Hashimoto Tamika

In Alex's room he could be seen behind a beautiful young women.

The women had porcelain white skin and beautiful curves.

She was Igarashi sensei from Alex's college.

Alex kept ramming inside her pussy while once in a while taking a look at the show going on on the screen in front of him.

The screen showed various women of his who were searching for stars.

Amongst them Tsumugi and her mother had already found a certain hidden star and were now trying to get it.

It was to be noted that few days ago, Alex had paid a special visit to the home of this Aizawa Family's daughter-in-law.

He remembered how everything went then...

" Welcome, my dear son-in-law, " Tsumugi's father and mother both welcomed Alex with open hands.

They were very happy that their daughter had somehow bagged the Prince of Yamamoto Clan.

They had always been against that commoner trash who married their daughter.

He was simply useless, while Alex was a God!

They of course didn't care that Alex was her student. All that mattered was that they could now brag about this relationship in market.

Tsumugi's father could already see his company rising up by riding on Alex's name.

But, Alex completely ignored the old man who was Tsumugi's father.

His name was something like Hashimoto Kiyoshi. He didn't remember correctly.

His wife was quite a bit younger than him and shared the same beauty as her daughter's.

Hashimoto Tamika, was a elegant women in her forties. She seemed to have dressed up well for welcoming Alex.

Her green embroidered robe made her look professional as well as casual.

Her front curves were sticking out proudly and below her short waist was another natural mouth watering curve that drew in Alex's gaze.

Tamika of course noticed the gaze of Alex on her ass, which made her slightly frown, she didn't expect her handsome son-in-law to be such a causal pervert. But, she hid it right away.

These Royals were normally perverts.

Tsumugi's father Hashimoto Kiyoshi didn't notice Alex's look.

As he extended his hand for a hand-shake.

Alex naturally shook his hand with a warm friendly smile.

He then looked at Tamika, who bowed with a reserved but kind expression.

Alex didn't wait for her and directly hugged her making both Kiyoshi and Tamika surprised.

" Hello. Mother-in-law. As Tsumugi-chan said you really are very beautiful, " Alex prasied while pinching Tamika's ass from the angle from where her husband couldn't see.

Tsumugi was frustrated that Alex wasn't even trying to hide that he was hitting on her mother.

She had tried to stop him before from going after her mother, but it was useless.

Kiyoshi frowned slightly, but Alex didn't go too far after taking a short feel of the ass of Tsumugi's mother he let her go.

" Y-You! " Tamika had her eyes widened when she now looked at Alex.

She was now clear of his intentions.

Well, Alex as well didn't hide them as he winked at her.

" Father, won't you invite us inside? " Tsumugi said with a pouting expression as she went inside the house.

" Yes... Yes.. Please come inside Young Master Alex, " Kiyoshi said, while trying to dismiss the image of Alex hugging his wife.

He knew that Alex was a foreigner, so may be his upbringing was different...

Tamika on the other hand pulled Tsumugi to other side and said with a forced smile, " You two please get to know each other, while we mother and daughter have our talk. "

" Yes, of course, " Kiyoshi laughed.

Tamika and Tsumugi so left to their room, where Tamika decided to ask what was going on.

Meanwhile, Alex had a small chat with Hashimoto Kiyoshi, but it was more like dog-licking from Kiyoshi's side than a chat.

" Young Master Alex, if you don't mind me asking, what is the condition in Yamamoto Clan? " Kiyoshi asked after making a good rapport.

" Huh? Of course my mother is winning. It was idiocy of that bastard who dared to go against my mother, " Alex arrogantly said.

He then slowly said, " Haha. To be frank, Yamamoto Kazuya is already half done. My mother Hikari has already taken over almost all of his businesses. Even his wives have shifted to my bed. "

" W-What? " Kiyoshi was surprised as he heard Alex's last words.

He couldn't believe this.

" That means... You and The current acting leader of Takhashi Clan... " Kiyoshi was shocked at the thought of beautiful Takahashi Hina sharing bed with Alex.

" Yeah. Otherwise how do you think my mother is supporting Takahashi Clan. It's only because I asked her to, " Alex smiled.

" I-I see... " Kiyoshi stuttered as Alex's image now turned into a wife-stealer in his eyes.

He remembered how Alex hugged his wife and how he made a move on his already married daughter.

He was having dangerous premonitions.

But, that wasn't the end.

As Alex once again said, " Your daughter was also very resistant at first. She completely denied to sleep with me. I needed to do lot of stuff to make her fall for me. But, she is completely worth it, her virgin body was simply the best... "

Kiyoshi now couldn't hold back, he now started trembling as Alex blatantly humiliated him by talking about his daughter as if she was a pet of his.

