
Alex planned to create a small gang which will help Naffurty increase her range of conduct.

It will be waste for someone like her to waste her time doing nothing.

In the long term he wanted this orcish women to be useful.

Also, once the Simon family knows that he was the one who had sent them those evidences, they will send people to greet Asher's mother.

Alex needed to be ready for that.

He wasn't going to reply until he was sure of Luna's safety.

Alex's small house was in an area where there was hardly any control of Government.

The homes were illegal, even Alex's house was illegal.

The people who lived here were poor and weak.

He could take advantage of that to create a loyal force for himself.

If women from here, came to him on their own then he won't need to care for Government coming here to stop him.

Alex now needed a work station to kick of his work.

He didn't wish to do that near his mother, so that no nuisance will reach her.

As an officer Asher had already investigated that there were few local gangs in this area.

Amongst them two were strong.

" Naffurty, tell me which place looks good for us to start our plan, " Alex asked.

" The area controlled by Red Bull Gang is not that far from here and they control the area where your house is. Their headquarter is good, " Naffurty said after analyzing what Alex told her.

" Yes, " Alex caressed Naffurty's ear making her leak out a comfortable moan.

She looked like a little kitten unlike one of the Orc Chieftesses who was feared in her world.

Naffurty was terrifyingly popular in their world for brutalizing humans and bloodshed.

She may look cute now, but this girl had eaten hundreds of human babies and had soaked herself in their blood.

" Master, are you thinking something bad about me? I told you that, I don't like to eat babies now. Argol and that bitch Skarsnaga. They are trying to defame me in your eyes, " Naffurty pitifully said.

But, Alex didn't buy any of her acts. He was clear about her personality after all.

He just played with her ears and said, " You know how to ride the bike right? "

" Huh? Yeah, " She nodded.

Alex made Naffurty sit on his bike, he sat behind her and held her by her stomach tightly.

" Master~ I won't be able to ride with your smell and you clinging to me, " She said while feeling hot already.

" Cough. Okay, " Alex said. He stopped any fun he was going to do and Naffurty brought him to Red Bull gang's headquarter.

It was a large warehouse with covered all around.

" A good place to tackle undead apocalypse, " Alex muttered.

" Naffurty hates undead, " Naffurty said.

" Have you fought them? "

" Yes. My tribe and I used to live in far north, but undead appeared and destroyed all human cities. Their numbers increased and they attacked us. "

" Many warriors died from my tribe.But, we survived somehow and escaped to the West, that was when I entered the Game, " Naffurty said.

" I see... " Alex replied.

" There was a human women. Very strong and powerful. She fought against those undead even after the North fell completely. I once fought alongside her. She saved me and my tribe. I owe her my life, " Naffurty said while reminiscing.

" If my Naffurty owes that women her life, then I will also owe her one. After all only because of her could I have you as my women, " Alex hugged Naffurty's small body making her heart beat.

Naffurty's eyes teared up, as for the first time she felt so close to Alex.

He was like her family. The word she didn't even know before.

After hugging her, Alex kissed her beautiful pale lips until she melted into his arms.

" I love you Master, " Naffurty confessed.

" You will forever do so, " Alex laughed, " Now let's go and see the owner of this place. "

Just as Alex and Naffurty were going to do this, a truck passed by them into the warehouse.

The truck was completely covered.

But, piece of cloth fell from the back.

Something was written in red color on it, " Help "

The handwriting was crude.

" It's written by blood Master, " Naffurty said as she sniffed the paper, " It's raw blood. Young human. The human with this blood... but this one is weak and injured. "

Alex applauded for Naffurty's senses.

He then moved towards the warehouse.

As soon as he came near, two men came to him.

They looked dangerous.

" Who are you? " They asked.

" We want to meet your leader, " Alex said.

" He is busy, " One of the man said while looking at Naffurty. He licked his lips vulgarly.

Alex frowned, " Naffurty, break their legs. "

" Yes Master! " Naffurty grinned and attacked.

" You bitch! " One of the men cursed as he saw Naffurty attacking them.

He tried to punch.

