Tamika's submission

After some time, at last Tsumugi and her mother Tamika came.

" Where were you? I called you, " Kiyoshi said to his wife.

He would have already gone to find them, if Alex hadn't stopped him.

Kiyoshi now wanted to be done with bet, because as time passed he became more and more anxious because of Alex's casual attitude.

" We were busy talking, " Tamika said while looking at Alex nervously.

She couldn't believe that in the effect of aphrodisiac she completely gave in to her own daughter.

What happened after that was crystal clear in her mind.

In the end she was even forced to obey her daughter's almost blasphemous request.

" I-I see, " Kiyoshi didn't miss his wife looking at Alex.

" Mother-in-law I caught up with father-in-law here, so why don't you sit down and have some drinks with us? Right Tsumugi? " Alex said.

" Yes, " Tsumugi nodded and sat down close to Alex.

Her mother had no choice but to do the same.

She sat near Kiyoshi with a nervous expression.

Her eyes as she now looked at Alex contained dread and fear.

She now knew some secrets about Alex.

If previously she knew that Alex was the prince of Yamamoto Clan she would have just respected him as someone higher in position than her.

But, now when Tsumugi told her that the whole of Yamamoto, Kageyama and Hayashi Clans were under his control and also that he was a magician with power enough to wipe out people from existence, Tamika dreaded him.

She wanted to now send him away as soon as possible.

But, that was impossible...

Slowly time passed as everyone chatted, everyone except Alex got very drunk.

Even Kiyoshi, as he seemed to be trying to drown himself in alcohol.

" Mother-in-law what were you and my Tsumugi doing inside your room? " Alex asked.

Tamika blushed as Tsumugi pinched Alex's shoulder.

" W-We were just chatting, " Tamika said with a red hue all over her face.

" Oh, really, " Alex said with a disappointed expression.

He then continued, " By the way, I have something to ask of you. "

As soon as Alex said so, Kiyoshi sobered up.

He now gave all of his rapt attention to seeing what his wife would say.

He didn't imagine that Alex will be this straightforward with his words.

" W-What is it Alex? " She asked while stuttering in fear.

" I want to sleep with you for a night, " Alex casually said.

But, his words brought a vague silence in the hall.

Kiyoshi was looking at his wife hoping she would just say no and everything will be alright.

As for Tsumugi, she was looking at her mother with an amused expression already knowing what she will say.

Tamika on the other hand bit her lip, she knew from the start that everything will come to this.

" O-Okay, " She said destroying all of Kiyoshi's thoughts.

" T-Tami... What are you saying!? " He asked.

" Kiyoshi, this is just for a night... Everything will be fine, I know about the bet you have with him, " Tamika said sorrowfully she didn't want to betray her husband.

But, " We have no choice... "

Tamika now knew that something was wrong with her daughter.

She was very fanatically obedient to Alex, to even have an incestuous relationship with her own mother for his orders.

" What!? You are my wife! The bet! I won't allow it! " Kiyoshi said with an angry tone.

" Are you going back on your words? " Alex asked calmly.

" Yes I'm, " Kiyoshi glared at Alex, " None of my daughter and wife are going with you! If you bastard want something then you better bring your adoptive mother here. Hmph! "

Kiyoshi now totally lost it, knowing that his wife may have to sleep with Alex was different than knowing that she will definitely sleep with him.

For his whole life he had done similar thing to lots of commoners. Stealing their wives, fucking them in front of their husbands, etc.

But, now it was his chance to suffer.

" Haha, you are pathetic, " Alex laughed.

He then looked at Tamika, " Come here, " He ordered.

"! No!...!! W-What... Why can't I move!? " Kiyoshi held his wife's hand forcefully to stop her from moving.

But, then he felt himself being stopped.

He couldn't move, except for breathing and speaking.

Speaking was also a way of breathing, so it made sense that he was able to speak, otherwise if Tsumugi stopped him from breathing then he would die in two minutes.

" Father, please value your words. Don't interfere, " Tsumugi said as she moved her hand in the air.

" W-What... " Kiyoshi was shocked as his body moved as per his daughter's hand.

He was forced to sit down on the sofa under his daughter's smirking glare and his wife's helpless gaze.

