four Cardinals

With Alex's appearance, everything changed.

The silence pervaded everywhere.

The North Cardinal and East Cardinal Shiroya felt the sense of dread.

There was the chance that Alex might appear and they need to face him, but still seeing him here was a big shock.

They no longer underestimated and thought of Alex as just a normal Player that they were once told about.

Now even their Godess Euphemia had told them to try to evade a direct confrontation with Alex.

" Alex! You are now done. We have Arisu in our hands. If you want her to live then let us leave, " Shiroya said as she took Arisu out of the cage.

Arisu's now weak figure appeared in front of them.

She looked at Alex with confusion, as everything Shiroya had told her about echoed in her mind.

But, when Alex appeared she felt a sense of relief as if nothing can harm her now as she was near the one she loved.

" Not happening. Obediently become my slaves and I might let you have a good life, " Alex said.

He didn't wait for those two women to say anything, as his eyes turned serious.

Killing intent filled them as the air around him became thicker and oppressive.

Shiroya and the North Cardinal felt the shiver down their spine, as they saw Alex's figure change into his majestic self.

" I'll kill her for rea- " Just as Shiroya was about to say so, Alex disappeared and appeared just a feet away from her.

He had a long sword in his hands which revealed a great majesty and pressure.

Shiroya now had no time to care for Arisu, as she quickly moved back.

The North Cardinal was fast, with a practised speed she created a shield in front of her and Shiroya.

Alex stopped his wave of a sword midway as it disappeared.

Now without giving Shiroya even a chance to move back he caught her by her neck.

The North Cardinal didn't even look back as she escaped with everything she had.

" H-Help... " Shiroya said with a chocked voice to her companion who had gone away by now.

" Do not think about her. She will be caught soon anyway, " Alex smiled as he took the cage Arisu was in.

Alex then took her out of it and gave her to Hikari.

Arisu's eyes contained the hint of sadness, as she thought about the reason Shiroya told her about why Alex won't touch her.

Was she really just a pawn in a game of his?

" Take her back. I'll go catch the remaining bitch, " Alex said so as he threw Shiroya in her own cage.

The Freya as well was thrown inside as Alex followed the North Cardinal.

He had left a seal on her, which she was doing her best right now to remove.

" No... No... No... I don't want to be a slave... Please... Get lost, " The North Cardinal was a beautiful young looking lady with a graceful temperament.

But, now her features were contorted in fear.

Her fear soon came true as she found someone moving towards her rapidly.

" Noo... " She was in despair.

" I'll rather die than becoming your slave! " She said resolutely and took out a sharp dagger from nowhere.

The dagger gave a dreadful feeling, as she said, " You have been my companion for centuries... Now take my life and save me. "

The North Cardinal was an arrogant and proud women.

In the times she was born, she was the Empress of the Sakura Country.

She was oldest amonst all Cardinals.

She wasn't ready to bow to Alex.

As soon as Alex appeared in her vision without any thoughts she thrusted the dagger in her heart.

As soon as she did so, a gentle feeling enveloped her body as if she was in a hot spring.

And the she heard a relief inducing gentle voice, " Everything will be fine... "

The North Cardinal gave out a proud smile, as she was ready now to die.

But, as soon as she heard the voice her face contorted in horror.

She opened her eyes only to find herself in Alex's arms.

The dagger of hers was in his hand, " A nice artifact. It is even about to form its own artifact spirit. You must have loved it a lot. "

Alex smiled as he effortlessly carried the North Cardinal.

His destination was the Yamamoto Clan mansion.

As soon as he appeared there.

Cinderella came there with a forceful smile.

She knew that the feelings inside her heart were artificial, but still she couldn't go against Alex.

In the end she became worried about Alex's safety so much, that she came running back to the Capital.

As soon as she saw Alex with the esteemed North Cardinal in one of his hands, she said in relief, " You're alright... "

She now cared for this person who she wanted to die most horrible death before.

" Good thing, you're here, " Alex smiled as he hugged Cinderella in his other hand.

" Tonight I'll be tasting all four Cardinals of this World, " The North Cardinal gave a hateful look at Alex but didn't say anything.

But, inwardly she planned to hurt Alex at any point she got a chance.

Deception, pride and arrogance were in her blood.

She could do anything and everything. That was why she once ruled the Country!

But, just as Alex was going to carry them to fuck.

Hikari appeared.

" Alex, my son. There is a problem, " She said with a worried expression.

" Is it about Arisu? "

" You know? "

" Sigh... I will go talk with her first then.... Guess you girls will need to wait, " Alex said while looking at Cinderella and the North Cardinal.

He threw the North Cardinal inside the cage and then threw the cage towards Cinderella.

" Wait for me in my room, " Alex said so and got inside the mansion.

Arisu was right now sitting in Hikari's room.

She had tried asking Hikari about the truth, but Hikari only said one thing and that was...

" Believe in Alex. He loves you. "

Just as she was fidgeting with her hands in frustration the door of the room opened.

Alex's appearance was enough to make her sigh in relief.

" Are you alright Onii-chan? " She asked.

" I am... "


Then the silence pervaded inside the room.

Arisu didn't know how to ask Alex.

" You don't need to force yourself. I'll tell you everything today, " He said.

