Arisu learns the truth


As soon as the barrier disappeared, Cinderella's face changed colors.

" Your intricate barrier would really have been admirable if you had given few more decades on it, but there was just this small mistake you did and I caught it, " Alex smiled as he waved his hand.

Last time he let this women go as he didn't know that she was the Southern Cardinal. She had hidden herself well and seemed to have disappeared after his women locked her somewhere.

With a wave of his hand, Cinderella appeared in his hands.

Alex held her by her neck and choked her mercilessly, as he asked with a smile, " So, where did my Freya go? "

Cinderella held her neck as she tried hard to breath.

But, she still didn't speak a word about anything.

" How troublesome, " Alex sighed.

He was 100% sure that Freya was in love with him, but he had left her alone for too long.

He didn't know what kind of experiences this arrogant bitch had for her to do this.

Freya most likely was due to some special objectives. Most likely to get Alex...

Next, Alex slowly walked back to the private room in which Rika was asleep with her pussy filled with his sperm.

On the way many people saw Alex, but no one dared to say anything as just his killing intent was enough to stop them in their tracks.

Yukiha, her husband Kenzo and the waitress were inside the room.

Kenzo had red bloodshot eyes, as he stared at his daughter's condition.

Her virginity was taken away today, right in front of him but he couldn't do anything.

Alex as soon as appeared looked at everyone in the room.

He threw Cinderella on the bed who as soon as was freed tried to do something.

" It's useless. I won't let you get away this time you bitch, " Alex said and waved his hand.

Kenzo was thrown out of the room with a gust of wind and the door closed behind him.

With another wave of his hand, all the females in the room became naked including Cinderella.

" Ah! " Yukiha and waitress gave a surprised shout as they hid their bodies with their hands.

They were shocked as their clothes disappeared so suddenly.

But, Cinderella just glared at Alex, " You will get nothing out of me kid. "

" We will see little slut, " Alex didn't talk much as he jumped on Cinderella.

He had no time to waste but also no intention to not enjoy the situation.

" You unruly brat, do you think you really will get away if I risked everything!? " Cinderella said with a calm yet loud voice.

" That's exactly what I decided, " Alex smirked.

Before Cinderella could say anymore Alex's figure was right above her.

She decided to risk everything and used a magic spell that she had kept hidden yet.

Her hand moved in a weird way towards Alex's chest and turned into a sickle.

The sickle directly cut through Alex's flesh as Cinderella said, " I didn't use it, because I needed you to be closer. Haha. Now pay for it with your life kid. "

Just as Cinderella was laughing, a mocking snort entered her ears.

Alex's figure disappeared from in front of her and she could feel someone behind her.

But, before she could turn around, she felt her body being pushed forward and next she felt a sharp pain from inside her private part.

" Take this bitch, " Alex laughed as he took Cinderella's virginity in one go, the spell that she was next preparing was broken by the shock and pain of loosing her first time.

" Noooo! " Cinderella cried in disbelief.

She had never let a man touch her or even see her naked. Even her male disciples hadn't touched her finger in their entire lives.

" The skill that you used would have been a problem if it landed. But, I'm not a fool to let you harm me, " Alex laughed as he now didn't stop fucking Cinderella.

Yukiha and waitress were shocked as they all saw this scene.

They first saw Cinderella's hand turning into sickle and killing Alex.

But, next moment Alex was behind her and was fucking her.

The scene was completely out of fantasy.

" M-Madam, s-should we go? " Waitress was trembling.

But, Yukiha didn't say anything she herself was confused.

Soon, cute waitress couldn't stop herself from running to door, as she saw Cinderella's hateful words morphing into pleasurable but helpless moans in just few minutes.

No doubt, Alex was using everything in his arsenal right now as Cinderella was already a cumming mess.

" I-It is closed! " Waitress said for Yukiha's shock.

Alex didn't miss that.

" You damned bitches. Join in as well, " Alex waved his hand and Yukiha and waitress flew into his both hands.

With just touch of his, they cummed loudly from their virgin and mature pussies respectively.

Alex didn't wait for him to cum inside Cinderella as he pulled out his dick and took the cute waitress' virginity.

This was the third virginity of tonight!

The waitress didn't raise her voice in denial, as she gave up directly.

She surrendered to the fate of becoming Alex's plaything and then the pleasure she experienced made her reach to the peak again and again.

In the end Alex fucked Yukiha as well and when he was about to climax, he filled Cinderella's pussy with his sperm.

Then he continued raping Yukiha and the other two girls while Cinderella told Alex about their team's plans.

As he expected, Freya was in love with Alex.

But, these old hags cleverely manipulated her into going against Alex by showing her the dreams of monopolizing Alex.

Alex cummed inside remaining two girls as well and directly left for the Capital.

He found out from Cinderella that Freya's goal was Arisu!

Alex needed to save her.

He teleported right inside Arisu's apartment, due to long distance Alex had to pay heavy number of points for this, but he had no time to dwell over it.

But, just then Aina came out from the apartment beside Arisu's.

" Master! A women came and took away Lady Arisu, " Aina said. She was the young neighbor of Arisu.

" Who was she? " Alex asked.

" It was Yamamoto Hikari sama, " Aina said.

Alex nodded as he understood that his adoptive mother was protecting Arisu.

Freya won't hesitate to kill Hikari Or Arisu if it means that she has a chance to become closer to Alex.

These old hags had filled her in saying that, if Arisu died then they will trap Alex in this World with a special spell that only four Cardinals together can use.

Even The bitch Godess Euphemia agreed to help, that was from where the confidence of Freya stemmed.