" By the way, father-in-law... Can you see this file... " Alex said.

Kiyoshi even though he didn't want to looked at the file with heavy heart.

" This... " Kiyoshi was shocked to see the content of file.

It included all most sought business deals in the market in which Hashimoto Family was involved.

And one thing to notice was that all of them came from Yamamoto Clan!

In the end was a contract.

" You want me to make my daughter the Hashimoto Family Head? " Kiyoshi asked.

" Yes. I'll give you all of these deals if you do so, " Alex said, " My wife will only be the head in the name while the one who controls it will be you and your wife. How does that sound? By making Tsumugi join my harem while being the head of the family will make your family reach the level just below Yamamoto Clan. "

Kiyoshi felt that Alex was right...

Tsumugi was his only daughter, so if one day he had to pass his business to someone then it will of course be his daughter.

Kiyoshi and his wife Tamika were ambitious people, so the thought of making it rich made Kiyoshi think it again.

After few minutes, Kiyoshi said, " So all you want is to make my daughter the family head? "

" Yeah. That's all besides that I've a small request, " Alex said.

" W-What? " Kiyoshi felt that this request was more important.

" Well it's not a big deal. I just want you to lend your wife to me for a night, " Alex said casually as if it was a small matter.

" What!? " Kiyoshi now stood up abruptly.

His face was filled with disbelief and anger.

" What do you mean by this?! Are you trying to humiliate me!? " He roared.

" No. No. No. I'm just asking. And please hear me out completely, " Alex said.

" What is it? " After few moments of glaring at Alex, Kiyoshi asked with a threatening expression.

He would have killed if the one sitting in front of him was not the Prince of Yamamoto Clan.

" Let's make a bet, " Alex said.

" A bet? "

" Yes. I'll ask your wife to sleep with me for one night, right before you and your daughter. If she said yes there and then without any persuasion, then I win and you'll agree to send your wife to me, " Alex said.

Kiyoshi now turned silent again and went through what Alex said.

He asked cautiously, " Why should I bet with you. What's there in it if you lost and my wife didn't agree? "

Kiyoshi knew that his wife was a money loving women, but she was very reserved.

Even while having sex she was always reserved and didn't like it that much.

So, he was confident that she'll deny Alex and that also in front of him and Tsumugi.

" If she didn't agree then I'll give you this much money and help you elevate your family status to Aizawa Family's level, " Alex promised.

" Really?! " Kiyoshi's eyes widened in surprise.

In Sakura country there were many Hashimoto Families that were upto their level.

But, when Aizawa family was mentioned the only thought appeared in his mind was of Aizawa Family!

" Yes. I won't go back on my words. There are cctvs here right. You have it recorded and also... If I really wanted to fuck your wife, I won't need your permission," Alex smiled coldly.

Kiyoshi felt a chill down his spine.

He wasn't sure if Yamamoto Hikari will go as far as to force him to hand over his wife, but from the way Alex was being treated he felt that she will.

After all in front of Yamamoto Clan his clan was like a bug.

" Okay. Let's bet... " Kiyoshi agreed after few more seconds of thinking.

He was confident in his wife's love and loyalty to him.

After that they both waited while Alex kept up the mood as if the talk just now didn't happen at all.

After few tens of minutes...

" I wonder why they're not back... " Kiyoshi said impatiently he wanted to win the bet real fast and end this farce.

" Umm? They must be done by now and might just be coming back, " Alex said with a smirk.

Meanwhile in a nicely decorated room, Tsumugi and her beautiful mother Tamika could be seen together.

There was a royal bed in the centre of the room.

It was the bed upon which Tamika and her husband Kiyoshi slept every night.

But, right now on it two beautiful figures were entwining with each other.

The room was filled with a symphony of a pair of enchanting moans.

There, Tamika could be seen kissing her daughter's lower lips and licking it as if it was the tastiest thing in the whole world.

The moans of Tamika were continuously being released as her daughter as well had her face buried inside the pussy which she was birthed from.

" Mom~ it feels so good~ "

" Ahh~ I'm cumming again~ drink it all Tsumi~ "

Both of these women who were epitome of charm and seductiveness touched each other in the most vulgar way.

Their almsot same sized ample breasts were pressed and deformed against each other's stomach while their hands held each other's buttocks and helped themselves to push their tongues deeper inside each other's pussies.

Soon, both of them cummed at almost the same time again.

Tamika fell on the soft bed feeling slightly exhausted.

She wondered how it came to this...

Just hour an ago, they were both acting like proper mother and daughter until her daughter pushed her into doing this.

As soon as they had entered inside the room, Tamika had questioned Tsumugi saying, " Tsumi, are you happy with your husband? "

She was concerned about her daughter.

