A date with Arisu

Three hours passed in a jiggle.

Alex had taken some time out from his precious time table to visit his lovely Nanase.

Right now after three hours of battle, she was laid on the bed or more like sprawled on the bed, naked and unconscious.

" May be I overdid her, " Alex sighed as he snapped his finger and his clothes returned to his body.

" Master always wanted this, hehe, " A soft giggle resounded from behind him.

Hina who saw her always dignified Master sprawled on the bed with her pussy, asshole and body covered with sperm wasn't even surprised.

She knew that Alex was a literal beast...

Alex smiled at Hina, " I thought you were busy. "

Hina was the current controller of Takahashi Clan. She needed to low-key bring downfall of the whole Clan.

The main thing was that Hina wasn't brainwashed by Alex yet. But, he was sure that she won't betray him.

Alex knew how women like Hina worked.

Hina even though having a husband affectionately embraced Alex.

Her more than moderate breasts pressed against Alex's masculine chest, while her feminine smell wafted around him.

She then tip-toed slightly and place a kiss on his cheek.

" What are you doing? " Alex asked.

" Marking my man. Is it wrong? " Hina asked back.

" I wonder, " Alex smirked, but he didn't make anymore moves.

While, Hina blushed slightly seeing Alex understanding her ploy.

" You know I haven't kissed anyone even on cheek, " Hina pouted once the embarrassment of her exposure went away.

" So, you want a reward for it? " Alex asked.

" Yeah. Something magical... " Hina muttered.

" Hmm... Take this, " Alex said.

" What is this? "

" Hm05 Fly, " Alex smiled and handed Hina a small circular disk.

" Huh? Huh? Huh? Why do I feel like I have heard of this... " Hina thought to herself.

But, her thought process was interrupted when Alex said, " You can fly using it. "

" Really? " Hina asked.

" Yeah. Let me activate this for you, " Alex smiled and took the disc from Hina.

He then placed it on her forehead and muttered something under his breath.

Hina felt a weird information flooding inside her mind.

It was as if she was a bird. She for a moment felt like she was flying.

And just another moment she was pulled back!

" Alex! I saw some weird things! " She said loudly waking up even Nanase.

" I know. Now you should be able to fly if you concentrated, " Alex informed.

" What about me hubby!? I also want a gift! " Nanase chimed in while pouting.

She was jealous of Hina.

" What do you want? One more round of sex or a gift? " He asked with a smirk.

Nanase didn't even think before saying, " One more ro-- No! I want a gift! You almost had me there! "

" Haha. Okay. So what do you want? " Alex asked to Nanase.

" Something that can make me more beautiful, " She answered.

" Aren't you already beautiful Master? " Hina rolled her eyes finding Nanase's wish utterly bullshit.

" Humph! Don't butt-in you ungrateful brat! " Nanase scolded.

" You! Old hag of 100 years! " Hina wasn't to be trash-talked. She had her own experience of talking back.

" You damned virgin brat! Alex! Don't fall for her charms! When she was little she used to cry everytime someone called her flat, " Nanase gave up a fatal information.

Hina started fuming with anger, she also looked for something that can hurt Nanase.

" Alex, Master has the habit of kicking anyone who sleeps besides her, " Hina said.

" N-No. I don't, " Nanase denied but her stammer gave her up.

" She also sleep talks, " Hina added.

" N-No, " Nanase was about to cry. It seemed she wasn't strong enough to demonlish demoness Hina.

She was afraid, Alex won't sleep with her because of this.

" Both of you quiet down. Nana take this, " Alex said and gave her another circular disc.

But, this one had different color.

" This is TM45 attract, " Alex said, " Also, it will help you to turn anyone with lower mind power of opposite gender into your slave. "

" Wow! Sounds something interesting, " Nanase said.

" Yeah, " Hina as well thoughtfully nodded and advised, " Try it on Alex. "

Nanase who heard this thought for a moment and then glared at Hina.

" Humph! See hubby! She thinks bad about you, " She chided.

" No. That's not what I mean, " Hina rolled her eyes, " There is only Alex here. And I'm sure that he has the more mental strength than any human around. "

Alex smiled at Hina's low-key praise and also a low-key investigation.

He then said, " It's fine Nana. You can try it on me. "

" Umm... Okay, " Nanase obeyed and did so hesitantly.

As soon as she activated the skill her body glowed pink.

