Seeing Ivy

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Hours passed as Alex indulged in Honoka's body and flesh.

She had long since forgotten everything and had surrendered to the demonic pleasure that Alex's cock gave her from her hole which was turned into a pleasure sea.

" Ahh~ " She moaned weakly while falling on Alex's chest. Her dreamy gaze was unfocused as she kissed Alex's chest with a exhausted yet content smile.

With a Pak sound Alex got his dick outside Honoka's ass.

He hadn't yet taken her virginity as he wanted to have Honoka come to him by her own volition for that.

Honoka was a irregular if said in the terms of higher planes.

She had unimaginable talent and needed a chance to solidify her mindset.

Alex had no plan to stop her path by brainwashing her forcefully.

" She fell asleep? " Kaede asked with a jealous expression on her young face.

" She hoggled hubby all to herself, tsk, " Kahori snorted while rubbing her pussy on Alex's thigh. Her intentions clear.

Kai was now sober, so she wasn't as slutty as her wife, but she as well looked at Alex hopefully with love.

" Sigh. Just once. After that we need to talk with Honoka. I don't want her to kill herself after what happened, " Alex said.

" No. She won't do that. You might not know this, but her resentment for you has decreased a lot and what she mostly now feels is the confusion, " Kai said while caressing Honoka's face gently.

Kai really cared for Honoka as a good friend and wanted for her to have a good life right beside Alex.

" We'll see, " Alex sighed, but he soon threw the thoughts out of his mind as the room once again got the seductive air.

The moans of beautiful women kept leaving, as Alex enjoyed a one more round with each of his women.

After that all of them dressed up and Kai helped the unconscious Honoka to wear a casual white nightgown.

Just as Alex was about to wake Honoka up, he got a call.

It was from Hikari.

Alex had only given the right to call him to few of his women like Kai and Hikari.

After that Alex took the call, in which Hikari lovingly greeted him and asked about his well being.

After that she informed that Melissa had something to talk with him.

Alex nodded and cut off the call.

He dialed Melissa's number.

It was true that Alex hadn't spent a lot of time after coming from Daphanie's World.

There he saw Melissa as his mother and most beloved women.

But, once his memories were back he could easily supress those emotions he cultivated in just a couple of decades.

So, even if Alex wasn't completely indifferent to his mother Melissa and sisters like Rose and Rachel, he still didn't spend as much time with them as he normally did.

[ Alex? Where are you? Don't you know that Ivy is pregnant? She wants to see you ]

Melissa said with a hint of scolding.

Alex just then remembered that one of the women he stole from Kazuma was pregnant with a child.

Alex was pretty interested, as Ivy was the only women in his harem who was pregnant.

" Of course I remember mom. I'll be there for her, " Alex said with a smiling tone.

Melissa nodded warmly.

She had noticed that Alex had changed slightly after coming to this World. She was afraid that he wouldn't care about her, but when he now called her 'mom'. She felt very happy.

[ So, when are you coming? ]

" I'll in some time, I'm busy right now, " Alex said.

[ Okay. We'll wait for you. Take care ]

Melissa said and after that Alex cut off the call.

" Who was it? " Kaede asked. She was wearing a casual thigh length skirt which showed off her milky white legs and tasty looking clevage.

Alex grasped one of her breasts and gave it a nice squeeze.

" The call was about Ivy. You know she is pregnant with your brother's child, " Alex said.

" She? I don't care about her, " Kaede said.

" Yeah. But, as the child's aunt. You need to train her to become mine, " Alex said with a smile.

" You have your eyes on even that unborn child. You are simply irrecoverable, " Kahori sighed.

" You don't say anything when you are sluttier than any other women I have seen, " Alex teased making Kahori's face turn red.

" Hubby, Honoka is waking up, " Kai suddenly informed.

Honoka woke up with a dreamy gaze, she was confused but when she saw Alex sitting in front of her with Kaede on his lap, she remembered everything.

Tears suddenly flowed down her eyes, as she felt that she was defiled.

Kai taking it as her cue, hugged Honoka.

" Calm down. It's fine. I'm here, " She said like a gentle mother calming down her child.

Honoka soon stopped sobbing.

She now once again started glaring at Alex. If before she saw Alex as a disgusting piece of shit then now she saw him as a real shit.

" How dare you... " She growled.

" You were the one who begged me to, and I was considerate enough to not rape your pussy, " Alex shook his head as if all of this was Honoka's fault.

" You disgusting piece of shit... " Honoka said but she knew that she was the one who begged Alex while spreading her legs to fuck her.

She believed that Alex did something to her.

But, she didn't know what.

" Now that we have had sex, you're now one of my wives, just like Kai. So, cheer up, " Alex said.

" Cheer up your mother, I'm not your wife you bastard! " Honoka stood up with a glare but a sudden pain from her backhole made her seat back down.

" Wait, I'll heal you, " Alex said as he went near Honoka.

She tried to move away, but suddenly this weird comfortable feeling spread through her frame making her relax her body into Alex's arms.

And that was all that Alex needed, as before she knew Alex was kneading her boobs.

" N-No... " Honoka fought that weird feeling but before she could do anything, Alex's hand slipped past her gown.

His fingers went inside her pussy making her jerk in a sudden orgasm.

Honoka knew that she shouldn't go any further than this, so she tried to get away, but Alex's grip was firm.

He didn't stop for a second as he held her by her legs and then pushed his cock inside her anus once again.

" Ahh, " Honoka gasped in surprise as something huge entered inside her body.

For a moment she lost every feeling in her body except the one coming from her asshole.

She didn't know what to do but hold onto Alex as he moved her body up and down on his dick.

" Ahh~ " The first moan she leaked out was the sound of her helpless orgasm.

