he decided to punish this slut when he gets her under his finger.

" You're in a grave danger, " Said Kazuma not knowing the opposite would be more true to himself.

" I always am. So How now? " Honami asked with a curious expression.

She really was a good actor.

" Your Clan was pulled into this mess because of one and one person, " Kazuma said.

Honami didn't say anything. It was her way of saying continue.

" He is the current ruler of Yamamoto Clan. Yamamoto Clan isn't neutral right now. They're just waiting. Bidding for their time to most likely harm you when you're least expecting it, " Kazuma informed.

" I see, " Honami said seriously, she asked, " So, who is he? "

" His name is--" Kazuma started but was interrupted.

" Alex. Am I right? " Suddenly Honami said.

Her smile so beautiful that after charming it was on the verge of being called creepy.

But, only Kazuma felt like that.

He felt shiver run down his spine, as his biggest fear came true.

Honami disappeared from the room.

More like she was never there, as the one who was chatting with Kazuma was a realistic hologram.

" No way... " Kazuma couldn't believe how he missed such a simple clue.

Without waiting for another thought he turned to the door.


There was no door.

In its place was standing someone who Kazuma so dearly knew.

" Give up Kazuma. You're done. This time you'll not escape from Master, " Hiyori said.

She was looking beautiful and charming with a cold smile on her cherry pink lips.

Her voice which previously used to ooze out love for Kazuma now only reeked of malice.

" Hiyori... " Kazuma almost cried but his eyes then turned determined.

" Come out here Alex. Let's settle this once and all! Don't hide now you asshole! " Kazuma cursed his confidence stemmed from half of the lifespan he had spent.

But, Alex didn't appear rather the once who appeared were someone Kazuma loved even more dearly than Hiyori.

Kazuma's eyes first fell upon Kai who was dressesd in a beautiful crimson robe, which was puffed out in specific areas leaving the contours of fantasy to other's imagination.

Kazuma was slightly surprised seeing this beautiful fairy, but he didn't associate her with his father right away.

As his eyes locked with his mother, who had always supported him throughout his journey.

But, she now was in Alex's arms in just her undergarments.

" Mom... No... Sister..." A despair stricken leaked out of Kazuma's throat.

As he saw his twin sister as well in Alex's arms.

In Kazuma's real life Kaede was not only his sister but also one of his secret wives.

Seeing her with Alex was another shot upon his declining sanity.

The presence of his other wife Hoshino was just another cherry on top of Kazuma's injury.

As Hoshino could be seen in between Kaede and Kahori kissing Alex enthusiastically.

Behind Alex were standing all of Kazuma's remaining women, who he dearly loved.

There was Akiko there and also Melissa, Rachel, Rose, Daisy, Flora, Eliza.

Kazuma now couldn't even look straight as his gaze dropped down.

He could feel a sharp pain against his heart at the thought of what had Alex done with his women and loved ones.

" Oh, also.... Kazuma? Did you know that your father is actually a women? " Alex asked with a mischievous smile.

He left the skimpily dressed Kaede, Hoshino and Kahori behind and stepped near Kai.

His hand slippes inside her robe caressing her bare ample breasts.

Kazuma's eyes widened in shock.

This time he was even more shocked than before.

" L-Lord F-Father... " He stuttered like an elementary school girl found by her father dating a 30 year old uncle.

He was just that shocked and terrified.

Kai on the other hand just fell into Alex's embrace while giggling.

She didn't even spare a glance to the person who was supposed to be her son.

Kazuma had on the other hand still a shocked expression as the beautiful women's face matched with his Lord father.

He couldn't believe it...

" I was always doomed to loose... " Kazuma accepted in the end.

During his lifetime one thing he had learnt was that he could never outsmart his fat- or now his mother Kai.

Kazuma remembered that Kai had died just a day before the Game descended in his real world.

There was a rumor going around that she had killed herself along with dozens of other women, who might potentially be her lovers.

Maybe Kai knew what was going to happen and her death wasn't all coincident...

Kazuma had this frightening thought, but they were thrown away as soon as he saw Kai tongue kissing Alex.

She wasn't like her regular proud and bloodthirsty self. Just a docile kitten.

" Alex ~ I love uou~ " She even confessed her love amidst the passionate kiss.

" I know, " Alex patted her head gently and stooped kissing Kai.

He said, " Now that you've seen everything. Why don't you make it easier for me and die? "

" ... Never, even if I loose. I'll make you bleed, " Kazuma denied.

" Sigh. Whatever, " Alex said seeing Kazuma dashing towards him with an explosive punch.

Alex easily dodged him and muttered, " Kitsune. "


There was no then.