The air around her changed.

Alex could feel that Nanase became more and more pleasing to his eyes.

She then instinctively looked at Alex and seductively winked at him.

A heart shaped pink colored cloud flew around him and then it disappeared.

" It disappeared? " Hina asked.

But, no one answered her.

Alex just shrugged while Nanase...

She was holding her head as if she was having a great headache.

" Ahh. Hubby my head hurts, " Nanase complained.

" Nana, you need to train your mental self. Even if your attack failed you shouldn't face repurcassions. Now it is about time that you stop wasting your time and learn something that can be called practically useful, " Alex scolded Nanase.

Her mental strength was just too trash.

Hina on the other hand started smiling at her Master's misfortune, while feeling Alex was too strong after all even if forgotten Nanase was a chosen one, she was inherently better than all humans around.

" What are you laughing for? I want you to learn to fly in one month. Understood? " Alex ordered.

" Y-Yeah, " Hina nodded.

Alex then looked at both of them and gave Nanase one final kiss before leaving towards Arisu's room.

There his princess was sleeping soundly under the effect of drug.

Alex sat down beside her and made her hold his hand as she was doing before.

Once he removed the drug from the air. Arisu woke up.

" This was the best sleep I had in a week... " She muttered while looking at Alex gratefully.

She misunderstood that Alex's presence was what gave her secured sleep.

" I'm glad, " Alex said, " Also, to make you feel good I'll stay with you today. "

Arisu's eyes welled up with tears just from this small show of care.

" Thank you big brother, " She thanked.

Alex wiped her tears away and helped her to slowly get up.

" So, what do you want to do today? " Alex asked.

" Why don't we just stay in my room today? " Arisu asked.

She really had started fearing going outside.

" No. Let's go out. I'll treat you, " Alex said cheerfully.

" No. You don't need to, " Arisu wanted to decline.

But, in the end she had to agree to go out after some time.

Until the time Alex and Arisu had small talks.

They talked about anything.

Alex did well to cheer Arisu up.

He needed to cheer her up enough to throw her down again to the abyss.

So, after some time both Arisu and Alex could be seen leaving the mansion.

Arisu held hem of the Alex's shirt and walked behind him like a small child.

She once in a while kept looking around as if afraid of someone showing up to bully her.

In last week she had developed this natural fear she didn't want to.

Alex smiled inwardly at poor girl's condition.

Arisu was the same until both Alex and she sat down in his car.

" Big brother where are we going? " Arisu asked.

" Let's first go to some clothes store, you will like shopping. Then we'll have dinner outside, " Alex said while starting the car.

He had come to a conclusion, these creatures called women really liked shopping and stuff.

" Ah. But isn't it exactly like... "Arisu mumbled in a very small voice.

She felt that this was exactly like a date.

She had never gone on a date ever before...

Arisu blushed at the thought while looking outside the car.

She after some minutes asked, " Big brother... "

" Yes? " Alex asked back.

" I'll call you onii-chan from now on, " Arisu said while looking at Alex with her big round eyes.

Even Alex felt ensnared by the cute look Arisu was giving him.

Arisu already called him big brother, but she felt that it wasn't close enough.

She wanted to make herself attached to Alex.

She for her whole life had longed for the love of big brother, so she wanted Alex to take that position after her bastard brother died.

" You can of course, " Alex smiled while driving.

He didn't need to turn around to see that Arisu was blushing.

Arisu right now was just a sheltered girl.

She didn't know many things.

She thought that the closest relationship she could have with Alex was that of a siblings.

So, she forcefully tried to calm down her emotions as she didn't know whether if she tried to go in another direction Alex will be happy or not.

She didn't want to make the last person with her as well to leave her completely alone.

So, she decided to go with flow.

When there is no one to rely on, a person starts clinging to the one who is even a little bit good to them.

Same was happening with Arisu, in loneliness she had already lost fear of being together all alone, with Alex.

" We're here, " Alex stopped his car in front of a the best clothes store in the Capital.

In weird accent Designers was written on the top of it.

" Y-Yeah. But, Alex what if someone saw us? " Arisu asked.

" Then what? Don't be afraid without any reasons. Now that I'm with you, I'll protect you. Okay? " Alex said while caressing Arisu's head.

The security guard out side the shop bowed to Alex and Arisu and opened the door for them respectfully.

