Cheering her up

" What is this place? " Arisu asked while looking around in the apartment.

After shopping Alex had brought her to this place.

A beautiful apartment which had one bedroom, one hall and a kitchen.

" Make yourself at home. I bought this place for you, " Alex said while caressing Arisu's hairs.

Arisu was really touched.

She felt that Alex did this so that she won't be bullied.

" Thank you onii-chan, " Arisu tried to hug Alex but he sidestepped.

He knew that hugging was out of question.

Arisu pouted. She didn't know why Alex avoided her as if she had a plague.

" Don't you want to check your new home? " Alex asked.

" Yes! " Arisu replied cheerfully forgetting about her thoughts just now.

She then started looking around like a little girl.

" You know how to cook right? You also need to keep this place clean if you are going to stay here, " Alex said.

" C-Cooking?... Of course I know how to cook, " Arisu's expression was enough to let Alex know that she didn't understand even the C of cooking.

" Once you're done change into something casual. I'll teach you basics of cooking, " Alex said as he sat down on the sofa and started tv.

A holographic screen appeared on the wall in front of Alex.

While he was doing so, Arisu nodded with a red face and started looking around her new pris- home.

Alex relaxed and quickly changed some bullshit advertising channel to the news.

After few minutes Alex nodded to himself.

The news wasn't at all surprising.

Takahashi Clan's business shares prices were going down rapidly.

Some Clan members had even thrown the towel because of assassination attempts and death threats they were getting from Kageyama Clan.

This was how Kai worked. She always used force to solve her problems.

But, the most frightening thing about her was that she wasn't all brawls and no brains.

When things went South she could turn into a conniving fox from a bloodthirsty tigress.

Even Kazuma who came from the future would have preferred to make enemy of Honami Or Hikari instead of Kai.

Of course Honami and Hikari had their own strengths and Alex was sure that even if Kageyama Clan was proclaimed to be the strongest in the Sakura country, Yamamoto Clan wasn't that far.

The news then talked about Hina's interview in which she said that Takahashi Clan will fight back, etc, etc.

Basically Takahashi Clan's condition was slowly turning to be very precarious.

Main family members who had the security and safety believed that Clan will soon be back to it was before, while members of farther branches were already getting away.

" Onii chan, " A slightly nervous and shy voice soon came from the door of the bedroom.

Alex turned his head around whole zeroing the sound of tv.

There was standing an angel...

No, it was just Arisu.

She shyly tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at Alex.

She seemed to have done her hair and some make-up in the time when Alex was watching news.

She was also wearing a very cute skirt which made her look like a little innocent fairy.

Previously she looked beautiful, but now it was like giving wings to a tiger. Cough.

Basically she looked very beautiful.

She was wearing a cute knee length skirt and above it the pink apron which Alex had bought for her.

Arisu of course didn't know the uses of apron except cooking.

So, when Alex said he was going to teach her to cook, she came wearing apron.

Alex would have preferred if she came out wearing only apron though... He needed to try this with his other women, he decided.

" You look great, " Alex praised.

" Hehe. "

Arisu giggled while seeing Alex's dazed eyes as he scanned her up and down.

Arisu then seductively leaned on to the door with her rear curves sticking out and suggestively winked at Alex.

She slowly licked her lips while showing off her beautiful legs.

She had kept her hair loose and flowing, just to show Alex her best beauty.

She was too shy, but she wanted Alex to see her.

" So what do you want onii-chan? A dinner with me " Her voice so cute and angelic that it thwarted away all of her seductiveness.

Even Alex couldn't stop himself after hearing her.

" Hahahahahaha. Brat, are you trying to seduce me? " He asked.

" Y-You! " Arisu couldn't believe she failed.

She had heard that this should look very pleasing to a man.

But, it seems she was unable to pull it off perfectly.

She pouted and went to towards the kitchen, while huffing in anger.

" She is growing up, " Alex muttered while looking at Arisu's shaking rear.

She really was a nymph...

Alex was only by his battle hardened determination was able to stop himself from pouncing on her.

It seems that tonight few of Alex's women were going to have a sleepless night.

Alex took the simple cue and followed after Arisu.

" Sorry for that, but you looked really cute there. So, I wanted to tease you, " Alex smiled.

He didn't need to know why Arisu was angry. She was already developing feelings for him.

So, it was normal for her to feel downcast at the thought that Alex didn't find her pleasing.

Will she always be little sister to Alex?

No! Little sister sounded good and all... But... But...

Arisu couldn't explain her heart. She knew that she wanted to have Alex always by her side and only way for that was to be by being his other half.

Arisu pouted for some time, but Alex's pats and some gentle words were enough to soothe her down.

Most likely it were her insecurities that made it hard for her to get mad at Alex for too long.

She was just afraid that Alex will find her annoying.

" Let's try cooking. I'll teach you, " Alex said.

They decided to work with something basic.

" Let's make a cake, " Alex said.

" I don't think it's something simple onii-chan, " Arisu addressed her worries.

" No problems. I'll make it easy for you, " Alex smiled.

" Okay. "

" So, we need flour, powdered sugar, butter, eggs, milk... "

Alex mentioned the materials and Arisu searched for them in the kitchen.

The house was made for Alex so it had everything in it prepared previously.

" What do I do? " Arisu asked.

" Come here. Mix this flour, baking powder and chocolate powder, " Alex said.

" Okay! " Arisu nodded.

But, alas noob was a noob.

" Onii-chan something is wrong with this, " Arisu complained.

Alex sighed, " Let me help you. "

Alex then gently took the bowl to his side.

Added some more flour in the bowl and mixed it well until a nice emulsion was formed.

He then made Arisu go through next steps.

Surprisingly Arisu had some skills as she learned really fast.