" What are you waiting for mother-in-law? "Alex smirked.

Tamika wordlessly stood up and came in front of Alex while fiddling with her fingers.

Her gaze moved again and again to her husband who was begging her to stop.

" Stand besides your mother, Tsumugi, " Alex ordered.

Tsumugi obediently stood up with a smile and went right besides her mother.

She gently hooked her hand with her mother's and tried to help her, " You'll thank me soon for making you understand the real joy of being a women. "

Tamika didn't feel relieved at all.

" As expected, you're both beautiful, " Alex praised to which Tsumugi happily giggled.

Alex then said, " Mother-in-law, please come sit with me. "

Tamika hesitated, but Tsumugi then glared at her, " As I said, only chance for you and father to live is by not making Alex disinterested. So, do as he says. "

Tamika stopped hesitating as she sat down near Alex.

" Now... Take off your clothes Tsumugi, " Alex said making Kiyoshi widen his eyes.

" What!? Don't do it Tsumugi! " Kiyoshi really loved his daughter. He didn't want her to be humiliated like this.

But, Tsumugi wasn't humiliated, she glared at her father, " Don't show concern for me. You never did that when I was married off to a commoner just because grandpa gave you some money. "

" How did you know... " Kiyoshi was stunned.

His father had created a contract that will assign some hidden properties to his name only if his daughter Tsumugi married the prince of Aizawa clan who was posing as a commoner.

Kiyoshi then married off his daughter without any hesitation, as he planned to kill off that commoner or find a way to nullify the marriage.

But, that bastard was very resilient. He won't run away even after being humiliated or kicked or cursed.

As Kiyoshi was busy talking with his daughter, he suddenly heard a seductive moan coming from somewhere.

When he turned there, he found his wife beseated on Alex's lap, her robe was now half undone from the top and Alex's hand was hidden inside it.

Tamika had her eyes closed as she gave out another seductive moan even though unwilling.

" No~ " She begged.

But, Alex ignored her, " Tsumugi strip now and get your slutty pussy here. "

Tsumugi nodded as heat started creeping up from her nether region.

She quickly threw away her top, revealing her milky white skin and mouth watering clevage.

Alex watched the strip show as he slowly undressed his mother-in-law as well.

" Stop! You bastard! Don't touch my wife! " Kiyoshi yelled.

Alex snorted, " Enjoy few last hours you have remaining in this World. Once I'm done fucking your wife and daughter together I'll kill you. "

" W-What! " Even Tamika and Tsumugi's eyes widened in shock as Alex said this.

" A-Alex, is it necessary? " Tsumugi asked hesitantly.

She was now in her bra and long loose pants.

" Yes. Once he is gone, you'll become the next head of the Family and lead it as my slave, " Alex said.

Tamika who just got out of daze tried to resist.

But, it was useless.

Alex held her down forcefully and painfully squeezed her right breast.

" Argh.. " A painful moan came out of Tamika's mouth but her resistance only increased.

" Let me go... " She struggled, but Alex only enjoyed it.

No women in his hands could get away from him.

Alex used 'Touch of pleasure' on Tamika, making her let out a loud moan which stopped all of her struggles.

For Tamika's shock, she had cummed now from just Alex's touch to her pussy from above her clothes.

" How naughty, " Alex said as he could feel that Tamika just had squirted.

He now without any thought plunged his hand beneath her robe.

Her panty was next destroyed by him as he directly touched his mother-in-law's soft pussy.

" How tender, " Alex praised, but Tamika had no time to say anything as she was under full assault of Alex's skill and had no time to spare from moaning.

Her pussy petals got freely explored by Alex's fingers while her daughter stripped right in front of her.

Tsumugi soon was into her undergarments. So, Alex for a moment took out some of his attention and admired this women who was already his.

He couldn't help but sigh, everytime he saw Tsumugi. She was just too perfect of a wife, no wonder her husband never cheated on her.

" Let's first have you out of this robe, " Alex said to Tamika.

" No~ Please..." Tamika still was unable to get out of unending pleasure waves inside her.

She could feel Alex's three fingers moving inside her pussy and touching each of her creases as if admiring them.

Kiyoshi as well watched this with bloodshot eyes, but next moment he was surprised to see his wife's graceful robe disappearing slowly.