It wasn't long before she was bent on the table and Alex fucked her ass from behind.

Honoka also saw her husband Kai and Kahori indulging into each other's bodies in front of her.

This erotic scene only made her have this weird pleasure that she couldn't explain.

Alex smirked as he watched Kai enjoying the pleasure of exhibitionism.

Alongside taming Honoka, he wanted to train his cute wife Kai as well, she was just too heroic for her own good.

" So, do you like it Honoka? The way I pound your ass? " Alex asked as he spanked Honoka's nice firm ass which jiggled with each of his stroke.

" N-No... " She denied, but she herself knew that the way Alex was fucking her had made her body completely fall for him.

But, her heart still denied him as she wasn't ready to be his.

Alex as well knew this, so after making Honoka cum once again, he stopped fucking her.

He sat down on the bed while Honoka sprawled on the table with her ass filled with Alex's sperm that was overflowing.

This time Honoka just glared at Alex, while feeling ashamed of her own self.

So ashamed that she wanted to kill herself, but everytime Kai would stop her with her loving words making Honoka not to be able to make the firm heart.

In the end, Alex took Honoka in his hands and kissed her gently as if he was kissing his lover.

The gentleness in his actions made Honoka feel confused.

Her exhausted body didn't move away, as Alex's gentle words fell on her ears, " Take care of yourself while I'm away, okay? "

Honoka just glared at him and looked away.

Alex laughed and gently made her lie on the bed.

He then kissed his remaining women as well and left the room.

He was just about to teleport when he suddenly was approached by Ai.

" Alex, you didn't come to see me, " She pouted like a child.

" Why should I? " Alex looked at her with a smile.

Ai felt hurt whenever Alex acted like this to her.

Yes, in the start she rebelled a little, but after Alex let her have her revenge she completely became loyal to him.

She loved him...

" Alex, I as well love you... " She said in a teary voice.

" That's your job you bitch. I'm your master. You are the one who should remember me, not otherwise. Do you understand? " Alex said.

" Y-Yes, " Ai said feeling overwhelmed, she wanted for Alex to see her as his wife, but it seemed impossible.

It was not once she was jealous of Kai who had status of Alex's wife.

Alex as well knew the dynamics in his harem.

It was normal for these women to be jealous and if left unchecked they might even start internal war.

So, everytime he got chance he made sure to teach these women their places.

" Know it Ai. Your place in my heart is nothing. But, your heart belongs to me. What you feel I don't care. I only want one thing from you and that is for you to follow my orders and in proxy orders of my women's who are in better standing than you, " Alex said with a cold voice.

He wanted to end any kind of thoughts Ai had.

Ai even though not convinced, understood what Alex was saying.

She was a smart women, so she said, " B-But, I want to be better for you... "

" Then wait for 20 years. In that time you'll get the chance to awaken by joining the Game as my women. I won't be here then. But, what I want at that time is for you to become strong. I'll look at you, if you make good results, " Alex said.

Ai thought for a moment and nodded, she already knew about the Game as Alex's every high standing women had been told about it.

Alex then gave Ai a small smile and kissed her passionately.

He then didn't wait and teleported directly to Yamamoto Mansion.

He appeared in a silent hallway with an ancient feeling.

Just as he did a maid who was cleaning nearby saw Alex.

" Young Master, you're here, " She said with a loving voice.

Alex completely ignored the beautiful maid and took his steps to where his pregnant Ivy or Ririko was.

It wasn't long before he was in front of her room.

Alex was about to open the door, but just then it opened automatically.

From inside came a beautiful women in glamorous long blue dress.

She had sharp eyes and heroic aura around her as if she had gone through tons of battles and bloodshed.

But, as soon as her eyes fell upon Alex they softened, the motherly warmth appeared in those pupils as she gazed at her son.

Alex wasn't her real son, but still Melissa felt that he was her child. She had seen him grow up from a young self of his after all.

" Son... " She said as she hugged Alex involuntarily.

" How are you mom? " Alex smiled and didn't shy away from this hug. It had been a while since he had seen Melissa.

" Mom! Is little brother here? " Another voice came from inside as Alex stopped his hand which was about to creep upto Melissa's ass.

Melissa gently moved away with a red face as she could feel her son's movements, especially the part in his pants which was poking her then. He clearly saw her as a sexual partner.

Rachel who was behind came and hugged Alex as well, but she didn't shy away from kissing him like she always did.

" What a slut, " Said another beautiful voice.

It was a young women with beautiful long legs. She was wearing tight leggings which showcased those legs perfectly.

She was Alex's eldest sister in another world, Rose the Witch of Death.

" Why don't you come here as well sister? " Alex becokened to Rose as she shyly came near him while swallowing all of her insults for Rachel.

Eliza didn't need anyone to tell her as she as well embraced Alex with her huge breasts which were even larger than Alex's mother Melissa's.

While this was happening, Daisy who was the Priestess of Salvation in another world and Flora who was Alex's Master stood behind them alongside a beautiful young girl who was no more than 17-18.

The girl had a big tummy, she was clearly pregnant and was wearing a beautiful green long one piece loose dress.

She was Ivy.

Once Alex was done pampering these three little girls he turned to Daisy and Flora.

They as well came to Alex but rather gracefully.

Alex kissed them both and showed a small look of love as he talked with everyone around.

With his memories, Alex had really loved all of these women.

He talked with Ivy as well, who was looking like a tasty candy in his eyes.

Alex had decided to let Ivy be used as a test subject.

He had in last month, fed her many of the pills which would make her daughter stronger.

Alex wanted to see what kind of being he could make by making these women of his pregnant with a child.

Alex had no issues impregnating these women, he was just waiting for the right moment.