Scamming Abigail

Soon, it was going to be the morning.

Alex didn't have an ounce of sleep, but he was still very fresh.

After having sex with all these new women, he told them the goals of Valhalla.

The main one was to protect the area from Simon Family for now.

Alex knew that these girls weren't proficient in combat or any other fighting skills.

Also, he didn't have enough points to arm them all with information like he did with his women in tutorial.

Their grades weren't enough for them to earn the hospitality like the women in the tutorial had from Alex.

" Tonight, I'll go and subdue a gang which has many female members, " Alex said to Naffurty.

Naffurty nodded as she snuggled in Alex's embrace, while feeling comfortable.

Alex sighed and woke her up.

" Everyone, I have a job, so I'll be going. For today you all will under Naffurty take over Red Bull's businesses, " Alex said.

Alex didn't mind any businesses like drug dealing and kidnapping.

He only told Naffurty to stop female prostitution and trafficking, as Alex wasn't ready to send women to someone else.

He will rather keep them for himself as trophies, rather than letting some other men touch them.

Red Bull gang also seemed to take protection tax from all business dooers in the area.

Naffurty was going to take over all these stuffs.

Alex returned along with Naffurty to his home.

There he took a sleep of one hour and then got ready.

He sweet talked Asher's mother for some time, into becoming more and more attached to him.

Being with her made him always feel comfortable.

" Son, how is your work? " Luna asked.

She had long stopped asking about her real son, and considered Alex as himself.

May be she had lost it at last...

" It's good. Just a little bit tiring. I will be taking an important case today, " Alex said as he was about to officially start working on Simon family case from today.

He had already told Tilia to take it for their Team.

After chatting some more, Alex left once he said goodbye to Asher's mother and his petite waifu Naffurty.

Naffurty as well came back to her gang and started assigning these women a job to take over Red Bull gang's businesses.

Naffurty even though was not from this World, she was pretty smart. So she could easily understand how she needed to move from here on.

Alex was sure that she won't disappoint him, so he without any worries came to his office.

Alex wasn't surprised to see Tilia and Kamila already at their work.

Kamila smiled brightly while Tilia bowed slightly to Alex in greeting.

But, there was clear subservience in her eyes in comparison to before, as she now looked at Alex.

Alex nodded to them and asked, " Did you take the case? "

" Yes... " Tilia said.

Alex felt that she had something on her mind, so he said, " You don't need to worry about this case. I'll take it by myself. There will be no connection between it and you. "

Alex could just brainwash Tilia now, but he wanted to let things happen as they were doing.

If he got a chance he will fuck her, otherwise he will wait until one appeared.

" No. That's not what I wanted to say. I don't mind helping you in the case. Rather I and Kamila also want to be your helpers, " Tilia said and Kamila nodded.

Alex looked at them for a moment and said, " There is no need. I am more than capable to handle it. So, don't interfere in it. "

Alex went to his seat after saying so.

Tilia shrugged helplessly at Kamila.

Tilia yesterday came to know that, her friend Kamila liked their Vice Team Leader Asher, so Tilia wanted to help her.

" It's fine sister, I don't want to irritate him, " Kamila sighed and went to take a case to work on.

Tilia felt that Alex was rude to Kamila, but couldn't say anything.

She as well went to make the reports regarding yesterday's cases.

In his seat Alex grinned while looking at the tens of messages from different sources.

Many of them were threats coming from people of fame.

But, Alex wasn't intimidated.

He just messaged Simon family head a specific time and place for meeting.

After some time he left for the venue which was actually the love hotel where he killed Asher Adkins and took his place.

At the specific time, the people of Simon family came.

Alex wasn't surprised to see Simon Family Head personally arriving.

This showed how destructive his evidences were.

Alex had hidden his face behind the mask.

He could change his whole body, but he found acting like this fun.

" I'll directly go to the origin. If you want to keep your family safe. Then transfer all properties you undertook from Adkins in the name of their 'caretaking' to Abigail Adkins. Otherwise, these evidences will go in court, " Alex said coldly.