Soon her naked white skin peeked out.

Her body now covered only in her designer bra.

Even her pussy was bare and Kiyoshi's heart ached as he saw Alex's fingers moving in and out of the hole which previously was owned by him.

" Stop~ " Feeling humiliated Tamika tried to hide her face behind her hands.

But, Tsumugi now came up to her and removed her hand.

" Everything will be alright, " She said trying to reassure the women who gave birth to her.

Tsumugi placed a small tender kiss on her mother's lips and then removed her bra, throwing it in her father's face with a wide smirk.

" You should be thanking your stars that before you die you at least will be able to see us naked, " She said while seductively sitting in front of her mother's pussy.

Alex smiled and raised Tamika'a beautiful ass slightly, " Lick her asshole. " He ordered.

Tsumugi followed as she first touched the pink never touched hole of her mother.

" Not there ~ Ahhh~ " Tamika begged just before cumming loudly.

For next few minutes her moans only intensified, as Tsumugi's tongue went deeper into her asshole while Alex's fingers caresses everywhere inside her.

She could feel that the pleasure she experienced by having sex with her daughter was nothing in comparison to what she was now doing with Alex.

She hated it... But her body loved it.

And the proof of it was right in front of her as Tsumugi's face got drenched in her love honey once again.

" Now time for the main show, " Alex said as his clothes disappeared.

Tamika's back fell upon Alex's rock hard muscles while her asshole touched the tip of Alex's smolding hot shaft which was roaring to go.

And the next moment without any mercy in front of her husband and daughter Tamika lost her anal virginity.

" So tight, " Alex frowned. Milf assholes were truly best.

Alex then moved her up and down on his cock as her rectum slowly expanded to fit in his cock well.

Tsumugi now licked her mother's pussy juices while her other hand was inside her own panty.

As Alex's masculine smell wafted inside her nose she couldn't help but masturbate to the sensual scene in front of her.

Her always prim and proper mother moaning like a slut while having a whore like expression was so unimaginable.

" Ahhhhh~ " With one more loud moan Tamika cummed from her ass.

" Please give it to me as well, " Tsumugi now begged unable to stop herself.

" Haha. Then come here, " Alex opened his arms as Tamika powerlessly fell on his chest.

Tsumugi happily removed her bra and panty and got into Alex's arms.

Her pussy aligned on her mother's giving her father an unforgettable scene.

The most important women in his life both had their pussies aligned upon each other, but the cock that was going to split them open was the one's who he now hated the most.

Tsumugi happily moaned as her breasts pressed upon her mother's and her legs and circled around them.

Tamika woke up again after feeling her nipples being rubbed by Tsumugi's.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she understood what had happened.

She was defiled that also by the person who was soon going to kill her husband.

" I'm cumming~ " Tsumugi said as she came loudly.

" Haha. I'm as well close. But, let me cum inside your mother, " Alex said as he stood up.

He threw Tsumugi aside and held Tamika in his hands as if she was a doll. His cock went inside her milf cunt.

She wasn't tall enough, so when Alex held her like this her feet weren't touching the ground.

But, Alex's cock didn't stop it's pistoning.

" Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ " She moaned and next second she felt Alex's cock throbbing inside her cunt.

She knew what was coming.

" Not inside~ plwase~ " She begged.

But, Alex just pushes her upon the table on the side and started cumming deep inside her womb.

Tamika who fell on the table saw her husband's despair stricken face.

But, next moment she lost her consciousness.

And next time when she woke up it was already next morning.

Tamika looked around but found no one.

She couldn't remember what exactly happened, but her asshole and pussy were really sore.

When she remembered the reason, she blushed brightly.

Soon, a cheerful voice came to her.

" Mom, you're awake? " Tsumugi came inside while wearing only her panty.

" Yeah.. " Tamika said.

" Alex just left. He even creampied me, " Tsumugi happily informed.

Tamika somehow felt jealous.

" What about your father? " She asked.

" He's dead. Alex killed him. The news says that he died a natural death. So, get ready we'll make it clear in a press conference, " Tsumugi said.

Tamika felt sad, but she found out that she wasn't that much sad... Rather she was relieved... Now she could be completely Alex's...