" Of course I'm. I love him the most, " Tsumugi said with a genuine smile.

Tamika knew that she wasn't lying.

" Sigh. But... "

" But, he is slightly perverted I know. And I also know that he hit on you just now, " Tsumugi completed her mother's words.

" Tsumi, you... " Tamika wasn't sure if Tsumugi was in right of her mind.

" Mom, let me show you something, " Tsumugi said as she looked into her mother's eyes.

" !!!... Tsumi, what have you done!? " Tamika asked in fear, she wasn't able to move at all.

" This is the magic Alex taught me. I'll help you learn it as well, " Tsumugi smiled and moved closer to her mother.

" Mom, I'll show you what I learned from my husband... But, this is just a small portion, the pleasure he can give you will be nothing like this, " Tsumugi smiled mischievously before groping her mother's breast.

" Tsumi stop it! What are you doing... You... " Before Tamika could talk further she got her lips enveloped by her daughter's.

" You talk too much mom, " She said while not stopping fondling her mother's breast as Alex always did with hers.

" I don't like it, your father and husband is downstairs... "

" Let them be. Or do you want to do it in front of them? I'm sure father will like seeing you in action for real. After all he never managed to make you moan, right?" Tsumugi laughed, knowing about the sorry sex life her mother had.

" N-No... Don't talk that way... " Tamika said in between kisses.

Soon, Tsumugi stopped kissing her mother.

" Now let's get you naked, " Tsumugi said with gentle smile.

" No, stop it Tsumi... " Tamika kept telling her to stop, but it was useless.

Tsumugi slowly walked behind her mother and moved her long silky black hair to the side.

" Your hair are so smooth mom... Your back as well is so white... " Tsumugi praised while removing the threads which kept her mother's robe in place.

" Tsumi, please... I'm your mother... " Tamika said while closing her eyes, as if she had given up.

" That's why I love you mom, " Tsumugi said as she placed a kiss on her mother's smooth white back.

She moved upwards and bit Tamika's earlobe, while letting the robe to flow down.

The robe gently uncovered Tamika's feminine curves as her body laced with now only her bra and panty became exposed.

Tsumugi now brought each of her hand to her mother's breast, cupping those melons in pink fabric by her fingers.

Without untucking the straps of her mother's bra she groped her breasts.

But, Tsumugi gave a confused look, " Why are you not moaning already... When Alex touched me like this, I had already orgasmed... "

Feeling no response from her mother, Tsumugi stopped playing with these breasts on which she suckled once upon a time.

She then bowed down to remove her mother's panty.

" Tsumi, no, " Tamika gave a discontent sound as she tried to resist but it was useless.

Her lace panty which she wore to avoid impressions on her robe was quickly taken down.

Tsumugi admired her mother's behind as she looked at it from downside.

She stood up again and this time she moved to the front.

" Tsumi, at least tell me why you're doing this, " Tamika asked with a teary voice.

" It's because my husband wants me to tame you. He won't love me if I didn't bring you to him, " Tsumugi said in a sad voice.

Tamika felt her heart aching, at her daughter's pitiful expression.

" Tsumi, but this can't happen... " Tamika tried to say, but was stopped by Tsumugi who placed a finger on her mother's lips.

" Alex will make our family really strong, if you became his as well. I'm doing this for family, " Tsumugi said.

" But... "

" No, buts, you don't have any choice, " Tsumugi said mischievously as she took out a small pill.

" This is an aphrodisiac pill, which my husband lent to me. Eat this, " Tsumugi said as she brought the pill to her mother's mouth.

She previously didn't want to use it, but after seeing how useless her touch was upon her mother, she decided to use it.

Tamika felt horrified at the notion of this pill, she tried her best to not open her mouth, but when Tsumugi forced the pill inside her mouth she was helpless.

The pill dissolved as soon as it fell upon her tongue and heat started emanating from each cell of Tamika's body.

A soothing fragrant smell started wafting out of her pores.

In Tamika's eyes Tsumugi became even more beautiful and beautiful as the drug affected her consciousness.

She knew that the one front of her was her daughter but she still couldn't help but feel lust for this female who she herself had birthed.

Tamika's bare pussy started turning wetter and wetter as she looked at Tsumugi. But she was unable to move even an inch from her place.

Tsumugi on the other hand felt surprised as she inhaled the fragrant smell coming from her mother's body.

The view of her mother's naked body made her feel a strong attraction to her.

She wasn't a lesbian but she felt that her mother was very beautiful right now, enough to make her feel lustful for her.

Tsumugi slightly touched her own pussy from above her clothes and found that it was tingling.

She quickly came to the conclusion that aphrodisiac was affecting even herself.