" How dare you threaten my Simon Family! You're simply overestimating yourself! " The man with Simon family head yelled.

This man seemed to have considerable position in family.

" Calm down, " But, Simon family head stopped him, " Do you have more evidences regarding us? "

Alex sneered, he said, " No. These are all that I have. "

He had many more evidences. He hadn't sent all of them to this man.

He wanted him to guess it.

Simon family head looked at Alex seriously for a moment.

He could see cruelty and darkness in Alex's eyes.

" Okay. I'll send them all to her name, but you need to show your face, " The man said.

" I won't do that, " Alex denied.

" Then I'll see you in the court young man, " The man started standing up.

Alex knew that he will really leave if he didn't show his face.

Simon family head believed in the backing of Raymond Family to save their skin at least.

They knew that Alex's promise of not spreading the evidence had no basis, so they might as well fight it out with him rather than giving all power to him.

So, Alex sighed and showed the signs of struggle.

" I'll do that... " He said.

" Good, " The head of Simon family said.

Alex slowly took of his mask and behind the mask was the face of Asher Adkins.

" Asher Adkins, I already suspected you, " The head of the Simon Family laughed, " I'll send all those properties back. They are useless to me, because I can't use them neither can i sell them. "

The old man then stood up and left.

But, before leaving he looked at Alex coldly.

It was as if he was looking at a dead man.

Alex sneered.

He was going to officially start working as soon as this man sent back all properties.

Once they were on Abigail's name, it will be very difficult to take them back.

Because she was now in a significant position in Government.

Other thing was that she was already a very powerful Awakened!

Alex quickly got back to his office and contacted Naffurty to increase the security around his house.

He even asked his Carla to send some of her people to secretly guard his home.

Alex was now confident that no one could reach his home easily.

So, he decided to move forth in his plan.

But, for now he needed to wait.

* * * *

At the same time,

In Supernatural Investigation Department, Abigail was shocked to see that all of her family's properties were sent back to her.

She couldn't believe her eyes, as she saw the message.

She checked the Government details about those different properties and her eyes we're filled with unspoken relief, as she saw that they were no longer confiscated by Simon Family as compensation and taking care.

The dream she always thought was at bay, was completed so... surprisingly.

She could not control her emotions.

" How did this happen? " Abigail wasn't sure.

But, she knew that Simons won't send back everything just like this.

There must be a reason.

The first thing she did was to contact Miss Doyle.

Abigail knew that Miss Doyle had evidences against Simons.

Only she knew that!

But, Miss Doyle for her own safety never let anyone else know.

She only said that she had destroyed all evidences.

Abigail even though looked hard handed, she was inwardly soft hearted.

She could not come to force Miss Doyle to hand over evidences before.

" Hello, Miss Doyle, did you... Did you give someone evidences against Simon family? "Abigail asked she wanted to know if someone tried helping her.

[ We can't talk about that on call. If you want to know come to my office ] Miss Doyle's non interested voice came from other side.

But, Abigail quickly stopped all of her work to go and meet Miss Doyle.

Because this was the first time, after her long persistence that Miss Doyle had picked up her call.

" Presley, I have something important to do. So handle my work for today, " She said to Presley.

" Did something happen? " Presley asked in worry.

" I'll tell you later, " Abigail left directly.

Presley smiled as she saw Abigail leaving.

She quickly called Alex and informed him about Abigail.

A faint blush returned to her face, as Alex praised her for prompt information.

After that for the whole day, Presley was happy thinking about her Master.

Meanwhile, Abigail arrived under Miss Doyle's office.

She took an elevator and quickly found Miss Doyle.

She was in way too much hurry to know everything.

The happiness she felt when, her family's everything was sent back was too much.

She was trying to do that from 2 years, but she couldn't amount to anything against Simon Family as an individual.

" So, who was it? " Abigail asked.

She for a moment thought about the women because of whom she was still alive and whose backing she had.

But, she shook her head knowing that, that women won't help her more than that.

