Obedient Tilia

" Sorry, I was late, " Alex said as he came inside the room.

" You must be the Vice Leader of the Team, " Tilia said.

" Ah. That must be me, " Alex gave a friendly smile, as he came near the table.

He purposefully threw the files neatly arranged on the table on ground.

" Ohh. Sorry for that my hand slipped, " Alex apologized making his team members including Kamila chuckle.

" You! You are all into this!? " Tilia already was very pressurized. She couldn't take it anymore, as she burst out.

" Calm down Team Leader. Kamila bring some water for her, " Alex said as he looked at Tilia.

" I don't need- " But before Tilia could say anymore, Kamila picked up the glass of water and threw the water on Tilia's face.

" She was firing up. I thought she needed some cold water, " Kamila laughed.

" You're right. I could see she was fuming, " One of team members laughed.

" Good work Kamila, " Alex praised.

" Hehe. She is my senior. Back in the college she was quite popular. She had many servants around her. So, that might be why she is so tensed out without her lackies around, " Kamila said.

" That's so sad for the Princess. We should let her rest. I declare that the meeting has ended. Everyone can leave, " Alex clapped his hands.

" Okay Sir! " Everyone left after bowing slightly to Alex.

None of them paid any attention to Tilia as if she was the air.

Tilia just stood there as her beautiful long hair were soaked in water.

Alex went near her and gently swept those hairs back, " Such a pretty face. What a waste of it for someone like you to have it. "

Alex's words stung Tilia, " I-I didn't sell my body... " She slowly said as if trying to deny those invisible accusations and shame.

" What? I didn't hear that. You don't even have the basic confidence... No wonder you are not suited for the job. How useless that our whole system is filled with incompetent people like you, " Alex criticized.

He then sighed.

" Whatever. Now I'll tell you the rules here. You were late today. You should be in the office by 8 a.m. Do your job and you can leave after 5 p. m. Once your work is done, " Alex said as he patted Tilia forcing her to tremble in humiliation.

Alex smiled and left the room just like that.

He checked his PC and found that Simon Family had sent a message.

Alex smiled as he saw the message.

The sender said that Alex had sent fake videos and everything. They were asking for his information.

Alex smiled as he didn't send any reply.

As for Tilia...

She sat down and took out her phone.

She contacted the Captain who gave her this promotion.

She previously wanted no more help from him, but she was now forced.

She informed him of everything while sobbing.

The man sounded furious and said that he will come here fast.

In just fifteen minutes the Captain was there.

He seemed clearly furious.

" All of the Team members come out, " He yelled while thumping the table in front.

Alex and Kamila also heard him along with Tilia.

Tilia ran out from her Cabin while sobbing.

Like abandoned cat she stood near the Captain.

" Don't worry Tilia, I'll see how these bastards keep on. If I didn't make them kneel and apologize, then I'll change my name, " The Captain said reassuringly.

Soon, everyone including Alex was in front of the Captain.

Alex had a confident smile, as if he wasn't a little bit afraid.

Actually the Captain in front of him was corrupt in and out, he had no background as well.

He was easiest target possible.

Alex had dug out a lot of dirt on him and could easily supress him.

He had asked his lawyer girls to do all that.

" So, you bastards don't acknowledge my orders? Are you not sure that I can't kick you out of your jobs? " The Captain yelled.

The other two male members started loosing faith in Alex.

They followed Alex till now, but now they were afraid of loosing their jobs.

The Captain seemed satisfied with their reactions.

He glared at Alex and Kamila.

" You two kneel down and apologize to my Tilia, " Captain said as he stared at Kamila. He didn't know that his team had such a young beauty. She was inferior to Tilia, but wasn't bad.

Tilia who heard Captain calling her his, blushed at his strong words.

" I think you shouldn't interfere in this matter Captain. This is a private matter of our team, " Kamila said calmly.

" What Private matter!? I can interfere in anything. I can throw you out of here if I want! " The Captain said.

Previously he never knew that his own team had a beautiful girl like Kamila, he wanted her now.

" I think you should really not interfere sir. You already have too much dirt on you. Don't make an enemy out of investigation team, " Kamila said.

" What do you mean? " The Captain asked.

He was slightly worried but not much. Even though he was corrupt, in his eyes he had competently hidden all scenes.