" Please enter gentleman and lady, " He said respectfully.

He didn't know who Arisu was but by now Alex was popular throughout the country who made riches by bitc-- by luck.

Millions now envied Alex.

A beautiful women in professional outfit came out to greet them.

Her conduct was really respectful, making Arisu sigh in wonder.

The position really mattered in this world.

" What will you like to have young Master and Young Miss? " The women asked.

" Something for her, " Alex said while pointing at Arisu.

Arisu right now was now just in some casual skirt which looked as if it it had gone through a war.

Though it still made Arisu look like a pitiful creature that needed protection.

" What will you like young miss? " The women asked.

" Umm... Anything is fine, " Arisu mumbled.

" Sigh. I'll choose something for you, " Alex said.

Soon, Alex made Arisu try a lots of dresses.

It really was pleasing to an eye to see a cute beauty like Arisu wearing those different clothes with different tastes.

Alex made her wear cute clothes like frilly skirt and then even a sexy micro skirt and also a lolita dress.

Arisu blushed brightly while Alex praised her like there was no end.

In the end Alex even made her wear some party wear which was just too sexy that Alex wanted to jump on her right here.

" Pack everything we saw, " Alex ordered.

Then he chose one of the dresses for Arisu to wear right now.

He wanted to make her comfortable so he chose a one piece skirt which had a beautiful sakura colored belt at the waist.

The white skirt looked pure and innocent and Alex had noticed that Arisu really liked this one.

Arisu happily went inside the changing room to wear the dress.

Alex waited outside while being served some refreshments.

In few minutes Arisu came out looking simply too stunning and over cute.

Her white dress matched with her porcelain white skin while the ribbin in front of her belly emphasized her narrow waist.

Below her skirt she was wearing tight similar white leggings which gave view to her shapely legs.

Beneath it. She was wearing slippers...

" We need to get you some sandles, " Alex said glaring at slippers which destroyed the perfection of the dress.

" Young Master should we go to footwear section? " The women asked seductively after her boss informed her that Alex was a real bigshot!

Arisu frowned in displeasure at the voice of the women. But, she didn't mention it.

" Yeah, " Alex nodded ignoring everything but Arisu's cute reaction.

As soon as they entered the foot wear section Arisu's eyes fell upon pure white cute shoes.

She looked at shoes like a small kid who was asking for her father, ' see that. I want that. That! '

Alex chuckled, " Do you like them? "

Arisu blushed slightly and nodded.

" Get them for her, " Alex said and the women followed.

" T-Thank you, " Arisu thanked again.

Just then Alex got a call. It was from Kai so he decided to take it.

" Arisu, I'll go and take the call. Until then you look for something you like, " Alex said as he patted Arisu.

" Okay, onii chan, " Arisu nodded with a smile.

The dressing up had all cheered her up.

But, still seeing Alex's parting back she felt kinda lonely.

" Your boyfriend really cares about you, " A giggling voice came from her side.

The women who was assigned to their care was giggling while bringing a pair of sandles.

" O-Onii-chan is not my boyfriend, " Arisu denied with a blush. She wished he was also her boyfriend...

" Oh, " The women acted surprised but she read Arisu like an open book.

" You're beautiful. So, he might take you as his concubine, " The women praised genuinely.

She misunderstood that Arisu was a commoner who caught Alex's eyes.

" C-Concubine? " Arisu knew who concubine was. Her mother was as well a concubine.

She didn't want to be in the same condition as her mother...

" Yeah. As I see he cares about you. But, due to rules in Royal Families they cannot make commoners like us their main wives, " The women explained.

" S-So what if I was not a commoner? " Arisu asked genuinely.

She wanted to know if by this women's perspective Alex really liked her or not.

" Then you would have had a real chance. He seems really fond of you. He even chose every dress for you and praised you. The look in his eyes was of pure devotion and love. I'm kinda jealous of you really, " The women smiled.

" I-I see, " Arisu felt her cheeks turning rosy at the thought that Alex loved her.

Arisu wanted to say something, just when the women's demeanor turned professional again.

She knew that Alex must have come back.

So, she while trying to hide her blushing face checked another pair of sandles.

Alex who heard everything smiled inwardly while acting as if nothing happened.

In the end Arisu chose the first pair of cute shoes which matched perfectly with her new dress.

Alex paid for the shopping and then they left for remaining day.