saving her

" Kaede and Kahori I'll hand you the mission of killing Kazuma. As he believes in you it'll be easy for you to catch him off-guard, " Alex said.

Kaede and Kahori both felt sad at being given this mission.

Kaede was Kazuma's twin sister and previously loved him very much while Kahori was his birth mother.

Both of them even after being brainwashed felt conflicted to do this...

Kai who saw this came to their rescue, " Hubby. Let me do this. I kinda didn't even feel anything when I killed this Kazuma. So, I wanted to experience ending the other one. "

Alex smiled at Kai, but he didn't agree to her.

" You can do so Kai if Kaede and Kahori doesn't agree. So what do you two say? " Alex asked them.

Saying no to Alex was almost impossible to both of these women. It was ingrained in their soul that Alex's happiness, reasoning, sorrow and plight all were theirs.

" W-We will do that. Right mom? " Kaede said as she tucked on her mother's blouse.

Kahori looked dazed for a moment, but she then wordlessly nodded.

Her eyes still conflicted.

Alex smiled at them and after few more minutes of chit-chat sent everyone away.

" Keep an eye on your daughter and wife. If they disobey me, inform me. Also, end Kazuma as soon as possible, " Alex ordered.

" Okay hubby. But, I don't think they'll betray you, even though they're just a brainwashed bunch. Why don't you hand over important work to someone like me, Ai and I don't want to say but Hikari as well is very reliable, " Kai said.

" Doing so is no fun, " Alex said with a cold smile.

After that he as well disappeared.

His destination was the Takahashi Clan.

Alex got out of his shining new sports car gifted to him by Kai.

Kai really had good tastes when it comes to cars...

Alex made his way inside.

No one stopped him, as Alex had already brainwashed many of the high echelon females of the Clan.

They had ordered all of their servants to be respectful to Alex.

" Welcome Young Master Alex, " A beautiful women bowed to Alex as soon as he entered the inner area of the mansion.

The women was wearing a long skirt british maid uniform.

She was the head maid of the Clan and was already devout lover of Alex.

Alex wordlessly nodded to the beautiful eastern female and asked, " Where's Arisu? "

The women looked around as if checking if there was someone around.

She said, " Princess Arisu is being bullied by her cousins most likely right now. Previously her brother protected her but now poor girl is going through the phase of loneliness and denial. "

Alex smiled making the women as well smile slightly.

On another side of the mansion.

" Say it Arisu. Was your brother murdurer Or not? " A small girl asked with a glare that sent chill through Arisu's spine.

" May be the cat got her tongue. How unbecoming and Imbecilic. Why is she even alive? " Another girl chided.

Arisu felt her cold heart being pierced by every word thrown at her.

Nowadays, it was unsafe for her to even get our of her room.

Whenever she did she would be ganged up by her cousins and get bullied.

Arisu had already lost her tears as some of her cousins who were good friends of hers as well started bullying her.

Her only salvation in this World was Alex who sometimes called her.

He was the only one who hadn't changed, even her aunt had changed...

But, Arisu didn't dare to tell Alex about her situation. She didn't wish to burden him and send even him away like everyone else.

Just as Arisu was going through her monologue to not hear these hateful words she felt her hair being held by someone.

"Agh! " Arisu cried in pain.

" Shut up murdurer! " Someone slapped her.

Arisu didn't catch who that was as she had closed her eyes trying to stop her trembling body and tears that were about to well up in her eyes.

" Please. Don't hit me... " She begged.

" Hmph! Then accept that you're a murderer, " Said a voice that was quite familiar to Arisu.

This was the girl who she was closest to her in the Clan. The one who she considered as a best friend at one point.

It will be an understatement to say that betrayal didn't hurt Arisu.

But, everyone had betrayed her. Her brother as well. Before accepting that he was a murderer he didn't think even for a moment about her.

" N-No. I'm not, " Arisu cried but no one was there to hear her out.

She was alone...

" What's going on here? " But, then she heard the high pitched voice of someone she knew dearly.

" Y-Young Master Alex? "

" Why is he here? "

" He looks so cool from upfront... "

" Yeah. Even while he is glaring. Hehe, "

Alex really was giving a glare to everyone.

He of course didn't leak out his killing intent as that might cause heart attack to some of these poor girls who were helping him out here.

" How dare you touch Arisu, " Alex said with a cold tone.

This time his voice managed to make everyone studder as if they were in front of a superior being.

" Y-Young M-Master... "

" Y-Young Master. She is a murderer... "

Alex cut off midway the small girl who was blabbering something that her brainwashed mother told her.

" She is not a murderer. And if I see any one of you even near her from now on, then... " Alex lengthened his words while giving a death glare to everyone. He even gave out some of his murderous intent for extra effect.

And it worked like a charm.

One of the girls even pissed herself in fright and was carried away by her friends who wanted to get the fuck away from Alex as soon as possible.

Alex nodded inwardly knowing that he had managed to completely isolate Arisu from all girls in the mansion.

Also, he had spotted some quite a few good looking kids amongst that group..

He needed to tell Hina to send them to him tonight.

Alex then threw away those extra and useless thoughts and focused upon Arisu.

She was looking at Alex with moistened eyes and pitiful gaze.

Huh! Don't be like that.

