Time with Freya

" Alex, before going forth. I need to tell you something. The world we are in right now isn't as simple as it seems. It is divided into four corners which hold four cardinal directions, " Freya said.

Alex nodded. He already knew some of this.

" I was the West Cardinal, the youngest amongst the all cardinals. That means in this World right now there are three more chosen ones remaining. Amongst them two have banded up together and are planning to fight against you, while the last one is still in the Northern Palace, she is the North Cardinal, " Freya said.

Alex understood that this North cardinal must be really confident in saving herself, if she didn't gang up against Alex with other two.

" No... " Just as Alex was saying Freya made a weird expression, " She is not very strong. But, she is very arrogant. I wasn't surprised when she declined joining hands with other two cardinals. "

Alex smiled, " So this women is easiest prey?"

" Not exactly. But, she is safer to target than other twos, " Freya nodded, " Those other two women Cardinals are for sure cooking some plan. They're wary of you after how you defeated me, Kitsune and brainwashed us. "

The way Freya said this made it sound like she didn't mind being brainwashed at all.

So, Alex looked at her with a gentle expression, " Freya... I'm sorry for what happened... But, I promise I won't let you ever think that the time you spent alongside me was a torture to you. "

As soon as Alex said so, a delighted feeling passed through Freya's heart.

She quickly hid it and looked at Alex as if it didn't matter.

But, Alex didn't let go of this.

He slowly walked towards Freya shortening the distance between them.

Freya felt her heart racing, even though she tried to calm it down.

But, just then Alex pulled her into his embrace.

" You have suffered... Always, " He said.

The words stuck the cord as Freya felt that for the first time someone was sympathetic with her.

She wanted this feeling to remain forever. She was ready to do anything for that...

She was forcibly married to Kai's father and on the day of their marriage she awakened as the chosen one.

To be clear, Freya existed in the real World but not as the chosen one of Euphemia, she was just a normal women who was killed by Kai's sexist father.

Alex patted Freya's head as he let her feel the warmth of his tender touch.

Freya let herself go in Alex's warm embrace feeling loved and relieved.

Soon, Alex pulled away.

He saw Freya's now tomato like red face, without a doubt she loved the small hug he had given her.

" So, now that I everything. Should we go? " Alex asked.

" O-Of course, " Freya nodded with a slightly red face while trying to calm down.

Soon, both of them took Alex's car and left the Clan.

It didn't take much time before they were out of the Clan.

Alex remembered how he had entered the Capital accompanied by Kahori, Kaede and three other girls...

Remembering those girls who he had stolen from their boyfriends, Alex had this urge to visit them.

As much as he knew, Hikari had already taken care of those three girls giving them a very good life.

" Master, it will take us two days to get there, " Freya informed.

" It's okay. I'll rest till then, " Alex said as he fell asleep in back seat.

He was pretty exhausted after having sex with his family.

Remembering Ivy's tight pregnant pussy, Alex felt his dick getting hard.

Kazuma really had a very good wife, even Alex felt that everyone in his harem were exquisite females, which Alex loved to steal.

But, Alex had to stop himself from pouncing on Freya, as there was no one in the Car except them ---


Just forget about it.

After few hours Alex and Freya were back on their track.

Alex was sound asleep on back seat while Freya had a rosy glow in her face as she drove the car.

Their journey was delayed by few hours, because Alex just couldn't hold back after being in Freya's presence.

This exquisite milf was too much for him to resist.

Of course Freya had nothing to complain about.

Like this the day passed and night came.

Freya stopped the car in a certain small city on their way.

" Alex, wake up. We need to have dinner, " Freya said.

" Just five more minutes, " Alex woke up quickly, but he had no plan to get out right away.

In the end Freya had to go in the back seat to wake up Alex.

But, then Alex pounced on her as if a wolf waiting for a sheep to fall in its trap.

Freya was helpless, as her clothes were thrown away by Alex and in just few moments she was stark naked.

Alex cupped her large breast with one hand while adjusting her on his lap with other.

" Alex... Dinner... " Before Freya could complete her words, her lips were closed in by Alex's.

He as well pushed his cock inside her lower pink folds, moving them apart as he easily reached her womb.

The moan Freya leaked was enough for Alex to have motivation of continuing fucking her.

But, those moans only increased as time passed, until Alex cummed inside Freya's pussy.

" Get ready. I'm hungry you know, " Alex said.

" It's your fault that I can't move. You are always rough, " Freya complained while moving her sore body, especially her breasts.

Alex fondled them too much everytime they had sex.

" It's not my fault that you have this voluptuous body that's made for fucking. Now get ready, " Alex said as he got out of the car after wearing his clothes.

He looked around the place where Freya had stopped the Car.

The place was silent and there was a beautiful hotel nearby, there were few people but they all were looking at Alex.

' It seems I became famous, ' Alex smiled while thinking so.

He ignored the people, but just then two people came to Alex.

They were a middle aged man and women.

" Sir, can you please park your vehicle somewhere else. Actually this is not the parking area, " The man said respectfully.

The Car Alex was using was one of a kind royal car, which only Royal Clan members used.

Then it wasn't hard for them to know Alex's name.