That women owed her Adkins family and she repaid it by keeping her alive, now they were strangers for all it cost.

" Calm down Lady Abigail, you already have all properties. So why did you come here? " Doyle asked with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Abigail also turned silent.

She wasn't sure why she came here running.

But, as she thought about it, she knew why she did that.

She wasn't ready to accept all properties and forget everything.

She had done everything in her power in past few years to bring justice to her family.

She had done everything...

But, she couldn't do anything.

She didn't amount to anything.

But, still she didn't stop, even though by now she was exhausted and battered.

She wanted revenge for her mother and father.

But, she couldn't do that... She couldn't even take back what was hers up till today.

Now, she wanted to know, who was willing to stand besides her.

She wanted to know if their goals align.

She wanted to know, that she wasn't alone.

That was why she came running here.

Miss Doyle smiled as she looked at Abigail, " Seems you now understand. "

Miss Doyle then turned her computer screen towards Abigail.

" Do you know this man? " She asked.

Abigail looked at the figure in video.

The video was taken from the cctv camera in the same room she was in right now.

But, her body trembled in shock as she saw the familiar figure of a man inside that video.

" Asher...? " She questioned. The figure of the man who abandoned her on her wedding night appeared in her mind.

He was the reason she had given up on love.

She had believed in this young man, hoping that he will stand besides her.

She thought he was a good man.

But, after their marriage she found out that everything was a lie.

This man, he only married her for her money...

He left her mercilessly on her most important day, as soon as she revealed that she was poor.

Abigail could never forget that day.

" What is he doing here? " Abigail asked.

" This man has been irritating me for last half a year. He left no stone upturned to persuade me to give him evidences. He cried, begged and even threatened me for those. He would come here everyday. So, yesterday I gave him those evidences under a condition that no one will know the source. I hope you will keep that in mind Mrs Adkins, " Miss Doyle smiled.

She called Abigail Mrs. That means she acknowledged that Asher was her husband.

But, Abigail couldn't hear that last part as she was stunned from hearing everything.

She held her hand around her mouth as she felt... Warmth? In her heart.

She sat there just like that for some time, thinking about Asher's figure.

" So... Why did he do that? " She asked after some time.

" Isn't it obvious? It's because he loves you, " Miss Doyle said with a chuckle.

" ... Really? " Abigail wasn't convinced.

" Really. I could see desperation in his eyes as he came here everyday. He really did that for someone he cared for, " Miss Doyle said.

Abigail couldn't believe it, but she didn't find any other reason.

She wondered if all those words he said before their marriage were true.

Miss Doyle next said, " As much as I know, he has even restarted the case against Simon family. "

" What?! He did?! " Abigail was shocked.

" Yes. I'm the lawyer who is going to handle the case. So I know, " Miss Doyle laughed.

" You are really doing that? " Abigail asked.

" Yes. He gave me something very important. Something I can never thank him enough for. I want my everything to be his. But, he has someone else in his heart. So, I'll do my best to help him, " Miss Doyle laughed.

" Miss Doyle... You? " Abigail was once more surprised.

She didn't think that Miss Doyle might have some feelings for her husband.

" Yes. I like him. But, you have him. So you better cherish him. He is not a bad person. He has something he has to protect, but he loves you as well. So, you better not disappoint him, " Miss Doyle said as she gave a forced smile.

But, Abigail could spot sadness in that smile.

She stood up and deeply bowed to Miss Doyle.

" Thank you for your cooperation... with my husband. We will be forever indebted to you, " Abigail said sincerely while focusing on the word husband.

As if she was warning Miss Doyle.

Abigail had never felt like this before.

She even hated Asher, even now that hate was there.

But, seeing Miss Doyle who was very influential and also beautiful, she felt a sense of crisis.

So, she talked that way.

Miss Doyle laughed, " You sure are chilly. "

But, just as Abigail and Miss Doyle were talking some people came towards them.

They knocked out all guards and forcefully entered Miss Doyle's office.