As per Cinderella, North Cardinal and East Cardinal were stopping Kitsune who was in the Capital with the help of Euphemia.

Alex was suspicious that even Godess Astaria might be involved.

But, Alex grinned.

" These women are idiots, they picked the wrong target. There is someone no less menacing than Kitsune in this World right now, " Alex said as Hikari's image flashed in his eyes.

Hikari wasn't monstrously talented like Hayashi Honoka Or Alex's aunt Alia in real World.

But, she had this personality that, in these last few months she had engulfed every knowledge and power that Alex threw at her.

That was one of the reasons why Hikari hardly had any chance to show up around Alex unlike Kai and others.

Alex tried this with his other women, but those women just couldn't handle the harsh training and the mental stress of learning those otherworldly things, even Kai was behind Hikari by a big of a margin.

Alex was not wrong, as Hikari right now was moving across the Capital, her destination led to the way out of the City.

" H-Hikari-sama, who are these people? " Arisu asked while trembling slightly.

In last hour she had seen things that she had only imagined.

Hikari threw a certain cubical block outside the car.

Arisu had seen this block before.

It as soon as landed on the ground, created a force field which quickly caught tens of the people chasing after their car on bikes.

Hikari smirked, " These people really think they can catch us with these mortals. "

Airi who was driving suddenly gave an anxious look to Hikari.

"Madam, we are surrounded by those people. And as per our informant there is a women flying straight in our way, " Airi said.

" Flying? " Hikari as well became alert.

Even if these people on bike had magical items, they weren't hard to deal with.

But, now that someone like herself was approaching them, Hikari had to be serious.

She turned to Arisu and said in a gentle tone, " Arisu, my child. If something goes wrong. Break this ball. Then you will be teleported to safety. Wait there until Alex comes to save you. Don't believe anyone except him. Okay? "

" W-What about you?" Arisu asked fearfully.

" I'll be fine, " Hikari reassured.

" But, what does these people want, they already killed so many of guards. " Arisu said anxiously.

" Sigh. You don't need to know. You will automatically know one day. But, remember never let your heart feel that Alex is not by your side. He loves you the most, " Hikari said and stopped.

The women who was flying had appeared near them.

She was none other than Freya.

" No wonder. I always smelled the traitorous bitch in you, " Hikari said as she got out of the car.

Airi took the car and didn't wait, as she made her way out of the city.

" W-Wait! What about Hikari-sama? " Arisu asked.

" She will be fine... I hope so. But, you're more important to Alex, " Airi said making Arisu bite her lips.

She couldn't believe that all these people were risking their lives for her.

It was all because of Alex...

But, just then the Airi suddenly lost control over the car.

And next moment the car rolled on the side as it fell down the road.

Airi left everything and used the skill she was taught by Alex to harden her body.

She made sure that Arisu was fine while being injured heavily.

" Get out... Run.. " Airi said as she kicked the door of the car.

" Nooo, " Arisu had her star like eyes flowing with tears.

" I'll be fine... " These were the last words before Airi fell unconscious because of pain from injuries all over her body.

Arisu seeing that Airi was unconscious, came out of the car to look for some help.

But, what she found was a very beautiful young women in white clothes standing far away from her.

Her long hair were flowing down freely like a waterfall and this not only made her look mysterious but also kind of enchanting.

" P-Please help my friend, " Arisu ran to this women without knowing that she was the perpetrator of this scene.

The women said nothing as a cage descended on Arisu.

Arisu was shocked, but before she could even blink her eyes, her head started spinning.

Suddenly the world around her became larger.

No... She became smaller along with the cage around her.

The cage flew to the beautiful women's hands, as she let out a very beautiful smile.

" Don't worry child. I have no intentions of harming you... Rather I want to tell you the truth, " She said.

" The person you love so much is not a kind and good person you think he is. His goal from the start was to make you fall in love with him for a very specific reason... "

The women then told Arisu about everything, including about the Game and also about how Alex manipulated this whole world to capture her in his web.

She also told her that her brother's murderer was Alex.

Arisu's eyes widened in disbelief, as she heard this.

" No! You're lying! " She yelled.

" You can deny it all you want. But, that's the truth. In Alex's eyes you're nothing more than an animal that he needs to tame to win, " The women said.

" No... " Arisu still tried to deny everything, but deep down the hint of suspicion started rising.

She was afraid that perhaps like everyone else Alex as well was around her for a reason.

The women once again was about to say something when suddenly she looked in a certain direction.

Her eyes frowned and she soon could see a feminine figure moving towards her.

" What are you doing here? North Cardinal? " The young women who held Arisu asked.

" The beast ran away! The restrictions we arranged were all broken by her! " The North Cardinal said.

" What!? She must be coming her-"

" We're already here Lady Yamamoto Shiroya, the East Cardinal and the ancestor of my Yamamoto Clan, " A mature yet solemn voice came from a certain direction.

" You! " The East Cardinal whose name was Yamamoto Shiroya was shocked.

There stood Hikari alongside Kitsune.

Kitsune snorted and spat out a certain something she was carrying in her jaws away.

" Lady Freya! " The North Cardinal gave out a shocked reply, as Freya who looked as if she was dead was thrown before them.

Yamamoto Shiroya was a smart women, seeing Hikari and Kitsune together she knew the chances of her winning were not certain.

But, still she snorted, " Just you two are no match for us. "

" So, what about me? With three us of here are you sure of surviving? " Just as Shiroya completed her words a deep masculine voice entered her ears.

Alex slowly walked out of certain direction.

Right now his expression was serious and his eyes contained the coldness that caused Shiroya and the North Cardinal to feel a sense of dread.

They knew... They were no match for Alex.