Next step

Alex touched Ivy's belly gently, making her reveal a tender expression as she looked at him.

It wasn't once, that Ivy wanted to kill the child in her womb.

She really hated herself for being touched by someone else other than Alex.

But, then Alex was the one who told her to not do anything like that.

He said sweet nothings inside her ear as he accepted the child.

Everytime he came to see her, he would even bring gifts for her, which were actually test drugs which Alex would use on her, of course she didn't need to know this.

Ivy's love for Alex multiplied, seeing how he accepted her wholeheartedly.

Now even if her brainwashing became undone. She will not forget Alex who had made her feel joy of being accepted.

Rachel who sat right beside Alex pressed her curvy body on Alex's arm, she wanted his attention like every other women in the room.

" A-Alex, I'll make my child love you as well, " Ivy said with a loving look.

She wanted to use the baby in her womb to get Alex's attention.

Alex just smiled, " You don't need to care so much Ivy. I love you, so I'll take care of the child inside you as my own as well. "

He easily lied through his teeth.

But, these few words moved Ivy to tears, she moved near Alex and hugged him tightly.

" I love you too Alex. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, " She said.

Alex cupped her small cute face and looked into her beautiful round eyes.

There was exhaustion in it and also a kind of fear and expectation.

She was afraid of Alex abandoning her, after how she betrayed him once.

But, her worries went away when Alex's charming eyes locked onto hers as if he could see through her soul and every inch of her being.

She felt naked in front of him making her feel hot.

Her cheeks turned rosy as Alex's face came closer to hers and then his lips grazed hers.

A soft kiss filled with love and promise, that was what it was for Ivy.

She melted into that feeling as her hands circled around Alex like a child.

Alex kissed her gently at start but soon his gestures turned hungry.

His hands freely moved upon her body which was only under a single layer of clothing.

Other women in the room knew what was to come so their eyes as well filled with expectations.

It wasn't long before Ivy's one piece dress disappeared.

Alex snapped his finger and a bed big enough to host each women in the room appeared in the place of previous one.

Ivy let out a surprised voice while Rachel hugged Alex tightly.

She said with a worried expression, " Brother, sister Ivy is pregnant, so wouldn't it be Harmful for the child if her mother had sex now? "

Ivy flared up as soon as Rachel said so, " Shut up! I want to be loved by Alex as well. "

Ivy's cute pouting took Alex's attention as he pulled both of these girl in his arms.

His hands went to one of the boobs of each of them.

Ivy's were specially spongy and large as they were even about to start secret milk, while Rachel's were soft and firm.

" Kiss each other, " Alex ordered. He needed to at least make sure these women won't be at each other's throats once he was gone.

Rachel and Ivy, who just a moment ago were glaring at each other couldn't help but glare again.

But, in Alex's presence, in their minds his words were absolute, more than lover they were his slaves.

Rachel even though always quarreled with Ivy, was really gentle and caring as she made sure that Ivy's baby will be okay, as she pulled Ivy's face to hers.

Their embarrassed expressions were a treat for Alex, as he took some time out and said to everyone, " Won't you join in? "

Those women didn't need Alex to say anymore, as they quickly stripped off their clothes.

Alex's Master Flora was the first one as she came to Alex and kissed him while acting reserved.

Melissa took Alex's right side as she kneeled between his legs.

Rose did the same on opposite side.

Daisy like graceful swan, found her place right beside Flora who had become very good friend with her.

Eliza was the only one who was late as she crawled to Alex with her huge breasts jiggling.

Those mountains were a sight to see, as Alex was sure that her boobs almost topped everyone in his harem.

Eliza rubbed her breasts against Alex's back while feeling his rock hard muscles.

Alex was surrounded by all these beauties who loved him to death and considered him their family.

Alex felt as if he was back in that another world where he had spent 20 years almost.

He had needed to work really hard to tame these women who actually wanted to kill him.

Especially Ivy who was hardest to conquer due to her unstable mentality.

Rachel and Ivy were now in each other's arms.

Alex had already made Rachel naked, this made her slim and fit figure visible to him as she kissed Ivy.

It wasn't long before he made his way inside his Master's tight and beautiful pussy.

" Ahh~ Alex ~ Master loves you~ "

Her pussy which had been deprived of Alex's cock for quite a while welcomed it like a ignored wife.

Melissa waited for turn while Rose, Daisy and Eliza kissed Alex.

The moan of these women soon filled the whole room, as Alex fucked each of them alternately.

He did not forget to creampie them, while making them moan his name non-stop.

These women who were once in a strong and powerful position were lowered to nothing more than Alex's slaves in his arms.

Alex left his pregnant Ivy for the last as he made even Rachel suck on his cock before fucking her till she fainted.

After that Alex threw all of these women out and decided to spend some time alone with Ivy.

" Alex~ please~ take me as well~ " She begged to Alex who wanted to have a civilized conversation with her.

But, he of course couldn't deny Ivy when his dick became rock hard as Ivy seductively spread her legs in front of him.

Just the sight of her horny expression and dripping pussy alongside her pregnant stomach made Alex feel like banging her crazy.

Alex had fed her lot of pills, so he was sure that the child won't be harmed even if he went a little rough on Ivy, besides that he didn't give a fuck to what happened to that child.

" Ahh~ " Ivy moaned like a slut, as Alex's huge cock entered her pregnant pussy.

She just couldn't hold herself back from moving her hips trying to take Alex's cock till her depths.