As for in Alex's eyes, he was just lucky.

But, this Captain's luck was over today.

" Captain, just leave already. Because I have enough evidences about how you took money to solve cases. How you forced women into your beds to get their cases solved and also the evidences of you bribing people to give them jobs. The incidence of Tilia is also a crime. "

" You cannot give her the position of Team Leader because she hasn't worked for enough time. She has no experience. "

" You should value your job more. You have no background and no support, you will be disposed off by Government if those evidences went into the court, " Kamila said all this in one breath.

The Captain was stunned.

Tilia was shocked.

The male team members regained their confidence.

" Now get lost, " Kamila said one last time.

" Those are all lie- " Before this Captain could rebuke Kamila, he was punched straight into the face by Alex.

Alex then continued to beat him up in front of everyone making them all stunned.

" Now you can leave, " Alex dusted his hands and looked at the Captain who was on the ground.

He was mess.

The Captain was frightened out of his wits,he wanted to now get away from here.

As one said violence is the best.

Captain stumbled to his legs, " Those are all lies!!You'll have to prove your statements. For now I'll leave, but wait for me to show you your place! "

Captain then held Tilia's hand wanting to pull her away.

But, Alex pulled her hand from him, " She is our new Team Leader. We plan to party. It will be better if you left her here. "

" Do whatever you want! " The Captain said and left in his pathetic state.

He was going to investigate if Kamila was saying truth or she was just acting strong.

Seeing her last hope leaving, Tilia felt herself breaking.

Her confidence broke down completely, as she looked around fearfully.

Her eyes specially couldn't stay on Alex, as he frightened her to death.

The poor girl had never seen this kind of violence.

" I will chat with our Team Leader for a moment, " Alex pulled Tilia in her Cabin.

Kamila followed quickly.

As soon as Alex entered he let Tilia go.

He then sat down upon her seat.

" This seat is so comfortable. I wanted it actually, " He smiled at Tilia, " I was the one who schemed and got our previous Team leader fired, just to become new Team Leader. "

" Do you know what you did wrong? " Alex asked softly to Tilia, but she didn't reply.

She was afraid. She didn't want to be talked with like this...

She wanted to be talked with softly and gently.

Kamila had already entered the cabin and had closed the door behind.

Seeing Alex sitting on the chair and Tilia standing there weakly, she felt excited.

" I even killed my fellow officer friend and pushed the blame on Team Leader. But, then a bitch like you appeared and foiled my Plan, " Alex said.

Tilia was shocked, as she became even more afraid.

" I can kill you and try to get this post again... "

" Noo! Don't! " Tilia cried at last, " Please don't kill me. "

" If you become obedient. Then you will live, " Alex said.

" I-I will be obedient... " Tilia said.

" Good, " Alex stood up and went near Tilia. He caressed her head.

" You got your job by illegal way. I can easily kick you out from the job and then I can silence you and close the case myself. But, it's not your fault... That Captain forced you right? " Alex asked.

" Y-Yes... He forced me... I don't like him, but he pursued me and even forced me to take this post for promotion, " Tilia said.

" That must have what happened. You're after all such a good women, " Alex said as he patted Tilia once again.

" Kamila take care of Tilia, she is your sister from now on. She is one of us, " Alex said as he left from the door.

Kamila smiled as she closed the door behind Alex.

" Don't worry big sis Tilia, Mas- Asher is just like that... Actually there is a reason why he wanted to be Team Leader. So don't blame him. Anyway, we have met after such a long time. Let's go shopping in the evening, " Kamila said as she hugged Tilia.

The change in her demeanor surprised Tilia, but she knew that it was because she surrendered to Alex.

As a women she could easily notice that Kamila had a crush on this heartless vice-team leader.

Tilia calmed down after some time, as they talked.

" Kamila, did As- I mean Sir Asher really kill... Did he do that? " Asked Tilia.

" Not exactly. Actually, that Team member tried to assault me. But, was killed by Asher. We then sent the blame upon Team Leader, " Kamila said casually.

" I hope you were not hurt... "

" No. Asher saved me... He is not that evil, you know. He wanted your post to take a certain case, " Kamila said.