Alex already wanted to pat her, pamper her, care for her and fuck her right here.

No.. No.. No..

Calm down..

Alex calmed himself down because Arisu was the dish that he wasn't able to eat right now.

The poor him...

He needed to wait...

How much time?

At least a year or may be years...

freakin' years!

Of course Alex wasn't sure about this, as he might just get ejected from the World after fulfilling the mission he was given.

So all he could do now was wait...

For now focus!

" Arisu, are you alright? " Alex asked with a gentle tone that was completely 180° to his inner sinister monologue which was plotting anything but noble and kind.

" Big brother... Sniff, " Arisu cried as she slowly stood up with Alex's help.

Her face was stained with tears while her hair was all messy.

But, even then she looked a celestial fairy nonetheless.

" Let's go to your room. I'm sorry I wasn't here when your were hurting. I'm a bad person, " Alex apologized 'sincerely' while not giving a fuck about anything inwardly.

Arisu shook her head while wiping her tears away, " You don't need to help me. You just talking to me is enough... "

Arisu really wanted nothing from Alex. As a human who had lost her every humane connection she cherished the last relation she had with Alex.

She wished than nothing more to keep Alex with her as her big brother...

She just wanted to keep looking at him silently without any words spoken between them for eternity.

Just gazing at him tenderly. Feeling his presence around her.

Not being alone inside her room..

That's all Arisu wished for right now.

She didn't know, but the seed of love inside her heart had already bloomed slightly.

" Sit down, " Alex said as they entered inside Arisu's room.

He then took a glass from the side and filled with the water from the jar.

" Drink some water first, " He gently said.

Arisu took the glass as she sat on her bed.

Alex slowly caressed her hair as she peacefully drank the water.

" I feel sleepy. Can you stay here with me? " Arisu asked done gulping down the water.

She looked drained and exhausted.

It was different exhaustion than the one Alex saw normally on his women's faces once he was done railing them.

Arisu was mentally exhausted after what she had gone through for the last week without any support.

Since the day her brother died she wasn't even let to wail for his demise before her position degraded even more than before.

Arisu couldn't even believe what was happening around her.

Her sisters bullied her while her brothers tried to make her their slave.

The only safety she had was this small room of hers.

It was turned into heaven for her...

But, that also ended when her aunt Hina assigned one of the maids as her caretaker.

The maid ruthlessly bullied Arisu and didn't stop anyone from bullying her.

Arisu tried to beg Hina for mercy but she hadn't even seen her aunt hearing that Hina was too busy to meet a murderer like her.

Alex of course knew all of this, as the maid assigned to Arisu was one of his close confidants.

Soon, Arisu fondly fell asleep while holding Alex's hand.

Alex tried to pull back it from Arisu's grasp but she was holding just too tightly.

Alex had no plans to wait here until she woke up.

That would sound romantic and all, but Alex didn't care.

He wasn't going to get attached to Arisu.

His mission was to do the opposite.

And he had already succeeded in the first step.

He had broken her away from every relation she had.

He made her completely alone.

That's how he managed to enter her World.

By now he should have been possible to make her fall for him if he said some correct words.

But, Alex didn't want that.

He remembered the haughty expression of the mature Arisu he had seen years ago.

He wanted the same her to lick his feet while begging for his love.

Alex used a perfume he had brought with him.

Its description said that it was enough to make any person fall unconscious for at least 4 hours.

Alex believed that Arisu was knocked out for at least 6 hours so he got out of the room.

His destination clear.

Alex soon came inside a grand cozy room.

It was completely opposite to Arisu's which looked shady and all.

This was the room of Nanase, who was Hina's Master.

Nanase had a very interesting story, as she seemed to be the forgotten chosen one.

The World's Will just forgot that it had bestowed upon someone named Nanase its blessings.

It would have felt pretty sad, but not when being forgotten came with the immortality, op superpowers and etc etc.

Nanase was a real daughter of luck, but she had this habit of being forgotten.

Even I just remembered her presence...

So, basically at the death bed of hers.

Nanase got her superpowers and a completely new body which was untainted and untouched.

But, there was a rule, she was only going to be an immortal until she was virgin.

So, today Alex was here to take away her virgin status.

Inside the room Nanase could be seem laid back on the bed.

She was wearing a beautiful ring with a dazzling gem attached to it.

One may ask why this was being mentioned.

Well, it was because Nanase was staring at the ring so hard, that one would have believed that she wanted to make a hole inside it if not for her loving expression.

" Hehe. Hubby, " Like a creep who smells the panties of women, Nanase sniffed the ring and then licked it... Literally.

Alex was shocked as he opened the door.

Nanase had given him the key of her room so that he could enter inside whenever he wanted.

Well, Alex had forgotten where it was now, but with his materialization skill he could make a key out of nowhere!

Seeing the perverted look on Nanase's face who was supposed to be around the age of Hikari's grandmother, Alex felt that his decision to come here was right.

" What are you doing Nanase? " Alex asked.

" Ah?? Hubby!? " Nanase who heard Alex's voice turned to him.

She couldn't help but flinch at the thought that Alex saw her un-lady like appearance.

" Hubby, I was actually checking if the gem was real... " She tried to give some reason.

But, Alex wasn't in any mood to hear her out, " What do you think about getting rid of your virginity today? " He smirked.