He was very famous now a days and also a handsome foreigner. So he was easy to point.

Alex looked at the man and ignored him with a nod. He then looked at the women, he without holding back checked her upside down making the man frown.

He said, " Sir, I'm the owner of this Hotel, Kenzo Matsushita and this is my wife. "

Alex smiled hearing the man whose name was Kenzo, stress the word wife.

Well, that word never deterred Alex from stealing someone else's women.

He completely ignored Kenzo and flashed his wife a very handsome smile, he even used his skill to release some sex pheromones on this women.

The women blushed right away, as she stuttered, " I-I'm Yukiha... "

Yukiha looked very pretty for a middle aged women. She had a nice figure and cute face.

Kenzo felt that it was really wrong to come out here with his wife.

He actually just wanted to make some contact with someone from Royal Clan, otherwise with his fame and power in this city who will get to directly talk with him.

" Yukiha... Nice name. What about you accompany me for tonight, Yukiha. I promise you won't be disappointed with my gifts, " Alex smiled as he didn't hide his lecherous gaze at all.

Yukiha even though was wearing a one piece green skirt with a hint of her clevage visible, felt that she was completely naked in front of Alex.

" S-Sorry sir, but I'm already married, " Yukiha said so as she looked at her husband.

Alex's handsome face was just too much for her and everytime she looked at him she could feel this weird feeling inside her body.

Sex pheromones were working!

Kenzo with slight anger in his tone also said, " Sir, please respect that she is my wife and don't ask something like that. "

" Ah. What did you say? How dare you talk with the Prince of a Royal Clan like that, " The one who said so was Freya who stepped out of the car after dressing up.

Kenzo felt his heart racing after just taking look at this oh so beautiful women.

He could feel weird feeling inside his nether region as he saw the exquisite body of Freya.

She had this charm which couldn't be described and with just one look any man would be ready to die just to spend a night with her.

But, Kenzo pulled away his gaze right away, as the intimidating aura that Freya released made him feel as if the sea of fire had descended upon him.

He couldn't even say the word, as he understood how big of a mess he had created.

Alex was the Prince of Yamamoto Clan and he had enough power to shoot him right now and no one will say anything.

" Did cat get your tongue you filthy commoner? Get on your knees and apologize, if not then you won't see the next day of your life, " Freya said so as she pointed a gun at Kenzo.

' Where did she keep it hidden? ' This was the first thought Alex had when he saw Freya taking out the gun.

He didn't care about this man named Kenzo, but he had no plans to not sleep with Yukiha tonight, so he let the show play.

Kenzo was frightened silly as he saw the gun, he quickly got on his knees.

" I'm sorry my lady. I'm sorry, " He pleaded to Freya.

But she just looked at him with disgust, " Beg to him. "

Kenzo did not want to beg this man who had eyes on his wife, but he knew that his life was more important.

" I'm sorry young Master. This was my fault, " He said.

" I see. But, you have done a grave crime by raising your voice against a Royal Clan member. Don't you agree Yukiha? " Alex said.

Yukiha who felt that everything was happening too fast couldn't help but be terrified.

" Sir, please forgive my husband. He misspoke. We will do anything to calm down Sir's anger, " Yukiha said quickly with a worried expression.

" Kenzo, you are so lucky to have such a caring and beautiful wife, " Alex said with a gentle voice which sent shivers down Kenzo's spine.

" T-Thank you, young Master, " Kenzo said while trying to hide the hatred in his heart against Alex.

" So. I'll let you live if you let your wife accompany me for a night, " Alex said.

Kenzo felt a sharp pain against his heart, as he heard this.

He and Yukiha had shared long years together. He loved and cared for his wife.

" B-But... " He stuttered.

" What you won't? " Freya said with an angry tone as she pointed the gun at Kenzo again.

" Noo! I'm ready. I'm ready, " Yukiha said so, as soon as Freya was about to kill Kenzo.

Kenzo felt his heart shattering at his wife's words.

" Yukiha... "

" Dear... "

Both husband and wife looked at each other helplessly.

" How touching. So, if you are ready then follow me Yukiha, " Alex said as he walked towards hotel.

Yukiha had no choice but to follow.

" Do you have a daughter? " Alex asked as he suddenly stopped.

Yukiha's body trembled as she looked at her husband again.

"It's not a problem if you lie. I'll find out with my connections anyway and then I'll punish you two for lying, " Alex said.

" Y-Yes. But, she is just a child. Please young Master forgive me. I was wrong, " The man said in despair.

His daughter was only 13 years old mischievous girl who liked to play pranks and loved her family.

" Send your daughter to my room. I won't do anything excessive but will have her accompany me for some drinks, nothing more than that. If you don't send her,then her corpse will accompany yours in the grave. You should know, I have the power to back my words even if you flew away from this Country, " Alex coldly said as he went inside the hotel.

Leaving behind Kenzo who was despairing right now.

He felt that everything had ended.

His face had aged by at least 10 years just after talking with Alex.

Never had he imagined that just because he wanted to make some connection, this all will happen.

He could now only watch as Alex entered his own hotel with his hands circled around Freya and Yukiha's waists.

( There will be no chapters for some days. Author is kinda busy )