A giant nine tailed fox appeared out of nowhere and tackled Kazuma.

Throwing him against the wall.

Hiyori who was nearby used who knows what to form a transparent spear.

She lodged it towards Kazuma's heart.

A Miss!

But, she managed to graze his right shoulder and arm.

Kazuma's assassin women used her pistols to shoot at Kazuma while Alex disappeared behind the group of women.

He had no plans to dirty his hands when he had some women under whose hands any man would pay to die.


These women were even related to Kazuma so he should rather be happy.

But, opposite to that..

" You son of a bitch! If you're a man then come out and fight me! Why hide behind skirts! You fucking bastard! " Kazuma said while being overwhelmed by Kitsune, Hiyori and Kai.

Kai was really good at fighting as even though Kazuma was slightly stronger than her physically, she was still beating him up.

It wasn't long before Kazuma fell to his kness in front of Alex who was fucking his mother Kahori.

Kahori now brainwashed felt bad for Kazuma but that was all.

She didn't care about any man besides Alex.

And right now she was feeling so fortunate to have her pussy being filled with his cock that she cried and moaned in happiness.

Alex was sure that, Kahori would have had a different expression if she was not brainwashed.

Alex smirked at Kazuma and showed him the best view possible of the pussy that he was birthed from.

" Ah. It's boring. Can I kill him hubby? " Kai asked.

" He is your son you know, " Alex said.

" That's why it's more fun to kill him. I wonder how it feels keke, " Kai gave a depraved laugh unsuitable to her upbringing and background.

Alex did not want to hinder Kai from her investigation.

So, he for next hour fucked each of Kazuma's women one by one in front of him.

None were spared except Kitsune and Kai who kept their eyes on Kazuma.

" Now you can go and kill him. I'm done, " Alex said while cumming inside the asshole of Kaede at last.

Kaede really had the best asshole out there. It was very tight and filled with creases.

That's why Alex normally fucked her in the ass primarily.

" Okay~ " Kai smiled joyfully and pushed her unsheated sword through Kazuma's chest.

"! No... " Kazuma gave a sad whimper before holding his chest tightly.

He couldn't even yell in pai before his already broken heart ruptured and his body stopped being supplied by the blood.

He died...

" Seems the story of Kazuma ends here. Now we should focus on replacing the real world Sakura Country by this world, " Alex said.

" Hubby, but there is still that Godess Asteria out there... " Kai reminded.

" She won't be a big issue. She won't be able to move against me once I'm back to my Country, " Alex said.

" So, how will this world replace the real one? " Kaede curiously asked.

Most of the women as well looked at Alex.

They didn't know how Alex was going to pull that off.

" It's easy. This World will move on in time until the day of this World matches with the day of the real world outside, " Alex said.

" So, there will be the descent of the Game after approximately 20 years here? " Kai asked.

" Yes. Most likely and that's why we have a mission, " Alex said.

" What? " Everyone wondered.

" We will bring the whole country under the rules of females in this World. I'll brainwash every female in power but I won't be touching most commoners and will let them grow like pests. Once the Game starts we'll wait for the final supreme to emerge and then kill him. This time we'll kill off everyone who showed great work in the Game of reality, " Alex informed.

" But, how will we know who did good and bad? " Kahori asked.

" That's why we're here, " Melissa smiled while pointing at herself proudly.

She wasn't called Dragon Queen of Atrocity for nothing.

Even while fighting Kazuma she was the leading force amongst her peers only shadowed by Kai, Kitsune and Hiyori who were abnormally strong.

Kahori nodded to Melissa knowing that they had come from the future.

Kahori had actually even developed a good relationship with the small pregnant girl whose name was Ivy.

So, she knew some very interesting things that were going to happen in future.

Even Alex didn't know many of these things as his predecessor was mostly a run-down rich second generation bully.

Even though the future was going to change drastically due to the presence of Alex, it wouldn't hurt to know about key figures of future.

Amongst them were people like Sayuri who Alex had fucked just some time ago.

As per Melissa she was a kinda national superstar and was born around this time.

Also, " For betterment of our future we need to kill Kazuma, he is the son of a luck. When the Game started not even the smartest people in the country could stop him and everyone fell aginst him. The main reason behind it was the Godess Asteria who helped him. "

Melissa adressed the importance of deleting the Kazuma of this World from the face of the world.

Everyone yes manned her words as they knew that Kazuma will grow up to be quite a nuisance.

" But, then what about that Godess of Stars? " Kai asked.

" We have already offended her as I said before. So, let's kill him as well. But, the question arises who will do it? " Alex wondered.

His eyes darted towards Kaede and Kahori...