" What a weak punch, " Naffurty said as she held the man's fist and twisted it breaking his wrist in progress.

She then forced him on his back and broke off his leg.

She glared at other man and was about to pounce on him.

But, Alex stopped her, " Stop Naffurty... You. If you want to not get hurt. Open the gate. "

" Y-Yes, " The man nodded while seeing his friend's condition.

He opened the gate and ran away.

" Haha. Fucking useless, " Naffurty laughed, " Ah! Master, wait for Naffurty! "

She quickly followed while skipping her steps.

As soon as Alex went inside, there were people there ready to greet them.

" What is your work here? " One of them who was clearly a leader asked threateningly.

The man looked scary.

" This place isn't owned by you. From now on, I'll be owning this place, " Alex smiled.

" How funny. It seems your mommy didn't tell you about us. Let us tell you, " The man who seemed leader laughed.

Alex's smile didn't falter as he looked around.

There was the truck behind these people and also a group of young females who had their bodies bound by ropes and mouths closed by tapes.

" Naffurty, subdue all of them, " Alex ordered.

" Yes Master! " Naffurty obeyed as she pounced on these men with devilish grin.

" Wh-Whaat is she!? "

" Devil! "

" She killed the Leader! "

The shocked sounds spread around as Naffurty ripped apart these people.

Alex didn't care about killing them, as they had done many crimes.

Also, the Government didn't care much about what happened to these Gangsters.

Red Bull was in the end a small gang.

Their people had many crimes listed upon them.

As Naffurty killed them, the sounds of their voices decreased.

" Burn their bodies, till I see those girls, " Alex said to Naffurty.

He then moved to those young girls, and stared at them.

Alex had no plans of being their savior... But they were perfect members of his gang.

Most of these girls had no identities in Government's list of identities, just like Naffurty.

They were from foreign and some might have been in slavery since they were children.

Alex removed the binds of the most good looking girl amongst them.

" Where are you from? " He asked.

But, girl just trembled and didn't reply.

Behind Alex, Naffurty had already started a fire to burn all those men.

Alex asked again, " Where are you from? "

But, still no reply. Alex knew that this girl was traumatized.

But, he didn't hesitate to next moment rip apart her already tattered clothes making her yelp in horror.

Her budding body which was beautiful appeared in Alex's eyes.

" You'll speak once I'm done stuffing you, " Alex said.

" No! I'll speak! I'm from Minex City, " The girl cried.

" Too late, " Alex said as he took out his giant cock.

The girl wanted to run, but next moment her virgin pussy was stuffed with Alex's cock ripping apart her hymen.

She cried pitifully while other women sobbed in sorrow.

She was kidnapped from her parents few years back, after that she was trained to become a sex slave until she was being sold today.

Other women who could only hear and not see shuddered in fear.

They for a moment had thought that they were saved, but they now knew.

There was no saving for them.

After Alex fucked this little girl and creampied her, he chose a next women.

By the midnight he had creampied all 30-35 women here.

Just as he was about to choose another women to vent his lust, Naffurty's footsteps were heard by him.

" Master I found some women in other room. Most of them are sick, " She said with a straight face.

Alex didn't wear his clothes, as he followed behind Naffurty.

He saw a room filled with females.

They were thrown around like rags.

Few of them were already dead and their bodies were rotting.

" In this world just this small gang has this condition. One can't even imagine about the whole world, " Alex sighed.

There were specific reasons about why Government paid such a small attention to these things.

They didn't care about those who were not the citizens of their own country.

He and Naffurty then took out the women who were still alive and burnt the remaining dead ones.

Alex was going to disintegrate their remains to make sure Government found nothing.

" Master, can you save them? If I have these women. My new tribe will be stronger. They had way too much hatred, " Naffurty said.

" Sigh. I'll need to clean them first, " Alex sighed.

He was no longer in tutorial where all of the women were very clean, because of the World's Will.

In real world, there were STDs. Alex of course had very powerful resistance to STDs and also a power to cure them by default, as a player.

But, he wouldn't fuck a dirty women of course.