" Which one? "

" The one related to Adkins family. Abigail Adkins is the wife of Asher, he wants to bring her justice, " Kamila replied.

" ... He loves her so much? " Tilia was surprised. She knew about fall of Adkins.

" Yes. So, you need to help him by taking that case to our team. Then he will take the case on his own. If he is assigned to it, there will be no problem to you, " Kamila said reminding that taking the case won't be harmful to Tilia at all.

" Then... I'll try it... " Said Tilia.

" I have already sent the case to your computer. Just accept it. "

" Whoa. You're fast. "

" No, you're smarter Sister Tilia and also more beautiful. "

" You're also beautiful. You just don't know how to make yourself more beautiful and lady like, " Smiled Tilia forgetting about everything some time ago.

When they came out of the Cabin, Tilia and Kamila were just like sisters.

Kamila asked Alex if he wanted to come with them.

But, Alex made her disappointed by leaving directly after he was done submitting his investigation.

" He is so rude, " Tilia said.

" He is also cool. You just don't know him, " Kamila said.

" He looks scary. I don't know which part of him is cool. " Tilia rolled her eyes.

" Every part of him! Now let's go. "

" Yes. "

* * * *

As soon as Alex came to his house.

He took out a card. It was one of the special cards he got in a certain stage of Tutorial.

In it was a small petite orcish women who looked beautiful.

Alex went to one corner and made sure that no one was around.

He then opened the card.

A beautiful and sexy women with slightly pointed ears appeared.

She was petite and even slightly smaller than Alex, unlike other orcish women in Alex's harem.

Her name was Naffurty. An A Grade women with superb martial arts skills and magic skills.

She was only slightly inferior to Alex's strongest orcish women Argol in strength. But, she was very smart.

" From now on you'll protect the women we will meet now. I'm acting as her son, so make sure of that, " Alex said.

" Naffurty understands Master, " Naffurty said in Alex's home language.

She was very smart. That was why Alex chose her for this work.

Asher's mother Luna, he wanted her to be safe. That's why he brought Naffurty with him now.

He then did some changes to her body by using some skills and made her look like a beautiful petite human girl around the age of 15-16.

He wanted to make her look mature, but this appearance suited her more.

He then took her to his home.

" Asher you're back, " The feminine voice which contained a warmth and joy appeared.

" Yes. I'm back mother, " Alex said. This women had stooped seeing him as someone other than her son now.

May be in her last days, she wanted to be with her son so much that this happened...

" Who is she?... " Asher's mother asked seeing a beautiful girl with Alex.

" Is she your daughter!? " Asher's mother asked.

" No mother... She... "

" Asher... I think she is way too young for you. She is just a child... "

As soon as Asher's mother said so Alex knew she misunderstood.

Not exactly as Alex had already fucked Naffurty forcefully before.


" Mother, I brought her to take care of you. She is my friend's daughter. She will live with us from now on, " Alex said.

" I see, " Asher's mother sounded disappointed.

May be she would have liked even this girl as her daughter in law.

" Hello mother. My name is Naffurty, " Naffurty introduced herself as she sat near Asher's mother.

Alex went inside bathroom to get refreshed.

When he came out Asher's mother was resting while Naffurty massaged her legs.

" Master is she your women? " She asked.

" No, " Alex said.

In orcs incest wasn't frowned upon, as they believed in strength.

If the child was strong enough. He could kill his father and take his women for himself and force them to have his babies.

" I'll cook something for us all, " Alex went inside the small kitchen.

He made some soup for Luna and added a healing pill inside. So she could feel better.

This healing pill couldn't stop her degrading condition, as it was very low grade.

But, it could keep her strength.

" Mother wake up. It's time for dinner, " Alex said.

Asher's mother woke up as Alex held her.

He gently fed her.

Her presence calmed him down.

Alex talked with her while holding her hand.

Asher's mother felt more and more closer to Alex, as if he really was the son she birthed.

She couldn't distinguish him, or she couldn't think that he was different from her own son.

But, she could also feel her degrading condition.

" Mother. You should sleep now. To get better fast, " Alex said and let her sleep.

After some time he got out from his home.

Naffurty followed him.

" I need to add protective measures around, " Alex said to Naffurty, " You'll be one of those protective measures. "

Alex grinned.

The best way for it was to form a local gang!