After 15-20 minutes the unbaked cake was ready.

" Put it in oven at specific temperature, " Alex said.

Arisu followed.

She said, " We now need to wait for half an hour. "

" Yeah. What should we do? "

" C-Can I sing for you? " Arisu hesitantly asked.

Alex perked up. He really loved singing.

" Of course. It will be my pleasure to hear your voice, " Alex said with bright eyes.

Arisu knew that she had to do a good job if she wanted to please Alex.

" The day I met you. The day I remember "

" The day I loved you. The day I felt myself.... "

Arisu's enchanting voice was very pleasing as she sang some song in her mother tongue which was a common language in Sakura country.

She seemed to have practiced a lot since the childhood.

As Alex knew every royal Clan member was supposed to learn all of the qualities like martial arts, musical instruments, political warfare etc.

Even though Arisu looked naive, she was a national champion in dojo!

She was just inherently talented. Her only bad luck was that she was born in wrong hands.

" H-How was it? " Once the song ended, Arisu asked shyly.

" You're good, " Alex praised.

" Hehe. Thanks, " Arisu giggled.

After that Arisu and Alex watched TV. They together talked about different things and chatted happily.

" 40 mins are over. Let's see if our cake is ready, " Alex said after some time.

He stood up and went into the kitchen.

" Wow! It looks fluffy fluffy, " Arisu said as she saw the fluffy cake.

" Oi. Wear gloves before you touch it. You should take care of hygeine always, " Alex smacked Arisu's head gently.

Arisu pouted but obediently wore the kitchen gloves.

She then picked the tray of cake and brought it to the dining table on the side of kitchen.

" Now we need to do some icing on the cake, " Arisu heard Alex's voice as she turned around.

Alex then helped Arisu decorate the chocolate cake with different things.

" Wow. It looks so good, " Arisu exclaimed.

She was the one who decorated the cake but Alex was the one who held her throughout the work.

" Haha. It's not even half done, " Alex smiled.

" Huh? Why? It already looks a lot better than those stuff in mall, " Arisu said.

" Well the main thing is to eat. So, it's not even half done, " Alex smiled.

" Oh, " Arisu said, " You should have said so before onii-chan. "

" So, let's eat it, " Alex said.

" Okay~ " Arisu smiled happily.

Alex then took a knife and cut the cake in six pieces.

Arisu had already sat down on the chair with a plate, knife and fork ready.

Alex chuckled at her childish behavior and gave her a piece.

Arisu happily cut it with the knife and was about to eat it.

But, she then remembered something.

She quickly stood up and pulled Alex on the chair besides her.

" What? " Alex asked surprised.

" This is the first cake I've ever made. So, I want you to eat it first, " Arisu said shyly. Her voice the serene flow of kindness, warmth, affection and a hint of love.

But, Alex inwardly felt that it was questionable whether Arisu was the one who made the cake.

But, still he made a slightly taken aback expression and then looked touched.

Arisu felt her heart beating faster at seeing Alex's touched expression.

She involuntarily felt happy just from the notion that Alex liked that she had prioritized him before herself.

Of course this was the slow brainwashing scheme of Alex which he was using through subtle gestures.

" So, now say aaa~ " Arisu said with a cute voice.

She took a piece that she had cut for herself and brought it to Alex's mouth with the fork.

Alex took a bite.

The sweet taste of chocolate melted on his tongue.

His cooking skills seemed to have improved again. Alex thought.

" Now feed me, " Arisu next said.

She looked at Alex with her big round eyes twinkling in anticipation.

Alex couldn't say no. So he took another slice of a piece and brought it to Arisu's mouth.

" Feed me with the spoon you--" Before Arisu could complete her words Alex stuffed her mouth with the cake.

His attempt was flawless as before Arisu could say another word she fell in love with the cake.

" S-So good... " Arisu said.

She then without even waiting for Alex took another slice, then another, then another.

Finally her pieces were over.

She couldn't help but turn to Alex's plate now.

Alex sighed and said, " You aren't getting more cake. What if you got diabetes? "

" I'm still young. And diabetes is worth the cake. So, give me one more piece pretty please, " Arisu pleaded.

But, Alex didn't hear her out.

He picked up his plate.

Covere it with a glass container and placed it inside the freeze.

" You can have more after dinner. So, for now let's talk about you attending school from tomorrow, " Alex said sternly.

As soon as school was mentioned Arisu went silent.

" What happened? " Alex asked.

" I-I don't want to go to school... "

" And why is that? " Alex asked again.

" Because... Because... "

" Because you're afraid of being referred as a murderer's sister? "

Arisu went silent again, but this time her eyes were hurt.

She wanted to stop Alex from bringing up that subject.

She wanted to stop him from destroying the slightly happy mood that was created.

But, Alex didn't seem to share her thoughts.

" Tell me, are you going to stay in your room forever? Stuck in those memories which will haunt you till end of your days? " Alex asked.

" N-No... I will.. Go... "

" When? "

" Some days later... " Arisu hesitantly said.

" I see. Good work running away from reality, " Alex said with a disappointed expression.

Arisu panicked as soon as she heard Alex.

" N-No. I'll go... B-But... "

" Arisu, I'm with you. You can't stay hidden from the world forever. Now unlike before I'll sponsor you. So, you don't need to care about what your Clan says, " Alex said.

He then shamelessly added, " It was your brother's crime to have turned his fangs against his family. But, you're innocent and if this world doesn't consider the truth. Then I'll be your strength. "

Arisu felt touched just from these words.

She then turned silent.

But, Alex could see her expression changing from hopeless to determined.

" Onii-chan... Thank you. May be if you were not here then I might have stayed in that darkness forever, " Arisu genuinely said.