" You can use those girls to do your bidding, " Alex pointed at the naked females who were lying on the ground with their pussies filled with his sperm.

They were already slaves to him.

" I see! " Naffurty's eyes twinkled.

She went near those women, " Everyone wake up! From now on you all are my gang members. "

Those girls woke up while feeling confused as they heard authority bearing feminine voice.

But, as they looked at Alex behind Naffurty their eyes softened.

Some of them even bypassed Naffurty and went to Alex trying to feel comfort in his company.

" Calm down girls. I'll talk with you all. But, first you all need to know is that you are now members of my gang. Naffurty here is the Gang Leader, " Alex pointed at Naffurty.

But, these girls were still confused.

Alex decided to just order them to clean those remaining women.

Like this, under Naffurty's lead all these girls started working.

They at least understood that Naffurty was their superior.

Alex sighed knowing that the much work was needed here.

These girls were all amateur. Some of them could not even speak the language of Country.

Soon, those diseased women were clean and bathed.

Alex let them rest for a while, in another room at the warehouse.

" Okay! I'll tell you everything important. Our Gang's name will be the Valhalla. Naffurty will be the Leader while I'm your sponsor. "

" From now on you're all slaves of mine, because you have been brainwashed to feel affection towards me, " Alex said making all girls even more confused.

Some even noticed the truth.

" W-What do you mean by brainwashing S-Sir? " One of the girls asked.

" My name is Asher Adkins and it's the power I have. I can make any women who I have sex with love me. That's what happened with you bunch. You all love me right? " Alex asked with a smile.

When the obvious came to everyone's lips, they felt stunned.

Alex's words sounded true.

" Don't worry. I just need your help as well. Once everything is done, I'll free you all. Until then I hope you will help me by becoming first members of the gang, " Alex asked.

Those women gazed at Alex for few moments and said Yes.

They didn't care if Alex had brainwashed them. Now they loved him. They wished this to be never undone.

Alex also knew this, so he grinned.

In just one night his gang already had almost 50 members.

That was the requirement for a small gang.

Alex now decided to visit those women who were resting.

With Naffurty he approached them.

Some of them had woken up, but they were all sick so they stayed silent while feeling pain.

As soon as Alex came, they were afraid of him, but seeing Naffurty they slightly calmed down.

" Where are we? " One of them asked.

" I'm Asher Adkins. I saved you, " Alex said.

" T-Thank you, " The women who decided to take the spokeperson role said.

" It's fine. Now you have two choices. You can leave as you want from here for the first choice...., " Alex said.

" What about second? " The women asked.

" I have a way to cure you all, " Alex said.

" A way? Cough Cough? " The women asked while coughing.

" Yes, " Alex replied.

" I have some contagious disease, by now everyone here has it. Do you think you can save us? " She asked.

" 100%, " Alex replied.

" If you can then please help us, " The women asked.

" Then please all of you take off your clothes, " Alex requested.

The women thought for a moment and took of her tattered robe like clothes.

" I won't lie. The way to cure you is by me having sex with you, " Alex said.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Alex as if he was some monster.

They all became terrified of Alex quickly.

But, only the women who was acting as spokeperson after few moments of thinking sighed.

' I'm already dying. It won't be bad even if he lied, ' she thought.

" I'm ready, " She said.

" I promise you won't regret your choice, " Alex said as he waved his hand and pulled the women in his arms.

Everyone once again was stunned seeing this magic.

But, they closed their eyes as next moment Alex had sex with one of them.

The women who was so calm all along moaned like a bitch as she surrendered to Alex and became his women.

She was soon cured, even injuries on her body disappeared.

She was beyond stunned, as infinite gratitude surged inside her.

She fell in love with this man who had saved her from the brink of death.

At the moment she decided to forever be indebted to him, her life... She no longer thought it belonged to her.

She then persuaded all other women to say Okay to Alex's treatment.

Some of them refused, but this women forcefully made them agree.

Alex was glad as he saw this and decided to reward this women.

He told Naffurty to pay special attention to this women.

Like this Alex's Gang Valhalla officially got 50+ members through just the first night.