Arisu gulped down in worry. She was afraid about what Alex was going to say next.

" Arisu, I love you... " He started, his words made her feel relieved.

"... I killed your brother. Framed him. Almost destroyed your Clan and made you go through everything you had to face. "

Alex's voice was plain, as if he was narrating a story.

But, Arisu needed minutes to understand what Alex said.

Soon, she could feel tears flowing down her eyes.

" B-But... You said you loved me... "

" Yeah. I do and for that I'm ready to do everything. I want you to be mine and mine only. I don't want you to think about anyone else, " Alex's voice now contained the unrestrained obsession.

" Isn't it a lie? That you love me? Why will you? Why will you love a mortal like me? It's all a lie isn't it? " Arisu said with grief.

She couldn't believe that Alex as well betrayed her.

" No... That wasn't a lie. That was the only thing I didn't lie to you about, " Alex said.

" I see... " Arisu turned around and wiped away her tears.

" You can go, " She said with a silent voice.

" Arisu... I'm worried... I can't leave you alone, " As soon as Alex said so, Arisu's body trembled slightly.

" Just give me some time... Alone... "

" Arisu... " Alex just looked at her lonely back and went outside the room.

As soon as he did so, the smile appeared on his lips.

The Quest he was given was to make Arisu fall for him.

He wasn't sure about its exact details.

So, what if he was supposed to make Arisu in the future fall for him?

With how free this stage was, Alex belived that there was a chance that everyone was supposed to fail in it.

But, Alex had no plan to. He needed to train Arisu in a way that she will never think he betrayed her.

Alex really liked Arisu, so What he said was everything a truth.

Alex while thinking so made his way to his room.

He anticipated the night with his four new nymphs, who were on top of this World.

He also needed to make sure that Freya won't act up again.

Alex promoted the competition in his harem. But, he had no intention to raise bitches that will bite him.

Alex soon appeared before his room.

He was just about to open the door when he felt something.

He quickly got out of the door's way.

Yeah. The door's way, because next moment the door came flying out.

Shiroya the, East Cardinal was inside the rummage of the door.

" Oh. Did it hurt miss ancestor? " Hikari was standing there with a smirk on her face.

Her hand carried the ball of lightning.

Alex could also feel the heat in the room and when he peeked inside he saw Kitsune roasting the North Cardinal.

" Should I come some another time? " Alex asked.

Embarassed Hikari coughed slightly. She had really shown her son a bad side of her.

Quickly her demeanor changed into that of an elder's, " It's fine, we were just educating these women to be obedient. "

Kitsune snorted and stopped torturing this women who had irritated her for a while.

She quickly changed into her beautiful naked human form.

" Master, this bad women should be punished. She made me irritated, " She said as she sniffed Alex and licked his cheek as if fawning over him.

Alex patted her head while feeling the softness of her body.

Cinderella and Freya were standing a little away.

Freya especially had a very guilty and fearful expression on her face.

But, Alex completely ignored her and took Cinderella into his arms.

" Ah... " With a surprised sound all three cardinals except Freya were now in Alex's bed.

" I'll see you two later, " Alex smiled as he looked at Hikari and Kitsune.

" Come meet me soon, " Hikari said.

" I wanna play with Master... So, master must come to me, " Kitsune as well said and left.

" Now that they have left, Let me indulge in you, " Alex said as he cupped the beautiful North Cardinal's boobs.

" Alex, you will not get away with this... " She said.

" I sure will, " Alex smirked and used touch of Ecstasy on her.

The women moaned without any control, but she managed to not cum by forcing herself.

" This humiliation... I'll pay you back... " The North Cardinal said but what followed after were her loud moans of ecstasy.

Alex pushed his cock inside her pussy and took her virginity.

" I'm surprised, that a haughty bitch like you is a virgin, " Alex said as he saw some blood on his cock.

" It's necessity that we are all virgins. Without that we can't be Cardinals... " Cinderella said hesitantly.

She continued, " But, there seems to be exception and that is if we become a Player's women may be? "

" Yeah. That must be it. Now stop thinking and bring your cunt here, " Alex smirked.

Cinderella blushed and came near Alex.

She was then fervently kissed by Alex as he pumped the arrogant pussy of the North Cardinal.

Shiroya watched this all from the side, Alex could easily see that she had given up.

So, after cumming inside the North Cardinal he decided to have a talk with her.

" So? You have something to say? " Alex asked.

" I just want to tell you that my only wish since my birth has been to continue living. Can I live forever while being by your side? "

" I can't say forever. But, you won't die until I want you to, " Alex said.

" That's enough for me, " Shiroya said with a sigh of helplessness.

She wasn't as arrogant as the North Cardinal, but she could go to any lengths to try to be the one in control.

Now she did her best. And then lost. So, she had nothing to loose.

" Also, one more thing. I want to punish that bratty descendant of mine- " Shiroya before could complete her words found herself under Alex.

Without letting her say anything, he stuffed her pussy to the end of his cockher making her moan in pain.

" That's not possible. Even if you're her ancestor. You are in lower position than her, " Alex said.

He could spot some similarities between Hikari and Shiroya, but he had no plans to let her be the one in control.

Hikari was the women who he had chosen to lead this World. No one could replace her.