" I~ lobe~ Yuu~ " She moaned like crazy.

Only thought inside her mind now was to get fucked by Alex and cum from his cock.

Alex didn't stop moving his hips as he rocked this bitch upside down.

The way she was cumming non-stop made Alex feel content and satisfied.

He slammed deep inside her cunt.

" Take my cum inside you Ivy, " He said while cumming inside her womb.

" Thank you~ " Ivy said as she half fainted from the unlimited pleasure.

But, she was forced to wake up when Alex didn't stop fucking her.

The next one hour was very pleasurable at the same time exhausting for Ivy.

She lost herself to pleasure completely.

Due to pregnancy she felt that she was overly sensitive.

At one point she fainted completely and fell asleep.

Alex felt that for today it was enough.

So, he lied down beside Ivy as he looked at her cute face while caressing her swollen belly.

He could easily feel the lifeform inside her womb.

Alex planned to make this girl that will be born his slave by forcefully brainwashing her.

He would increase her physical age with a time related treasure and then forcefully feed her some memories.

This was of course just one of his plans.

Alex wanted to see what kind of monster he could create in this World, where all of his powers were locked and he will need to pay heavily to unlock them.

Ivy soon woke up.

She looked at Alex with gentle and loving gaze.

" Alex, thank you for waiting for me to wake up, " She said as even this small gesture was enough for her to feel gratified.

" You're my wife Ivy. You are my responsibility you don't need to feel indebted to me this way, " Alex smiled while his hand caressed her breasts.

He wondered if they will secrete milk soon.

Ivy laughed as she watched Alex squeeze her breasts, " I'll save some for you, hehe, " She mischievously said understanding Alex's thoughts.

" Of course you will have to, after all before your daughter this body belongs to me, " Alex said seriously.

" Yes. Of course, my Master, " Ivy nodded, she would have already killed the baby in her womb if Alex even said a word about it.

For her Alex was way too important.

Even though they started on the bad term, slowly when they spent time together in that another world Ivy had completely fallen for Alex.

She now loved him so dearly that she would even be ready to take out her own heart for him.

Alex smiled and talked with Ivy for some time.

He then left this room, making his way towards where his adoptive mother Hikari was.

Alex knocked on the door and as soon as he did so, a beautiful middle aged women opened the door.

She was none other than Hikari's secretary, Airi.

She was wearing a professional suit and a pencil skirt.

Her slim legs were covered in fishnet stockings making her look like a sexy office wife.

" Welcome, Master, " She said with a loving gaze.

Alex smiled at Airi and then his gaze went to the very pretty mature women who was standing there as if waiting for him.

She was wearing a jacket above a long loose gown making her have a reserved and mature vibe.

Just when she saw Alex, she smiled and opened her arms with a gentle gaze.

After Alex saved her from the sure death assassination from her son, Hikari completely thought of Alex as her only relative and son.

She pampered him a lot and would completely obey any of his wish as if it was an order.

Alex then spent some quality time with Hikari.

Hikari was one of the few women's including Hina who weren't brainwashed by him.

Hikari didn't need any sexual pleasure, so she was content with how Alex accompanied her.

She really thought of him as her son.

Even though he was very perverted, her broken sense of familial love had made all of this sound like a silly request of her child in her ears.

That was why Alex was now lying on Hikari's lap while she caressed his head gently.

Airi, even though wanted to experience sex with her Master, liked this quality time as well.

She felt that this was what real lovers were like.

Like a family...

Airi had already divorced her husband and had indirectly murdered him.

She then threw her only son into some private school, which had hostels of its own.

Even though she was brainwashed she just couldn't bring herself to kill the child she had loved until now.

Alex didn't say anything, as he didn't care at all.

He already had emotionless puppet Iroha and didn't need another one.

" Son, what are you doing nowdays? You hardly come home, " Hikari said after some time.

" It's nothing much. Everything is now good because of you. I'll now have more time on my hand from here on as I marry Arisu, " Alex said.

" She is my daughter-in-law right? " Hikari said while caressing Alex's face.

" You can think so, but don't pamper her too much. I've some special plans for her staying here, " Alex smiled sadistically making Hikari sigh.

She wanted Alex to be a good natured child, but it was far from possible.

Just then, Alex got a call from Kai.

She said that her mother, the previous saintess of Godess Euphemia had come to see him.

Alex told her that he was at Yamamoto Clan and to directly send Freya here.

Kai nodded.

" Are you busy again Master? " This time Airi asked.

Hikari glared at Airi, as she still was a little irritated with this women who once betrayed her.

" Yeah. I'll need to cleanse this world for once and all. Once all the variables are taken care off, I'll leave the world, " Alex said.

" Is that time really close? I don't want you to go son... " Hikari said with a sad voice.

" Don't worry mom, I'll be back and before I go I'll make you my women and that will make you an immortal, " Alex said as he kissed Hikari's lips.

Hikari felt a blush creep on her face as she knew that Alex will not loose a chance to fuck her.

It wasn't like she will hate it, rather she was looking forward to becoming one with Alex.

Soon, Alex got out of the mansion and met with Freya.

" Alex! " She had this twinkle in her eyes which screamed that she loved Alex.

But, Freya quickly hid it.

She then normally said, " We need to go, I've found the locations of them all. We can easily catch them. "

Alex smiled at Freya's act.

She was trying to act mature and normal, but she herself knew that she was brainwashed.

" Okay. Show the way, " Alex said.